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LoL tips and Advice


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Because I know people look for help when it comes to LoL I thought i might as well start a thread since I can't seem to find one to resurrect. for those who are seeking help in League can ask questions and learn a few new things, while more experienced players are free to share there tips and tricks to those who are still learning. remember there's no stupid question (unless you deliberately are trying to be stupid) and that any piece of advice helps.

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Here's a little something something I wrote up a while back when I first wanted to start this thread... Enjoy :D, It's not complete but maybe one day I'll finish it

I know a good majority of Reborn has played the Moba game "Ledge of Legends" and I percentage has entered into Ranked queues. now for those who have experienced ranked games, you may notice a much different atmosphere than in a normal game. Ranked games are known to be more frustrating, and quite stressful at times. though I'm no league expert and I may not be a hardcore professional. So then why are you reading this you may ask. more than likely you saw the title and thought that there might be some useful tips to help you win your next promotional series, or maybe you're just reading this to criticize the points. You may not beleive it but this isn't a guide just for league of legends (Well, it's aimed at helping you improve at the game but that's not the point), but perhaps you may take my advice outside the game.

this isn't a simple guide that tells you how to play the game (okay well it sort of is), it's a guide that can help you improve what you already know about the game, so don't expect to be able to win the next 10 ranked games on my advice alone, like all competitive games, it takes practice. So without further ado lets get started.



If there's one thing it takes to win a game it's teamwork. I'm pretty sure all of you experienced that a good team will more than likely succeed over a team who fails to get along and work together. now the problem most people face in solo queue is that the are put on a team who can function together as a whole. there are properties to investigate when it comes to the dysfunctions of a team, knowledge of these traits could be vital for trying to avoid it. For example, Someone types in the chat that they work best top and asks you to let them play Teemo. Now would you let him pick Teemo and let him go top, or would you keep your lane knowing that your team would have a better chance of winning if you took Irelia top instead. Now when it comes to the game, as with any team you need proper communication, just listening from the side won't help you get anywhere. When it comes to a team you need to enter the game you must be willing to be vulnerable to the group. More than likely no matter the choice you make, you don't want this Teemo to go top because you don't trust them and they're playing Teemo. Now say this person mains Teemo and has won the last 12 ranked games with him, if you knew that then you might have a little more faith and perhaps let him go top because you think that's where he will play there best. When in champion select I prefer to lay out my where I would play at my best and my worst, and where I would play my best, if my team has an idea of where I play best they would more than likely let me play one of my better roles than my worst, most of the time anyway. If you can carry out this trust between your teammates then you will probably get along much better than before.

Okay we've seen them all before, there's going to be that person who will chat up a storm whenever you do anything wrong, yes we've all faced that person before and I'll let you know that there's no easy way of resolving the problem. Whenever conflict strikes within the team then there's going to be imbalance. I find this easier to deal with when this is directed at you rather than at your team mates because there's no way of knowing how your other teammates may respond and this could end up in one or the other throwing the game. now when there's is conflict among your team you must remember one important rule, Everything won't be perfect if you just ignore the player to avoid fighting. In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team a business book by consultant and speaker Patrick Lencioni, stats that any arguement in a team must be resolved and that seeking harmony over constructive passionate debate (Fear of Conflict) will only further hinder a dysfuctioned team. There are times in solo queue when you find a state of conflict in your team you just need to try talk it out and come to say the right things that will leave everyone at a somewhat resolved state, and try to keep your arguements to a minimum if you can. You will find it'smuch better than everyone not talking in a pent up rage because they fear that this will effect not just your own but your teams performance, and don't passionatly debate as the book says, and we know how debating over the internet can be.

Now probably the most important rule is your how well your team agrees with one another. remember that League is a strategy game so it's best that there's at least one person calling the shots and the way your team acts toward the decision will highly effect the outcome. an example is when you're jungling and you notice bot is getting a little pushed out and the ask for a gank. you think this isn't a good idea, it's probably warded and will begin to retreat at the sight of you, if you think this is a bad idea let them know and tell them you'll be back when the situation looks good. if you go into there lane thinking that then you wont put in the proper commitment to pull it off. if you truly think it's a bad idea you must let them know that and come up with a better idea. when making choices you need to make sure your team is on board for whenever it's taking objectives or teamfights you need to communicate with your team and they need to do the same, the more informed everyone is the better there performance.

