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The Swordsman Wants To Trade!

The Swordsman

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So now that the,


galladite stone is available for 400 dex entries

I've been trying to fill my dex but as of currently litten (because I joined the Aqua Gang) and sentret (simply can't find it, despite guide consultancy) evade me. I'm willing to trade a oshawott for the litten and a shiny liepard for the sentret. Please PM me if you are willing to trade and thank you for your time.


EDIT: I have everything now but I post again if I need something. Thank you Starry Knight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So as far as I was aware Galladeite was the reward for 400 entries but instead I got a Mawlaite, I looked around and apparently the order changed again from what is was in the community release to where Galladite is an earlier reward so I think I missed my chance. So is anyone willing to trade their Galladeite? Out the crystals pocket I have Abomasnownite, Arggonite, Aerodactlynite Amphorasite, Audinite, Altairinite, Beedrillnite, Blastoisenite, Decidium Z, Dragonium Z, Eveeium Z, Fireium Z, Galiinite, Heracrossinite, Houndoominte, Loponite, Mawalnite, Normalium Z, Rockium Z, Sablenite, Steelixnite, Venusarnite,


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7 minutes ago, The Swordsman said:

So as far as I was aware Galladeite was the reward for 400 entries but instead I got a Mawlaite, I looked around and apparently the order changed again from what is was in the community release to where Galladite is an earlier reward so I think I missed my chance. So is anyone willing to trade their Galladeite? Out the crystals pocket I have Abomasnownite, Arggonite, Aerodactlynite Amphorasite, Audinite, Altairinite, Beedrillnite, Blastoisenite, Decidium Z, Dragonium Z, Eveeium Z, Fireium Z, Galiinite, Heracrossinite, Houndoominte, Loponite, Mawalnite, Normalium Z, Rockium Z, Sablenite, Steelixnite, Venusarnite,

Any idea when it is? I might be able to grab it in a few

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