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How Did You Deal with E18's Gauntlet Battles?


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My team was K-ninetales, Klinklang, Bellossom, Lycanroc-day, Primarina and Silvally (flying memory). Tbh the first three pulled the most weight, but the latter three helped out pretty well when needed. I'm doing my current run without EV training so it's far from competitive play, but I think my team is solid. I did use like 11 ultra potions and at least 2 revival herbs tho hehe


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It took me some tries and lot of planning, I had to take my best Pokemons from two different save files, my final result was with Tyrantrum (Rock Slide FTW), Delphox (trickroom), Nidoqueen (MVP), ampharos (2nd Place MVP), Metagross (bullet punch) and Garchomp (he is op, but he wasn't decisive). I think that what made the win were the combinations Nidoqueen (assault vest sludge wave) + Metagross and Nidoqueen + Ampharos (choice specs discharge). In the first battle trick room Tyrantrum destroys like half of the battle and Luna wasn't that difficult. Of course, at the moment I got to Umbreon I revived all my team so I could take the next battle.


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It took me some tries and lot of planning, I had to take my best Pokemons from two different save files, my final result was with Tyrantrum (Rock Slide FTW), Delphox (trickroom), Nidoqueen (MVP), ampharos (2nd Place MVP), Metagross (bullet punch) and Garchomp (he is op, but he wasn't decisive). I think that what made the win were the combinations Nidoqueen (assault vest sludge wave) + Metagross and Nidoqueen + Ampharos (choice specs discharge). In the first battle trick room Tyrantrum destroys like half of the battle and Luna wasn't that difficult. Of course, at the moment I got to Umbreon I revived all my team so I could take the next battle.


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I destroyed this first try, I started with my Volcarona and My Lapras and set up 2 quiver dances on my Volcarona while healing with my Lapras and that took everything out in the double battles, In the single battle I had to heal a couple times but other than that it was fairly easy.

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Tyrantrum + Dragon Dance x 4 (I may have only used twice) + Rock Slide = Swept Shelly and most of Cain

Try not to lose any Pokemon during the second fight, or they won't be healed if they're fainted

For the third battle, set up a special wall, and then I swept them with Chandelure and Togekiss!

And I may have used a few ultra potions and cottons candies in the mix 😅


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It only took me two tries with strong set up mons that compliment eachother. Sand teams run house on this with an array of strong steel types like excadrill, magnezone, and aegislash. Other than that just pokemon that can straight outspeed and outkill like a garchomp and any flying/levitate user can be extremely useful. Also contrary serperior is one of the best pokemon in game, as getting at least two leaf storms off in battle can be a victory if you have a good complimenting pokemon, like garchomp, as serperior resists his eq.

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Used a mono-rock team.


Battle 1: Tailwind Aerodactyl and Archeops rock slide almost everything to death.


Battle 2: Kind of a team effort taking advantage of sturdy golem and bulky mons like aggron and T-tar. Keeping fainted mons alive with Revives.


Battle 3: Aggron and T-Tar nearly swept. Sand Storm provided great SDef boosts and I focused down on Serra first. Radomus's lead Clefable couldn't touch my leads while I swept Serra. Radomus had some tough mons like Metagross but he couldn't handle a 2 on 1 battle.


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I think it took me waaay too many tries lol. Like 10+.
Ended up winning with, (iirc), Infernape, Gardevoir (Moonblast ftw!), Aegislash, Eelektross, Goodra and Porygon-Z

Maybe I should've relied more on stat changing moves instead of brute forcing my way out of the gauntlet... lol


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Swords Dance Escavilier paired with Friend Guard Eviolite Clefairy. Also lots of X Items. I would just attack which ever mom was the bigger threat at the time. Worked much better than I expected. My other four mons never got to join in.


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Krookodile, just. Krookodile Earthquake devestated pretty much everything, T1 was Infernape flare blitz ribombee, ribombee sticky web, krookodile Earthquake triple KO +3 Moxie boost. and the rest was history


third battle took me a couple of tries though. it helps having a Steel type

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So, I've struggled a lot with the double battles in this game. I remember when I first played this game I actually rage quit the entire game at the Wasteland because I got so frustrated. But, with everything in this game, it's made to make you think and losing is not necessarily a bad thing.


I started the Cain/Shelly battle with Metagross and Rotom-W. Rotom-W took out Marowak with Hydro Pump and set up was on. Meowstic couldn't touch either of my team and after a couple of X Sp Def's, neither could Ribombee. I lost on a couple of tries when Hydro Pump or Zen Headbutt on Metagross would miss (damn you, Volcarona), but I ultimately prevailed. 


The middle battle was a breeze when I realized I could just set up on the Weavile with X Def. Even Night Slash on the Metagross wasn't doing much at +6. As many have stated, keeping your side alive in this battle is the most important thing here, and it took me a couple of losses in battle 3 to realize this. As the poster above said, having a steel type in the final battle is so key here. I too ignored Clefable and made it a 2v1 keying on the other side. Metagross is a monster, plain and simple.

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Cain and Shelly: Ribombee outsped anything in my member and always got of a Sticky Web, so after taking out the leads with Hawlucha and Diggersby, Klinklang took care of the rest with Shift Gear and factory boosted Gear Grinds, the other partners covered it and heal it when necessary :]


Luna: Weavile was a pain, hitting every team member SE, Klinklang took it out. After it fell bc MISS -_-, the rest of my team members took her out, only losing 2 Pokémon in the process (Klinklang and Roserade)


Serra and Radoumus: Utterly lost here on my first try, I was careless and only had 2 mons remaining...But on the next attempt, Hawlucha took out Nintetales before she could set up Aurora Veil and Agility Diggersby hit hard everything else. In the end, I only had a half HP Diggersby, so yeah, that was a close one...


