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Ditto Challenge Run Help


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So I want to do a challenge run of Reborn using only Dittos BUT they can learn any 3 other moves.
IK this is a set I want to use for sure:


But I'm having trouble figuring out what other sets I want to use since I have to get myself 5-6 other Dittos so some suggestions would be nice :]

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A lot of the time, it feels like Importer ones would be better (where moves don't matter)     

For that one shown specifically, Shell Smash is pointless when transforming copies the opponents stat changes (discarding yours). and wouldn't Spore be better than dark void?

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I mean yeah Imposter ones are better and I plan on using atleast 1 of those but you're right they're better but thats not the point.

And Dark Void is probably better early vs Florina and all of the PULSE Tangrowths not to mention its just better for doubles in general I think

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This ditto is obviously not legal so you're probably okay with any moves.


One ditto should be spikes, stealth rocks and recover.

One will be imposter.

One will be this set(no shell smash please. Have toxic spikes instead).

One should be toxic, thunder wave and sticky web.

One should be haze, taunt and grassy/psychic terrain for feild changing.

Last one should be light screen, reflect and mist.


At least these stuff should help you.

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Actually, Dark Void really doesn't have much going for it nowadays. With the advent of Gen. 7, its Accuracy was dropped from 80 to 50, making it far more unreliable than ever before- and that's assuming that the 'only darkrai can use this move successfully' thing hasn't been added to Pokemon Essentials! So really, it's either a couple of coin flips or a complete waste of a turn, whereas Spore is guaranteed to land on anything that isn't immune to it. Food for thought, I guess.

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4 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Actually, Dark Void really doesn't have much going for it nowadays. With the advent of Gen. 7, its Accuracy was dropped from 80 to 50, making it far more unreliable than ever before- and that's assuming that the 'only darkrai can use this move successfully' thing hasn't been added to Pokemon Essentials! So really, it's either a couple of coin flips or a complete waste of a turn, whereas Spore is guaranteed to land on anything that isn't immune to it. Food for thought, I guess.

Yeah I know nothing about gen 7 mechanics tbh so I guess ur right.


Also ty for sets :]

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