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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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As Vratislav leads Greg towards the Robot Hall he figures he should do some small talk to calm the man down.

"So, this is some kind of great armory I take it? Anything I should know going forward? About you, our enemies, the environment, stuff like that.

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Chelchis examines the machinery. The Baron knew quite a bit about machinery; it shouldn't be incredibly difficult to discern something about its purpose. She kept her weapon readied, though, the small flame on the end flickering slightly as she poked about the room.

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Yoko charges forward before the beast can even react, slamming into its bulk to deal 22 damage.  With an audible crack and splintering of bone the creature almost instantly falls to the ground, its chest cavity completely collapsed and a rib protruding out the side.


Deadlift manages to stand there looking pretty as the only target is already dead.


Yoko and Deadlift hear the sound of many feet moving across the ground beyond the door and sure enough upon passing through into a chamber far larger and more box-like than the previous dome they come face-to-face with five more mutated creatures just like the one Yoko obliterated four seconds ago.

Even more creatures can be seen in the distance munching on corpses on the far side of the room, the commotion is only just now starting to distract them.




4 Yoko
2 M1-Mutant
0 Deadlift



Yoko: Healthy,
Deadlift: Healthy,

M1-Mutant 1: Nearly mist,

M1-Mutant 2: Starving,

M1-Mutant 3: Starving,

M1-Mutant 4: Starving,

M1-Mutant 5: Starving,

M1-Mutant 6: Starving,




Greg nods slowly at Vratislav.

"Mmhm...Don't t-touch any of the pla-plants and oh god don't use them to wipe."



Chelchis finds that most of the machines seems to be related to habitat support, heating, cooling, air filtration, that kind of thing.

Three of the machines are different though, they're labeled as backup generators with steam and electrical lines connected to them.  The two marked "Poison Gardens" and "Training yards" are functioning fine, but the third one marked "Facility Teleportation Station" is the machine the smell of turpentine is emanating from.

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It took quite a while for Hirata to assemble a suitable weapon, mostly because she kept redesigning it as she gained more materials and time to think things through, it started out as being nothing but a crossbow, and then she got some machinery so she drew up plans for a repeating crossbow and that was that... until she got an actual power source  and decided that she could just do away with the handcrank and power it entirely using the energy cell... until she realized that she could make an electromagnet now so there should be a coil to launch the bolt faster, and on that note why not have two drawstrings? Why does everyone insist on only having one? And after that she realized that with how awkwardly she was arranging everything she might as well make a regular bow, which of course required her to redesign almost the entire thing... from scratch.


By the time Hirata had settled on a design the entire damned thing looked more like a cybernetic starfish with four limbs lopped off than an actual bow, and the arrows she made looked weird and front heavy, but it was usable, and you could only expect so much from a box of scraps anyway.


Craft: 42 vs 12, Quality: 56, Random Blitz: 7, Hirata assembles her magnetically driven monstrosity , it's far from her best work but it's perfectly functional...as long as you don't use it much.


Kinetic Over-penetrator: An incorrect answer1 to the question of 'why don't bows have another bow attached to it that doubles the amount of bows launching the arrow' that no one was asking, the kinetic over-penetrator is what happens when you expose a brilliant engineer to too much anime and then tell them to design a weapon immediately afterwards. This...thing somehow uses, or more appropriately wastes a deep cycle battery meant for nuclear fusion engines to power a pair of powerful electromagnets and an entire bow-robot-magazine to launch arrows at high speeds with a surprising amount of accuracy for something that is honestly best described as 'a cyborg starfish with some missing limbs and a bondage fetish'. May or may not explode after overuse, has unfortunately never been tested to find out what 'overuse' means.


Kinetic Over-penetrator: Deals 1d4+[Int/2] damage to one target, ignores 3 Res. May be fired up to five(5) times with one action but has a 25% chance to render itself unusable afterwards for each shot beyond the first. Excessive use may cause strange things to happen. Becomes unusable until repaired if a specific phrase is spoken.


1 The correct answer is, and always has been, 'No, because that's dumb.'


She then considered her options for a moment, picked her Kinetic Over-penetrator up in both hands, and carefully walked down the hall Deadlift and Yoko had charged off to.

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Shamhat noticed the commotion coming from the hallway Deadlift and Yoko had gone to, and decided that she might be needed there more than she would be in the relatively-calm entrance. She followed Hirata's footsteps and approached the end of the hallway as well.

