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[sloved] Is boost (IV) by a mod ruins the challenging in this game?


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Hello and welcome guys 


Could you help me with my fore questions 🙂 ?


1- I have found mod that max all IV stats for Pokemon (31 for all stats or any number I choose), But I really love how challenging this game is. So I don,t know if doing this  ruins the challenging in this game? (I really need your opinion) 


2- Does gym leaders use Pokemons with 31 IV?


3- Can you find Wild pokemon with at least single 31 stat? 


4- is it possible to find  father with 31 attack, And mother with 31 speed and breeding by them. (so i get new pokemon  with both 31 attack an 31 speed IV).


Every one welcome to replay and Big thanks for helping and supporting 🙂 !

Edited by MrGamer_ForFun
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1.not really, breeding is an option. IV's to me,  help me give advantage in edge cases but good strategy beats IV's.
2. I think they do

3. Certainly, baby pokemon for instance come with 3 perfect IV's

4. Yes, there are also items which manipulate the passing down of IV's.


This is perfectly legal and not that difficult to breed:


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5 minutes ago, MrGamer_ForFun said:

Hello and welcome guys 


Could you help me with my fore questions 🙂 ?


1- I have found mod that max all IV stats for Pokemon (31 for all stats or any number I choose), But I really love how challenging this game is. So I don,t know Does this  mod ruins the challenging in this game?


2- Does gym leaders use Pokemons with 31 IV?


3- Can you find Wild pokemon with at least single 31 stat? 


4- is it possible to find  father with 31 attack, And mother with 31 speed and breeding by them. (so i get new pokemon  with both 31 attack an 31 speed IV).


Big thanks for helping and supporting 🙂 !

1 - It doesn't ruin the game at all! Even when you have pokemons with max EVs and IVs you will still struggle (sometimes) against some leaders.

2 - Leaders do indeed use 31 IVs after some point (I don't know when) 

3 - Yes you can.

4 - I'm not a breeding expert myself unfortunately.



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10 minutes ago, MrGamer_ForFun said:

Hello and welcome guys 


Could you help me with my fore questions 🙂 ?


1- I have found mod that max all IV stats for Pokemon (31 for all stats or any number I choose), But I really love how challenging this game is. So I don,t know if doing this  ruins the challenging in this game? (I really need your opinion) 


2- Does gym leaders use Pokemons with 31 IV?


3- Can you find Wild pokemon with at least single 31 stat? 


4- is it possible to find  father with 31 attack, And mother with 31 speed and breeding by them. (so i get new pokemon  with both 31 attack an 31 speed IV).


Every one welcome to replay and Big thanks for helping and supporting 🙂 !

I can explain the breeding aspect if you so wish it.

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48 minutes ago, Walpurgis said:

I'm pretty sure all leaders have pokemon with full IVs and beneficial natures and like around Serra they start having EV trained pokemon.

From what I can see, Aya is the first leader with full IV pokemon, and Serras froslass is the first properly EV trained pokemon, but most of them only seem to have 1-3 mons EV trained until Charlotte who seems to be the first one with a fully EV trained team. (just checking gym leaders)

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As stated already, it only gives you an advantage but it doesn't break the game, but I'd like to point out that you don't really need a mod for it unless you don't want to spend the time/effort breeding (or trading/wonder trading) for the mons you'd like.

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Here's basically my stand on it: if you need to use a mod to play the game, you aren't playing the game right. It's an experience thing but learning to go with bad IVs and EVs ends up making you a lot better at the game. But to answer your question is that IVs don't matter. Sure there are a couple instances where things can change but on average it doesn't effect your strength at all which is why I don't worry about it.


Of course I put my time building fights over optimizing my own team. Never saw the point of the IV optimization. The game is skewed heavily in your favor anyways. Feel free if you really want to though.

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Easy solution for you. 

How tedious do you find the game? Would you want a perfect IV pokemon so bad that you are ready to spend at least 6 hours in catching a female, getting a male and breeding it till it's perfect? If you are ready then no need for a mod because you want to experience the "difficulty". 


But if you only enjoy the story or like tough battles but don't have the time to prepare for them by doing time consuming stuff then the mod is perfect for you.


Gym leaders use perfect IV pokemon so you using the mod is basically leveling the playing field. In that sense it is fair. But the difficulty of the game includes the fact that you don't get access to perfect IV pokemon so you have to struggle. 


If you find that not being able to use perfect IV pokemon in a basically competitive game is unfair then you could classify the difficulty as "artificial difficulty" and use the mod. 


If you think that pokemon showdown is bs and the proper way to play competitive is only by breeding pokemon and using only those pokemon in battles then don't use the mod but breed. 

