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The Forgotten Monarchs(Amber's Lepidopterist run of Reborn)Last Leader Beaten: Shelly


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Hey guys, its DigitalAmber here running a Bennett inspired run of Reborn. I have only two major restrictions on myself for this run. The first is that I play it on Set mode, the second is that all my pokemon have to be both a bug and a flying type, evolved from a bug and flying type, or be a special exception that goes by the name of Dustox, Venemoth, Volcorona, or similar titles. All of my squad has to be moths or butterflies or at least have the required typing. Now for the show.


I started with a Torchic for a brief time so I could assemble my army of forgotten kings and queens. After all, butterflies are monarchs. After paying a quick visit to Mr. Seacrest's garden, I had most of my squad. I really should endorse him one day for making this run possible, but thats irrelevant. What's relevant is that Seacrest gave me two Wurmple, a Caterpie, a Ledyba, and a Burmy. The Grand Hall gave me a Combee, and I managed to snag a Surskit off the fountain in Peridot. Quite fortunate that I can get seven of my pokemon before the first gym. After crushing the spirits of an annoying clown named Fern and then relying on him the instant I so much as looked at a rock type, I cleared out Mosswater. Any single rock type attack meant a new body would hit the floor I found. 



After that incident I took my level capped team to Julia and proceeded to surprisingly wipe the floor with her on my second attempt. 

I led off with a strong start as my Butterfree took the field and after a quick enough slaughter of Minun and gracefully avoided a charge beam by the incoming Voltorb, who quickly enough went down. Then came out the Oricorio where things started to pick up. Butterfree was felled and left a lasting reminder as poison afflicted the yellow menace and out in response came Ledian, who surprisingly managed to quickly finish off what was started by Butterfree. Out next came what I was truly dreading: Geodude. The demon obliterated my poor Ledian after it got off a single Mach Punch. Out next came what was the saving grace of the team: Masquarain. With a strong bubblebeam, the Geodude fell and a Plusle stood defiant before it. I scoffed at the idea of a Plusle sweep that almost started. Masquarain got inflicted with paralysis and proceeded to be paralyzed to a grievous extent. Barely clinging to life with one hp Plusle fell as Julia brought out her ace Electrode. Masquarain chose that moment to be paralyzed and obliterated by a charge beam. Vespiquen came out next and being quite a brave fighter, took two charge beams before she was taken out of the fight. It was looking grim now, all I had left was my Dustox and my Mothim up against an overly fast Electrode with multiple special attack boosts. What came next was sheer luck. I brought out Dustox, who surprisingly enough, gracefully fluttered out of a Charge Beam's way and poisoned Julia's ace. If worst came to worst, Mothim could protect spam and hope poison killed the monster. That was when Julia decided to get cocky and in her supreme wisdom send a sonic boom despite her multiple special attack boosts, a stab boost, and a field boost. In retaliation for the hilariously ineffective attack, Dustox venoshocked the monster into the next century. Grinning ear to ear I walked out with a badge. 

Moral of the story: Caffeine makes you do deadly, foolhardy moves at the worst time.  And also don't underestimate butterflies. 


The team thus far: Beautifly: Luucy(spelling error I kept), Dustox: Lexy, Ledian: Vega, Vespiquen: Elizabetty, Butterfree: Virginia, Mothim: Matty, Masquarain: Masquarain(the unnamed wonder)



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After Peridot's whole entire mess, I began to grow confident in my little monarchs powers. That only grew after hearing I was entering an area infested with plants. A demonic, abomination of nature called a Pulse Tangrowth violently assaulted me briefly, but it was nothing for my fearsome might. 


I made my way to Florinia after some annoying loser tried to lock me out of the school. 



