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pokemon white wedlocke

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Finally decided to start my wedlocke for white i've been meaning to do since last month. Why white you may ask, because i've done soulsilver wedlocke completely (excluding red battle) and a black nuzlocke (where critical hits killed everyone who is dead) so i thought this might be a fun challenge to do. Now for the rules.

Standard Rules

- Any pokemon that faints is consider dead and put in the RIP box

- I can only catch the 1st new pokemon I encounter in each area(gift pokemon and eggs included)

- Nickname everyone I catch(note this is a Japanese cartage so nicknames are ether japanese or up to 5 characters in english)

Additional Rules

- Pinwheel forest are two different areas (in and out)

- No legendaries

- I have to catch Zekrom and I'm allowing it to switch with one of my team members, but I can't switch out Zekrom in battle changed to 1st defeat it then catch it, if anyone dies then I can replace but if not then straight to the PC

- If N revives any pokemons before Ghetsis, I can use them but with no switch outs and if i win/lose they must go to the RIP box afterwards

- Pokemon with no genders does not count if 1st encounter

- Alternative catch the opposite gender after each area (if my starter is male the next pokemon i catch must be female then male etc...), but if it's a gift pokemon or an egg the gender does not matter

- Shiny Clause- Screw the rules I found a shiny is what it means

- Cannot use any TMs, but HMs are ok

- Hinata will NOT have a new partner since my otaku side says do what they did in Angel Beats and let Yui wait for Hinata as he tries and finish what he wants.

- Listen to this when I write final words to dead pokemon

I think this covers all the rules I'll be going by, so now lets get started (I'm no writer but reading nuzlockes like stories seems fun, and i get to make up stuff for the characters since i cant read Japanese, also only writing important points)

Log 1

As me and Cheren wait for Bianca to arrive to my room to open a present Professor Juniper gave us, we talked about how she'll always be the one to be late, so waiting to open a box for her wasn't that bad, but I'd wish she would hurry since this was the big day. Final she arrived and Cheren was scolding her about being late again and both of them decided I should be the one to open the box, since we're in my room and whatnot. Opening the box I saw and read a letter from the professor, but who cares about that, I just want my new friend. Now I see the three pokemon she left for us, Snivy the grass type, Tepig the fire type, and Oshawott the water type.

Thinking about it for a few seconds I choose Snivy because grass pokemon always had a special place in my heart. And with that Cheren and Bianca chose there pokemon (Cheren getting Tepig because he always wants to beat me since I usually win at any competition, and Bianca getting Oshawott because she claims it's super kawaii). Soon Bianca asked me a question...

Bianca: Hey Kozomi(what I named my character), you wanna have a battle here to try out these bad boys?

Me: What, but why not outside where we won't wreak my stuff?

B: No time, once trainers meet eyes they must battle!

M: ...fine just try and keep my room clean okay?

B: No promises!

M: Wait wha-(music begins)

(pretty much just spamming tackle)

M: Damn it Bianca, you frigged up my room!

B: Well it's not like I promised I'd try to keep your room clean.

M: >=(

Cheren: Geez now look at your pokemon, they look tired, let me heal them up. Also Bianca you should try and be less reckless.

B: Sorry, but it was just so funny battling against you Kozomi. Wait a minute, Cheren why don't you battle Kozomi next so you won't be left out of all the fun.

C: Well, since Kozomi's room can't get messier than this, as long as it's ok with you.

M: Fine, whatever, my Snivy only needs one more Exp. to grow a level anyways.

(music starts and tackle spamming again)

C: That was a good fight, but it's time we better get to telling our parents we'll be leaving them soon.

B: Yea, bye Kozomi, have fun explaining this to your mom

Cheren and Bianca left going downstairs.

M: Wait, what...

I went downstairs to tell my mom what happened, only to see Cheren and Bianca talking to her, hopefully not saying its all my fault.

Mom: What were you kids doing upstairs, huh?

B: Battling, what else?

Mom: Oh yea, Juniper said you guys are getting your 1st pokemon today huh.

C: Yea, and your daughter(I chose girl>boy) seems to be a prodigy at it too.

Mom: Well then are all three of you going on an adventure? If you are you'll need your parents approval 1st you know. Well get going, I know you want to start your journey asap.

B&C: Alright then, see yea!

Then she turned to me and said...

Mom: So your setting off on a quest huh?

M: Yea, so would you let me go?

Mom: Why won't I, but 1st here's a little gift that will help you along the way.

Obtained Xtransceiver

M: Thanks mom, nice to know you'll be supporting me along the way.

Mom: Also Juniper called and said to meet at her lab incase you didn't read her letter.

M: Wow, she knows me so well...

I feel like this is enough to get started,and also this is a lot of typing for me who usually never types story on his free time.

Team so far:

495.gifLv. 6 Naive (no nickname yet)

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Log 2

Stepping outside to this world seems like my first step into becoming an adult. Every step I get more and more excited about finding new friends to love and care for. When I finally got to Juniper’s lab, Cheren was waiting mumbling to himself…

Cheren: Damn where’s Bianca? I thought her parents would just say sure to her leaving her family and facing many challenges ahead of her turning her into an adult, wait a minute…

Me: Cheren, is Bianca having trouble with her parents or something?

C: Oh Kozomi can you check up on Bianca for me?

M: Why me, why not go yourself?

C: You’re closer to her house.

M: -__- Really, really Cheren? Fine I’ll go check up on her.

Walking to her house I can hear arguing coming from her house. Obviously her parents didn’t want her to go off on her own, understandably. They were always strict parents wanting their child to be the best at whatever it was they wanted to be, as long as they were home. Opening the door I see her father yelling at her…

Bianca’s Dad: Absolutely not, and that’s the final say!

Bianca: … Fine, I’ll go tell Juniper and return her pokémon. (Then she ran into me looking like she’s gonna start crying at any moment)Oh Kozomi, I’ll explain later the situation to everyone.

As I leave her house I can hear her dad somewhat regretting his decision, maybe I should tell her that later, but for now I want to start my quest to becoming a pokémon master, and hear how Cheren will react hearing how Bianca won’t be joining us (because Cheren acts tsundere towards Bianca, and it’s really obvious he likes her as more than a friend [in my world at least]).

C: Hey Kozomi, you hear the good news?

Good news, is he really acting that way now, after the way her eyes were about to burst into tears.

B: My parents said I can go with you guys!

Why would she lie? At some her dad is gonna find out and do something about it.

C: Anyways let’s go meet Juniper and get started on our adventure!

Bianca shortly grasped my arm and whispered, “Don’t tell anyone about what you saw, I want to go with you guys even if it means risking the rest of my freedom for the years left till I’m an adult.” As we walked in Juniper began talking.

Juniper: Hello there Kozomi, Cheren, Bianca.

C: Cut to the chase professor, we want to start really soon.

J: Fine Cheren, since I too felt that way when I was a young lass, let’s go to route 1 and I’ll demonstrate a few things before leaving you to your own, but first, don’t you want to nickname your pokémon first?

And with that, Snivy’s name of Hinata was born

J: Also, let me give you each a pokedex to help me on my research.

Juniper soon left to Route 1 as we followed her. As we left my mom was waiting for me outside, giving me and the rest of us the town map. Bianca and Cheren waited for me to take our first step to Route 1 as I talked a little more with my mom. Cheren claims to only do this just because Bianca wouldn’t stop nagging him about it, but I can see in his eyes he too wanted to do this too. Juniper soon showed us how to catch a wild pokémon to and gave us 5 pokeballs to start off with.

Then finally, I ran into Hinata’s 1st partner...


So Hinata, how you feel about this one?

Tackle did close to 50% of Lillipup’s HP; Lillipup used tackle, did four damage.

Alright, let’s not get too risky

Goes to bag, throws pokéball, capture was success.

Alright, now I know what to name you. Now to grind for a bit, since I know what’s coming up.

So now; Team/Couple:

495.gif Lv. 9 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv.8 Modest Yui

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Log 3

Walking up to Accumula town, Cherena and Bianca waited for, comparing how much pokémon we all had. We all ended up having 2 pokemon, and then Juniper called us on our watches, telling us to meet her at the pokémon center to teach us a few more things. She was waiting outside for me and then proceeded to tell me about all the features of the pokémon center along with Bianca. I couldn’t help but think what’s going through her mind right now. Soon after Juniper left, I wanted to talk with Bianca, but every time I tried to talk with her about her decision, she would just turn away and pretend to look at the merchandise of the pokemart (all two items). When I went outside, apparently there was some announcement going on with a bunch of knights being around. Cheren was siting waiting for it to start when he saw me. He then proceeded to drag me along with him and then the old pirate dude (Ghetsis) began talking.

Ghetsis: People, do you know what’s best for your pokémon? If you do, release them back into the wild!

Crowd: What?! Crazy old man! Why do such a thing?

G: Do you not see your pokémon is in hurt because of your actions, such as battling and making them your own slaves? Do you honestly think all the pokemons really want to become slaves who do nothing but battle their own kind, would you want to battle your kind if you were them?

Crowd: He makes a good point. Nah he just crazy old man. Well, I never asked my pokemon what he wanted.

G: Ask yourself what is best for your pokémon, being free out in the wild were they can do whatever it is their heart desires, or being captive in a pokéball just to serve us humans?

C: Damn, now that I’m thinking about it… How can we even know this is what they want? …

G: I see that all of you are starting to understand, now it’s my time to leave and spread word of this to all of unova.

Ghetsis soon left along with his men to the next town

Crowd: We, I’ve got some thinking about know. Thinking about it, my pokémon seems to hate being kept indoors for most of its time.

Soon the giant crowd left, with only me, Cheren and a green hair dude left. Soon that guy came up to me, telling us some weird things…

Green Hair Dude: Your pokémon, just now it was saying…

Cheren: Slow down. You’re talking too fast! And pokémon, talking, what are you insane?

Green Hair Dude: Yes, they’re talking. Oh, then you two can’t hear them either, how sad. My name is N.

C: My name is Cheren, and this is Kozomi. We’re trying to complete the pokedex and-

Me: Cheren, don’t give out names, we barely know him! And besides, I can’t catch every new pokémon I see.

N: So… You’re going to confine many, many pokémon in pokeballs for that, then. I’m a trainer, too, but I can’t help wondering… Are pokémon really happy that way? Well Kozomi, is it? Let me hear your pokemon’s voice again!

M: Wait, why my pokemon’s voice, why n-(music begins)

N sends out Purrlion, I send in my Yui

Alrightly let’s get started then Yui.

Purrlion used Growl as Yui used Leer.

What a productive turn!

Purrlion used Scratch, 3 damage taken, Yui used Leer

Begin the spamming!

Purrlion used scratch, 4 damage now, Yui used Tackle, over half of Purrlion’s HP is down

Alright Yui, keep it up!

Purrlion used scratch, 3 damage, Yui finished Purrlion with a tackle,

N: I never expected to hear pokémon say such things… As long as pokémon are confined in Pokeballs… Pokemon will never become perfect beings.

M: Why, what’s keeping them from being prefect? Also is there such a thing as perfect?

N: I have to change the world for pokémon, because they’re my friends.

Soon N left, and I’m left with Cheren wondering who that N character was.

C: Huh… Strange guy. But screw his thinking; my way is we help each other out, just like friends. Anyways I’m heading off to the next town to get a badge. You should try to get the badge too, like a competition between us.

After I ran to the pokecenter to heal Yui, I walked on Route 2 only to be stopped by my mom, which was worth my time because…

Obtained Running Shoes (because my shoes were only made for walking apparently)

Then I ran around in the tall grass till I found my next companion…


Funny, I just beat a Purrlion a while back

Hinata used Tackle, abour ¾ of Purrlion’s HP is gone, Purrlion used Growl

It can’t get any lower than that then


What’s gonna your name little guy? I need to think about this for a while. So now after a few minutes, I have included Wayne, the Purrlion, single and ready to mingle, to the party. After a bit of grinding, I challenged other pokémon trainers along Route 2 till I got to what seemed to be the edge of this route, until…


495.gif Lv. 10 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv. 9 Modest Yui

509.gifLv. 7 Quiet Wayne

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Log 4

Bianca: Hey there Kozomi, how’s it hangin’?

Me: Ehh, not so bad. Also can we talk about you-know-what?

Bianca… only if you beat me in a battle. My pokémon have been getting stronger so this will be a breeze.

Me: Why do you always want to battle me? But I’ll accept those terms and beat an answer out of you! (Music begins)

Bianca sends out Lillipup. Go Yui.

Yui used Tackle, ¾ of Lillipup’s HP gone; Bianca’s Lillipup went with Odor Sleuth

Yui used Tackle, Lillipup has fainted.

Now we both switched to our starters

Hinata used Vine Whip, Oshawott KO’d

“Well, gtg heal my pokemons, see yea,” Bianca said as she stormed away with any answers. What a weasel that Bianca is I thought to myself as I went on to the Dreamyard, battling everyone in my way. When I got to the end of the two trainers, a nice lady asked if I wanted a pokémon that she couldn’t care for her own. Naturally I said yes and got my encounter/pokémon in the Dreamyard… (I kept soft resetting it’ll I got it to a female, didn’t want two single guys in my party, especially since I’m was planning on using them for the first gym)

Melon the 515.gif

After healing my party I took a quick look in the school in town, only to find Cheren studying like the bookworm he is. I then went up to talk to him.

M: Studying again I see.

Cheren: Yea, I’m learning about all the status conditions. By the way have you seen Bianca anywhere?

M: Yea I just beat her a few minutes ago. Why, worried about her?

C: Well, she’s always so careless so isn’t natural as her friend to worry? So I take it you got a bit stronger?

M: Well not really a bit, but yea, have you?

C: Do you want to have a match, hopefully not messing up this classroom in the process.

M: Sure, gives me a chance to try out my new couple (music begins)

Cheren sends out Tepig, Go Melon

Melon used water gun, but tepig got some HP back from its oran berry and then used tail whip.

Tepig barely leaving another water gun and used tackle, hitting Melon for 6 HP

Melon licked tepig, Tepig fainted in a creepy style

Now both our Purrlions are sent out

Cheren’s used Scratch, did 5 damage to Wayne, Wayne countered with his own Scratch and did jack squat

Return Wayne, go Melon. Then Melon took a scratch and loss 3 HP

Two water guns finished his Purrlion off and that was a wrap

C: Well the class didn’t end up like your room at least. Anyways I’m going study a little more, find Bianca and then challenge the gym leader. By the way have some oran berries, I’m sure they’ll come in use.