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Cain and Shelly: magic bounce sticky web, keep Cain busy while mega pinsir do the job. Luna: Gyarados set up. Serra and Randomus: first try I try and fight both side at the same time using Weavile and mega Pinsir, second try I keep the Celfable and curb Serra


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Team: Talonflame, Primarina, Krookodile, Magnezone, Rotom-Wash, really under-levelled Garchomp maybe?

My initial strat was to focus Shelly's Sticky Web Ribombee with my Talonflame's Gale Wings Acrobatics and my Primarina's Aqua Jet to get rid of that sash, but Marowak killing my Talon meant putting me on the defensive, so that strat was worthless. Instead, I went with Rotom killing Marowak and focused Shelly's team, mostly. It's a bit of a blur, but I'm pretty sure I just ended up spamming acrobatics on Shelly and revived Telon whenever it went down. Also abused Air Balloon Discharge and Krook's EQ. Ground Gem Krook was a godsend late in the battle. [Speaking of gems, isn't it funny how nobody cared about them, and then Z-Moves, which are mostly the same but with x2 instead of x1.5, were introduced? Kinda feels like they just directly ret-conned gems into Z-Crystals. Either way.]


Luna was easy. Moonblast Primarina and Sturdy Magnezone melted her. I actually thought I was supposed to lose this battle so my mind wouldn't be controlled, so I had to do Cain and Shelly another like, three times.


I used Primarina's Sing to put Radomus' Clefable to sleep, Magnezone wiped Serra, then I 2v1'd Radomus' mostly fairy team. Didn't even need to heal any of my other members, all of which were down. I was actually kinda sad, but not nearly as sad as I was after I realized E18 was mostly story. Still, a solid update, loved the battles and the Eeveelutions puzzle.
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The first 6v12 resisted me for a bit (mainly because the sticky web did its job well) but when. I got into the void in had little problem with Luna, Radomus and Serra, with my Sabd Rush Excadrill carrying me during the battle and almost sweeping them. 


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For me it was Light Clay A-Ninetales

Choice Specs Hydreigon

Bright Powder Ampharos taking advantage of the field effects and using Electric Terrain and Cotton Guard

Mega Aerodactyl for Dealing Maximum Damage

Lets Snuggle Forever Mimikyu
Very Bulky Leftovers Multiscale Milotic that tends to get Paralyzed by Clefable


Add on some X-Items to help tank hits, out-speed opponents when necessary, and add some extra attack as well as a nit of heal spamming. Took some time but finally broke through after 4 tries (would've been 3 if the game didn't script error me :'])


Shameless Plug :] :



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My first game was with gastrodon, aegislash, talonflame, mimikyu, espeon and ditto. I struggled a lot, the most difficult fight in the game.


My second game just finished, with M-medicham, meowstic, scizor, ditto, houndoum and jolteon, to be honest i totally destroyed them with M-Medicham and scizor, i used 4 revive at the first match and some max potion and that's all. Sword dance bullet punch scizor was awesome, M-medicham's HJK was killing everyone, meowstic's screens was nice to help and i almost not used houndoum and ditto and i quite didnt use jolteon the whole matches



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Specs Eruption Typhlosion + Drought Vulpix using Heat Wave for any stragglers. This took out all of the double battles and luckily for me their Megas either came out too late so when Typhlosion died it had taken out over half, or they used a single target move on Vulpix instead and then went down right after.


Luna caught me off guard but a kind forum member traded me a Shiny Shroomish a few weeks ago that was useful against her.


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I was WAY underleveled but I had an easy way to do it


My lead was Araquanid Chandelure.

By turn 1 I set up an aqua ring and kill Marowak with Chandelure by outspeeding it. Then Mimi always came in. He could deal 80% to Chande with shadow claw withlut crit, Araquanid could send to sash Ribombee and Chandelure could set up a wow. After the burn, Mimikyu always prefered to use Thunder dealing very little damage to both of my pokemon. And now, let's go rampage. Turn 3: Ribombee and Mimi try to attack but deal little damage, while Araquanid kills Ribombee and Chandelure uses trick room. All of Shelly's pokemon died to fthrower even in light screen as I was modest charcoal, exept for Volcarona who died to liquidation. The not attacking pokemon could use healing items instead. Usually her last pokemon was Scolipede and he was the only one I had to kill out of the trick room. To do so, I could send in Wide lens Noivern on the last trick room turn.

After Shelly was defeated, it was extremely easy to kill Cain, with Primarina and Muk being the only threats of his team. I had Chestnaught Silvally-electric and mega Beedrill as other pokemon


Luna was also quite easy; my araquanid lead served to kill Weavile as he was the only one who could do it (maybe also Silvally, but he could flinch)

Absol swept my team on my first run as it outspeeded jolly Beedrill but I than discovered that Chestnaught could resist a Play Rough and kill with brick break + spiky shield damage

I could kill umbreon by leech seeding, using super fang roost Noivern and having a couple antidotes. I also had used a cotton candy to revive a dead pokemon. 


Third game with a similar strategy: fthrower aqua ring, twave aurora veil. Dazzling freeze dry, liquidation trick room. Than heal + kill until Serra was defeated and easy take on Radomus. Metagross was slower than Chandelure and Mega Beedrill OHKOed MGardevoir by poison jabbing. I was less than level80, but Chandelure and Araquanid gained like 5 levels in those fights

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