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Rotom Heat movesets please


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Please suggest a moveset for Rotom Heat for pokemon reborn/any other fan game. 

The team I like to roll with in game consists of hyper offense only. 

My team is Tyranitar, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon and Gyarados. 

Rotom Heat covers fire and electric type (thanks Dreamblitz) so it's basically all the types I could need. And it's stats seem decent as well. Could have used a higher sp attack but meh it's in game.   


Btw, the only difference between a Rotom Heat and Rotom Wash is Hydro Pump and Overheat. Literally everything else including the stats and a general Rotom moveset are the same which is why Rotom Wash is in OU. But I believe Rotom Heat could do it too with some patience. Because one simple weakness to stealth rocks and weakness to only rock and water should not make Wash OU but Heat RU. Idk, just an after thought 

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I mean... the weaknesses to stealth rock and water and rock types in general are EVERYTHING in terms of it's usage. I would say, remember that tiers are not objectively "who's best" but it's about "how much % of people are using it" in each tier, so for RU, it just means people choose other things over it in OU and UU.


Aaaaanyways, reliably I would go Volt Switch/Thunderbolt, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, and... last move is variable. Hex works ok, apparently I just found out it gets Defog, or maybe a Hidden Power. Will-O-Wisp in particular would be good for breaking down an opponent's heavy offense (like Solaris).

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