Obtained 3 Oran Berries

M: Alright then Cheren, good luck on your tasks.

Now as I walked to the pokémon center, I see some green hair waiter outside the restaurant/gym. He told me if I wanted to challenge the gym now their (?) shifts were over and they’re accepting any challengers. I was thinking, I think Melon and Wayne needed some grinding before any gym challenge. After that I battled the trainers in the gym till I saw the waiter from before multiplying into a red hair waiter and a blue hair one too. Soon the red headed one said he’ll be battling me and I was alright with that, so now it was me v.s. Chili, and so our battle began…


495.gif Lv.13 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv.13 Modest Yui

509.gif Lv.12 Quiet Wayne 515.gif Lv.13 Jolly Melon

Also can someone tell me how to put up spoilers button that'll make some post smaller got it thanks AZKnight

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Log 5

So after six turns of Growl and Work Up, I finally went with a Sand Attack as his Lillipup went for a bite, only dealing 5 HP. Then I went for another Growl and he went for Bite doing now 3 HP of damage. This was getting boring so now I go for Fury Swipes hitting 4 times (Damn) and leaving Lillipup with a little over half left as Lillipup used another bite and still hits me for 3 HP. Now I go with Scratch brings him to maybe ¼ of HP left as he went for another bite. Another Scratch leaves him with maybe 3 or 5 HP left and another Bite he does. Predicting a Potion I used another Sand Attack, so maybe now he’ll miss more than often. Now I go for Fury Swipes and hit 3 times (not bad) and he bites me even more. I now used a potion to bring Wayne back to full HP as he missed his next move (finally). Now another Fury Swipes and again I got 3 (at least it’s not twice) and he bit me again. Using Scratch left Lillipup with one HP (I can barely see it on his HP bar) and surprise, another bite. Now Scratch finishes him off as he brought in his Pansear.

Alright Wayne time to spam Sand Attack.

Pansear went ahead and used Work Up as I used Sand Attack. x6

Pansear missed as Wayne used Fury Swipes, only hitting twice now.

I swapped Wayne for Melon as Pansear missed again.

Pansear missed as Melon used Water Gun taking about half of Pansear’s HP

Alright, we got this in the bag!

Pansear missed for the final time as Water Gun kills it.

(This is probably the most unexciting/cheapest gym battle I hope I ever have in this wedlocke. Only did this to avenge my Neko (Purrlion) from my Black Nuzlocke [Pansage still hit Neko even after 6 Sand Attacks, that’s some bs])

Chilli: Whoa Ho! You’re on fire! Well it’s the league’s rules, so take this badge!

Got the Trio Badge

Then Cilan (green hair waiter) came up to me and said something about our battle being as dull as fast food but just like fast food it got the job done, even though the course could have been spiced up. I was fine with that; at least everyone is still well and alive.

When I went outside some cute looking scientist came up to me to tell me…

Scientist: Hello there, my name is Fennel. Professor Juniper wanted me to give you something, please follow me.

Fennel left to one of the buildings as I followed her into the building.

Fennel: You’re going to meet all the pokémon in Unova, right?

Me: I doubt that will be possible but I’ll try my hardest.

F: Oh, the stairs are right here! My room is upstairs. Come on, go upstairs!

M: Ok…

We both went upstairs to her room. She then proceeded to talk more.

F: So like I said, I’m Fennel, and as you can see, I’m a scientist.

M: A pretty cu-

F: In fact, the subject I’m researching is trainers!

M: What are you-

F: Professor Juniper is my friend from college. She asked me to help you guys.

M: So wait, how old-

F: So! I’ll give you something to help you. This is a HM for you.

Obtained HM01Cut

F: There are some moves that a pokémon can use even when it is not fighting. You can now teach your pokémon cut. It can cut small trees. You can use it as much times as you want. Isn’t that great? But it’s hard to remove a HM move from a pokémon once it learns it.

M: (OMG just shut up please, I just want to get going)

F: And I’d like to ask you a favor, too! At the Dreamyard, can you find me some Dream Mist? A pokémon called Munna gives it off. I can do something special for you once you get me some.

M: Yea, sure, fine, whatever. I’ll be leaving now bye!

As I ran off to heal I went to the Dreamyard, because some old man won’t let me pass for some reason, and decided to find some Dream Mist. I also taught Wayne Cut since it was stronger than scratch to pass the tree in front of the rest of the Dreamyard. Suddenly I saw Bianca walking towards me then slowly turning away. I caught her by the shoulder and she turned to me with a fake smile on her face saying…

Bianca: Hi Kozomi, what are you doing here.

M: Just looking for something, what about you (I decided not to talk about it till later just to get her guard down then hopefully cornering her so she can finally tell me about it)?

B: Oh, just looking for some pokémon, you know.

Soon the cry of a pokémon came from the Dreamyard.

B: What was that, we better go check it out?

Both of us went up and saw some kind of pink pokémon with purple flowers. It ran away from us and as we tried to go and catch up with it, the knights from before appeared.

Knight 1: We found you, you human lover.

Knight 2: Come on, don’t you see humans are evil beings towards all pokémon!

B: Wait hold up. Da frig is going on here? Who the heck are you?

K2: We, we are from Team PET- Team Plasma and we’re here to liberate this pokémon from any good human bonds. (He (?) then kicked Munna’s ass, trying to make it think humans are bad)

B: He, you don’t go messing with pokémon with us around!

Team Plasma: So, what are you going to do about it?

B: Kozomi here is gonna kick both of you outta here.

M: Wait, what did you just say?

Team Plasma: Oh, I’d like to see her try.

M: Damn it Bianca (music starts)

Grunt used Patrat, I use Yui. Bite and Tackle finishes the Patrat with no damage taken thanks to the flinch.

TP: Looks like I’m next (Music start). Grunt used Purrlion, Go Yui. Yui, Tackle. Purrlion, Growl. Finish it off with another Tackle.

TP1: I can’t believe this trainer has beaten us. Well whatever, I’m sure the damage has been done to this pokémon, but just to make sure (kicks Munna one last time).

B: Stop, or Kozomi will-

M: Jeez their pokémon are already fainted, what else can I do?

Ghetsis (appearing out of nowhere): What are you two doing?

Ghetsis 2 (?): This is no way of liberating pokémon. It is already free, when it’s obtained by a trainer is when we interfere.

Ghetsis (combined together wtf): If you can’t understand that then both of you are just as foolish as they are!

TP1: But isn’t this like taking a step further so we don’t have to battle strong trainers to liberate their pokémon?

TP2: Let’s leave before he does some horrendous punishment, liking cleaning our entire base.

The two Plasma members ran away and in a flash so did Ghetsis. Soon the Munna’s mom Musharna came up to the Munna and was talking to it. Soon Fennel joined in.

F: I came to check up on what’s taking you so long and- is that Musharna?!

Musharna and Munna soon left while leaving a little something behind. Fennel soon went up to it and appeared happy. Apparently it was the dream mist she was talking about and she now said she wanted me to meet her over at her room for a present. Then it was just me and Bianca.

M: Why do you make me battle whenever we’re around, it’s starting to get irritating.

B: I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re so much stronger than me so I thought you could take them out no problem, but I guess to make it up to you I won’t talk to you for a while until something important comes up. Anyways I’m going to try and find a Munna for myself so see yea.

Really, she even knew I was planning on asking her about it and went with this plan. She must be some special kind of Weasel. At any rate I went to Fennel’s room to get my present, which was a C-Gear, and her assistant gave me a Pal Pad too. So now I’m finally off to a new route where a new friend awaits me, and maybe even more adventure.


495.gif Lv.13 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv.13 Modest Yui

509.gif Lv.12 Quiet Wayne 515.gifLv.13 Jolly Melon

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Log 6

As I strolled along Route 3 I noticed a bunch of little kids having their own pokémon even though they weren’t 10, I guess there isn’t much of an age restriction here than. I then approach a crossroad when Cheren surprised me from behind.

Cheren: Wait up Kozomi (he then tried to catch his breath). I take it you beat the first gym.

Me: Yea, why? Are you looking for another battle?

C: Exactly (music begins)

Cheren sents out Tepig, I’ll go with Yui.

Yui Tackle Tepig! ¼ of Tepig’s HP was gone. Tepig used Odor Sleuth.

Another Tackle Yui! Tepig’s HP is down enough to eat his oran berry. He now used Ember, hitting for 7 HP

Moar Tackle Yui! Another tackle should finish Tepig off next turn, unless. Tepig used Ember, hits for 7 again but got off the burn, taking off 4 more HP.

FUUUU- keep using tackle! Now it did jack squat as Tepig used ember to do 10 HP of damage to me (what happened to 7?) and the burn brings me to 5 HP now.

Uhhhhh, use potion. Another ember does 10 HP + 4 with burn.

Potion. Tepig goes for Defense Curl (hate you so much right now Cheren).

Let’s hope for luck, use Bite Yui! Bite brought Tepig to red HP as he used Tail Whip.

Let’s try again Yui! No flinch. Another Tail Whip Yui gets.

One more time! Finally got flinch!

Finish him with Tackle Yui! Down goes Tepig.

Now we switch to Hinata and Purrlion.

Vine Whip Hinata-kun! Did about ¼ of Purrlion’s HP as he went for assist and got Defense Curl.

Let’s us Leer now. Purrlion threw sand at Hinata.

Use Vine Whip, missed (of course) and now Purrlion used Growl.

Go for Growth Hinata! Another Growl.

Another Growth, Sand Attack (FUUUUUUUU-)

Vine Whip, now hits as another Assist brought a Tail Whip.

Finish it with Vine Whip, nope, now more sand.

Another whip, nope, assist and odor sleuth.

Vine whip hit maybe, yes, now it’s all over.

M: That was pretty good Cheren, you’ve gotten better.

C: Thanks, you to. Oh and have you-

???: LIBERATION!!!!!!

Soon two Team Plasma members ran right past us.

C: What the heck was that? Were they running from someone?

Then Bianca came up to us with some little girl.

Bianca: Hey have you seen Team Plasma running this way?

C: That way, but why does it concern you? Also where did this little girl come from?

B: They stole this little girl’s pokémon, so I’m helping her out.

Little Girl: Onee-chan, what’s gonna happen to my pokémon sniff-sniff.

B: Nothing is going to happen, I promise. Hey Cheren and Kozomi, can you help me get back this little girls pokémon for me please, you’re both so much stronger than me.

C: Well, for the girl’s sake, sure. Let’s go Kozomi.

M: Yea, sure, in a little.

Bianca was to focus trying to make this little not burst into tears to talk to her. So I ran around in the grass for a while until I found the newest member to my squad.

Wild 519.gif appeared

Caught this bad boy (technically girl) without much trouble and named her Chirp.

Now I went to go heal my team and caught up Cheren in front of a cave. He told me if I was ready and of course now I’m ready. So we proceeded into the cave but before battling Team Plasma I looked for Chirp’s partner, who so happened to be…


This was great because the next upcoming gym was a normal type gym. Water Gun would of work with its Sturdy, but stupid me missed click for Scratch, so now this will take a while. So with the close death of Melon I finally caught Pasta the Roggenrola. Next time, I battle Team Plasma with Cheren and get to the next town.


495.gif Lv.13 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv.14 Modest Yui

509.gif Lv.12 Quiet Wayne 515.gif Lv.13 Jolly Melon

524.gif Lv.10 Lonely Pasta 519.gif Lv.9 Serious Chirp

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Log 7

Walking up to Cheren I see there are two Team Plasma members, one for each of us. Team Plasma claims that my pokémon cannot be at its full potential because am merrily a child. With that, I decided to so him the potential my 1st pokémon has, regardless if it was full or not. After a few hits to each other, his Patrat fainted leaving Hinata with close to half his HP left (thanks crit. Bite). Soon two more Plasma members came up to us suggesting a double battle to show their combined power. Cheren then said he was fine with it and that since we were childhood friends, we could take both on easily. Now it was 2 Patrats vs Hinata and Tepig. I took this time to grow so Hinata can hit hard as the Patrat that Cheren was planning on attacking Detected and the other bit Tepig. I used Vine Whip on a Patrat bringing it half its HP as Tepig Embers and burns the other. The Patrat used Leer on us and the burnt one use bite on Hinata only taking 4 HP from him. Hinata finished one of the Patrats off as Ember + burn killed the last one.

Soon after we defeated them, they declared that trainers are making pokémon suffer and soon returned the stolen pokémon. After Team Plasma left, Cheren again told his thinking towards the relationship between pokémon and trainers, and then said he would return the stolen pokémon. Walking back to the nursery to heal up Hinata, Bianca and the little girl were waiting for me near the crossroad.

Bianca: Oh Kozomi, thanks for helping out this little girl.

Me: Yea, no problem.

Little Girl: Onee-chan, here, you can have these as a present for helping me.

Obtained Heal Balls

Bianca: Oh those things, yea they’re good for catching and healing pokémon on the spot. Anyway I gotta return this little girl to the nursery or else I might get in trouble, so see yea Kozomi.

I really want to help Bianca with her issue about leaving home, but I’ve decided now that I shouldn’t but in until Bianca ask for help. But anyways, I trained Pasta and Chirp with the numerous trainers around me until a close call happened.

School Boy’s Blitzle used Shock Wave, over half of Pasta’s HP gone as he used Headbutt, only a bit off from half damage. Damn, if I switch he could use Shock Wave again and possible KO Chirp, but he could be stupid and go for something else. For now, I’ll use a super potion and see what he does. He uses a Charge, not bad. He went for a Quick Attack and Headbutt brings him to red. Alright, as long as he doesn’t get a crit from Shock Wave I should be fine. He uses another charge as Headbutt finishes him off. That could if ended horrible, but I’m sure this will be like equivalent exchange and something bad will happen in return. At any rate I should buy more potions in the next town.