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Deadlift attempts once more to strike with his Reserve Sword, dealing 8+1d6 Damage to M1-Mutant 3


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Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.

Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.



Trick Level 3 Equipment: Reserve Sword: This weapon is blunted, and only used to hide how strong the user really is.


Trick Level 1: Deal 1d6+Strength damage.


Trick Level 2: While equipped, the user can decrease their strength by an amount of their choosing, and revert this effect at will.  Docking the user’s strength is considered when calculating Merit Bonuses.

Trick Level 3: While Equipped, the user may perform Non-lethal takedowns, instead leaving the target at 1 Health, and unable to fight further.





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A wide grin stretched Yoko's face after her blow instantly crumpled the entire chest cavity of the mutant -- while perhaps it was disappointing that her enemy was in fact so weak, there was always pleasure to be derived from caving in the entire torso of your target. That was sufficient violence indeed. But it was not over yet! Yoko turned and watched as she entered a room and saw it was full of creatures... but she just grinned. Perhaps this would be more of a challenge. With a shout, she rushed one of the creatures.


Yoko just keeps punching these things for now, using a Hands of Stone on M1-Mutant 2, for 2d6+STR (6) damage!


Move with Air (Level 2): Yoko draws upon her Air ring, honed by her training in the kikage zumi order, and puts her reflexes to use in dodging incoming blows. Yoko has a 10% chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Level 2: Dodge chance increased from 5% to 10%.


Blaze Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The power of the Blaze Tattoo inscribed on Yoko's stomach contains the power of the Fire Ring, the flickering sharpness and power contained within the body and spirit. It also can set her fists ablaze with magical fire that makes her blows something to behold, of vigor and of the aggressive power of the spirit. Yoko adds DEX+SYN damage to all unarmed attacks for the rest of the battle. Once per World.


Full Moon Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The clarity and strength of the spirit of the Full Moon represents that Yoko is not merely violent, but clear-minded and devoted to the pursuit of the elevation of her spirit. It also allows her to deal blows that shake the spirit of others, trembling their very ability to use the techniques within them. Yoko targets an opponent with one of her unarmed attacks, and upon hitting removes their ability to use a non-gear technique she has seen for the rest of the battle. Once Per Battle.


Strength of Bishamon (Perk, Level 1): Yoko is capable of dealing an amount of damage in some of the wilder blows that she puts out that can surpass what one might expect even with her musculature. She is not dependent on Bishamon to do so, for his blessing is a subtle thing that has affected her growth, but her strength has been augmented for this in a manner that is a tinge supernatural. Yoko uses Strength of Bishamon at the same time that she uses an unarmed attack, giving the attack a 20% miss chance but adding STR damage to it. Once per Battle.


Hands of Stone: Yoko performs a punch from the Dragon Clan's Kaze-do martial art, a quick and precise punch... but with her own strength, martial skill, and Hitomi values of violence instead of Togashi Kaze's philosophy of non-lethality... it's a brutal blow. Yoko deals 2d6+Str damage to an opponent.


Violence, One on One: Perhaps there's a more poetic term for this, and if you asked Yoko she would surely know it, but at the core what this is is a grapple, engaging in very close combat with an opponent. Yoko applies the "Grappled" status to her opponent and the "Grappling" status to herself if she wins a DEX check, forcing the enemy to only be able to target her (and forcing Yoko only to be able to target the grappled enemy) unless the enemy spends an action to free themselves and wins a DEX check. 


Simple Monk's ClothingAn extraordinarily simple set of monk's clothing, and nearly all Yoko will ever have on her at any given time, a set of loose and flowing green pants, and a white sarashi. These aren't anything special, particularly, but they ARE strategically chosen to work well with Yoko's tattoos and to afford her an excellent range of movement. +2 Dex.


Dark StoneThe one and only possession of Yoko's beyond the clothes barely even on her back, this is a small and exceptionally dark gemstone she keeps within her sarashi. It isn't obsidian, nor is it even magical -- it's a possession left by the dead mother Yoko never truly knew, and a source of meditation and reflection on heritage, death, the moon, and Void. +2 Ess.


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"I will note that... Wait, why not?"

Vratislav looks back at his companion in confusion as he approaches the fallen one. He was used to plants being corrupted into twisted mockeries of nature of course, but he figured it's be best to find out why in case there were some truly dire circumstances.