This is a fine example of poor communication


Now just because you fallow these steps doesn't mean you will avoid bad teams, there will be games where not everyone will get along and not all your games will end up in victory so don't expect everygame to be perfect with. And remember, you're a team so don't go about thinking of your own success before your teams, and judge yourself as a team.

- taking responsibility

Coming into game and expecting to win, is an example of a positive attitude. having a positive attitude will make you feel more comfertable in game, won't be as stressful when something goes wrong, and will find it easier to make plays agains the team when you come into game with the right attitude. when it comes to competitive play, psycological warfare is a popular way of trying to emotionally attack the enemy team. if a team can't be emotionally stable during a game they find it harder to focus harder to think, things begin to get frustrating, you need to know how to act when your in game, the best thing to do is to shake it off and concentrate on your performence. I find that this can be quite difficult for those who can be hard on themselves if something goes wrong. Taking responsibility of your actions is a great step in ways of improving yourself. Now I'm sure some of you have heard this tip of advice thousands of times but it's one of the best ways to help improve. You're responsible for your actions and it's what you can learn from, never try to blame your teammates as it will set low standards for yourself and you wont find yourself playing at your best if you went 10/0 and your bot lane is 1/10 if you lost, you messed up. you'll get bad teams from now and then but you shouldn't be ignorant of the results just because you think you did good. for those who are interested in how exactly this works and wish to further understand how taking responsibility works i reccomend you watch this.

Edited by Cpt.DanaKS
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Here's a Tip for those eager about entering ranked solo/duo queue's. If you have friends to play with and are more comfortable playing with people you know than randoms, then I suggest playing solo normals to try and leave your comfort zone and try to work with people you've never met before. sure there will be a toxic player from time to time, but these people wont be able to help read your move like your friends would. Try play draft mode by yourself as practice before heading into ranked. and if you're not confidant enough than you can always bring a duo partner to help lighten the load.

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Here's a little advice for improving your LoL career.

Now we've all had a huge loss or a rather humiliating one and the first thing all of us want to do is forgot about, just repress that memory until it is gone and continue on with our miserable lives. Now I'm sure a majority of you learn from your losses, seeing as what to improve on more as to try and prevent it from happening in the next game. Most stratagy related games, such as football or Starcraft, the professional players analyze their performance in game. now it can be hard to learn from a heavy loss in game, but if you really want to improve then it's going to end up helping you a lot by reviewing your replays Via LoLReplay. Using this you can look more in depth at your play style and see what you did right and what you didn't. Jot down notes of your mistakes and what you can improve on. If you change things up a little, you may notice a difference in your next games. Try to apply your knowledge of the game when it comes down to finding a solution to your replays. It's okay to make mistakes, it's what we learn from. Focus on what you did right, and what you did wrong, especially if it's from a huge loss. And as always, keep practicing for you can't get worse if you don't stop playing, so don't be hard on yourself whenever you lose, they happen, and we are left with the knowledge to improve and you will eventually be rewarded for your efforts.

LoL Replay http://www.leaguereplays.com/download/

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It's been a while since I made one but I've gone over a few things already which do help out a lot but here's just some simple tips with explanations to help you out.

Smart Casting tips

Smart cast; Shift + Ability is the default set-up for smart casting, what I like to do is change my key bindings to have my apell casting abilities ad my smart casting abilities reversed. I find that smart casting some champions removes restrictions from trying to cast abilities that require quick responses (such as ryze, when maxed, his q will come off CD after two more abilities are cast, once that occurs you are free to get a 2nd q as fast as possible.) This will make it faster to cast spell, focus skill shots, and target foes. It'll take some time to get used too if you've been used to normal spell casting but it will be worth the effort. I still keep normal casting by changing my bindinds to shift + ability so that some abilities (Viktor's E, Alistar's Headbutt + Pulverise) are much easier to maneuver with normal casting. now if you think this is too big of a challange to leanr and you're more comfertable just sticking to normal casting then by all means keep on playing it, no ones telling you to change.

Ranked solo queue advice

Another thing is for those going into ranked. If you look to win I reccomend playing your favorite champion that you know best. You'll have a better chance taking Wukong top if you played him since release over Shen who you just picked up. and don't pressured by your fellow team mates if they tell you that what your doing wont work because it isn't viable or that no one can play that champion as good as another. And if you are forced into a role where you don't have a champion you are confident playing with than maybe you aren't ready for ranked just yet, if you do plan on entering solo queue then you should know how to play each role effectively as well as knowing how most (if not all) champions play and how they work. going into lane and wondering what are Thresh's abilitys then you aren't going to have a good time. If you are a fresh level 30 then you shoud keep away from ranked until you have the proper experiance, otherwise you might just end up being a burden to your team.

