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Scizor set


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I just got myself a Scyther and i can't decide wat set i want to use.

Do i make it bulky offence, maybe choice band, or a sweeper set?

So i was wondering;

What kind of set and EV spread do you guys use on scizor?

Inspire me!

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Mine usually is: 

+ Attack nature

Ability: Technician

Item: Scizorite / Life Orb


Swords Dance (extra boost in attack, why not?)

Bullet Punch (priority, SE aganst fairies, perfect for cheap damage and finish foe off)

Night Slash (Scizor resist psychic types, and is always good to hit them with SE move)

Brick Break (perfect for dark types, also breaks up light screen, and reflect)

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My offensive moveset is currently:
Adamant / Technician
Evs: 6 hp / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Item: Steel Gem / Steel Plate / Scizorite
Moves: Sword Dance
Bullet Punch
Bug Bite
Pursuit / Knock Off / Roost
I stay with Pursuit throughout the game until I get the opportunity to teach Knock Off to him.
Roost is also a good option to keep him alive during some specific fight, or if you use him in mega form, because after all he'll be your only pokemon to use the Mega Evolution, so it's a good try to keep him alive as much as you can.

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