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Reborn Tier List


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Eh, slight problem is, it wouldn't be just one extra tier, and if it's made into s sub-tier or something, it'll just cause even more confusion, so it seems that if we use it, we should just abandon the "standard" PO tier list
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Eh, Will's just weird :P
But yeah, this place is far from the metagame, even back in 4th Gen. I find it rather surprising how much of Reborn greatlt dislikes Smogon(hate is too strong of a word :I). Not saying there aren't people who are the opposite, but still
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On that note, my testing of Deoxys-S makes me think that we should let him be OU becausen he's too frail; you can give him bulk, but that takes away attacking power, which you kinda need to take on Mischievous Heart leads. And of course, pure attacking leads will destroy him regardless of bulk.
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Reborn is always a small server, so how the hell can I get numbers from it Ame?I visit other servers that has alot of people to test things often.CS Shandera been Messing up my Test with the Suspect Mew in the following servers:

you cant denie that its starting to spread tho ,I had some many ragequits in other servers on the sight of shandera and it wasnt even shadow tag,It had Fire flash 4TLOLZ (for the lolz).Thats how bad it has gotten when people starting to run from the sight of one pokemon other then Noobs.
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Mew could make it to Uber but so many things stop it OU unless its planning on baton passing

Theres are the Sets I used so far as of baton pass .
Evs:252 Hp/252 speed 4 Def
Items:Leftovers,Lum berries,red card(used one once for the bulk up Calm mind set),Focus stash,Custapberry(if your lucky it works)

My favorite set so far:(Its More 4TLOLZ with Screens up)
Taunt/Safeguard/Sub/ Toxic /Magic Coat
Bulk up
Baton pass
Calm Mind

Instant +2 Pass:
Nasty plot/Sword Dance/Rock Polish(Kinky Mew is kinky)
Baton pass

Smogon's Mew:
Rock Polish
Calm Mind/Nasty Plot/Sword dance/Bulk up
Baton pass
Taunt/Sub/Magic coat

Mischevious Heart and other proud taunters is the only thing stopping Mew from Baton passing.I tried Nasty Plot/SD sweeper that both fail due to Scarfed Shandera and ect, its also outclassed alil in the transform department.Its extremely bulky if you let it get its way and pass on to other pokemon which makes it Smeargle on steriods.I can consider this thing Uber or OU but my test shows unless its baton passing,It'll always get countered easily.So OU is my vote on the matter but Magic coat makes it more of a threat to OU Metagame play.
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Deoxys Normal and Mew are now both OU.

Deoxys is incredibly frail and is completely fucked by anything faster than it and priority. Base 50 HP and Defenses means even neutral hits are able to 1HKO.

Mew is stopped by Taunt, and by just killing it. It's bulkier and faster than Smeargle, but it doesn't have access to Spore. Plus, with Mischievious Heart Taunters, Mew shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plus, Mew is [i]UU[/i] by usage right now.

So, that just leaves Shadow Tag Shandera as suspect. Go to the Suspect thread so we can further discuss; if no one posts anything in defense Shadow Tag Shandera [i]will be Uber[/i].

EDIT: Shandera has been discussed; we will go with what P.O. decides as they have a suspect discussion going there as well. For now, it remains OU. And with that, it leads to the end of our Suspect Pokemon.
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After Bullet and I made a few calcs, both formes of Deoxys that were previously Uber are now OU. Deoxys-A looks like a huge threat at first, but literally any neutral priority fucks it over. Also, it doesn't have a way to boost beyond Calm Mind, and that's a turn it can't get hit at all, otherwise it's dead. Even at +1 SpDef, lots and lots of Special Attackers 1HKO Deoxys-A. And because Deoxys-A can't boost effectively (which honestly, +1 Salamence is more frightening than Deoxys-A), lots of things can come in and take Deoxys-A's attacks. Nattorei gets a special mention for taking hits on both ends of the spectrum, and fearing little outside of Superpower, which forces a switch, and fire attacks. Deoxys-D, who seemed less surprising to drop, was made OU because Cresselia, who is in BL, is honestly just as good at taking hits [i]if not better[/i].