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I am very thankful everyone the fast replay 🙂 !


- The people talked about the strategy comes first, myself I can agree with them because recently I  have win against Samson.


- I did many soft re-sets vs gym leaders, So now I feel that I have to start making pokemons IV better.


- I still don't like the idea of using mods and get every thing easily, So ((maybe))  I will bread them by self. And actually one of reasons prevent me breeding Pokemon when I follow guids  of breading I just can't understand because my English not my first language, all guides of breeding have long talk and maaaaaaaanyyyyyy words so I just give up lol, But I know how to give my Pokemon egg move that all I know..


I appreciate everyone replay it helped me a lot!




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I'll tell you how to breed. 


The Pokemon you want as perfect ivs has to be a female to breed. Look up who that pokemon's breeding partner is and get a male pokemon of that. 


If you get a perfect iv in one stat then make the Pokemon with the perfect iv hold the correct power item to transfer the stat. 

Power anklet is speed, power bracket is attack, power lens is sp attack etc. It's given in the information of the item. 

These items are only found in the Obsidia department store on maybe 5th or 6th floor. 


Once you have a pokemon with more than 3 perfect ivs, make the Pokemon hold an item called the destiny knot. It will transfer 5/6 of Pokemon's ivs onto the baby, giving you a higher chance of having a perfect iv baby. 


Go to Apophyll Academy and in the lava area catch a Macargo with the ability flame body. When you keep Macargo in your party then any eggs you have will hatch faster and save time. 


That's all you need to know. You can go to 7th street and change the nature of any pokemon with a heart scale so don't bother about that until you have your perfect iv pokemon. 

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1 hour ago, Zander said:

I'll tell you how to breed. 


The Pokemon you want as perfect ivs has to be a female to breed. Look up who that pokemon's breeding partner is and get a male pokemon of that. 


If you get a perfect iv in one stat then make the Pokemon with the perfect iv hold the correct power item to transfer the stat. 

Power anklet is speed, power bracket is attack, power lens is sp attack etc. It's given in the information of the item. 

These items are only found in the Obsidia department store on maybe 5th or 6th floor. 


Once you have a pokemon with more than 3 perfect ivs, make the Pokemon hold an item called the destiny knot. It will transfer 5/6 of Pokemon's ivs onto the baby, giving you a higher chance of having a perfect iv baby. 


Go to Apophyll Academy and in the lava area catch a Macargo with the ability flame body. When you keep Macargo in your party then any eggs you have will hatch faster and save time. 


That's all you need to know. You can go to 7th street and change the nature of any pokemon with a heart scale so don't bother about that until you have your perfect iv pokemon. 

 Thank you for your time and help !


I feel that I understood you, Let me give you example about Sandshrew (ground one)


- First I need to catch female Sandshrew with one or more perfect IV (Lets say speed IV), then I need any common male rattata. (question about this step:  correct me if I am wrong 🙂  if I catch  female Sandshrew with no any perfect IV and with male rattata can I actully get hatched egg with at least one perfect IV Sandshrew? I feel this way is faster than trying to catch wild Sandshrew cos I can have like 5 eggs on the same time so i have faster chance to get at lease 1 perfect IV).


- Now I give Power anklet to Sandshrew, and bring ratatta and Sandshrew to the day care, I get eggs> hatch them> I should now get 100%  Sandshrew with perfect speed IV, And by random maybe I get any other perfect IV (let's say attack), I should again give this new female Sandshrew power bracket so I Get in the new pokemon max speed and attack IV, And so on until I get 3 perfect IVS.


- I should now give the new female Sandshrew with the 3 perfect IVS (31 max) destiny knot, and breed her again so maybe the IV may jumps from 3 perfect IVS to 5 or 6 perfect IVS (31 max). 


- About the Macargo the nature changer should be easy.


Is the example above correct 🙂 ?


Edited by MrGamer_ForFun
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1 hour ago, MrGamer_ForFun said:

 Thank you for your time and help !


I feel that I understood you, Let me give you example about Sandshrew (ground one)


- First I need to catch female Sandshrew with one or more perfect IV (Lets say speed IV), then I need any common male rattata. (question about this step:  correct me if I am wrong 🙂  if I catch  female Sandshrew with no any perfect IV and with male rattata can I actully get hatched egg with at least one perfect IV Sandshrew? I feel this way is faster than trying to catch wild Sandshrew cos I can have like 5 eggs on the same time so i have faster chance to get at lease 1 perfect IV).


