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Too Many 5 perfect iv mons for trade


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I want to clean my boxes and do away with the breedjects here is what they are
Everything has 5 perfect ivs unless stated otherwise


155x Beldums (7 shiny)
94x Rotoms (6 shiny)
69x Deinos (Around 11 I think are shiny)
64x Ghastlys (4 shiny)
40x Honedges [Egg Moves: Wide Guard]
34x Mimikyus (1 shiny)
30x Meditites (10 shiny) [Egg Moves: Baton Pass, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Drain Punch]
Around 30 Torchicks (I have more but I'm not sure if they're all 5ivs) (1 shiny)
27x Staryus
26x Mereanie
24x Klefkis (4 Shiny)
21x Timburr (1 shiny)  [Egg Moves: Mach Punch, Drain Punch]
20x froakies (1 shiny)
20x Snivys (4 shiny)
18x Espurrs 
17x Larvitars [Egg Moves: D-Dance, Iron Head]
15x Larvestas
12x Gibles [Egg Moves: Outrage, Iron Head]
12x ralts
11x bagon [Egg Move: D-Dance. Forgot they had that originaly sry]

11x Gothitas
11x Rockruffs [Egg Moves: Sucker Punch, Fire Fang]

9x Pyukumukus

6x Charmanders [Egg Moves: D-Dance, Crunch]
6x Eevees [Egg Moves: Wish, Yawn]
6x Swinubs [Egg Moves: Icicle Crash]
6x Pinsirs [Egg Moves: Quick Attack, Close Combat]
5x Sythers (2 shiny)
4x Dratini
3x Foongus
2x heracross [Egg Moves: Rock Blast]
2x Sabeleye [Egg Moves: Recover]

Then everything below this spoiler are my 6 perfect iv spares


7x Beldum
3x Rotom
3x Ghastly
2x Meditite
1x Timburr
1x Snivy

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I'm kinda in bed anyways


But what are ya offering


Chansey and a Luck Incense, Alo-Muk/Grimer, Tangela, Cubone, Togepi, Litwick, Slowpoke, or any cool shinies really but if u also have something cool in general then thats cool. I'm also a sucker for lefties, life orbs, choice items, those stuff


EDIT: I'ma use this post to keep track of what I want and what I want since its hard for me to edit the OP but I have

Clearification, This is what I HAVE


All of the mons I'm willing to trade including:


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A Honedge and shiny Snivy if possible? = )


oh servers offline, well anyway if you have anything you want tell me and ill check if i can trade for ya

Edited by Supreme
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2 minutes ago, Supreme said:

A Honedge and shiny Snivy if possible? = )


oh servers offline, well anyway if you have anything you want tell me and ill check if i can trade for ya

Check the post above yeah, I'ma keep that up to date with what I have and what I want

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Welll if dem shinies also have 5 perfect IVs (a.k.a the random IV on a unused stat), I'd like the following shinies: Rotom, Scyther and Klefki. I can offer you a Chansey (perfect), Cubone (0 speed IVs for a TR attacker, random nature though) and Togepi (random nature, has Nasty Plot and Extrasensory)


#EDIT: I'll only be able to trade saturday or sunday though, so if you could please save them for me, I'd appreciate it 😛

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1 minute ago, Vanitas said:

could i get klefki, Pyukumuku, rotom (6iv), and mimikyu (bad iv in sp atk.)

i can trade you 6iv torchic, 5iv cyndaquil (x in atk), 5iv shiny poplio (x in atk) and a shiny 6iv hawlucha

Thats what I have not what I don’t have I’ll clarify it when I’m more awake sorry 😞

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8 minutes ago, Alisae said:

Thats what I have not what I don’t have I’ll clarify it when I’m more awake sorry 😞

oh im stupid, sry

i guess im can offer all the items and some 6iv shinys(muk, seedot, nincada, snover and some of the things you alrdy have)

also some normal 6ivs: lapras, tentacool, minccino, torkoal, skiddo, mr mime, helioptile, rowlet, tailow, shuppet, seel and carvahna


for klefki, mimikyu, rotom and pyukumuku

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Can i get a male gible pls? If it has perfect IV's in sp.attack, attack and speed would be even more perfect!

Just want to use it for further breeding.

I can give you a shiny ferrosseed for it with egg moves spikes stealth rock and leech seed.


EDIT: nvm u stated that you already have a ferrosseed

I can offer a shiny audino, lvl 89 with perfect IV's and EV's?

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On 8/22/2018 at 7:08 AM, Kuroihi said:

Hi. would like a snivy,meditite, torchic and a larvestar. I can trade you a togepi, goomy , shiny snorlax,shiny vulpix, shiny typlosion and a shiny victreebel for them.

None of those sound appealing other then the goomy and I have someone else trading me a togepi.


On 8/22/2018 at 7:49 AM, N1Dude said:

Can i get a male gible pls? If it has perfect IV's in sp.attack, attack and speed would be even more perfect!

Just want to use it for further breeding.

I can give you a shiny ferrosseed for it with egg moves spikes stealth rock and leech seed.


EDIT: nvm u stated that you already have a ferrosseed

I can offer a shiny audino, lvl 89 with perfect IV's and EV's?




I’ll be on to do trades for a bit my discord is Alisae#3438 so let me know on discord if ur around and I’ll try to get some trades done :]

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23 hours ago, Alisae said:

I’ll be on to do trades for a bit my discord is Alisae#3438 so let me know on discord if ur around and I’ll try to get some trades done :]

Im gonna be online for awhile whenever you get online ill be waiting

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