Cheren was warning me that darker color grass has stronger pokémon and sometimes they can come out two together in a double battle. Then he left for the next town as I continued with all the pokémon battles. When I got into the next town Cheren was waiting for me and told me to follow him. He told me the obvious fact that there’s a Pokemon Center ahead of here, but he also gave me some Chesto Berries too and told me what they do. Plus he gave me advice that if I use a fighting type pokémon for the next gym I’ll be at an advantage. I sure hope my next pokémon is a fighting type. Now looking at my pokemon’s levels I think they aren’t quite ready for the next gym as I proceeded to the next area, Pinwheel Forest. Also a girl gave me a useful TM for the next gym Rock Smash, but I don’t need that for my guys, I’m sure they’ll be fine without it (and the added rule I put in). Running into the outer grass of Pinwheel Forest, there was a nurse that didn’t battle me right away, so I talked to her and after we finished our battle, she healed my pokémon and now she’s like a pokémon center near an area where I can grind and heal my pokémon without having to walk back to town. Now, the moment of finding a new friend has arrived, and it is…


Not a fighting type, but still pretty good since it’s at level 15. Hinata was out against Tympole and using tackle repetitively until Tympole’s HP is good. What was annoying though was Hinata was confuse and hitting himself, so I used a potion to be safe. But sadly, Hinata’s crit tackle made Tympole fainted, so no pokémon in this area. Also, as I was facing a Youngster, Hinata evolved thanks to 3 Tympoles. In the middle of battling a Black Belt’s Timburr, it used Focus Energy and Chirp used Gust then Gust again (going first this time), and Timburr used Rock Throw, and with a critical hit...

Chirp is dead.

To be honest I should have seen that coming, but I thought maybe Chirp could live one. Now it seems like Pasta is all alone in this world (that Tympole would have helped, but nope crit had to happen at a time I didn’t want it). I am planning on saying a few words every time someone died, but since Chirp was only with me for less than a day, I don’t have much to say.


Chirp, even though you death could’ve been evaded; I was too foolish to see that the chances of you living a rock throw wasn’t high, and for that, I am sorry. Even though you died from a rock, I could tell you and Pasta had a thing, therefore you died from what you’d love. You comfort Pasta, since he was always pretty lonely, and didn’t fear him from your weakness to rock. I had high hopes for you and Pasta taking on the next gym together, but I won’t be able to see what would’ve happened. So for now, all I can say is I’m sorry and I’ll try my best to make Pasta the best he can be with all his friends, so even when you’re dead, he won’t be so lonely.

After this, I took Chirp to the RIP box and decided to stop here for now. I think I’ll grind Wayne and Melon since they’re both a bit underleveled from the rest of the party.


496.gif Lv.17 Naïve Hinata 506.gif Lv.15 Modest Yui

509.gif Lv.14 Quiet Wayne 515.gif Lv.14 Jolly Melon

524.gif Lv.16 Lonely Pasta


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

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Log 8

After leveling up Wayne and Melon, I decided to let Yui evolve since she was so close to growing one more level. And with that the training, for now, has finished. Going up to the museum gym a familiar face showed up, departing from the gym.

N: I… want to see things no one can see.

Me: What?

N: The truths of Pokemon inside Poke Balls. The ideals of how Trainers should be. And a future where Pokemon have become perfect… Do you feel the same?

M: No, pokémon are already perfect the way they are now.

N: Huh. I expected more from you. Now pay attention. My friends and I will test you to see if you can see this future, too (music starts).

N sends out Pidove (try not to cry), go Yui.

Yui used Tackle, close to half of Pidove’s HP is gone, Pidove went for leer, which didn’t matter too much since Yui has intimidate. Yui now bites Pidove, and Pidove used another Leer. Yui finished off Pidove with a tackle.

Now I switched into Hinata as N switched into Timburr. Timburr went for a Bide as Hinata used Leaf Tornado, taking the majority of Timburr’s HP. Timburr continued his Bide as Hinata used Vine Whip, just to make sure it doesn’t miss. With that Timburr is down.

And then Tympole is one shotted from a Leaf Tornado.

“Right now, my friends aren’t strong enough to save all Pokemon. Maybe I can’t solve the equation that will change the world. So, I need power… Power enough to make anyone agree with me,” N said as he walked away from me. But before he was completely gone, he mentioned the legendary Pokemon of the Unova Region Reshiram is what he need, but how will he get Reshiram idk. Afterwards I went inside of the gym only to be given a tour of the museum part by the leader’s husband, who then showed me where I can find the gym. After defeating thefirst gym trainer, I learned that you had to read books from the shelves of the gym in order to get to the gym leader, which is bad since I can’t read Japanese. After looking at a video to help me read which books in order, I found a secret staircase that lead to the gym leader, but before…

Wayne used pursuit on School Girl’s Lillipup and took about 1/3 of its HP, then it used leer, which frightened me so next I went for a Growl. She followed that up with a bite taking Wayne to 35/38 HP. To be safe Wayne used another Growl as Lillipup used Tackle taking 10 HP. Wayne used Pursuit as Lillipup used another Tackle leaving Wayne with 12 HP. I thought another Pursuit would finish it but nope, it’s left with 1 HP (again I can barely see it in its HP bar) and Lillipup used another Tackle. I thought for sure Wayne can take it then I could heal him after I switched him out for Melon, but as my luck has it, that Tackle finished Wayne off.

Wayne is dead.

I had to stop for a moment, how the heck did a move doing 10 HP of damage sudden turn into one that took 12? Regardless I know now that Melon would have to take on the rest of her Pokemon all alone, and after this battle Pasta and Melon would be together, even though I thought it would be too sudden. But I think they can get along since they had something in common, their partners are dead. Thanks to a Lillipup’s Leer Melon barely survived that battle, but the first Water Gun crit was crucial, since I think Melon won’t survive without it.


You were really tough to train, yet you didn’t deal much damage compared to everyone else. But whenever I needed you, you always got the job done. You were always quiet around everyone, but soon after meeting Melon you started to open up to her. It was easy to tell you loved Melon as she was always in a cheerful mood and would even get you to smile whenever you felt down. You took down the first gym leaders Lillipup to prove your strength to Melon and even proceeded to help Melon with her fight. Even though it was really risky, your strategy worked like a charm, even though it wasn’t much of an exciting battle. Your last battle felt so unfair, but hey that’s life. To make sure you’d still be happy after death, I made myself promise to save Melon whenever she was close to danger, and thankfully I was able to perform this. I wish you to be happy even if Melon isn’t with you, because she’ll still think of you even with another pokémon.

Looking at my team at this point I thought I could train them a level or two before the next gym. Also I want to try and make Melon and Pasta get along together since their recent depression.


496.gif Lv. 18 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 17 Modest Yui

524.gif Lv. 17 Lonely Pasta 515.gif Lv. 16 Jolly (not at the moment) Melon


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

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Log 9

Before challenging the gym leader I bought some regular and super potions just to be safe. Also I equipped all my team members with Oran berries except Yui. I heard that leader’s main pokemon uses hypnosis, so I gave Yui one of the Chesto Berries Cheren gave me in case it hits. I’m going into this battle with Hinata and Yui because without a doubt they are my most powerful couple at the moment and the highest level (being Lv. 19). Alright, here we go.

Gym Leader: Welcome: The director of the Nacrene Museum and the Nacrene Gym’s Leader is me! Lenora! Well then, challenger, I’m going to research how you battle with the Pokemon you’ve so lovingly raised! (Music starts)

Lenora sends out Herdier, go Hinata. Herdier intimidated Hinata, but it don’t matter, we attacking in a special way.

Hinata used Leaf Tornado. Critical hit, leaving Herdier with maybe 1/5 of her health left, plus that accuracy drop. Also Herdier miss this turn ([one of the] best turn this wedlock).

Lenora used her super potion bring Herdier back to full HP, while Hinata missed his Leaf Tornado (equivalent exchange from last turn I guess).

Hinata used Leaf Tornado again, and got that accuracy drop while Herdier hits with Take Down, taking 21 HP with it plus some recoil.

Hinata missed with another Leaf Tornado and Herdier hits with another Take Down, activating Hinata’s Oran Berry (which didn’t matter).

I used a super potion to heal Hinata with 22 HP back to full (because of what happened to Wayne) and Herdier used another Take Down.

Hinata finished off the Herdier with Leaf Tornado as Lenora and I switched pokemon.

Yui intimidated her Watchog as she said some few words.

Watchog went for Hypnosis and missed while Yui went for a Tackle dealing about 1/5 of Watchog’s HP.

Now Watchog used Leer and Yui went for her own Take Down, dealing way more than Tackle but also lost 6 HP in recoil.

Watchog hits with Hypnosis but Yui woke up from her Chesto Berry, and now Yui finished off the Watchog with another Take Down. Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was amazing because in my previous black nuzlocke I lost 2 of my strongest pokemon (one being my starter) to her Watchog, so I was really worried about this fight.

L: Your fighting style is so enchanting. It is charming. You are a Pokemon Trainer worthy of receiving this Basic Badge!

Obtained Basic Badge

She also gave me a TM I wouldn’t be using as her husband came down the stairs screaming, “Deeear!”

Lenora’s Husband (Hawes): Dear! Come quickly! Team Plasma is threatening to steal some bones!

L: What? What’s going on?!

Me: Team Plasma’s stealing old bones!

L: First time you decided you talk and it’s to answer a rhetorical question?! Anyways come up here too!

Lenora and Hawes ran out of her room as fast as an Accelgor as I casually walked up the stairs to check out the commotion. Soon I found myself in the lobby of the museum as Lenora was speaking to some Plasma members.

L: Now you wait! Enough fooling around!

Team Plasma: So you’ve come, Gym Leader. We, Team Plasma, shall liberate this pokemon from here so that it can be free instead of just standing waiting to die.

M: A little too late buddy…

TP: To show you we’re serious, we’ll steal it right before your eyes.

M: Also there are cameras here so we could technically arrest you for stealing from the museum.

TP: Well, then, here’s our smoke screen. Plasmaaaa! Plasmaaaa!

While the smoke screen was up, some voices could be heard.

???: Damn I didn’t realize how heavy this pokemon could be.

???: Yea, it’s like we need a forklift to carry this thing out.

???: Alright then go to our fallout plan, take its head!

Soon the smoke disappeared along with Team Plasma and the skull of the fossil.

M: They knew the skeleton was a skeleton and not an actually pokemon, right?

L: What’s going on?

And again, like an Accelgor, Lenora ran outside trying to catch up with Team Plasma as I followed her. Soon some random guy came up to Lenora and they started chit-chatting, Lenora introduced him as Burgh, the Castelia Gym Leader, as Bianca came up to me.

Bianca: Hey Kozomi, what’s with everyone here?

Soon Cheren followed.

Cheren: Kozomi, is there some kind of problem?

I also introduced them to Lenora as she suggest we spilt up, with Cheren and Bianca staying at the museum, me and Burgh going to Pinwheel forest, and her going to Route 3. Then while Burgh was leaving Bianca told me Fennel had something to give me.

Obtained Dowsing Machine

After all that I went to heal Hinata and Yui and then departed into the depths of Pinwheel Forest, where Team Plasma was waiting for me, and a new pokemon.


496.gif Lv. 19 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 20 Modest Yui

524.gif Lv. 18 Lonely Pasta 515.gifLv. 17 Jolly Melon


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

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Log 10

Walking into Pinwheel Forest Burgh told me that there are two paths for this forest. He said he’ll take the straight path and I’ll go into the forest without even asking for what I wanted to do. But before I could get a word in, he walked to the other end of the forest so if Team Plasma was still here he could block them so they wouldn’t escape. Honesty though I think they’d be go by now. But as luck has it, they were inside the forest so now they were trapped as I hunted every single one of them down. But in the middle of hunting down Team Plasma and the skull I ran into…

Wild 548.gif appeared

I used Yui thinking it would deal good damage to Petilil. I will never know if that was stupid thinking because it just so happens that Yui got a critical hit and killed the Petilil. And the fact that I was hoping to get a Petilil here too, since it’s one of my favorite Unova pokemon. I fuking hate my crit luck right now.

Also in the way there were a bunch of trainers all around so that’s nice training right there. So finally I catch up to the Team Plasma member with the skull.

Team Plasma: A pursuer? Uh, ha ha. A kid like you-- beat some of us?

Me: I see we haven’t met before. My name is Kozomi, and I’ll be the person that will kick your ass today.

TP: That can’t be helped, but… I’ll take you on now!

That grunt just had two Patrats and a Sandile, but they went down pretty easy. But it was just annoying with the sand attacks.

TP: Fine then, have the head back. It wouldn’t even move when I threw back into the wild.

Obtained Skull

TP: So the fream our king had-- the dream we had-- won’t come true…

Suddenly an old man came from behind me and talked to the grunt.

Old Man: How are you holding up, fellow subject of our king?

TP: Gorm of the Seven Sages! I’m mortified that this skull, which we went to so much trouble to free, was taken back from us so easily.

Gorm: It’s not important. We can afford to abandon the Dragon Skull. According to the results of our research, this is not the legendary pokemon for which Team Plasma is looking. It’s complete unrelated. But we will not allow anyone to disrupt our plans and get away with it. We will fix it so you never interfere with us again.

M: Come at me bro!

Soon Burgh and Lenora came out and questioned Gorm position in this whole mess, in which he replied…

G: I am one of the Seven Sages of Team Plasma. Ghetsis, another of the Seven Sages, will liberate Pokemon with words alone!

Then he said a bunch of stuff I don’t really care about. And then they disappeared.

Lenora: They’re a speedy bunch. What are you planning to do, Burgh? Are you going to chase them?

Burgh: Hmmm… We got back the stolen skull, and if we corner them, there’s no telling what they might do. I think I’ll be heading back, Lenora… (He then faced me) Well, now. Well… I’ll be waiting for your challenge at the gym. Yes, indeed. I’m certainly looking forward to it! (He then walked off)

L: Kozomi! You’re holding the Dragon Skull you worked so hard to get back, right?

M: Yea, it’s right here. You want it, here you go.

I gave back the skull to Lenora.

L: Kozomi, thank you so much. With a kind Trainer like you taking care of them, the Pokemon with you must be happy.

M: Yea, I hope they’re happy being with me since they’re putting themselves at risk for me.

L: Here is a token of my gratitude. Please use it carefully! (She handed me a Moon Stone).

She then headed back to the museum as I continued forward into my adventure. Then I saw what could possibly be the biggest obstacle of this journey, Sky Arrow Bridge.


496.gif Lv. 20 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 21 Modest Yui

524.gif Lv. 20 Lonely Pasta 515.gif Lv. 19 Jolly Melon


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

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  • 4 weeks later...