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While the creature working with her knew a bit about machines, Evelyn's understanding of them was... Rough, to say the least. For the most part, she didn't recognize any of the machines, just knew that they were doing SOMETHING, though her attention was mostly focused on the scattered boxes and the distinct smell of oil. While the "Baron" checked the machinery, Evelyn silently moved across the room, moving to the one unopened crate, attempting to open it to see what was inside.

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Yoko crushes her target with another 13 damage, it may not have fully collapsed this time, but it's certainly not going to keep fighting.


The remaining Mutants swarm around Yoko attacking relentlessly from all sides!

[Fail x4] She takes 3, 3, 6, and 9 damage from the mauling.


Deadlift catches one by surprise and chops off all its legs on one side with 10 damage.


The door slides open again as Hirata and Shamhat come through, they both enter the fray!


The rimbling of many legs grows from the other end of the room, two more small creatures and a single much larger bipedal version enter combat!




5 Hirata

4 Yoko

4 M3-Mutant

3 Shamhat
2 M1-Mutant
0 Deadlift



Yoko: 7/28
Deadlift: Healthy,

Hirata: Healthy,

Shanhat: Healthy,

M1-Mutant 1: Nearly mist,

M1-Mutant 2: Crushed,

M1-Mutant 3: Dead in half,

M1-Mutant 4: Starving,

M1-Mutant 5: Starving,

M1-Mutant 6: Starving,

M1-Mutant 7: Starving,

M1-Mutant 8: Starving,

M3-Large Mutant: Hangry,




"We-we aren't allowed to grow anything with-without military application. Ev-everything is poisonous"


Evelyn finds the crate easy enough to pry open.  Inside the only things of interest she finds are another metal box and a large can similar to those from the other room.  The box is marked "00 Buck" and full of small red and brass cylinders that resemble bullets but far heavier than Evelyn is familiar with.

The can actually has a label this time it reads:

"Militech canned meat for reactivated units is packed with vitamins and other beneficial ingredients that help to preserve and feed the reactivated unit. Contained in a can made of high-grade Militech steel, the product is designed to be fresh forever, although guarantees are only given for the first 200 years.


Live people eating Militech canned meat have received improved constitution and durability, possibly because of the chemical enhancers that make organic tissue more dense and thus harded to damage. Side effects include  increased agression and sex drive."

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"Yoko, you're rather close to your limit already.  I'm moved by that kind of effort."


"I can respect that, so...  Consider this my real introduction."





"An introduction which requires the most honorable thing I can offer.   One Hundred Percent of my Power!"


Deadlift stabs his sword into the ground and puts his hands to his sides, fists forward in a practiced pose as he widens his stance before taking a deep breath and screaming.




The air around his body suddenly becomes flooded with spirit energy, oceans of raw soul power exploding from him like an atom bomb as the air turns blue.


His body, a black silhouette in the light of his own sun, begins deforming, bones snapping like gunshots in a duel between desperadoes.




His back arches forward as his spine extends to twice it's length in 3 sickening jolts, his limbs quickly following as they break and re-break over and over, regenerating into his fully powered form.


His shirt is instantly obliterated by swelling muscle, revealing a crater of scar tissue in his chest which is only brought into stark relief as his ribs stretch past his muscles, like an anemic patient of some horrid disease, muscle underneath and wrapped around it ballooning outward.


Like a mushroom cloud, his emissions finally reach their fever pitch, crashing upwards off of him and into the ceiling as it pushes the very air back, before dissipating and leaving a monster behind, wreathed in spirit energy.


Standing at over 16 Feet Tall, Deadlift takes a step in front of Yoko, like a statue of some famous martial artist, made entirely of Clay and Bone under pale bronze, and picks up his sword.


Deadlift Equips Monster Suit, and activates Strength Absolute, bringing his strength from (5+3=8) 8 to ((8+2=10)+125%=23) 23.


(Note that the Downside of Reserve Sword has been removed, negating the strength lost from it's effect, while retaining the benefits of having docked 3 Strength.)


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Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.

Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.



Trick Level 3 Equipment: Reserve Sword: This weapon is blunted, and only used to hide how strong the user really is.


Trick Level 1: Deal 1d6+Strength damage.


Trick Level 2: While equipped, the user can decrease their strength by an amount of their choosing, and revert this effect at will.  Docking the user’s strength is considered when calculating Merit Bonuses.

Trick Level 3: While Equipped, the user may perform Non-lethal takedowns, instead leaving the target at 1 Health, and unable to fight further.



Merit Level 2 Passive: Monster Suit: The user’s incredible malice and raw strength intimidate even the most fearsome opponents.  