Out first came her Maractus, which barely outsped Vespiquen. It managed to get off two spikes before two quick bug bites devoured the cactus. Out next came a true terror, Feroseed. The little monster set out leech seeds and set up a sandstorm, all while Vespiquen chipped away at it with bug bite and suffered in return from its Iron Barbs. Somehow the little monster got down to one hp before sandstorm killed Vespiquen. Its Sand Tomb ended that exact turn and didn't kill Feroseed. Avenging Vespiquen came the still name Masquarain. With a single air cutter, Breloom simply didn't exist anymore. Or rather, it existed in bloodied, torn chunks, such was the power of the utter slaughter delivered by Masquarain. Cacnea decided to join Breloom. Cotonee was vaguely annoying in that it had protect, but it missed a Leech Seed and joined Cacnea and Breloom in the afterlife. The sandstorm faded and Florinia's ace, Cradily, came out. Masquarain managed to take out almost half of its hp before being smacked down into the ground. Butterfree used a fairly weak gust and joined Masquarain in unconciousness. Worried that the monster that was one shotting everything would have the bulk to survive, I planned on dealing as much damage as possible and hoping Ledian could mach punch it to death. To start that path I sent out Mothim, whose Bug Bite surprisingly took out Cradily. I had my second badge now.  





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After Florinia's defeat, I picked up a new member of the squad, Nephilim the Venemoth. 

I ran into a little trouble against an overly fast chatot, but after that was out of commision, the last two tangrowths fell easily to my butterfly wrath. After resolving encountering some family drama I made my way towards the third gym leader in my path of glorious conquest. His words before the fight were ominous enough and could have easily filled me with dread had my butterfly army not been a monster in a fight. 



Although it didn't do much to the Skrelp, Butterfree layed the crucial groundwork with the use of gust. Gone was the corrosive mist in the air, leaving only the toxic on the ground to be a threat. A psybeam killed off Skrelp quickly. 

Up next was a monster named Skunktank. Remarkably, Butterfree lived a flamethrower and set the skunk to sleep. After getting off a single gust it woke up and murdered poor Butterfree. 

Not wanting to fool around, I sent out Vespiquen, who took three flamethrowers, in between which Vespiquen's bug bites steadily killed Skunktank. With a miraculous 1 hit point left, Vespiquen took out Skunktank and payed the price as the Aftermath enveloped her. 

Up next was Croagunk, who I sent out Matty against. He got off two lackluster Bug Bites before being felled. 

My newest ally Nephilim quickly became the star of the show, taking out Croagunk with a single psybeam. 

The outcoming Marianne got off a Venoshock, its bulk being enough to require two Psybeams. 

Out next came the greatest threat Corey held, Crobat. It boosted its stats with Nasty Plot as Nephilim sent a Stun Spore its direction. Now being faster then the demon bat, Nephilim managed to give it two psybeams and bring it to the edge of death before the venoshocks finally got to Nephilim. The Crobat died to Masquarain's Bubble Beam. 

The Nidorina that came out next fell apart after two air cutters. 



Immediately after his final pokemon was fallen, Corey issued his petty revenge by resizing my screen so it focused itself on a highly zoomed in version of the top left corner that left Corey enough time to run away as I blindly groped for the save button. Now for the badge he owes me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a little bit since I've posted, yeah? Gang activity and robbing old ladies is time consuming, aight. #Magma4Lyfe #ItsEasierToHaveFireAsFriendsNotFoodOrFoes #IDontWantToFightUnnecesaryFireTypes

Cough Cough

Moving on.....

Shelly. Poor girl. Lemme just say this: You've Met With A Terrible Fate. 

Whoever guesses who and what I stole that from without looking it up gets a potential reward, such as naming a future teammate or the like. 

Cough Cough

Moving on again. I understand Victoria was trying to help Shelly by roadblocking us, but Shelly is really capable. I only recorded eight attempts at crushing her out of many more and all of those attempts ended with Anorith. Rock Slide is a killer. 

Now Moving on to the actual fight. 


It took exactly that to beat her, Good Luck. 



Lepidopterist Amber

would like his badge please!


Now as much as I might like Shelly, I have to say she is truly despicable as a combatant. Her battle was both physical and emotional. There are three reasons for this. 


I led with Vega, my Ledian, and Virginia, my Butterfree. Shelly led with her usual lead, Illumise and Masquarain, who is going to be referred to as Masquarain2 so as to prevent any confusion. Her lead and the first turn in battle gave me two of the three reasons she is truly despicable. Her Illumise used Rain Dance, quickly soaking my clothes. From a surprising burst of speed, Vega the Ledian used Light Screen. Moments after, Masquarain2 used Icy Wind. Fortunately Vega dodged, although Virginia the Butterfree didn't. Virginia responded by throwing Sleep Powder at Masquarain2. 