This isn't over, I just went on vacation for 2 weeks with the only internet source is my cousins house and then me just being lazy.

Log 11

So after that long walk over Sky Arrow Bridge, I finally made it to Castelia City. First, I’m going to heal, then head over to Route 4 to try and catch a new pokemon, and hopefully catch it this time. When I got to route 4 my first female encounter was…


So learning from my mistakes I used Melon this time. But this thing could have taken down Melon if I hadn’t use the Super Potion, so I’m glad Melon survived. And now, in what seemed to be a long time, I’ve finally caught a new Pokemon, Pomm the Darumaka.

Now after training Pomm up a few levels, I went and explored the city, battling many people and getting many items, one of which was a water stone which the scientist who gave it to me said if I used it on my Melon then she’ll evolve, but I’ll wait till she learns a new water move. So until then I trained her till she learns that water move, which ended up being Scald, at level 22. So now I used my water stone and now Melon has become a Simipour. When I was done training I battled the trainers I could on Route 4, giving the Exp. Share to Pomm.

Now as I headed off to the gym, Cheren was leaving the gym talking about beating the leader and becoming the Champion. Soon Burgh ran into me and told me to wait for a battle since Team Plasma has shown up and how I should follow him to Prime Pier. After that I met up with Burgh, Bianca and some other girl.

Burgh: Hey Kozomi, Team Plasma stole this girls Munna.

Me: What?! How do you even get a pokemon stolen?

Bianca: Well they came up to me; they got my Munna, and then ran away. I never saw it coming!

Other Girl: When I heard this girls cry, I chased them but it was getting busy in the streets so they just got away.

Bu: Iris, you did all you could do.

Iris: But it just bothers me that they were able to steal this girl’s Munna before me.

M: Wait wat?

I: But now I’m making up for it since Burgh knows and could tell my master.

Bu: Yea let’s go get your Munna back.

B: But how are we going to find them in this big city?

Just then a Plasma member showed up.

Team Plasma: Hahaha, I came back to laugh at all of you who will never find our secret base hidden in front of the gym, hahaha. Wait, I was thinking out loud wasn’t I. Oh shi-

Then the grunt ran away.

Bu: Well after thorough investigation I concluded that they will be in the building in front of my gym. Kozomi, let’s go, Iris stay here. Oh and Bianca come here a moment.

Burgh whispered something to Bianca; all I heard was something about stealing and telling him something. Now Burgh and I went on to the building when a couple of Team Plasma grunts came out to protect their base, but it didn’t matter since we just destroyed them. Soon Iris and Bianca came from down the streets saying that they were lost and now all of use went into the building, only to see Ghetsis and some other people and grunts.

Text was tl;dr, so here’s what happened, Ghetsis was saying a white dragon would do stuff to help their plan, then he said give back her Munna (why idk), then they left. Iris pushed Bianca and gave me a berry then Burgh said we can battle, finally.

Now after all that, I finally headed towards Burgh, getting Pomm ready for the fight of her life.


496.gif Lv. 24 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 22 Modest Yui

524.gif Lv. 21 Lonely Pasta 516.gifLv. 22 Jolly Melon

554.gif Lv. 25 Hardy Pomm


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 12

Burgh: Thanks for your help with Plasma, after seeing you battle my Pokemon are itching to battle you (music start-o).

Burgh sends out Whirilpede, go Pomm. Pomm OHKO Whirilpede with a Fire Punch, delicious.

Now he sends out Dwebble, Pomm’s biggest obstacle. Pomm nearly KOed him with a Fire Punch but he survived with a little HP. Now he uses Smack Down and did only 20 HP of damage. Damn that’s a good evoltile. Burgh heals up Dwebble but Pomm brought him back down to the same amount he had before, with a burn that left him with 1 HP. Burgh heals up Dwebble again and Pomm used Incinerate thinking he had no more potions plus for that 100% accuracy. Pomm missed her Fire Punch as Dwebble used Smack Down now only doing 10 HP of damage. Pomm now finishes off Dwebble with another Fire Punch as Burgh brings in his Leavvany.

Levvany used Razor Leaf dealing 11 HP of damage as Pomm missed her Fire Punch. Leavvany hits with Razor Leaf and now Pomm OHKOs Leavvany with Fire Punch.

Bu: You were more fabulous in battle then I was, so I award you with this badge.

Obtained Insect Badge.

Then Burgh gave me another pointless TM and I walked outside, only to get a call from Bianca, (telling me to meet up by the gate before Route 4). After I healed Pomm I went up to meet with Bianca and it turned out she wanted to battle me (and even asked the guard if we could battle here).

Bianca sends out her Herdier, and I send out Yui, both intimidating each other. Yui used Work Up as Herdier used Take Down, dealing 16 HP of damage. Now Yui went for her own Take Down and Herdier went for Foresight. Yui then finished off Herdier with a Bite.

Bianca switched to her Dewott and me for Hinata. Hinata almost KO Dewott as it went for a Razor Shell which also lowered Hinata’s defense. Bianca healed Dewott as Hinata went for a Mega Drain taking tons of Dewotts HP and completing healing himself. Then Hinata finished off Dewott with another Mega Drain.

Now she sends out her Munna, which is odd since I know she has a Pansear in her party as well. Hinata went for Leech Seed as Munna used Yawn, which ended up making me switch for Yui. Then Munna used Moonlight restoring the little HP gone from Leech Seed, then Leech Seed activated again. Yui went for Bite which almost finished off Munna but Leech Seed finished her off in the end, but Munna used Psybeam but it didn’t do too much damage. Now she sends out her last pokemon which was her Pansear.

Yui bit Pansear and made it flinch. Then Yui finished off Pansear with a Take Down and it was gg to Bianca.

Bianca said she’ll never be as good as me or Cheren, but Pokemon gave her new experiences that staying at home could never do. Then she went away as I went and healed Hinata and Yui because I’m like that, then I went on to Route 4 only to see Cheren waiting for me to get the new badge so we can see who is the stronger one.


496.gif Lv. 25 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 23 Modest Yui

524.gif Lv.21 Lonely Pasta 516.gif Lv. 22 Jolly Melon

554.gif Lv. 26 Hardy Pomm


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

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Log 13

Now it was me against Cheren, he sends out Pidove and I send Pasta. He used Air Cutter and got a crit, but still the damage was just 14. Pasta then used Rock Blast and hit Pidove twice, leaving it with enough HP for the sandstorm to take it out.

Next he sends out Pansage and I send out Melon. Melon used Bite and Pansage flinched. Now after the sandstorm Pansage’s HP was below half, Melon used another Bite bringing Pansage close to no HP left, but Pansage now used Vine Whip and took a good chunk of Melon’s HP, and now the sandstorm finishes Pansage off.

Cheren now sends out his Liepard and I switch back to Pasta. Liepard used Pursuit not doing too much damage and Pasta’s Rock Blast hits four times, but one more would have finished off his Liepard. Then Pasta’s Quick Claw activated and finished his Liepard off with one more Rock Blast.

Now we both switch, him to his Pignite and me back to Melon. Melon used Scald almost KOing Pignite, which then made Pignite use his berry restoring a bit of HP, then he used a Flame Charge not doing a whole bunch and raising its speed. But that speed boost didn’t matter since Melon still out speeded it and finished him off with another Scald.

Soon after our battle Professor Juniper called both of us about stuff. Then afterwards I battled a few trainers then I came across a fork in the road, at that point I decided to go up to Nimbasa City. At the gate Professor Juniper and Cheren were waiting for me. Juniper gave me and Cheren 10 Ultra Balls. Soon everyone went and I still continued towards Nimbasa City, only to be stopped by Team Plasma activates. Soon after I battled one of them and saved the old man they were harassing, and then he gave me a bicycle, which I would be using very often. Then Bianca came up to me and told me to meet her a some place called the Pokemon Musical. Afterwards I went up to a stadium and battled a player there, only to get my heart broken.

Baseball Player sends out Pansear, I use Pasta. Pasta’s Quick Claw activated and then he missed his Rock Blast, which resulted in him getting hit by a Flame Burst hitting for a bit over half health. Next Pasta’s Quick Claw activated again and this time he used Smack Down, which ALMOST finished the Pansear. Then Pansear used Flame Burst again and now I know Pasta can’t stay in unless I wanted to risk a 10% of going first. So I switched into Melon and Flame Burst did nothing to her. She then finished off Pansear and next up was Pansage. Hopeful that Melon could take one hit I let her stay in since Pasta sure can’t take another hit. Melon used Bite to try and get a flinch but it was to no avail, and Pansage hits with a crit Seed Bomb.

Melon is dead.

(Insert many foal words here). So with no chose I sent out Pasta and used a Super Potion on him hoping he could take a hit without going below half health. Didn’t not work, and on the next turn…

Pasta is dead.

From a crit no less. Then I send in Yui to finish off Pansage and Hinata to KO his Panpour. Afterwards I went to the Pokemon Center to deposit Melon and Pasta in the RIP box. Now a few words for Melon and Pasta.


Damn it you guys didn’t had to die if I wasn’t so stupid. Both you guys suffered from your partner’s death and then joined up, knowing that you’ll understand one another. Melon, I remembered how tough it was to train you up, but you know what, it was worth it, you really proved yourself. I know Wayne would have been proud, but also a bit sad/happy you’re with Pasta, since he loved you and wants you for himself, but at the same time, if you didn’t have Pasta, you would of just been alone, and he won’t want that. Pasta, the same could be said about you; only your first partner didn’t last as long as Wayne, but regardless the feeling was the same. In all honesty I thought you won’t last long, and sadly my thoughts were right. But another part of me was saying naw bra he gonna go to da elite four and fuk their shitz up. In battle you were such a beast even though you were a little guy. Plus when Melon wasn’t as Jolly as before, you caused her to be Jolly once again until the end, but I guess the thought of being alone again was too much for you, which I understand. In the end, both of you guys were just the best you could be, but that major weakness caught up.

I think I’ll stop here and take a breather after the two deaths today and catch new Teammates tomorrow.


496.gif Lv. 25 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 23 Modest Yui

554.gif Lv. 26 Hardy Pomm


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 14

As I tried to go left to catch Pomm’s partner, Bianca came up to me and the she dragged me to the Pokemon Musical, where anymon can be pretty. Soon after we got a box to hold our accessories, outside Bianca’s dad was waiting for her (just gonna wing it since I skipped this as I’m typing this, also how did he know she was there?).

Dad: So telling others you’re not going on the adventure must take you to Nimbasa, huh?

Bianca: Because how else would I’ve been able to go along with Cheren and Kozomi!

D: Well it doesn’t matter where they go, because now you’re coming home!

B: No, I’m not going back until I finish this! Why do you want me to stay at home, it sucks and it’s boring since now that I’ll have no one waiting for me there.

D: Your mom will be waiting, and it’s safer for you to stay home. If we leave now I’ll let you keep your pokemon.

B: NO! Nononononononononno will always be my answer!

Just then a figure of hotness showed up.

Hotsuff: Sir, I’m going to ask you and this young lady to be quieter or else I’ll have to-

D: Wait, aren’t you Nimbasa’s gym leader model Elesa! OMG I totally love you! If I weren’t a married man I’d marry you on the spot. But if you want I can file a divorce right now.

Elesa: Sir, please calm down or I’ll have to stun you and take you to the police force.

B: Hey dad, wouldn’t be a terribly thing if mom heard what you just said.

D: You didn’t, you little-

B: Yep, tape recorded with the one YOU gave me for my present. At first I thought it was shitty but now I see its use. So now what will you do, take me home and I play this for mom, or let me go and forget this ever happened?

D: (looking at Elesa) Wanna get mar-

Elesa: No.

D: … fine, you win Bianca. Go and do adventure time friendship stuff outside, but when you get hurt and come home, it’ll be my time to-

B: I won’t need to go home even if I’m injured, I can just call Cheren and Kozomi and they’ll help me.

Me: Well, if you’re close by maybe I can help.

And as I said that Bianca’s Dad left and Bianca as well, and then Elesa came up to me.

E: As that man said, I am the gym leader here. I know you’re a challenger since Burgh told me about your “fabulous” battle. Just know that no one can sparkle in the spot light better than me, so you better bring you’re A-game, got it.

Now since Elesa left, I can go onto catching new Pokemons before challenging Elesa, the first being Pomm’s partner, which is …


It’s wasn’t difficult to catch him; whose nickname is ZoloZ. Next I went to the right to catch a new Pokemon, plus I also challenged some trainers on the way. The next new teammate was…


Again catching this thing wasn’t too hard, though I used an Ultra Ball just to make sure I would catch it (or at least have a higher chance of catching it). Its new name is now Citel. When I continued to go up I saw an entrance to the new area Lost Thorn Forest, which meant yet another new Pokemon, but I rather go back to Route 4 and go the other way to see if there’s an another new area to catch another Pokemon there, since the next Pokemon has to be a male and since I wanted a Petilil, who can only be a girl, it would at least raise the chances of me getting one. Anyway I got to a new area called Desert Resort in which I encountered…


Funny, whenever I tried finding this Pokemon it always took me no less than 10 minutes. The difficult part of this was that Sigilify was taking damage from the sandstorm, so I only had a limited time to catch it, but luck me I caught it on the first ball, or Ultra Ball I should say. Also his name is Que. Now back to Lost Thorn Forest, the first Pokemon I found was…


Damn no Petilil, but if I can friendship Swadloon enough, she can evolve into Leavanny, who is pretty badass. Crepe was her name now. Also just now I remembered there being a castle in the Desert Resort, so I went there for one last new teammate.


Not really who I wanted but whatever, I always wanted to use a Yamask anyways. His name is now JaMon. Also I think I’ve done enough now, so next time I’ll just train up my new teammates and hope none of them dies and try and think of a strategy for the next gym.


496.gif Lv. 25 Naïve Hinata 507.gif Lv. 23 Modest Yui

554.gif Lv. 26 Hardy Pomm577.gifLv. 21 Rash ZoloZ

510.gifLv. 20 Lonely Citel561.gifLv. 20 Hasty Que


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

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Log 15- 2 new rules, 1 is spoiler for this log

Going to the Desert Resort and battling 3 trainers told me that I should defiantly grind in the wild more. Now I’m going to Route 16 and battling a few pokemon up in Lost Thorn Forest with Pomm while ZoloZ is holding the Exp. Share, since its only move is HP Ghost. While training I ran into a trainer with a Scraggy that I accidently used Citel and Que in. Both got destroyed since Que didn’t have a flying move yet, sooo…

Citel and Que are dead.

