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Help with building my team


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I just downloaded EP 18 and now that we got new pokemons available I wanted to add 2 new pokemons for my team.

My team currently is:

1. Charizard

2. Gardevoir

3. Electivire

4. Mimikyu/Froslass/Aegislash/


or Gengar

(I heard



is available at this EP, but I still cant decide which one is better for my team, I would like some help on that topic too)

5. Goodra

6. XXXX (didnt decide on a Pokemon or even a type)


I thought about catching a Larvitar but I know it has way too many weaknesses, is it worth making him a part of the team?

Maybe replace Goodra with



?(I heard



is available too now)


btw all my pokemons have a nice EV's/IV's


Do you have any suggestions?


Edit: Swampert added to the sixth slot, now I just need help to decide on a Pseudo-Legendary and ghost type pokemons





Edited by Sheik
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how about a swampert they are a bit slow but bulky and powerful. btw what kind of team r u running like mine is hyper-offensive(very fast and hits hard) 


judging from your current team its offensive with a bit of bulk except Gengar...swampert definitely fits you especially against EP18 leader,earthquake them to pieces ψ(`∇´)ψ

Edited by Angelkitsune
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1 minute ago, Angelkitsune said:

how about a swampert they are a bit slow but bulky and powerful. btw what kind of team r u running like mine is hyper-offensive(very fast and hits hard) 


judging from your current team its offensive with a bit of bulk...swampert definitely fits you especially against EP18 leader,earthquake them to pieces ψ(`∇´)ψ

Thank you, I will add Swampert.

What is your opinion on the Ghost type and pseu-legendary pokemons?

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for ghost types its kinda hard to chose for me,but for your team i suggest Aegislash because it can be very tanky or very powerful becuz of its ability you just have to know when to use king shield,Mimikyu is ok but you only get one free turn becuz of disguise.You can either try to OHKO the opponent or use sword dance as for Frosslass and Gengar they are hyper-offensive not to mention fragile 


for pseudos i tend to use garchomp or hydregion but not garchomp right now because it cannot learn earthquake  again they are hyper-offensive garchomp more fast and hydregion more bulk i never use Kommo-o and tyranitar does have many weaknesses,salamance is also like Garchomp so if you want more bulk maybe choose hydregion or Goodra...but goodra has only high special defence while hydregion is more balanced


also contrary serperior is very gud!!! (。・∀・)ノ

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Aegislash is considered stupidly powerful for a reason. I'd go with that over Gengar.


As for pseudo-legendary, Salamence is better than Dragonite in pretty much every way. Or Naganadel of course.

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Ok so I'll go with Aegislash for Ghost-Type


Wow I didnt even know Naganadel and Hydregion are available in ep 18, so I guess I'll go for one of them


One last question, which moves do you recommend on Aegislash and Swampert?

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Naganadel is an Ultra beast not a pseudo-legendary....it's base stat is only 540 not 600


also you need to complete the pokedex (except legendaries of course) at Agate city to get poipole


so good luck gotta catch them all!!

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1 hour ago, Sheik said:

One last question, which moves do you recommend on Aegislash and Swampert?

For Aegislash, your team seems to be fairly special focused with Gardevoir and Charizard, so physical set would probably be best right off hand. Invest in Special defense evs primarily.


King's Shield is a must of course, letting you play gotcha with the AI, and giving your Pokemon significant staying power.


For physical attacks Shadow Claw and Iron Head give STAB, and will hit for at least neutral on most Pokemon. For the final move you can go with Sacred Sword for additional coverage against Dark Types, Swords Dance to allow for a physical attack boost that will allow Shadow Claw and Iron Head to rip through everything more than Aegislash already does, or my personal pick: Toxic. Toxic gives King's Shield additional utility, and the residual damage rapidly weakens opposing Pokemon.


For Swampert I see two directions. First make it the Aegislash mirror, focusing on Physical bulk rather than special bulk. Then load it up with Stealth Rocks, Roar, Earthquake, and Scald. That will give it the ability to get build up entry damage off of Stealth Rocks and Roar, while giving your team attacking ground and water attacks. The alternative is an all-out attacking set with a Choice Band. It naturally learns Earthquake and Rock Slide, can can be taught Waterfall and Ice Punch, giving wide coverage and relying on its natural bulk and lack of weaknesses apart from grass to keep it alive to attack.

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@Sheik wcw's method is more stalling while mine is more....agressive.my Aegislash is slow so i switch shadow claw with shadow sneak becuz priority ,king sheild,iron head and sword dance. when i sent out Aegislash i always use sword dance first because mine is tanky enough to survive many hits then sweep my enemies with shadow sneak 


for swampert i gave mine earthquake,waterfall(it's a physical attacker),ice punch for grass types and hammer arm/rock slide because why not ㄟ( ▔ w ▔ )ㄏ


i dunno you do you what do you want your pokemon to be,a staller or an attacker.

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