Tips on wards

Another tip, more so for the new guys and possibly for those who could easily make this mistake, is never forget to buy wards. Understand that vision is a great thing to have and if you are the support you should almost never leave base without a few wards at hand. It could make the difference between a win and a loss if the you know where the enemy is and they try to go for Dragon, if they haven't warded the area then you and your team could destroy them in a fight if played out well. and for those who have yet to figure it out, when you try to ward a bush, the cursor indicater will turn green when placed over a bush and blue when it's not. just a simple tip for you "Pro" warders out there.

When it comes to ward placement... well that's a different story which will probably be in my next post. until then I hoped this helped.

EDIT: I'll probably start using more pictures to help sum things up because I look at this thread and find just boring text, so for more visual learners I will start using more in game screen shots to help out more, and I might even go back and make some of these changes to existing posts.

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Here's an article that can help out some of you bronze players. and maybe you Not Bronze silver players as well. heck, even platinum players need to be reminded of their mistakes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I say something about wards?


If you buy a ward you will probably hold onto those potions much longer and you won't get suprised by the zac that just came out of nowhere and taught you who your daddy was.

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In solo queue, don't type. If someone is raging, put them on mute, and keep playing to the best of your abilities. No point in getting all frazzled over an asshat who types more than they click.

Also, jungle tips:

When jungling, if a lane get the kill in a gank: you may tax the lane. If you get the kill: don't tax the lane.

When taxing the lane, don't stay there for 3 creep waves.

If you think the gank won't get be successful and get the kill, don't be afraid to secure the kill. It's better to have 300 gold on you for sure than have none because "Ignite totally would have got it bro." (NOTE: If the laner ignites when the guys at 100 HP, don't take the kill, unless the laner has some mad HP regen.)

As a solo queue jungler, it's not your job to killsteal, but if someone is 0-7-0 at 15 minutes, it may have been better for you to take the kill anyways.

Don't be afraid to farm jungle! Ganks don't make the jungle, good timing makes the jungle.

Most junglers builds are super versatile; don't lock yourself down to one build. Every game is different, and every build you buy should be according to that game. This is not to say that having a basic set build isn't a good thing, it just means don't tunnel vision on that build.

If you're going to die in the gank, don't gank.

Dragon can be taken very early, so long as the proper requirements are met, such as:

-Opposing bot lane is dead, and the opposing mid lane/jungle is not overly ahead

-Dragon pit and surrounding areas are relatively ward free


-The midlane and jungle are both dead, and bot lane is not overly ahead.



-You have a jungler capable of taking an early dragon, i.e. Nunu, Udyr, Nocturne, Vi, Jarvan, Zac, Sejuani (if lanes have high damage), Evelynn, etc.

-Did I mention your Smite HAS to be up.

If your team wants to go for Dragon/Baron and your Smite is not up, TELL THEM. Don't say "Uhhh, it's not a good idea." Specifically say, "Smite is not up."

If you snowball a lane, that does not mean you can not gank for that lane. Lanes that are winning can still get camped, and you still need to gank.

If you take a kill, don't stress it. If your supposed to take a kill, and don't get it, don't stress it (I'm looking at you Evelynn).

If you don't know how to play a jungler, don't pick them. Each Jungler is different, and each jungler requires different techniques and builds that cannot be taught well; the jungle is for adaptation.

Play for the team, don't play for yourself.


Jungle is, by far, one of the best roles to carry oneself in Solo Queue, simply for that fact that jungle decide what direction the game goes. However, it is also very risky, as the jungler is either outjungling, or being outjungled. There are very obvious, superior picks in jungle that are often better than others. While I personally greatly enjoy jungle Gangplank, I am aware that it is not up to par with the rest of today's junglers, and often do not choose to play it as such. Keep the fact that your decisions can win games, simply because you are the jungler, in your head, and take that into account when playing jungle. Have fun!

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I would actually advise against muting someone. If you've got the potential to defuse a situation, do so for the sake of the team.

Hell, the person might decide to suck it up. You cannot afford to lose any sort of communication, especially if everyone is random.

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9/10 times, the person who's raging doesn't stop raging, and you can still communicate with pings fairly adequately. Of course, don't immediately mute them, but don't stoop to their level either. It's more worth your time to play than to respond to an angry 12 year old calling you a faggot repeatedly while he builds Archangel's Staff on Vayne.

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