Honestly I can’t say much good about these guys, since in every trainer battle they would almost die, but I should have trained Que one level higher for that Air Cutter. So now I have JaMon and Crepe on my team. As I see the training was slow, when I got a Plume Fossil, I thought I should go get Archen and see if the Daycare would train two of my pokemon being JaMon and Crepe. So after receiving Crops the Archen, I then went to the Daycare and they took care of both JaMon and Crepe, which then I ran around in my Bicycle for a while and got both of them up 2 levels, plus JaMon learning Will-o-Wisp for Haze. Soon after I went back to Nibasa City and trained with the rest of the trainers there, earning good exp. for everyone and finally ZoloZ learned a new attack, Psyshock, and now he’s a beast. Soon I went to the right of Nimbasa, where the gym awaits me, only to be stopped by N.

N: You’re looking for Team Plasma, right?

Me: Nope, just the gym.

N: They ran into the amusement park. Come with me.

M: Team Plasma’s around an amusement park, better check all the rides multiple times just in case.

Then N took me to the only ride outside, a ferries wheel.

N: They’re not here. Let’s ride the Ferris wheel together (make love to me N-sempai) and see if we can spot them. I love Ferris wheels. The circular motion… The mechanics… They’re like collections of elegant formulas.

We then got on the Ferris wheel and N was still telling me stuff.

N: First, I must tell you… I am the king of Team Plasma.

M: (I reacted the same way Natsuki from Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku reacted at 18:07 Ep. 1, except with) WTF!

N: Ghetsis asked me to work with him to save the Pokemon. I wonder how many Pokemon exist in the world…

After we got off the Ferris wheel Team Plasma came towards us.

Team Plasma: My lord N!

Other TP: You’re safe, sire!

M: So they are like knights…

N: There’s no problem. You’re part of the people we brought in to help us save Pokemon. So, you’re under my protection, as well. Go, quickly, and let my battle cover your retreat. Now then, Kozomi, do you follow my logic?

M: Sure, why not.

Now we battle.

N sends out Sandile as I send in Hinata. Sandile’s OHKO by the Leaf Tornado.

Then N sents out Darumaka and I switch to Yui. Yui used Strength which did enough to KO it next turn as Darumaka used Fire Punch and got the Burn. No I have a choice, ether heal Yui’s HP since with the next Fire Punch, assuming it hits, and the burn Yui will die next turn, or heal the burn and hope Yui lives with enough HP, assuming Fire Punch hits without a Burn. I chose to heal the burn and Darumaka used Façade. Critical Hit.

Yui is Dead.

As a tear shed into my eye I send in Hinata hoping he doesn’t meet the same fate as Yui. Hinata MISSES the Leaf Tornado and Darumaka used a Fire Punch. Now living with 30/72 HP, Leaf Tornado hits and finishes off the Darumaka.

Next comes Sigilyph, bound to have a flying move. I heal Hinata with a Super Potion to see what N is going to do as he goes for an Air Cutter and missing. YES!!!!! So now Hinata goes for a Leech Seed so there could be some damage each turn as he goes for a Tailwind. Also learned that turn that Sigilyph has Magic Guard… wonderful. Hinata, surprisingly faster, goes for a Leaf Tornado, barely doing a thing to Sigilyph as he goes for, explaining the speed, A WHIRLWIND, and making me switch to ZoloZ. I can’t tell if this was him being nice or cruel to Hinata, since he did avenge Yui from her killer, but not the master. Anyways Sigilyph used an Air Cutter and did close to half HP while ZoloZ used HP Ghost, which is a guarantee 2HKO. Using another risky HP Ghost, ZoloZ KO’s Sigilyph.

Finally was his Scraggy, so obviously I switch to Pomm, who OHKO’s Scraggy with a Fire Punch.

N then said he’ll be the champion and free all the pokemons, and if wish to stop him I must become the champion myself. But anyways, I head off to the RIP box to deposit Yui.


You were the first Pokemon I caught and you and Hinata were the first Pokemon couple in this game. So you were special to me and Hinata, being both our first. You took on Lenora’s Watchog solo when previously it took the lives of half my Black team. Even though you did have a nature not suited for you, you still kicked ass and did so much despite it. You and Hinata were the couple I was ready to use for Elesa, but sadly, without you that plan is a no go. The moment I saw your HP bar go to zero I was speechless, ready to get in my DS and kick N’s ass. Damn, without you Hinata will be very lonely, and since most of the other party is new, there really isn’t anyone he’s close to, but still I think he’ll be ok. I don’t know how I want to end this, maybe because after this you’ll be laid to rest and the fact that I’ll stop using you will end.

Also, for Yui and Hinata only (maybe), Hinata will NOT have a new partner since my otaku side says do what they did in Angel Beats and let Yui wait for Hinata as he tries and finish what he wants.

Now after that emotionally tragedy, I headed to the gym, battling all the trainers and riding all the coasters until I got to Elesa, the gym leader, who may be the last trainer I will fight remembering how difficult she was previously.

Team:*Note I am going to train my guys up so this is them before the training

496.gif Lv. 26 Naïve Hinata

562.gif Lv. 25 Hasty JaMon 541.gif Lv. 25 Jolly Crepe

577.gif Lv. 29 Rash ZoloZ 554.gif Lv. 29 Hardy Pomm


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

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Log 16

Elesa: Are you ready to show me how well your Pokemon shine? (Music-o-start)

Elesa sends out her Emolga, I send in ZoloZ (now Duosion [maybe a bit over leveled?]). Emolga goes for Volt Switch and out comes her other Emolga as ZoloZ use Light Screen. I heal ZoloZ back to full HP as Emolga goes for Pursuit. She goes for another Pursuit as Psyshock OHKOs her.

She brings in her other Emolga and goes for a Pursuit, and then got one-shotted buy Psyshock.

Now it was her Zebstrika and I swap for Pomm (ZoloZ was having all the fun). She goes for Spark as Pomm misses the Fire Punch, and then the Light Screen went down. She now goes for a Volt Switch as Pomm misses again. Then I had to heal Pomm’s ass back up since another hit could potentially OK her, and Zebstrika uses Spark. Now she goes for Volt Switch and Pomm finally hits and leaves Zebstrika with a bit of HP left. Now we both heal our Pokemon and next Zebstrika uses Volt Switch and Pomm uses another Fire Punch. She heals and Pomm uses another Fire Punch. She goes for another Volt Switch as Pomm goes for Incinerate which left Zebstrika with little health left.So I healed Pomm and she uses Spark. Now it’s a Volt Switch with a critical hit so…

Pomm is Dead.


Healed ZoloZ Zebstrika uses Spark. Another Spark and now Zebstrika is dead.

Got Bolt Badge, then I BOLTED back to the Pokemon Center (thiswasnotfunnymichaelwatwereuthinkin). So, Pomm…


In retrospect, if I had used any other move then this wouldn’t have happen, so fuck me. But really you were such a powerhouse and with the evoltile you could endure more hits, so you were a power team member. You took on Burgh alone and swept his whole team, something I believe I have never done before. But you were also alone for a while when I caught you, and when you did end up getting a partner it was one who couldn’t fight alone, so you would always offer to help and to let him sit out of battles and battle alone, while he was holding the exp. share. But now he is ready to take care of himself and others, as he became the new powerhouse. So for sure your efforts will not die alongside with you, ZoloZ will live them out for you even if he is with another, but he will always remember he wouldn’t have been able to help others without your help first. And although I really hate your ability, without it you might not have gotten to how far you got. But even though you miss at some terrible times, when you did hit you hit hard. So Pomm, if it was not for my stupidity then I wouldn’t have to say these words now, but I made an error I cannot take back.

Also flashback, Cheren fights me when I try leaving and little kids, so guess who I’ll be using (and hoping will come out alive).


562.gif Lv. 26 Hasty JaMon 541.gif Lv. 26 Jolly Crepe

496.gif Lv. 26 Naïve Hinata

566.gif Lv. 25 Lonely Crops

578.gif Lv. 32 Rash ZoloZ

since i have only one couple i'm bring all the single guys since safety in numbers and all


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 17

As I walked to Route 5 Cheren stopped me since he wanted to battle (where’s the no option).

So he sends out Liepard and I send in Crepe. Liepard uses Pursuit as Bug Bite almost finishes Liepard off. He goes for another Pursuit as Crepe finishes Liepard.

He now sends in Tranquill as I switch into JaMon. He uses Air Cutter as JaMon uses Will-O-Wisp. He now uses Detect helping me get burn damage off him. Tranquill uses Air Cutter as JaMon Disables it. He uses Detect again. He fails a move and JaMon uses Hex (what a turn). Now another Detect. He fails another move and JaMon uses another Hex, and now the Disable wore off. He Air Cuts me and now it’s disabled again. I heal JaMon and he goes for Roost (so close to his KO). So now I heal Crepe and he uses another Roost. I switch into Crepe and he keeps using Roost. He goes for a Quick Attack as Crepe uses Bug Bite, and the Disable wore off again. Crepe uses Protect against his Air Cutter so he takes more burn damage. Now I switch into JaMon and he cuts me using air again. Then another Cutter and JaMon Disables him. I heal JaMon as he heals himself. I switch and he heals again. He goes for Quick Attack then Crepe uses Razor Leaf. A Crit Quick Attack and then another Razor Leaf, and the Disable wears off. Protect Crepe and maybe 1 more turn of Burn will finish this. Switched JaMon into a crit Air Cutter and the burn doesn’t finish him. I healed JaMon and he uses another Air Cutter. FINALLY the burns kills him.

tl;dr Burned Traquill then walled while using a Bug Bite and 2 Razor Leaf with Disable.

He brings in Pansage and I Crepe. Bite flinches Crepe. Then again. Healed Crepe and he goes for Bite. Bites Crepe and now Crepe OHKO Pansage with Bug Bite.

He switched into Pignite and I JaMon. He goes for Flame Charge and JaMon Ominous Wind. Now he goes for Smog and JaMon Disable. He now goes for another Flame Charge and JaMon got the stat boost from Ominous Wind. Then I healed JaMon as Pignite now begins Rollout. As he continues Rollout JaMon almost finishes him with Ominous Wind and Pignite recovers HP with its Berry. Rollout continues as JaMon once again almost finished Pignite. Rollout almost finishes JaMon but he lived with 3 HP left, and now JaMon uses Hex to finish the game.

Also Crepe evolved. Yay.

Then Elesa came up behind me and said lets go lower the bridge so we can get to Driftveil City. Then an old man recognized Elesa and unlike Bianca’s Dad he was the champion of Unova. Then Cheren asked a stupid question and Alder made him and me (what did I do?) battle two random kids to make us have fun, and good guy Cheren healed my team before the battle.

The two kids both send in Herdier and Cheren and I send in Liepard and Crepe. Only one of the Herdier had Intimidate, which is better than both having it. Liepard uses Fake Out on one of the Herdier and Crepe uses Razor Leaf, then the other uses Work Up. Crepe uses another Razor Leaf and activated both Herdier’s berries while Liepard uses Pursuit on a Herdier. Then the Herdier who used Work Up used Take Down on Liepard and Crepe dodges the other one’s Take Down. Crepe uses another Razor Leaf and Liepard another Pursuit while one of the dogs Crunches Liepard finishing it and Crepe dodges another Take Down. Crepe now finishes both Herdiers with Razor.

Then Elesa went to lower the bridge and me and Cheren followed. We soon walked over the bridge and what awaited us at the end was a Cowboy was waiting for us, telling us that he was the gym leader and it was our fault that Team Plasma escaped (you see kids, crossing a bridge lets bad people get away, so never cross no bridge). And then he says if we find Team Plasma we can challenge his gym (so gym leaders, if you have stuff you don’t want to do make the challengers do it for them to battle you). After that I went and healed the party and now, I want to catch the 3 new members I can (what’s funny is I’m getting 2 guys and 1 girl, and the girl is going to be Crops partner) next time then find Team Plasma.


562.gif Lv. 27 Hasty JaMon 542.gifLv. 27 Jolly Crepe

496.gif Lv. 26 Naïve Hinata

566.gif Lv. 25 Lonely Crops

578.gif Lv. 32 Rash ZoloZ


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

Also from tomorrow/next week onward I'm not going to be able to upload daily, but maybe every 2-3 days lol nope. Maybe once a week or sooner asuming nothing big comes up.

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Log 18

Now I run into Route 6 and, since it was winter time, I ran into…


So this thing wasn’t too hard to catch since JaMon was able to take hits and bring Choco (its nickname) down to yellow health. But since next I’m getting a female (assuming I don’t kill the next two pokemon) I put it in the box. So now I headed south to the Cold Storage and ran into a rustling patch of grass, which happened to be…


Not really surprising see it but since it was a female I had to catch if I wanted a catch for this area. It was annoying at first since JaMon missed the first Will-O-Wisp and then fell into Attract, but then for five or so turns he couldn’t hit Audino even if he got out of the Attraction, so Crepe went out and beat the Audino up until it was in a catchable range of HP. Also, since this was in school and I totally forgot what name I gave Audino (in the morning, school was starting, I am always sleepy in the morning) in Japanese and I’m too lazy to go rename her for now, she’ll just be referred as Dino, which will be her new name. After that I went up the bridge from before and tried to run into a wild pokemon, since I heard that stuff happens, and ran into a wild pokemon.


Wasn’t that hard to catch, but I missclicked and didn’t give him a nickname, so I had to go back to Castelia City to rename Ducklett and while I’m at it I might as well nickname Audino too. After renaming Audino to Dino and Ducklett to Rangg, I went ahead and battled a few trainers to level up Dino since she was level 21 compared to everyone who’s like level 26. Soon afterwards I went back to the Cold Storage where Cheren caught up with me and both of us suspected Team Plasma to be in one of the buildings (yea because I totally remembered we were looking for them). Then as we entered Cheren said we should get a move on (translation: battle everyone so I don’t) and then we got to an open box container thing. As we entered we saw Team Plasma having a cuddle party, which we ruined so now they want to fight us for it. It was a bit scary since Crops almost died battling a Watchog, but we got through it without losing anyone. Soon afterward, Clay came in and rounded up all the Plasma members and then Clay said we were able to now battle him, and then Cheren left because it was too cold for him.