Merit Level 1: Enemies whose health is brought below the user’s strength must save or be stunned.

Merit Level 2: If the user’s strength grows above an enemy’s health, they must also save or be stunned.



Perk Level 1 Trump: Strength Absolute: The user decides to unleash 100% of their power on a worthy opponent.

Perk Level 1: Remove the downsides and conditionals of Strength Altering effects for one combat.  Once per Plot.

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Now that the room has started to empty out, Morp decides to leave finally. He bobs out, with a cheerful "Bye Greg!" He heads off, working his way towards the room that Evelyn went to, and seeing what could be seen when he entered.

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Mashinshinajī: When using robotic or electronic equipment, the effectiveness of the equipment is boosted by 2, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment. This action does not take a slot.
Level 2: The equipment is now boosted by an additional +1


Kinetic Over-penetrator: An incorrect answer to the question of 'why don't bows have another bow attached to it that doubles the amount of bows launching the arrow' that no one was asking, the kinetic over-penetrator is what happens when you expose a brilliant engineer to too much anime and then tell them to design a weapon afterwards. This...thing somehow uses, or more appropriately wastes a deep cycle battery meant for nuclear fusion engines to power a pair of powerful electromagnets and an entire bow-robot-magazine to launch arrows at high speeds with a surprising amount of accuracy for something that is honestly best described as 'a cyborg starfish with some missing limbs and a bondage fetish'. May or may not explode after overuse, has unfortunately never been tested to find out what 'overuse' means.


Deals 1d4+[Int/2] damage to one target, ignores 3 Res. May be fired up to five (5) times with one action but has a 25% chance to render itself unusable afterwards for each shot beyond the first. Excessive use may cause strange things to happen. Becomes unusable until repaired if the phrase 'Hai kara hai' is spoken.

Odi: An AI companion contained within a body pillow of a chibi cyborg Darkness from the popular anime 'Konosuba', it does not have control over much of it's own systems, as the servos strategically placed within said body pillows can at most cycle through various preprogrammed sequences, and the cybernetic eye disguised as a part of the cover is unable to move much. It claims to be nothing more than a non sapient program designed to fool people into thinking that it's human to anyone who will listen, and it spends most of it's time trying to brute force it's way into obtaining more complete control over the servos it is linked to or trying and consistently failing to hack into appliances when it is not asked to do something, as it is honestly no more intelligent than your average uppity high schooler with a scientific calculator.
Grants +2 to Hirata’s Intelligence when equipped.



As Hirata sighted the various mutants crowding around Yoko, she raised her starfish-bow-robot-thing and let loose a hail of electromagnetically launched arrows in what would most likely be a completely and utterly disastrous series of test shots; which was made worse by Hirata's decision to yell out, "ダカカダッカダッカダッカ" while doing so.


Hirata uses the Kinetic Overpenetrator to try and fire all five shots, attacking M1 mutant 4 until it dies and moving on to the next M1 Mutant she can target.

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Gravity Rod / Gravity: A magical rod adorned with an ominous, purple pearl. Said to have cost men and women across many lands weeks of continuous and torturous grinding to craft. And then Shamhat stole it. It possesses the power of the spell Gravity. Crushes a target with heightened gravity, dealing damage. Damage scales with the percentage of the target's remaining HP.

- Base: Inflicts INT+(1d6+INT)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's max HP) damage to one target.
- Level 2: Inflicts 1d6+INT+(2d4+INT)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's max HP) damage to one target.

- Level 3: Inflicts 2d4+INT+(2d6+INT)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's max HP) damage to one target.


Sage's Staff / Cura: A purple staff with a golden ring on its tip. Said to be one of the twelve Sealed Weapons used to defeat an ancient, interdimensional necromancer. The heroes in that world apparently did not seal the weapons back properly after using them again to defeat a new evil, and so Shamhat took advantage of it and swiped the staff away. It possesses the power of the spell Cura. Heals multiple targets. Can also be used to deal damage to undeads equal to the amount of healing it would've done.

- Base: Restores INT HP, but weakens by 30% for every additional ally healed, to one or more allies.

- Level 2: Restores 1d4+INT HP, but weakens by 30% for every additional ally healed, to one or more allies.

- Level 3: Restores 1d6+INT HP, but weakens by 25% for every additional ally healed, to one or more allies.


Barrier: A spell that heightens one or more allies' defenses temporarily.

