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Question about Episode 18 difficulty of battle


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Just finished the Devon Corp in episode 18. Those 3 consecutive battles were really tough. I didn't expect to have to soft reset 5 times. And in the end I had to spam a lot of healing items and use a perfect iv, EV trained Metagross with an assault vest. 

The rest of team is also EV trained but not really properly. All my pokemon are level 88 to level 90.


So is this battle supposed to be so tough? To get yourself a Metagross you really have to go out of the way to catch one. I'm wondering if we were to only work with the available pokemon in the grass or easily available in the wild, would this battle have been possible to do? Or am I doing something wrong? 


My team is:

Emboar with shell bell

Greninja with life orb

Noivern with choice specs

Magnezone with Magnet 

Nidoking with Black Sludge 

Granbull with Zoom lens which I had to replace with Assault Vest Metagross 


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On my most recent run that gauntlet took me two hours (and thats mostly because I was trying to 5v12 Randomus and Serra w/o Meowstic which was a terrible idea so I reset with the goal of trying to get to that point with all 6 mons alive) and here was my team and I was not allowed to use healing items. I’ll put my lead up first

Aegislash w/ lefties | Shadow Ball / Flash Cannon / Wide Guard / King Shield
Meowstic-M w/ Light Clay | Light Screen / Reflect / Misty Terrain / Psychic
Rotom-W w/ lefties | Electroweb / Pain Split / Will-o / Hydro Pump
Typhlosion w/ a seed | Eruption / Lava Plume / Extrasensory / Smokescreen (cause I didn’t have focus blast omegalul)
Mamoswine w/ Life orb | EQ / Icicle Crash / Ice Shard / Knock Off
Mega-Heracross | Close Combat / Rock Blast / Bullet Seed / Pin Missle

U probably can just beat the game with only looking in the grass but with such a huge desert, its kinda sending the message that exploring for event mons is really encouraged. I got my metagross before Ardienn but even then, the event is funny so I wouldn’t mind doing it a couple of times. 

I also kinda think that ur teambuilding was just kinda problematic for a doubles environment? I might not totally be correct here but /shrug

Also u could have gotten lefties.

I was bored so I reloaded a save at the gauntlet with fully ev trained and iv trained mons but with the exact same team (except Typhlosion had Choice Specs and Focus Blast instead of Smokescreen) I forgot to put Life Orb on my Mamoswine so it had metronome, but it didn’t matter too much because once I got past Cain and Shelly which took me 3 tries due to hax, all I needed to do was survive with 6 mons against luna (which was easy with an aegislash lead considering king shield murders the weavile) and then setup misty terrain so I don’t get paralyzed followed by as many screens as possible then find a way to setup so that mega heracross can kill mons with Rotom-W supporting it with electroweb and then follow that up with earthquake and Eruption Spam.


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Both Benett Shelly's and Serra's mons are weak to rock, and your team is automatically healed after each battle, so with a bit of planning it's certainly doable. Not in the first run ofcourse, I also had to reset twice but I'd say that by this point in the game, the player is expected to have mons to be used in rotation. You aren't doing something wrong, but having a set team certainly won't make the game easier.


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Ah okay then. I guess the player is supposed to have rotation pokemon. I have Garchomp, Metagross, Greninja and Goodra, all IV bred pokemon for rotation. Also some other random pokes which I have high level just for type coverage. 

I think it's manageable. And yeah, my team wasn't exactly made thinking about doubles lol. Thanks guys. 


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The game is definitely possible with a set team of 6 its just that ur making the game a lot harder for yourself if u do decide to go with a set team of 6.


I went as far as to breed mons for double battles. Being prepared for everything and coming up with a plan is only half the battle.

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9 hours ago, thefrozendiamont said:

imy game broke so my mons didn't heal after luna so the double was INSANE buut i luckly had a really good team and managed to pull true


The pokemon that are not fainted are supposed to be fully healed. But those that have fainted are supposed to stay fainted. Weird I know but that's how the mechanics was.

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