After all that, I headed to the gym and guess who showed up in front of the gym. Ghetsis was just getting his goons back from Clay and Clay apparently said, “I reckon you won this without a fight” or something along the lines like that. Then he said to both Cheren and I, “Sorry about letting Team Plasma getting away, so why don’t we cheer ourselves up with a fun gym battle. Come on in if you’re ready.” But right now I don’t want to challenge the gym just yet, since I have a new route with a bunch of trainers waiting for me to train off of.

Not much done but I wanted to put something up.


562.gif Lv. 27 Hasty JaMon 542.gif Lv. 28 Jolly Crepe

566.gif Lv. 26 Lonely Crops 531.gif Lv. 26 Brave Dino

496.gif Lv. 27 Naïve Hinata


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 19-made by free time today from no stats hw

After training everyone a few levels I think I’m now ready for a gym battle, but looking at Clay’s pokemons levels, I feel like my teams levels are fair and I’m hoping to have a nicer fun battle than Elesa.

Clay: Well… Think it’s about time to see fer myself what it is about yer skills that made a Gym Leader like Elesa take such a shine to ya (music starts in 3, 2, 1).

Clay sends in his Krokorok as Crepe is send in. Crepe uses Bug Bite and OHKO’s Krokorok.

Now he switches into his Excadrill and I switch to JaMon. Excadrill uses Hone Claws as JaMon misses the Will-O-Wisp. Now he goes for another Hone Claws and JaMon misses yet another Will-O-Wisp. Another Hone Claws and finally JaMon’s Will-O-Wisp hits. Excadrill went for another Hone Claws and JaMon uses Disable on the Hone Claws. Excadrill now goes for a Rock Slide and did a little less than half while JaMon hits him with a Hex, doing little damage. Now Excadrill goes for a Bulldoze and…

JaMon is Dead.

NAAW why didn’t I heal!!!! But I have to finish this now with Crepe. Crepe uses Razor Leaf leaving Excadrill with enough HP for the burn to finish it, but Excadrill uses a Rock Slide so now…

Crepe is dead.

WHYYYYY!!!!! Damn those Hone Claws. Anyways now Excadrill has fainted from burn and no one got Exp. for that.

Now he sends in Palpitoad and I go for Hinata, then Hinata OHKO’s Palpitoad with a Leaf Tornado.

Clay said shit and I got the Quake Badge. Then other stuff and now I go to deposit JaMon and Crepe


Damn it I hate moves with 75% accuracy, missing to damn often. Why did both of you had to die? JaMon I was really hoping to use you in the future alongside Crepe, you two were pretty good in my opinion. JaMon would be the tank and Crepe the attacker, but that’s now but a dream. JaMon you were really proving yourself to me even though you were Hasty, and plus I honestly enjoyed using you and Crepe, it was really fun. Crepe, I did use a Leavanny in my other run and both of you guys were pretty strong. But sadly I did have any means to know the damage which you would of taken by the rock slide, and I though JaMon’s gift would help you out there, but the hone claws it set up were too much I guess. Both of you guys together were an awesome and powerful pair with some flaws but regardless still powerful. Now since both of you died in the same battle, I guess now you’ll be together even in death, so that’s something right? Anyways, the fact that you guys are dead is an unavoidable fact I must face, a sad fact unavoidable fact to me, and with that I wish you two the best together.

Anyways in other news I was then challenged by Bianca to a battle. Sooo (music beginstartkunchan).

Bianca sends in her Herdier and I my Dino. Dino used a Secret Power on that Herdier as it uses a Work Up. Dino goes for another Secret Power as Herdier uses Take Down, getting hurt by recoil and Dino’s rocky helmet leaving it in the red zone. Bianca now heals Herdier and Dino goes for another Secret Power. Dino uses another Secret Power as Herdier uses a Work Up. Now I heal Dino as Herdier uses another Work Up. Dino uses another Secret Power and Herdier another Work Up. Secret Power almost takes out Herdier but now Herdier uses Take Down leaving Dino with a fifth of her health left, then it fainted from recoil.

Now she sends in her Dewott while I decide to stay with Dino. I immediately heal Dino as Dewott uses Revenge, doing about less than a third. Dino now uses Attract as Dewott uses another Revenge. I heal Dino and Dewott keeps using Revenge and now gets a crit. I heal Dino again and Dewott was stopped by love (crops probable wanna come out to beat dewott right now). Dino now uses Secret Power and paralyze Dewott but Dewott hits with Revenge. I now heal Dino and Bianca heals her Dewott. Dino uses Secret Power and Dewott was stopped by love. Dino uses another Secret Power as Dewott was paralyzed this turn. Dino uses Secret

Power as Dewott hits with Revenge. Dino now finishes the Dewott.

Bianca now brings in her Pansear and I switch to Crops. Crops used Acrobatics and OHKO’s Pansear with a crit too.

Now she brings her Musharna in and I just stick with Crops. Crops used another Acrobatics and almost KOed Musharna as Musharna misses her attack. Now Crops finishes her with another Acrobactics.

Then after that Bianca gives me HM 02 that Crops can’t learn yet, so for now it’s kind of pointless. Anyways after those two great battles I’m now heading to Chargestone Cave and try to get to the next city in one piece.


566.gif Lv. 31 Lonely Crops 531.gifLv. 29 Brave Dino

496.gif Lv. 28 Naïve Hinata

578.gif Lv. 32 Rash ZoloZ (yea he’s back)


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

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Log 20

Running towards the entrance of Chargestone Cave, I see that there is a giant spider web blocking said entrance but then Clay showed up and took it down for me, killing hundreds of baby eggs. Then he gave me the TM Bulldoze and went back. Now when I walk in the cave I saw N waiting for something, most likely me, so I just ran around at the front of the entrance till I find ZoloZ’s new partner, which happened to be…


Seeing that its ability popped up at the start, I know it doesn’t have Compoundeyes, so I was a little disappointed, but it’s whatever. Catching wasn’t too hard and now her name is Chibi. As soon as I caught her I went up to N and 2 ninjas appeared before me.

Ninja 1: …Come

They processed to move me in front of N.

Ninja 2: My lord N, we brought the one you wanted.

Then the ninja’s flew away.

N: Ah, yes. That was the Shadow Triad, just now. Ghetsis enlisted them in Team Plasma. Apparently, they were the ones who prepared the Galvantula nest at the cave entrance.

Me: So would it be them that killed the baby Joltiks or Clay or them both?

Chargestone Cave… I like this place. Formulas express electricity and its connection to Pokemon… If people did not exist, this would be an ideal place.

M: Let me get my waifu for you No N that’s bad.

N: You have been chosen, you know. Does it surprise you I said that?

M: No I’ve been the chosen one in every game You don’t say.

N: Hmph. If you don’t understand what that means, it’s not likely to surprise you. I told Ghetsis about you and your friends. After I did, he apparently used the Shadow Triad to find out about you. Cheren is pursuing the ideal of strength. Poor Bianca has faced the sad truth that not everyone can become stronger. And you are not swayed either way-- more of a neutral presence. Which is apparently a good thing.

M: So they were stalking us?

N: Team Plasma will be waiting for you ahead. Ghetsis wants to see what kind of Pokemon Trainer you really are.

Then N walks off into the depths of Chargestone cave never to be seen again. After that Bianca and Prof. Juniper showed up and the professor gave me a lucky egg. THIS is gonna be very useful. Then I went ahead and battled a scientist with Chibi against his Klink, and won. But this showed me I should train Chibi a bit more so I decided to go back to Route 6 and give Chibi the Exp. Share and let Crops and Dino train too. Everyone’s levels went up by one or two levels, so now I feel confident about Chibi’s level. Soon three ninjas appeared and took me across the bridge to tell me Team Plasma was down there. Question, what was the point of moving me across the bridge. So like they said a little deeper in and I found the Plasmas. Soon after I whipped all their asses I battled the rest of the trainers here and, excluding Hinata, everyone is around 31-32, which is nice. Soon when I saw the light of day N was waiting for me, again.

N: Many different values mix together, and the world becomes gray… That is unforgivable! I will separate Pokemon and people, and black and white will be clearly distinct!

N: Only then will Pokemon become perfect beings! Yes that is my dream! That is the dream I must fulfill! Kozomi, do you have a dream of your own?

M:… just wanna get through the wedlock.

N: As if a person without a dream could ever understand me!

M: OHH so you calling my wedlocke not a dream!

N: Eh… I guess… I have to crush your will here!

M: Only one way to do that N, but I won’t let it happen here or ever! (MUSIC)

Onto the battle, first up was ZoloZ vs Boldore. ZoloZ strikes Boldore first and Psyshock took over 50 percent of Boldore’s HP, then Boldore used Iron Defense. Then ZoloZ finishes Boldore off with a Hidden Power.

Next was his Joltik, so I send in my Chibi. Chibi used Slash, doing a third of damage, and then Joltik used Gastro Acid. Another Slash Chibi used, then Joltik used a Electro Web. Then Joltik used Bug Bite and Chibi finishes Joltik off with another Slash.

Ferroseed was next so I swapped to ZoloZ. ZoloZ used Future Sight and Ferroseed used Metal Claws that’s doin’ nothing to ZoloZ. ZoloZ used Psyshock on Ferroseed as it went for Iron Defense. Another Psyshock does little now and a crit Metal Claw from Ferroseed hits ZoloZ. But then Future Sight hits finishing Ferroseed off.

Last but not least, was his Klink, so I threw in Chibi. Chibi used Electro web and Klink used Gear Grind. Now I heal Chibi and Klink missed its attack. Next Chibi went for the Electro Ball and Klink lands another Gear Grind. Chibi now finishes the Klink.

N: Tsk! Why? Is it impossible for me to win while feeling bad about being a trainer? As if I could pursue the truth with something as meaningless as a battle! As if that could make me worthy to become friends with the legendary Pokemon!

M: someone got butthurt over a lost You’re the one who keeps insisting on a battle.


Bianca: Kozomi! Just a little further to Mistralton City!

Juniper: Bianca, don’t run off like that. I promised your dad I would look after you since I wasn’t supposed to give you a pokemon. Oh hey look it’s Kozomi and… boyfriend?

M: lolwot

N: Professor Juniper what are you thinking? You appear to have no qualms about the relationship between Pokemon and people. You put Pokemon into categories using arbitrary rules and think you can understand them like that… The very idea of a Pokedex revolts me. What do you have to say for yourself?

J: I don’t like him. This relationship ain’t gonna last. Why don’t you just let people chose how they want to understand pokemans?

N: You’re saying I should allow people to think whatever they want and be ok with them disagreeing with me treat Pokemon however they want, no matter whether the Pokemon suffer? I refuse to tolerate the existence of a world like that!

Then N left with a stick up his bum. Maybe that’s why he has so much butthurt.

J: What a dick. I dislike him. Break up with him Kozomi, I want him to suffer. Lets’ go Bianca.

She and Bianca left the other way to study Pokemon.

Now I leave the cave, go heal, then save my adventure till next time.


566.gif Lv. 32 Lonely Crops 531.gif Lv. 32 Brave Dino

578.gif Lv. 33 Rash ZoloZ595.gifLv. 33 Adamant Chibi

496.gif Lv. 29 Naïve Hinata


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

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Log 21

When I tried to get to the new route, an old man stopped me claiming he knows me.

Old Man: Oh! Hey! Young man!

Me: Who, me?

OM: Who else ya youngster? I see you got an Ipod.

M: Ummm, that’s a pokedex sir.

OM: Oh yes Professor Elm is my daughter she invented that Ipod you’re holding right there.

M: Whaaa…?

OM: Now, gimme it, I can make it better.

M: How?

OM: What, don’t you trust this beautiful Cedric?

M: Not really. So is your name Cedric or-

Then surprisingly quick he took my Ipo- Pokedex and put a thing in it.

Cedric: There, now you can see.

M: … what do you mean?

C: You can see other forms of them digimons lurking in them grass place thing.

M: … okay…

Just then figure of hotness 2 showed up talking to Cedric.

Hotness2: Professor, who’s that Trainer?

C: Oh of course you wouldn’t know Sheila; this is Tom, my great grandson’s nephew cousin’s friend’s digimon.

Sheila (?) then whispered to me: My name is Skyla, just go along with whatever he says, he’s a bit cuckoo.

C: Chris, did you know that Shelby is a cannon? You should ride blast off!

M: Sure, I’ll do that later…

C: Anyways I’m off to catch a Dark Blue Eyes Yellow Yugi Girl, be seeing you Jonathan.

M: Shouldn’t you go after him or something?

Skyla: Naw, I got a GPS on him so it’s fine. Anyways what’s your name, are you looking for a gym battle?

M: My name is Kozomi and I’m guessing a cannon means gym leader?

S: That’s right, but I can’t accept any challengers until he goes to sleep, and he only does that after the bell at Celestial Tower rings.

M: So when’s that?

S: Well I can’t go now since he’s off catching whatever digimons are, but if you do it then I can challenge you after he’s put to sleep. Think of it as some sort of test.

M: … Yea, sure I’ll go do that.

S: Alright then, I’ll be seeing you soon I guess.

As she left I’m left wondering trying to hold in my hentai side, why she was taking care of him and not me. Whatever, I’ll ask her if I remember. For now I’m on my way to Route 7 and caught me a…


Seriously it took like 7 encounters to find ONE male Pokemon, anyways he was caught and named Satoshi. Now I just went and battled everyone I can, and ran into a triple battle. What I decided to do is sent out one from each pair and put it out in battle and switch into their partner if needed. In this battle ZoloZ took down a +1 Spe. Def. Swoobat with a crit HP Ghost, only to get crited by an Assurance from Liepard, so bullshitily

ZoloZ is Dead

Thump thump thump. Hear that, that’s me banging my head against the wall. But I send in Chibi and she took vengeance for her ZoloZ. So after that I had to put away ZoloZ forever.


You were such a small, weak powerhouse. But with Pomm, you had help and became the toughest couple from that time. But baka me fucked it up and left you alone, that was, until Chibi came into your life. I bet you could admit that Chibi was cute, but your feelings for her were not as strong as they were for Pomm, whom you love so dearly and carry on for mostly her and just for a bit me. You would make Rash decisions but that didn’t stop you from helping those you loved. Although you only meet and got to know Chibi for a while, her moe would cheer you up even a bit when you were down. But for the part of the game when you didn’t have Pomm, you were a powerhouse, just like Pomm was. There will be no others like you, only those who want to be you will only get half way there, but that doesn’t discourage them from trying. Chibi is one of those, and thanks to you she got the boost of motivation for that. So go now, be with Pomm but watch over Chibi. Even if you feel as if Chibi won’t miss you much because you didn’t get to spend the time you did with her as Pomm, she will feel this lost as much as you felt for Pomm’s death, so watch her so she won’t feel so scared with her new partner.