The first reason Shelly is despicable: She is using a Masquarain, just like me. It hurts when I have to forcefully clip any of her Pokemon's wings. I had to fight an identical clone of my Masquarain(The still unnamed wonder). My second grudge against Shelly is that she didn't restrict her attacks to the Pokemon. The rain caught me and soaked my clothes, and guess who was standing behind Vega when she dodged: Me. The Light Screen helped but that didn't prevent Shelly from making my clothes both soaking wet and bone chilling cold the first turn. Truly despicable, she is an evil mastermind. Now back to the Battle. 


Illumise responded to the Sleep Powder by throwing a Confuse Ray on Vega, who decided to brutally slap himself rather then use Agility. Virginia responded with another Sleep Powder, this time at Illumise. It went under like a rock. 


Vega managed to use an Agility successfully and Virginia used Sleep Powder against Masquarain2 just in case. It wasn't needed. Apparently Shelly's team consists of heavy sleepers. 


Vega pulled off another Agility and Masquarain2 woke up to use Icy wind on the dynamic duo. Virginia quickly put it back to sleep after the damage was done. 


Vega went for a Reflect in preparation of the master plan to defeat Shelly. Surprisingly both enemies stayed asleep, although that didn't stop Virginia from spreading more Powder just in case. I wasn't stupid, I knew from the stories the history Shelly's Anorith had against trainers. I had a Master Plan for that, a plan which hopefully wouldn't result in me having to try again to kill the retched bug. 


In final preparation for abovementioned master plan, Vega went for a Light Screen to replace the now fallen original Light Screen. Illumise finally woke up and used a laughably weak Dazzling Gleam due to the screen. Virginia wasted her Sleep Powder on Masquarain2. 


The Masterplan was now finally coming together. The Sleep on Masquarain2 stopped it from using Icy Winds which would effectively halve Ledian's Agility speed boosts. Using a newly learned technique, Vega Baton Passed out and when she did, she brought in my fearsome amazon queen, Vespiquen, also known as Elizabetty in informal situations. Virginia used Bug Buzz to mortally wound but not quite kill Illumise, whose action I missed in the joy that my plan was in place. Masquarain2 stayed asleep, amazingly enough.  


Masquarain2 fell that turn to Elizabetty the Vespiquen's powerful Power Gem, and was replaced by Yanmega. Illumise managed to get off a confuse ray to Virginia, who attacked herself accidentally.


Fed up with Illumise and hoping it wouldn't replace the now gone rain, Elizabetty took it out and lived easily through an Air Cutter from Yanmega. Virginia hit herself again and lived.


Out next and paired with Yanmega was Anorith, who abused the field's Seed to boost its attack and give it a Spiky Shield. It's rockslide took out Virginia, as Elizabetty artfully dodged. However, Yanmega's air cutters hit right on target. Elizabetty's Power Gem missed Yanmega. The turn was practically useless, although somehow Elizabetty avoided the Rock Slide. That was where the Good Luck Shelly gave me kicked in. 


The Masterplan was mostly in action now, as I sent out Masquarain, with a Telluric Seed of its own. The original plan was to abuse the Telluric Seed and rain so that Anorith died from a bubble beam and Masquarain was immune to Rock Slides, but what happened next was far more preferable. Elizabetty's Power Gem took out Anorith and although the Yanmega got off an Air Cutter that only targeted Elizabetty, it was quickly disposed of with a Bubble Beam from Masquarain. 


Out next was Shelly's Volbeat and her Araquanid. The Volbeat had some bulk to survive Elizabetty's Power Gem, and the Araquanid only lasted a little longer due to Masquarain missing an Air Cutter. 




It was over, I finally had that third badge. Now let's just hope the same thing doesn't occur for the next Gym Badge...


The Main Squad thus far. Vega the Ledian(LV 33), Virginia the Butterfree(LV 33), Lexy the Dustox(LV 32), Nephilim the Venomoth(LV 32), Masquarain the Unamed Wonder/Masquarain(LV 34), Elizabetty the Vespiquen(LV 34)







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