- Base: Increases one ally's RES by INT/2 for three turns.

- Level 2: Increases RES by INT/2 for three turns, but duration shortens by one turn for every additional ally targeted, to one or more allies.


Shamhat Transform!: Once per world, Shamhat may transform into her true form for the remainder of the encounter, growing six additional arms and getting taller in the process.

- Base: +2 ESS, +4 INT. Cooldown-less Triplecast (Use three spells in one turn) for the remainder of the encounter. All rolls take the higher result out of two rolls. Enemies shit bricks, if applicable.

Robe of All Trades: A robe weaved with fabric from several robes that belonged to mages of certain trades of magic. +2 INT.


Shamhat assessed the situation. The mutants seemed to have pushed Deadlift and co. into their limits, what with the macho man himself trying to out-mutate the mutants already.


"You look like you could use some help... Who are you again, woman?" Shamhat stumbled on her words, realizing that the girl hadn't introduced herself so far... somehow. "That can wait, though. Catch this!" She twirled her Sage's Staff, and cast Cura twice at Yoko.


Action: Use Cura twice (Multicast: +1 Action per round) on Yoko, healing her for a total of 1d6+INT+1d6+INT=2d6+2*INT (2*8) HP.

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Yoko spat blood after being converged upon — she wouldn’t lie to herself, that hurt like all Jigoku. But of course, that was the point, was it not? If Yoko was being wounded, it was at least a sign the fight had become much less lopsided, and Yoko grinned. Of course, she found herself distracted by Deadlift, as he suddenly transformed, and utterly horrifically at that, bones breaking again and again as his skeleton was cracked and crackled and pulled apart, his muscles swelling and flowing, the man managing to abruptly grow to twice his height through his spiritual power, and to practically burst with musculature. It was fascinating to Yoko, who stared in undisguised awe. Still bleeding, but in an excellent mood, Yoko chuckled impressedly. ”Hohoho... ohohoho... you are very, very impressive, Deadlift, impressive indeed...”


When the mage came up to heal her, Yoko’s attention was barely on her. ”Hitomi Yoko,” she answered absentmindedly, ”Dragon monk.” Then she quickly caught the incoming spells and whirled towards another mutant, dealing it a solid blow.


Yoko uses Hands of Stone on M1-Mutant 8, for 2d6+STR (6) damage!


Move with Air (Level 2): Yoko draws upon her Air ring, honed by her training in the kikage zumi order, and puts her reflexes to use in dodging incoming blows. Yoko has a 10% chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Level 2: Dodge chance increased from 5% to 10%.


Blaze Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The power of the Blaze Tattoo inscribed on Yoko's stomach contains the power of the Fire Ring, the flickering sharpness and power contained within the body and spirit. It also can set her fists ablaze with magical fire that makes her blows something to behold, of vigor and of the aggressive power of the spirit. Yoko adds DEX+SYN damage to all unarmed attacks for the rest of the battle. Once per World.


Full Moon Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The clarity and strength of the spirit of the Full Moon represents that Yoko is not merely violent, but clear-minded and devoted to the pursuit of the elevation of her spirit. It also allows her to deal blows that shake the spirit of others, trembling their very ability to use the techniques within them. Yoko targets an opponent with one of her unarmed attacks, and upon hitting removes their ability to use a non-gear technique she has seen for the rest of the battle. Once Per Battle.


Strength of Bishamon (Perk, Level 1): Yoko is capable of dealing an amount of damage in some of the wilder blows that she puts out that can surpass what one might expect even with her musculature. She is not dependent on Bishamon to do so, for his blessing is a subtle thing that has affected her growth, but her strength has been augmented for this in a manner that is a tinge supernatural. Yoko uses Strength of Bishamon at the same time that she uses an unarmed attack, giving the attack a 20% miss chance but adding STR damage to it. Once per Battle.


Hands of Stone: Yoko performs a punch from the Dragon Clan's Kaze-do martial art, a quick and precise punch... but with her own strength, martial skill, and Hitomi values of violence instead of Togashi Kaze's philosophy of non-lethality... it's a brutal blow. Yoko deals 2d6+Str damage to an opponent.


Violence, One on One: Perhaps there's a more poetic term for this, and if you asked Yoko she would surely know it, but at the core what this is is a grapple, engaging in very close combat with an opponent. Yoko applies the "Grappled" status to her opponent and the "Grappling" status to herself if she wins a DEX check, forcing the enemy to only be able to target her (and forcing Yoko only to be able to target the grappled enemy) unless the enemy spends an action to free themselves and wins a DEX check. 