So now I paired Chibi with Choco and gave Choco the Exp. Share. Now I continued my way to Celestial Tower and battled all the trainers only to see I had a buttload of more trainers to fight, but not before I caught my new encounter.


Tbh I wanted to repel up to the top floor and get a 50/50 chance of getting Litwick or Elgyem, but oh well. I named Litwick Daisuki by accident. After all the climbing I reach the top only to find Skyla there.

S: Oh Kozomi, that’s right, you were coming here huh.

M: Yea, why are you here and not with Cedric?

S: Well… long story short he’s going to sleep, for a long time.

M: Really, did he really?

S: Yea, so I came up here to ring the bell one last time for him so he may rest in peace, but I completely forgot you were coming here. Would you ring the bell instead so you can past this test?

M: Yea, sure.

As I rang the bell I heard some pokemon cries. But for some reason I feel as if Cedric was still here, unable to move on.

S: Okay Kozomi, you rang the bell, and the bell sounded pure, saying that your intentions are pure. Come by the gym, I’ll be waiting for you.

As she left I just had this feeling someone is near me, even though I could see no one. But for the mine time I went to her gym and try to train Chibi and Choco there. Luckily no one died, but there were some close calls. Plus before the gym leader, Chibi evolved into a Galvantula, yay. So next I’ll get to face Skyla and maybe remember to ask her about her relation to Cedric and hear about how he went to sleep.


596.gif Lv. 36 Adamant Chibi 582.gif Lv. 33 Naughty Choco

566.gif Lv. 35 Lonely Crops 531.gif Lv. 35 Brave Dino

496.gif Lv. 30 Naïve Hinata


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

ZoloZ- Critical Assurance from Liepard

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 22

Before this starts, has anyone else notice how getting to the cannon that takes you to Skyla you hit your face and then fall down with your face being dragged (ouch)?

Skyla: Hee-hee! I’ve been waiting for you. Do you enjoy flying with the help of the gym’s cannons?

Me: No my face fucking hurts.

S: They’re my pride and joy! This time, let’s try something else! (music eh-start)

Skyla sends in Swoobat and Chibi fights for me. Chibi goes for the Electroweb and OHKO Swoobat.

Next was Unfezant so I swapped for Choco. Unfezant whips up a whirlwind as Choco hits big with Icy Wind. Unfezant hits Choco to a quarter of his health as Choco finishes Unfezant off.

Last but no least was Swanna, so I stayed in only to switch out. Swanna hits Chibi with an Aerial ace and almost brought Chibi to half health. And then Chibi OHKOs Swanna with Electroweb.

S: You’re an amazing Pokemon Trainer. My pokemon and I are happy, because for the first time in a while, we could fight with our full strength. This is an official League Gym Badge. I think it will look good on you.

Got the Jet Badge.

S: Wow, hot stuff!

M: (my first reaction seeing you) Out of curiosity, what did happen to Cedric?

S: Oh, that. He went inside Chargestone Cave and tried Catching a Ferroseed, without a pokéball.

M: Oh wow I didn’t think that he’d be that insane to do that, anyways where’s his grave.

S: His real daughter took his body so he can rest where his daughter lives. Anyways I actually saw some weirdo knights heading towards Twist Mountain.

M: Really, sorry Skyla but I gotta chase after them. See you.

As I headed towards the pokecenter N pops out of nowhere. Then he just told me pretty much the same shit as always, but with some info about The Light Stone and the Dark Stone, which are supposed to contain the two legendary pokemon and how he’ll befriend one of them by being a hero.

I actually trained a little more before heading off to Twist Mountain, and when I was done, who else would show up but Cheren, demanding another battle.

Cheren sends out Unfezant and I send in Dino. Unfezant used Air Slash and Dino flinched from that. Now he uses Taunt to stop the attract. Another Air Slash but this time Dino hits with Secret Power. He uses Detect to evade Dino’s Secret Power, and now Dino’s Taunt wore off. Unfezant misses and Dino got to hit Unfezant with another Secret Power., then pussy Unfezaunt uses Detect. Then it used Air Slash, got a crit that scared the living shit out of me, and then Dino flinches. Of course I heal next and with that Unfezant hits another crit Air Slash. Then ANOTHER CRIT AIR SLASH but luckily Dino doesn’t flinch and hits Unfezant again bring it down to about Dino’s health now. I heal again and Unfezant Air Slash again then Detect, but then on its last turn hits Dino with an Air Slash and Dino finishes off Unfezant.

Next was Pignite so Dino swapped into Crops. Crops then proceeded to OHKO Pignite with an Acrobatics.

Next was Simisage so Crops decided to stay in. Simisage used Leer as Acrobatics OHKOs it too.

Last but not least was Liepard, so Crops switched to Dino. First was Fake Out, then Assurance but then Liepard fell in love with Dino. Liepard couldn’t move next turn from love and Dino proceeded to take Liepard down to red HP, of course next recovering its HP with a Sitrus Berry. Liepard refused to move as Dino also finishes Liepard off. Liepard final hit was Assurance, but thanks to the Rocky Helmet it pretty much died on its own.

Soon God talked to us.

God (?): That was a fine battle! I’m happy to see you are both growing as Trainers!

But then I turned around and it was just the champion, damnit. Also he jumped down a cliff, and apparently suffered no injuries, wat.

Cheren: If it isn’t the Champion Alder. I’m weak, so I lost.

Me: Yes, that is how that works or maybe luck is involved.

C: And, honestly, it bothers me when you call it a fine battle despite that.

M: Don’t be a sore loser Cheren.

Alder: Oh, honestly, Cheren. Just accept the compliment without the stinging remark. I’ve asked you this before, but what do you plan to do after becoming strong?

C: If I get strong and become a Champion, that will be the reason for my existence. I want to prove that I’m strong enough to ma- a particular goal.

A: Hmm… You remind me of Marshal. Of course, having something you want to become is important. But what is even more important is what you do with your newfound power.

M: taking over the world

A: Anyway, take this!

Got HM03!

A: You can now surf using this. I must go now young trainers. Don’t forget about the needs of the pokemon at your side!

C: What I do with my power… I know what I am doing after that. To do this I need to become a strong trainer so everyone will acknowledge that power! Kozomi… Next time, I will win!

M: no u wont

Then Cheren went away to the mountain, as I start deciding where to go next, Twist Mountain, or two surfable locations. But for sure I’m going to train Hinata soon, since he’s falling behind and can now kick some wild pokemon butt.


596.gif Lv. 36 Adamant Chibi 582.gif Lv. 34 Naughty Choco

566.gif Lv. 36 Lonely Crops 531.gif Lv. 37 Dino

496.gif Lv. 30 Naïve Hinata


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

ZoloZ- Critical Assurance from Liepard

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Log 23

I decided to head back to Drifveil City to go into Mistralton cave, but not before I trained Crops and Choco one more level, which made them evolve, double yay. I also took the liberty of teaching Dino Surf and Crops Fly. Before leaving anywhere in Driftveil, I decided to Surf there and see if I could get anything, and I did, a Water Stone. Also I encountered…


Guess who finally remembered he had quick balls. Anyways his name is now Ech. Now onto Route 7 I trained Hinata a bit before entering the cave, and when I stepped foot in the cave, I remembered that I can’t move forward without strength, which no one in my party has. So I just ran around until I found…


Caught Hinoshino without much trouble, so I decided to go to Twist Mountain and come back later for training. On my way there, there was a hiker that wanted to battle, so I used Hinata since he has not battled for such a long time. He was really close to dying, like 7 HP close. Anyways, after healing I ran around the entrance trying to find a male pokemon and came across…


I had Choco out in front, and didn’t switch yet since I’m sure Choco can live a fighting type attack once, assuming no crits. An Ice Beam got it to red and the first Ultra Ball failed and almost killed Choco. After that Wake-up-Slap I switched Choco for Chibi and then caught it with the next ball. His name, Tomol.

Further up and now I see Cheren with Clay. Clay was wondering if we saw any Team Plasma members around here and then said not to get involved with them here, and to just relax with our pokemon. For one Cheren was relieved that he didn’t have to get involved, but I was just like whatever I can beat ‘em all day errday. 1st battle there was against a hiker, so I wanted to use Hinata for more Exp plus most Hikers carry Boldore and Gurrdurr, so Hinata should be fine maybe. So what did the Hiker use, a fucking Woobat. 1st Hinata used Leech Seed while Woobat went for a Calm Mind. Next a Leaf Blade hits Woobat pretty hard and Hinata got hit with a Critical Air Slash, ihrgbvnjwlrlnkjnv ilgnjrbo;ioepjrf…

Hinata is Dead. Fuck you Woobat.

I send in Crops to overkill this piece of shit of a woobat with Crunch to destroy its outer body while Crops get a nice snack. Then two Surfs kill the Boldore and an Arcobatics kills the Gurdurr in one shot. I now flew back to that one town to deposit Hinata…


You weren’t supposed to die yet, you were gonna make it to have vengeance against N, the bastard who took Yui away. I just wonder if you’d been able to live a +1 Air Slash alone, you probably would since you’re such a badass. You were my first pokemon to start this journey off, so that means I have the most feelings now for you. The only brightside I see to this is that you’ll finally be able to be reunited with the one you love the most. You were really the pokemon who lived the longest so far, and the one who was alone more too, but at least you had Yui in the heart and mind. I can already see a happy paradise for you, going up there, seeing Yui, battling together like old times. Anyways old partner of mine, don’t you worry about a thing here, these guys are gonna wreck N’s shit up, with you and Yui in our memories. In this life we must play, the Gods will surely shine upon us.

Now, to fill the empty void in my team (but never in my heart), I now ship a candle and a deer named Daisuki and Satoshi. So first thing is the grinding of them both up to, maybe around 30-32, so this log is gonna take a month to write. It was tough, but I finally did it, Daisuke is now level 30 while Satoshi is 34, oh and Satoshi is now a Sawsbuck, since Deerlings aren’t really strong.

So thinking about it, I should go to Route17/18 to train some more, but I’m afraid the pokemon over there might be a little too strong for my guys. So I battled the first trainer with Chibi and Choco since I didn’t want Crops and Dino to be too OP, since both are already in their high 30s. The Swoobat was OHKO by Choco’s critical Ice Beam, but then I saw some recognizable symbols, that means Simisear if I’m not mistaken. Sadly, I’m right, and decided to stay with Choco, since I think he can take a fire attack. First, Simisear Leer me (gave me hope AI is stupid) and I used Icy Wind, since it’ll raise Electro Balls attack for later. Next Simisear used Flame Burst and Choco lived with a quarter of his HP left, as he went for Mirror Shot for that chance of accuracy drop, but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Next Chibi went in and took a Flame Burst, only living with 9 HP left. This was a deciding point; heal Chibi for a chance the AI will do something stupid, but in return it could get a critical, or attack with Eletro Ball and hope for the best. Ultimately Chibi went for an Electro Ball, but couldn’t take it out, and Simisear used another Flame Burst…

Chibi is Dead.

With no other choice left, I switched into Choco and healed him up, only to get hit by a critical Flame Burst.

Choco is Dead.

………… I send in Daisuke to finish off Simisear, which she did, to get Exp, but fuck I’d rather have Chibi and Choco back instead of giving all the Exp to Daisuke. So naturally I went to the Pokecenter to put Chibi and Choco in their grave.


………. That fucking simisear. Chibi, to me as a galvantula, you seemed like you’d be terrible to play with, and with that I had been countered with your amazing performance, although you could have had some more special attack, for the work you did, it was pretty amazing. Choco you didn’t get to battle much from my memory, which is why I wanted to start using you more so you know I see you as a strong competitive pokemon capable to bring any pokemon down on its knees for Chibi. Chibi was the one who took care of you the most, and the one who’ll always be you first and only partner. Both of your performances at Skyla’s gym were so amazing, even if you had type advantages. But the typing with you two is what was the death of both of you. Even so you took a ton of HP from that monkey, enough to let a newcomer get all the experience and grew some more. I wish I could have let you guys battle some more, but I guess everyone has their time limit set.

So with my limited choices for a male pokemon, I chose Tomol and Hinoshino. I still moved onwards to Route 17/18, with the only intension was training Satoshi with all the water trainers and to catch a new pokemon at Route 18. With all the training Satoshi is now at level 36, one away from Leech Horn, and in addition, I gave Hinoshino the Exp. Share so now she’s at level 32. On Route 18, I faced a Hiker with just Dino, and it wasn’t much trouble, but the next wild encounter was…


Just like everyone else, it wasn’t too hard to catch her, but I didn’t want to Surf since it could not have Sturdy, but I caught it and named it Puele. I saw a nearby house with a lady who healed my team and a man who wanted to give me an egg, so I went back to deposit Tomol and Hinoshino and got the egg and hatched it at Acculmula Town, where I have not obtained a pokemon yet. From the egg came a Larvesta, and her name is Echo. Next I grinded Tomol and Hinoshino to level 35 which took a while, and in training Crops went up like to level 43, jees he gonna kill many soles. Anyways back on Route 18 I challenged all the trainers with just Crops with Hinoshino holding the Exp. When I got to the P2 Lab area I could encounter a new pokemon, so after a shit ton of Heriders…


Tomol weakened the Scraggy and then next turn I caught, with the nickname SwagO. He went back in the box while I finished things up on Route 18. Next I decided to go to Mistralton cave to train Hinoshino and Daisuke up some more. So going through the cave is a terrible idea without flash, and since Flash is a TM I can’t use the one I have if I even have it, also repels would have been nice too. Regardless I got to the top which seemed like a new area (since there was a name for it and all, idk if this counts as a new area or not but I’m just gonna go for it) so I’ll just catch another mon for the heck of it. But first I heard the old man’s tale about some pokemon and a special one in this cave, which I’ll save when I need some exp. Anyways running into dust made me run into a female…


Aww shit Dino overkilled it. Shoulda been more prepared oh well. All I really did was just get some item and then proceeded to start off to Twist Mountain. Currently I’d like to say I am about a quarter if not a third of the way through it now, with no new deaths as of now and everyone seems to be doing alright.


