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Monotype Water Run Log


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Saw people doing their own monotype run logs so I though why no create a log of my own. Choosing water since it's my favorite type, though I would have done a mono-grass run if I didn't already do one because of the challenge I though it could pose. I might cross-reference that run a little in this log since I swear this game doesn't like grass-types and wants them all to burn with the experiences I've had in my replay-through of episode 17. Also, here are a few side notes. One, sorry if I have any weird wording like I've would have, this was in my original draft, since I don't see every writing mistake I make when reviewing the post to make sure I like what I'm saying. Two, same also applies to spelling and any mis-spells I have. Three, I'm not going to ev train all that much despite I probably should. Fourth, I'm not that good with nicknames so forgive me if the names are generic or weird. With that out of the way, let's get this log started.


Log #1 The Beginning


So after a train ride and a near-death experience, I arrive in Reborn City ready to take down the Reborn league with my water pokemon. But to do that, I have to take a trip to Grand Hall to get my starter so I go on over there after talking to Julia and silently pray to myself that she doesn't stomp me into the ground when I take on her electric gym. I make it to Grand Hall and meet Victoria where she let me take my starter first. So... which starter should I go with? Do I go with my my favorite line in squirtle or do I cheese the game a little with mudkip or froakie? Being the indecisive person that I am, it takes me like ten minutes to make my decision weighing the pros and cons of the 6 mons I was considering. 6? I decided I wasn't using popplio since I don't like it. No offense to anyone who does but popplio just isn't my cup of tea. So after my ten minutes, here's my decision.




Why? Didn't feel like cheesing the game and I wanted aura sphere on squirtle (just be I want to) so I'll wait for the event one. As for why I went for oshawott out of the remain four, didn't really feel like using piplup this time and while having ice fang from totodile would have been nice for grass types (cough second gym cough) but I went for oshawott because I felt like it. Not the best way to make a decision in a game like Reborn but not much can be done about it now. As for this oshawott, nice balence in ivs, after resetting for them for a bit, and shell armor is great for blocking crits. I would been fine with either ability since torrent would provide a boast to water moves but shell armor prevents crits from ruining Xavier's day so 😀. Also, fury cutter is a temporary solution to grass types until I can get a mon to handle them. With Xaiver in the squad, time for the first battles.




After receiving Xavier and letting Victoria chose her starter, the pretty boy musician Cain comes looking for Ame and challenge me to a battle while waiting for Ame. First battle of the run and proved to be an entertaining/eventful one.




I expected the first two battle just to be tackle spam since oshawott isn't one of the lucky starters to begin with his stab move. However, Xavier decided to show off in his first battle and dodge all of the scratches thrown by this nidoran , take that hustle for screwing me over many times, coming out of his first battle unscathed.


(Would have placed the victory screen here but I forgot to take the screenshot)


After taking Cain down, I accompany him to the healing station in Grand Hall and end up giving Xavier for a brief healing for the four tackles he used against nidoran. Victoria comes with Ame her starter and decides to battle me while Cain gets registered for the league challenge.







Not much say here. Just tackling and scratching back and forth until one goes down since Xavier doesn't get water gun until level 7, which I get to after this match. The only other thing to say is shell armor prevents Victoria from ever winning since a crit is the only way for her to win.




With two victories and water gun in Xavier's move set, Victoria and I go to Ame to register for the league after Cain comes and says bye after our battle. We go our separate ways after registering and I set out into Reborn City to find members for my team. 


End of Log #1


So here is the end of my first log in my mono-water run. Not the most best log ever but this is a start for me. I hope to improve as I write these logs where I word things for a better story/narrative and organize things in a better way since I think my log is somewhat messy in terms of including story and battles since most people reading this log have more than likely played through Reborn already. If you are the rare person that hasn't, give Reborn a shot since it's a fun, hard game. Whether or not if you have the game before, feel free to give me advice on how I can make these logs better since this is first time I'm doing anything like this. Anyways, Thank You for going through my first log and stay tuned for the next one. Hopefully, I'll become a bit better writer for the next log and the logs to follow.

Edited by Astra125
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