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How Did You Deal with E18's Gauntlet Battles?


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In the Glass Factory, there is a rather brutal series of battles where you have to 6v12 Cain and Shelly in a doubles battle, followed by Luna, and then followed by another 6v12 double battle against Radomus and Serra. Even with competitive teams, having some of the best pokemon in the game, and even EV training their teams, I have seen several players on youtube still lose in this part of the game. So out of curiosity, for those who have survived this part of the game, what was your team like? What was your strategy? Which pokemon were the MVP(s)? What was the hardest part of the gauntlet battles? How many times did you have to repeat the gauntlet? 


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6 minutes ago, T.O.W.A.N. said:
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In the Glass Factory, there is a rather brutal series of battles where you have to 6v12 Cain and Shelly in a doubles battle, followed by Luna, and then followed by another 6v12 double battle against Radomus and Serra. Even with competitive teams, having some of the best pokemon in the game, and even EV training their teams, I have seen several players on youtube still lose in this part of the game. So out of curiosity, for those who have survived this part of the game, what was your team like? What was your strategy? Which pokemon were the MVP(s)? What was the hardest part of the gauntlet battles? How many times did you have to repeat the gauntlet? 



I focussed on Shelly in the first battle before taking out Cain. Luna was a cakewalk as per usual. Used the same strategy for this last battle too.


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mienshao+archeops+krookodile, were almost enough (fake out and u-turn were pretty important) to take out everything (beating both double battles without loosing any mon)

greninja and jolteon also did quite well


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Setup Sweepers are your best friend in these kinds of battles. Since it's basically a 6 vs 30 Pokemon Battle, you have to "balance" the battle in your favor. Overwhelming them with sweepers such as my Dancers, Volcarona and Gyarados, has made the battle a cake walk.

That said, the reason why you have to make sure you're winning with overwhelming force is because of the Luna Battle. If at least one of your Pokemon faints in that battle, NONE of your team members will get healed for the Serra & Radomus fight, so just at that point, you have to be curbstomping Luna, which means you'll have to be curbstomping Cain & Shelly too.


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On my main run, it took me roughly 3/4 attempts for the Shelly/Cain fight. Nearly beat them first try but the webs bit me in the ass. 2nd/3rd attempts were lost through hax. 4th was a clean sweep. Stomped Luna/Radomus/Serra on that same attempt. Haven't particularly had trouble with the gauntlet in my other runs. Honestly I could have won on my first attempt, but I make it a point to not use healing items and play on set mode only.


In my Dragon mono I just overpowered them with brute force. 6v30 doesn't matter much when you're up against an Army of Dragons that outspeed and out trade you.


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Aurora Veil Alola-Ninetales was the mvp of my gauntlet battle. Coupled with the right switches and synergys, I was able to make it out alive. Special thanks to Ultra Potions, Revival Herbs and Full Restores.


P.S. Shelly’s Leavanny was one of the most touching moments in the game.


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did many replays  because i wanted to try different pokemon since i got a big roster.


1) Trick room team   with Bronzong / Mega steelis / Clawitzer / Alola Marowak / Eeelektross / Crabominable     Was my first ever  contact with the gauntlet and i won  all of it first try.


2) Sun team with  Ninetales /  Solar power Charizard / Heliolisk / Victreebel / Chandlure / Mega Camerupt     Charizard heat wave spam op


3) A team built around a Curse Lapras  including  Mega Heracross,  Metagross   that let Lapras set 6 curses and  proceed to not die while killing everything.


all of them were easy for the most part..

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The gauntlet fight took me 2 tries, mostly because I couldn't figure out how the healing worked on my first try. My team was:  Mega-Heracross / Arcanine / Rotom-Wash / Empoleon / Salamence / Clefable


Against Shelly and Cain, I led with Arcanine + Salamence. In the Radomus and Serra fight I led with Arcanine + Clefable. The goal was to make use of Arcanine's Intimidate + Snarl to soften up the enemy blows, which allowed me to set up via Salamence and Clefable in their respective battles. In between these two battles I used only Clefable to beat Luna. These fights were really enjoyable, though!




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Took me 5 tries. I got to Serra and Randomus right on try 1. But that Gardevoir was too op. So I changed my team a bit. But for the next 3 tries Noivern kept on missing Hurricane and getting paralyzed. Finally on the 5th try I managed to win the entire gauntlet with 3 pokemon alive.


My team:

Emboar with Shell Bell

Greninja with Life Orb

Noivern with Choice Specs

Magnezone with Magnet

Nidoking(sheer force) with Black Sludge

Granbull with Zoom lens whom I replaced for IV bred Metagross with Assault vest.