567.gif Lv.44 Lonely Crops 531.gif Lv.41 Brave Dino

586.gifLv.38 Quirky Satoshi 607.gif Lv.37Bashful Daisuke

534.gif Lv.35 Relaxed Tomol 610.gif Lv.37 Sassy Hinoshino


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

ZoloZ- Critical Assurance from Liepard

Hinata- Critical Air Slash from Woobat

Chibi- Flame Burst from Simisear

Choco- Critical Flame Burst from Simisear.

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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been too long since last post

Log 24

Making my way out of Twist Mountain (yay no deaths, besides Hinata's ;_; ) I see Cheren and a Plasma member in front of the exit. Maybe Cheren is secretly with Plasma lol.

Plasma: Huh. Pretty Strong… But you’re only strong because you Trainers are controlling Pokemon.

Me (thinking): And what were you doing in the battle?

Cheren: So if you want to set Pokemon free… If that’s what you want, you should start with your own.

M: I actually agree with you.

C: But taking people’s Pokemon by force is not right. That is not real strength!

Soon another Plasma member came from the exit and talked to the first member here.

Other Plasma: Hey, there you are! We found that thing we were looking for. We should head for the tower now! Get this! Team Plasma has obtained the power to change this world and end people’s control over Pokemon.

1stP: That’s right! We must use force in order to right the wrongs of the world. Now let’s gather wround our king. Our lord N!

Then they ran off, leaving only me and Cheren behind.

C: I don’t know what they found, but they go the extra mile to gain power to cause more trouble. What a bothersome bunch…

M: I don’t know why but that piss me off.

C: Kozomi… I’m going to stay here a while. I want to think a little bit about what the Champion asked me. What do I want to do with my power after I get strong; I mean I already know what I am doing, but still what after that?

With that I left Cheren some Cheren time and came out to the open field only to get the shit scared out of me.

Cedric? : Oh, if it isn’t my niece’s uncle’s father’s roommate, Kirigiri.

I fall to the floor in astonishment.

M: Cedric, but I thought you, and the cave, with the ferroseed-

C? : Oh, well I discovered a new way to catch them.

M: W-what way is that?

C? : Turn into a ghost, and they can’t hurt you. Well, they’ll also run from you but that’s a different pomato.

M: So if I try to touch you…


M: But I’m not a stranger, I’m Kozomi, remember?

CG: Oh, karrotcake, reminds me have you gone to the dragoon-circle-tower-tower?

M: The what-

CG: The oldest building in Kalos. They say even older than be, but that’s some stinky my daughter.

M: Wha-

CG: Yea, she’s like over there and stuff. Imma wait till a bridge opens then go in it.

M: But couldn’t you just levitate over it?

CG: Nope, can’t swim.

And with that Cedric’s ghost left, leaving me with the gym and some more areas to explore.

From Icirrus City I got me a Zelda.


Going onwards to try and train a bit at Route 8, I also got a Prrur, or tympole2


Battling everyone I can I go into a new area called Moor of Icirrus, the same story I battled everyone and caught me a new poke, Fisk.


After all that I decided to go into the gym with my stronger team that didn’t die because lucky. The gym was a bit rough with the ice types since every couple had one weakness to the type, but we got through nicely without any casualties. Heading towards the gym leader I felt as if some of my pokemon in my box weren’t strong enough so I went back and trained a few (aka I went to the mall with family and only had this to play/do). I trained Echo the Larvesta to level thirty so the future me, if needed, can have a stronger Echo than before. Also along the way I evolved Daisuke and Hinoshino, yay. After (getting back home) all that training, I went back to the gym, planning on using my now level 39 Tomol and Hinoshino. When I got to the gym leader…

Gym Leader: You appear ready to face a gym leader. Then… Bring it! (music begins now)

Brycen sends out a Vanilish and I Tomol. Vanilish goes for a Mirror Shot and Tomol Bulks Up. On the next turn Tomol Wake-Up-Slaps the Vanilish only after taking another Mirror Shot, and that Vanilish went down.

Next he brings in Beartic. Tomol’s Quick Claw activates and OHKO’s the Beartic with bitch Wake-Up-Slap.

Last but not least was his Cryogonal, which Aurora Beam’s Tomol and then it got KOed by Wake-Up-Slap.

Brycen: In honor of your stout heart, I will give you this.

Got Freeze Badge

He then said stuff and I’m outta here, only to be stopped by Cheren and Bianca.

C: Kozomi, I’ve been talking with Bianca, and I’m wondering … Since we left Nuvema Town, has something about me… changed?

M: Yep you’re not as obsessed with Bianca as usually

C: Thinking about what I want to do… Thinking about what I should do… It felt like there was nothing… Have I really become stronger? Or is it my pokemon that have? I don’t know anymore!!!

M: Calm down bro

Bianca: Hey, hey. Cheer up, Cheren… Isn’t it nice to see everyone?! Kozomi! Know what? This time, I’ll go to the Pokemon Fan Club. I’m really searching… for what I want to do and what I can do!

Just then Brycen walks out of his gym and asked…

B: Who are you?

Bi: Who? Us? I’m Bianca, and this is Cheren…

B: O know you are there! Why don’t you show yourselves? (is he a bit crazy???)

Then ninjas (I guess he isn’t)

Ninja left: … Impressive, Gym Leader of Icirrus City. We, the Shadow Triad, are beings of the shadows… and not easily noticed (did they go to the same ninja school or wat).

Ninja right: Our mission was to speak only with Kozomi, but so be it. Ghetsis had a message for you: come to Dragonspiral Tower.

Ninja down: It is there that our lord N waits for you… Now our mission is complete.

B: Dragonspiral Tower?! What’s going on? Hey! Tell me…

Then no ninjas

B: Now, hang on. Young man, if you’re here for a Gym challenge, hang on for a bit. I’ve got to head to Dragonspiral Tower!

C: I’m going, too. Dragonspiral Tower is to the north of here, right?

Then they both left leaving me with only Bianca, then I ditched Bianca and headed towards the tower only to be stopped by the ghost again.


567.gif Lv.46 Naughty Crops 531.gif Lv.43 Brave Dino

586_s.gif Lv.41 Quirky Satoshi 608.gif Lv.41 Bashful Daisuke

534.gif Lv.40 Relaxed Tomol 611.gif Lv.39 Sassy Hinoshino

lol im too op, maybe i should switch party members for a bit


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

ZoloZ- Critical Assurance from Liepard

Hinata- Critical Air Slash from Woobat

Chibi- Flame Burst from Simisear

Choco- Critical Flame Burst from Simisear.

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Log 25 to make up for the week i missed it

Nvm stopped by Bianca coming up to me and ghost Cedric. Also before this I swapped Crops and Dino for Puele the Dwebble and Ech the Frillish (they’re a thing now).

Bianca: Hey Kozomi.

But I was distracted by the ghost.

Cedric Ghost: Oh, cabbagehead, what brings you to my front yard?

Me: Why are you still here?!

B: Kozomi, who are you talking to?

M: I’m talking to the ghost of-

I was pulled away by Cedric

CG: Eh ug ah she’ll think you’re as crazy as me if you say anything about me.

M: You’re right Cedric. You know, you’re not as stupid as I thought you were.

CG: Pickles

M:… okay.

B: Who are you talking to Kozomi?

M: Oh, I just thought I saw something, but I was wrong.

B: Okay… anyways do you have any clue what this tower is?

CG: It’s where the black or white dohicky roar im scary appears.

M: (might as well try my best to translate that) It’s where… something scary appears I guess.

B: Anything else to add?

CG: Fuckin Team Peepee is destroying my house that’s what.

M: Team Plasma infuriated and is trying too… (whispering) add more cedric

CG: Summon the blue eyes white kiribo.

M: Summon some pokemon.

B: Oh, sounds like it’ll be a cake walk for you if you go, but I’m just gonna wait here, incase Team Plasma tries to enter or exit that is.

CG: Jeez what are you, a girl?

M: Yes, she is.

B: Who is what?

M: Never mind, anyways I’m heading off, see you later I guess?

B: Sure, see yea.

CG: You think if I go through her it’ll be consider sex?

And with that I quickly ran towards Dragonspiral Tower. As I entered the Tower I ran into my encounter…


(remembers from black nuzlocke how bad ass druddigon was) So catching it wasn’t much trouble, and then I nicknamed it Rurgd because why the not not. Anyways before heading upstairs I felt a small earthquake, thinking are they having some party up there or what? Now on the second floor Cheren is apparently at the entrance to the next room, and he was so kind as to knock the boulder into the hole for me (he didn’t do jack shit). Going up ahead I see a maze like room, only it was super easy and I got an item out of it before heading to the next room, where I saw Cheren and Brycen battling Team Plasma, telling me to go on, they’ll hold them off. I thought, naw bra let me take care of them all, I got this. But there were still some Plasma members to fight, and I decided to use Hinoshino and let Puele have the Exp. Share so she can battle later while Ech holds the Exp. share.

After Hinoshino’s rampage through the grunts I got to another maze-like room and got every item in it, then on the next floor I felt another earthquake like before but this time it was much stronger, with a roar at the end of it. Looks like N got a new playmate I thought to myself as I walk near an old guy and is grunts. Soon he ordered the four grunts to battle me one after another so I couldn’t heal, and for this I decided to use Satoshi, because he needs more battles, or at least I think so.

After that on slaughter I reach the room where N was, only to see his new partner with him, a blue eyes white dragon. Cedric was right with the description, although I doubt its species is called a kuriboh. As I walk up to N he began to speak to me.

N: What do you think, Kozomi? How do you like the beautiful form of the Pokemon who appears before and fights beside the hero that will lead the way to a new world?

M: Eh, I doubt the new world stuff.

N: Now, Reshiram and I will head to the Pokemon League and defeat the Champion! This will be the last of the pokemon battles that hurt pokemon so.

M: But do you have all eight badges?

N: If you want to stop me, you must awaken Zekrom, Reshiram’s counterpart, and then we’ll be on an even playing field. My prediction... If the future that I see is true, you will meet Zekrom. If you want to protect the relationship between pokemon and humans, you must search for Zekrom!

And with that he flies off on his Reshiram (that probable doesn’t even know fly, #Nisahacker) and Cheren and Brycen catches up with me and then we all go down to meet everyone in the entrance of the tower. We then discussed where to look for the Dark Stone where Zekrom supposedly lies awaiting its hero, and with the champions info me and Cheren head off back to Relic Castle, where even more Plasma Grunts await.

(^would of made a great ending, but is ain’t the end of this log!)

Heading to the Desert Resort and then into Relic Castle Cheren stops me for no apparent reason.

C: That’s the entrance to the Relic Castle.

M: No fackin shit.

C: You’re impressive, Kozomi, making it here before I did

M: I could take a life time and still be here before you.

C: Dealing with the Desert Resort Pokemon took longer than I would’ve thought.

M: Repelalldayerryday

C: Alder went on ahead, let’s hurry.

Then I left Cheren behind, and battling all the grunts to the bottom floor. Getting there wasn’t really a problem, and I also used Puele in battle after she evolved and gave Ech the Exp. Share, and even Ech got to battle too. When I got to the bottom floor I saw Alder and Ghetsis talking and Cheren falling right behind me.

C: Whew I finally caught up.

M: Oh yea all that walking with no battles would tire out anyone out.

A: Come to my arms children.

M: Naw just gonna stay here, away from you.

Ghetsis: It seems as though the stone you seek is not here, a shame really. But Kozomi, it seems as though our King has chosen you as the opposite force. You better hurry, or else we Team Plasma will release every pokemon from all the trainers!

A: But do they really want that, I ask you? What if they choice to stay with us?

G: Your pokemon is dead.

A: This fact is true, but it is the reason why I seek to have humans and pokemon walk along side one another, for if one is truelly miserable, then the other will lift their partners spirits, making them to continue to walk on.

G: It does not matter; I only came to warn you of your inevitable defeat against our king. Now, if you’ll excuse me I must make final preperations.

With that Ghetsis left, and us too, to look for the Dark Stone outside as Cheren suggested (although if it was outside I sure would have found it long ago). Soon after we got out to the front of Relic Castle, my watch was ringing.

Professor Juniper: Ayee yo Kozomi, ya gotta get yo ass to Nacrene City, got it, k thanks bye.

After which Alder said.

A: That lady is pretty loud; I could hear her from here. It seems as though you need to go to Nacrene City, so I’ll go there as well.

Then he flew off, leaving me with Cheren.

C: I’m going to look around again, just to make sure you know.

And with that I flew back to Nacrene City (I had crops with me cuz fly) and meet up with everyone there. The discussion pretty much was about how the museum had the Dark Stone and now they were handing it to me since I am the Hero that will defeat N. Then ghost Cedric that was there asked a pretty good question that I asked after I translated for him. His question was, “How do we wake sleeping beauty when our prince is a princess, or are you really a prince Kotori,” meaning how will we wake Zekrom, I think. Then Alder said to go the next town besides Icirrus, where the Dragon Gym Leader resides. Alder also said he’ll meet me there.

Flying back to Icirrus I put back Dino and Crops from keeping them to be too powerful and went back to my adventures, crossing the bridge to my last badge, and where information as to how to awaken Zekrom is, until I was short stopped by Bianca, and another request to battle.


558.gif Lv. 34 Quirky Puele592.gif Lv. 26 Jolly Ech

586_s.gif Lv.42 Quirky Satoshi 608.gif Lv.41 Bashful Daisuke

534.gif Lv.40 Relaxed Tomol 611.gif Lv.40 Sassy Hinoshino


Chirp- Critical Rock Throw from Timburr

Wayne- Tackle from Lillipup

Melon- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Pasta- Critical Seed Bomb from Pansage

Que- Payback from Scraggy

Citel- Brick Break from Scraggy

Yui- Critical Façade from Darumaka

Pomm- Critical Volt Switch from Zebstrika

JaMon- Bulldoze from Excadrill

Crepe- Rock Slide from Excadrill

ZoloZ- Critical Assurance from Liepard

Hinata- Critical Air Slash from Woobat

Chibi- Flame Burst from Simisear

Choco- Critical Flame Burst from Simisear.


really bra, really. best phone camera quality 10/10 cant be beat

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