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Hi, I just downloaded the game and have a couple of questions before I get started.


1. Is episode 18 the correct place to start? I assume the "episode" name is just the current update the game is in, not necessarily the 18th episode of the game.


2. I heard the game is hard, but will I have to EV train and get good IV's/Natures on my Pokemon, or can I simply have a diverse team. I don't mind grinding, but I do just want to play casually, I don't really care about PVP.


Thanks for the help!

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1. The way I see it is that each Episode is named after the new content added. So while Episode 18 is indeed 18th "episode" of the game, it also contains all other 1-17 Episodes.


2. All of that helps, but is not 100% mandatory. You should focus on having a good variety of mons instead of just catching your favorites: they could be obtainable very late in the game. If you're not using the ones available to you, you might get in trouble.

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15 minutes ago, Jayttt said:

Hi, I just downloaded the game and have a couple of questions before I get started.


1. Is episode 18 the correct place to start? I assume the "episode" name is just the current update the game is in, not necessarily the 18th episode of the game.


2. I heard the game is hard, but will I have to EV train and get good IV's/Natures on my Pokemon, or can I simply have a diverse team. I don't mind grinding, but I do just want to play casually, I don't really care about PVP.


Thanks for the help!

Yes, Each "episode" is really just the version of the game, it contains all the content of the game in its most updated and complete state. 


The game is 100% playable with no EV training or breeding or any of that competitive stuff. Decent team composition and strategy can get you through everything, and plenty have done it without those too. I guess the main thing would be that you'll probably end up using more than 6 pokemon actively for a lot of things, and might sometimes want to train up a specific counter or two for a gym you have trouble with. again, totally possible with a single team of 6 though.

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1 hour ago, Jayttt said:

Thanks so much for the response! My only other question is whether there is an online mode. I assume you can trade and battle with other real players, is this correct?

As for now, it is disabed though, and iirc, I read something about early September to bring it back online??

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the game, try to spend some attention onto the characters if that is your thing, and should you ever be in trouble with a battle or other, definitely hit up either the forums or the discord server!

EV / IV and Nature are not needed in particular, but will make it noticeably easier, I think. Getting outsped by something that shouldn't just feels aaaggravating to me. x)
The game itself does work with them, and especially for important battles (later into the game?), you will face EV-trained opponents with an advantageous Nature.

As said above, you can work around that just fine though!

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Thanks so much for the help everyone! I just remembered, I have one more question.


In other pokemon games I have played there has usually been some sort of gimmick like if you evolve your pokemon, it takes double the exp to level up. Is there anything like this I should know about in this game? 

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Nope, everything is quite vanilla.
The only big thing instantly coming to my mind is that you won't actually need to trade Pokémon for an evolution that usually requires trade, once you have come to a certain point in the game. (It's not too far in.)

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3 hours ago, Jayttt said:

Thanks so much for the help everyone! I just remembered, I have one more question.


In other pokemon games I have played there has usually been some sort of gimmick like if you evolve your pokemon, it takes double the exp to level up. Is there anything like this I should know about in this game? 

There are a few things that you should probably know about.  The first is that reborn has a level cap which increases with each leader you beat.  Once you pokemon level up past the cap they will not obey you.  You can buy an item called common candies to lower them back down.  The second non-vanilla thing you should probably know about is field effects.  Reborn adds a lot of new field effects and improved the few that exist in the vanilla game.  You will be able to get more info on these changes as the game goes on.  Third, hidden abilities are available in the wild and can be changed to with an ability capsule.  Finally reborn resprited most (if not all) of the shiny pokemon and increased the shiny rate.  There are some other more minor changes that are probably not worth listing.  All of these changes are explained if you talk to certain npcs in the game, even the minor changes. 

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