All my Pokemon are EV trained but not properly except Metagross. None except Metagross have 31 IVs. My strategy was to do as much damage in as many ways as possible. Sludge Wave/Discharge combo of Magnezone and Nidoking was helpful. Noivern destroyed anything with Hurricane IF it actually hit(Get yourself a goddamn microscope Noivern, your eye sight is really shit). Metagross with Bullet Punch helped nail some kills. Emboar always survived psychic from Meowstic so it could return kill easily.


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Took me three tries.



Greninja and Blaziken led, and were able to sweep Cain and Shelly on their own.


Blaziken took out several of Luna's team, with Greninja dealing with Mismagius, and then I just kinda adapted to the rest which I can't remember until Umbreon. I swapped in Breloom and started healing my other Pokemon. When everyone was up and good to go Breloom smashed Umbreon.


Against Serra and Radomus I had Blaziken use Brick Break on Ninetails to get rid of Aurora Veil, and let Greninja get KO'd by Clefable. I swapped in Breloom to put Clefable to sleep, and proceeded to sweep Serra's team without trouble. When that was done I swapped Breloom for Aegislash and it and Blaziken blitzed Radomus's team for no additional losses.


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I lost on my first try when I didn't know that you had to win three battles in a row. Then I switched up my team.

The strategy that worked for me was either spamming Discharge/Earthquake or using T-Wave on one side while attacking the other.

I used Rotom-Wash, Hippowdon, Noivern, Mega Ampharos, Magnezone and Excadrill. I won on my first try with this team but I had to use a few healing items.




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My Mega Houndoom pretty much swept Shelly, Radomus, and Sera. I just set up a Nasty Plot and either Dark Pulsed or Heat Waved everything into oblivion. Can't remember the rest of my team composition, but for the most part I think I just threw in something bulky and used its turn to heal up my Houndoom with items.



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It took me maybe three tries. My general strategy was to get Luna down to her last Pokemon (in my case it was Umbreon) and use that time to heal my team, since you don't get a heal between her and Radomus+Serra. Other than that, I would cripple one side's 'mon with burn or paralysis, then focus down the other. Aegislash and Rotom were my MVPs, pretty much eating every hit, Greninja w/ Shadow Sneak was good at picking off 'mons with low HP, Arcanine for Intimidate, and Gardevoir for basically sweeping Luna.


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Mamoswine(NeverMeltIce) - Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Earthquake, Stealth Rock

Infernape(Black Belt) - Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Close Combat, Flare Blitz
Gardevoir(Synthetic Seed) - Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Moonblast, Psychic

Greninja(Synthetic Seed) - Surf, Icy Wind, Dark Pulse , Hidden Power(Steel)

Flygon(Focus Sash) - Dragon Claw, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fly

Metagross(Metal Coat) - Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break


The general strategy was to build up one of my mons and have them sweep. Cain and Shelly gave me the most trouble with  their doubles because you work at such a hard disadvantage. How my Fight's usually went was.

Greninja/Mamoswine Start.

Ribombee Webs, Greninja surfs and OHKO's Marowak and knocks ribombee down to 1. Mamoswine sets Stealth Rocks. Finish Ribombee with Ice Shard, Surf with Greninja, Bring in Metagross and start X. SpDef him while Greninja continues to surf, Metagross Bullet Punches to finish off anyone low. Thanks to some luck, Greninja only goes down on Shelly's last pokemon. On the occasion Metagross went down, send in Flygon to be a sacrifice while I revive Mamoswine and use Ice Shard to finish people instead.



Infernape Start:

Mach Punch Twice, Bring in Mamoswine and Ice Shard twice on Mismagius, sweep her team until Umbreon. Bring in Metagross and spam X.Def. Start healing everyone while weathering Umbreon and then finish off Umbreon with brick breaks.



Mamoswine/Greninja start:

Mamoswine spams the bejbus out of earthquake while I bring in Gardevoir(telepathy ability) to avoid friendly fire. Start spamming Calm Mind on Gardevoir. stopping the Earthquaking to heal her sometimes. Once fully boosted, the fight is a cake walk, I would usually sned out Metagross and start Bullet Punching everything until it stopped moving.


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I tried quite a few times with my main team to no avail, before saying "You know what? Fuck it" and going to my rotation box and withdrawing the big guns. Namely, my Moxie Gyarados (Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Crunch and Ice Fang) and my Mold Breaker Excadrill (Swords Dance, Smart Strike, Rock Slide and Earthquake), among a few others.