tl;dr All Deoxys Formes are OU


EDIT: Two small changes: Electivire is now UU, and Snorlax is now BL.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've got a question since we had been discussing Shadow Tag and non-Shadow Tag Shandera. In a similar vein, what about Telepathy Wobbuffet? Would that be allowed in lower tiers, or are we going to leave all varieties of Wobbuffet in Uber?
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I would think that Wobbuffet would come out of Ubers without Shadow Tag as its ability. That is pretty essential to it being able to trap a Pokemon and take it out with Encore/Counter/Mirror Coat/etc. Without it the opponent can simply switch if it gets Encored into a move and it allows them to try switching and tricking the Wobbuffet user, who is now having to predict more. Before if a Machamp was forced in the Wobbuffet would use Counter, but now the Machamp can switch out so do they go for a Charm or Destiny Bond or Safeguard or do they think maybe the Machamp won't switch and still go for Counter or the Machamp might actually have a Special Attack. Plus, by simply switching every turn you beat Wobbuffet. If the opponent does not attack Wobbuffet, it cannot harm the opponent except with Struggle. That is now an option with Shadow Tag gone if you are willing to do so and the opponent's only Pokemon is Wobbuffet. Before the only Pokemon that could be untouched were a Special Attacking Dark Pokemon (Mirror Coat is a Psychic attack) or a Physically Attacking Ghost Pokemon (Counter is Fighting) and those are pretty specific Pokemon that most teams won't have all the time.

Now as to what tier Wobbuffet should fall into, I think it should still stay up there in BL or possibly OU. It's hard to tell where it should go since I've rarely seen in used in even Ubers battles because people despise it so much. If we go off of how often Pokemon are used, people might still stay away from it being a standard team member from the scarring presence it has had in Pokemon history. The fact stands it has the third highest HP, rare access to both Counter and Mirror Coat and useful supporting moves like Encore and Destiny Bond. It might fall lower if play testing ever gets done because Wobbuffet has suddenly become prediction oriented. If the user cannot predict well or a curve ball is simply thrown at them, then Wobbuffet isn't going to do squat. Shadow Tag lightened the need to predict.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Reminder what to do/Tell Nyu:
Look into Wobba
Ban Skymin
Move Ditto back to OU
Make sure Darkrai didnt break free in OU
Ban all forms of Deoxys

Anything you want to add? Simply post here!
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Deoxys-S could get up hazards no matter what a due to the rapid spinners being rare, its pretty much just a matter of leading out with it and switching to a tank or wall when need unless Shandera is present (Not so common now >>)

Normal form Deoxys maybe could stay OU because.......shitty defense

Dexoys-A should already be up in ubers.

Dexoys-D well.... >w> you got me thur.

(Note: My head hurts ATM, and yes I'll always make a pun out of the Deoxys forms, its unavoidable for them. trollface.jpg)
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  • 1 month later...
Anyone else think Deoxys-A shouldn't be on the Ubers list? True it can be hard to beat sometimes, but any quick bug type, sch as Scizor, can take it out quite nicely seeing as bug is super-effective to psychic. Also, dark and ghost types that have high Def. and SpDef. can take it down just as well. Just a thought.
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The point of Deoxys-A is to Revenge Kill and run from Priority users, Its too much to handle despite extremely piss poor Defenses. Get all your facts straighten out first before recommending things, You clearly don't have none or you'll known Deoxys-A is a fast ass bitch and most scarf users don't catch up to it, it also has acess to Extreme speed which just fucks over your scarf user that should be in range to get taken out after a few switch ins into hazards by it. BTW Scizwho exactly? How many scizors have you seen since Gen 5 started? That things is about as common as Latios in OU(Im implying outside Reborn's Metagame too), Protip:[color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Its hardly used.[/color] You seem new to battling or else you'll know why scizor moves first, besides that its slow >>.
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[s]You guys clearly never tried Agility Scizor...[/s]

Pretty much what they said; 150 base speed is [i][b]far[/b][/i] from slow. That's... 399 if the nature doesn't boost it, and 438 if it does; combine with 504 max in either attack stat, and 459 with a neutral nature... no.
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[quote name='Ikaru' post='10767' date='Feb 9 2011, 03:59 PM'][s]You guys clearly never tried Agility Scizor...[/s][/quote]
[s]Thats completely Irrelavent to the case here, he is clearly implying bullet punch as the reason for scizor to be fast[/s]

That and its Attack and Special attack are high enough to revenge kill neutral or not and with LO as a held item, thats just ensures it basicly, not from full HP unless crit happens tho which is why its a revenge killer.
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  • 2 months later...

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