- Now I give Power anklet to Sandshrew, and bring ratatta and Sandshrew to the day care, I get eggs> hatch them> I should now get 100%  Sandshrew with perfect speed IV, And by random maybe I get any other perfect IV (let's say attack), I should again give this new female Sandshrew power bracket so I Get in the new pokemon max speed and attack IV, And so on until I get 3 perfect IVS.


- I should now give the new female Sandshrew with the 3 perfect IVS (31 max) destiny knot, and breed her again so maybe the IV may jumps from 3 perfect IVS to 5 or 6 perfect IVS (31 max). 


- About the Macargo the nature changer should be easy.


Is the example above correct 🙂 ?


Yep you're basically right. 


You can catch a sandshrew with no perfect ivs and breed it with a male rattata. If you are lucky then you will get 31 ivs in speed in one egg. But it can take a lot of time too.

Also you can have a rattata with a perfect iv and give it power item too. For example rattata with 31 iv attack. You can give rattata power bracer and sandshrew power anklet and put both for breeding. 


After you have 31 ivs in speed, only then give power anklet to sandshrew for breeding. 


Also remember, a sandshrew that has 31 ivs in speed and 31 ivs in attack does not always give baby with both stats as 31 ivs. That is also dependent on luck. 


Your example is fully correct. Do your example, have patience and you'll have a perfect iv sandshrew. 

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1 hour ago, Zander said:

Yep you're basically right. 


You can catch a sandshrew with no perfect ivs and breed it with a male rattata. If you are lucky then you will get 31 ivs in speed in one egg. But it can take a lot of time too.

Also you can have a rattata with a perfect iv and give it power item too. For example rattata with 31 iv attack. You can give rattata power bracer and sandshrew power anklet and put both for breeding. 


After you have 31 ivs in speed, only then give power anklet to sandshrew for breeding. 


Also remember, a sandshrew that has 31 ivs in speed and 31 ivs in attack does not always give baby with both stats as 31 ivs. That is also dependent on luck. 


Your example is fully correct. Do your example, have patience and you'll have a perfect iv sandshrew. 

Thank you very much 🙂 , your amazing teacher!

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8 hours ago, MrGamer_ForFun said:

1- I have found mod that max all IV stats for Pokemon (31 for all stats or any number I choose), But I really love how challenging this game is. So I don,t know if doing this  ruins the challenging in this game? (I really need your opinion) 



As I see it I could spend hours and hours breeding Pokemon with good IVs, or soft-resetting for them. I understand the principles behind it. But I don't want to spend that long doing so. Instead I just randomize them until the IVs are decent (maybe specifically tweaking them to odd or even based on hidden power needs). And only late in the game when I have the resources for a long, long breeding project but don't feel like doing so (and IMO using the Pokemon I originally got from their events makes it more personal.)


But, IVs aren't all they're cracked up to be. They are important in competitive play because when playing against another human you can expect them to take either optimal, or close to it, in most situations. AI (even really, really good AI) isn't as smart as a person. It will do dumb stuff, stuff that doesn't make sense, or things that are actively unhelpful to its team. A human player will always have an advantage over the computer due to this. If you are having difficulty in a fight one or two extra stat points aren't going to make it easier enough to matter. What matters is an understanding of the field, knowing your opponent's team, and going in with an idea of how you plan to win.


TL;DR: Breeding is time-consuming and boring.

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Honestly do what you gotta do, you probably won't notice a difference in IVs for most of the game anyways, and as others said, Breeding can be boring. Amethyst and the devs wish for people to have fun and mold the experience for their own preferences, hence the ability to download PBS files and the open modding community. A couple QoL features hardly ruins the experience, and there isn't a right way to play Reborn or any Pokemon game for that matter. Alright, rant over. Now to your questions.


1. I've played around with IVs (e.x. giving pokemon neutral natures and 15-16 IVs in stats) and their performances are more or less the same, the challenge will be more or less intact no matter the EV spread

2. For the most part, Leaders do use perfect IV Pokemon. They also start giving beneficial ev spreads to their aces by Serra, and to their whole team by Charlotte

3. Baby Pokemon (e.x. Togepi, Riolu, Munchlax, and Elekid), and Legendary Pokemon come with 3 guaranteed perfect IVs, which can be helpful for breeding EVs or for soft resetting. I also think Corey's Pokemon come with 3 perfect IVs, but I'm not 100% sure.

4. You could use the Destiny knot, or the Power Items to manipulate IVs for breeding purposes. Destiny knot makes it so 5 ivs from either parent are randomly passed down, whereas the Power items guarantee that the hold pokemon passes down their respective stat (e.g. 31SpA Abra w/power lens will pass down it's perfect SpA to it's offspring).

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