In both double battles, I lead with both of them, giving Excadrill a X Speed and setting up Dragon Dance with Gyarados. That combo pretty much destroyed everything in the first double battle, but I still had trouble with the next double battle because it took me a while to figure out that the fainted Pokemon from the second battle weren't healed up, and that Weavile with Focus Sash was always able to knock out my lead with Icicle Crash. Once I figured that out, I was able to sweep Radomus and Serra.


Still, those battles were really unfair. Making two 6x12 battles back-to-back while not healing fainted Pokemon (and leaving it up to the player to figure that out by essentially a lot of trial and error) is a really cheap way to give the player a challenge. Not only that, but there's an unnecessarily long (like, really, really, really, really, really, really long) cutscene after that, at which point I was kind of exhausted, and my finger was itching for the X button to just skip all talk and save the game.


If I were a betting man, I would say that next episode there's gonna be at least one or two more 6x12 battle, probably against Connal and Sirius.


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Team - Gyarados, Arcanine, Scizor, Breloom, Metagross, Mamoswine


In the first battle, Arcanine two intimidates made Alola Marowak ineffective and Gyarados set up multiple dragon dance to sweep Shelly first and then Cain next. In the next battle, Breloom walled Umbreon and gave me opportunity to revive my team. In the last battle, Breloom put one side to sleep and then Metagross and Scizor took out the other side.


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i used the field to the full potential first lead with electrode and nidoking.choice specs discharge and parahax to prevent ribombee to use sticky web.defeated marowak with earth power.when nidoking was defeated  i chose raichu with lightning rod and destroyed everything with discharge+lightning rod+thunderbolt combo.


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Revival Herbs. Lots and lots of Revival Herbs. Also a Prankster Meowstic to set up the sun on the last battle completely destroys Serra. My Drapion was also reaaaally good in all three battles for some reason.


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Team: Rhyperior, Mega Pidgeot, Metagross, Incineroar, possibly Silvally and Roserade?

AV/Solid Rock Rhyperior and Mega Pidgeot mostly cleaned up the Cain/Shelly fight, and Pidgeot fainting against Luna actually works out fairly well since I can then lead Rhyperior and Metagross against Serra/Radomus and prevent Aurora Veil from going up. I ended up targeting Serra at first due to Clefable not really doing much (Fire Blast onto Metagross was barely doing 45-50%, and Bullet Punch helped with its Thunder Wave). Luna wasn't too bad; Bulk Up Incineroar walled the otherwise problematic Honchkrow and Roserade allowed me to stall Umbreon long enough to heal my party back to full (I did have to reset for Weavile's Triple Icicle Flinch Party and Honchkrow being Honchkrow, though).


I do have to echo iDunno, though, three back-to-back battles (plus not healing between the second and third) is getting a little extreme. Especially when each opponent has 6 Pokemon, forcing two 6v12s with little level handicap...


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Team:Sheer force Nidoking@life orb-Sludge wave,flamethrower,earth power,protect

Sturdy Magnezone@zap plate-discharge,flash cannon,mirror coat,thunder wave

Aerodactyl@aerodactylite-rock slide,wing attack,iron head, aqua tail

Torrent Swampert@assault vest-Ice punch, waterfall, earthquake, hammer arm

Regenerator mienshao-high jump kick, acrobatics, u turn, fake out

contrary serperior- leech seed,leaf storm,giga drain, hp fire


sludge wave nidoking+discharge magnezone and earthquake swampert + rock slide aerodactyl took care of both of the double battles


as for luna, I led with my mienshao and used fake out+hjk and killed the weavile. I then went into serperior and swept like 3 of her pokemon with leafstorm and giga drain. Finished the job with aerodactyl


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I have 3 runs to do and have so far finished 2. The first one was tricky but Mamoswine + Staraptor really helped in killing Riombee before it could set webs. Against Luna Mamoswine pretty much soloed with some healing items. Serra and Rado were tricky only because I overexerted my team and ended up getting swept by Metagross. 2nd try I went with Ninetails + Heliolisk after getting rid of Clefable and that cleared everyone. The second run was a lot harder since everyone was faster and I was not able to set up in time. Team was Archeops, Weavile, Lucario, Rhyperior, Chandlure, and Roserade, and I ended up switching Roserade to Klefki. It still took me quite a few tries to even get past Cain and Shelly since I would be near the end of the fight and Rhyperior would die right when I activated Trick Room. Once I got past that, I blew through Luna until Umbreon, and then let Klefki stall while I healed my team up. Klefki used Switcheroo on Ninetails at the start of the Serra/Radomus fight, and then I just focused on Serra's team while I wated for the viel to drop, then went all out on Radomus. I must say I'm very disappointed with the performance my 2nd run team put in  and there will be major consequences for them.


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