Simple Monk's Clothing: An extraordinarily simple set of monk's clothing, and nearly all Yoko will ever have on her at any given time, a set of loose and flowing green pants, and a white sarashi. These aren't anything special, particularly, but they ARE strategically chosen to work well with Yoko's tattoos and to afford her an excellent range of movement. +2 Dex.


Dark Stone: The one and only possession of Yoko's beyond the clothes barely even on her back, this is a small and exceptionally dark gemstone she keeps within her sarashi. It isn't obsidian, nor is it even magical -- it's a possession left by the dead mother Yoko never truly knew, and a source of meditation and reflection on heritage, death, the moon, and Void. +2 Ess.


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Hirata fires a series of steel bolts that fly into the Mutants around Yoko dealing 8, 10, 7, 10, and 10 damage.  She also melts the acceleration coils on her brand new toy in the process.


Yoko finds her Mutant of choice already quite dead, what with the bolt sticking out of the side of its head.


The large Mutant roars defiantly before picking up one of the dead lesser Mutants and using as a club on Deadlift to deal 18 damage!


Shamhat hits Yoko with her healing stick for 21 HP exactly.


Deadlift responds to this offence by practically exploding into a mass of muscle and anger, looming a full four feet over the "large" Mutant.  Despite this the monster seems intent on killing you all.




5 Hirata

4 Yoko

4 M3-Mutant

3 Shamhat
2 M1-Mutant
0 Deadlift



Yoko: 28/28,
Deadlift: 18/36,

Hirata: Healthy, Broken Weapon,

Shanhat: Healthy,

M1-Mutant 1: Nearly mist,

M1-Mutant 2: Crushed,

M1-Mutant 3: Dead in half,

M1-Mutant 4: Hit with an arrow,

M1-Mutant 5: Coilgun FTW,

M1-Mutant 6: Hirata has done well,

M1-Mutant 7: When will it end?,

M1-Mutant 8: Welp there goes the encounter,

M3-Large Mutant: Somewhat Concerned, Wielding another Mutant,


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Deadlift is unbothered by the wet snap of his limbs breaking under the clubbing, he's had worse.  He looks vaguely impressed with Hirata's construct, and vaguely disappointed in something else.


"This is why I choose to hold back.  Anything more is just..."


Instead, he reels back, and with all his might, strikes the monster with his Reserve sword, dealing 1d6+23 Damage.  He performs a Nonlethal Takedown, at Hirata's Request.


"A waste."

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Morp heads out into the dome, and then through one of the doors. Maybe he could take one of the trees later, but that might be difficult, and it'd be kinda boring. When the orb had entered the room, filled with the sound of machinery, it immediately started searching for some of the machinery that might not be fully bolted to the ground. That would be the easiest to take. And loud moving metal stuff tended to be interesting.

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"And the action is already coming to an end..." Shamhat remarked in both amazement and disappointment. She swiftly cast Cura on Deadlift, before taking aim at the large mutant's chest with her Gravity Rod. "I suppose it is overkill to push yourself to 100% for... this." After finishing the sentence, she cast Gravity on the mutant.


Action: Use Cura on Deadlift, restoring 1d6+INT (8) HP, and then use Gravity on M3-Large Mutant, dealing 2d4+INT+(2d6+INT)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's maximum HP) damage.

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Hirata instinctively dragged herself and her unfortunately broken weapon behind anything that looked like it would provide cover before she attempted to salvage whatever she can from it to get it as close to a functioning state as possible while she said, "Try to hold back a little Deadlift, I think I can turn these weaklings into something that can put up a real fight later."


Hirata essentially does nothing of value at all this round because she's trying to fix her broken weapon and we both know that's probably not happening.

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Yoko blinked as the woman with the pillow abruptly came in and slaughtered everything smaller than the big creature that they were facing. ”...well then.” Yoko stood there looking stupid for just a moment — she most certainly had not expected that. Perhaps she would have to revise her mental estimate of this Hirata girl. But for now, she did still have something to focus on: that big one! And since she was no longer in quite the same amount of trouble, Yoko was quite happy to rush it.


And so she did, leaping at the mutant and attempting to bend it backwards with a grapple — if she could get it into an awkward position it wouldn’t be able to do much but swipe at her while the others obliterated it from existence.


Yoko uses Violence One on One against the big mutant, forcing it to make a DEX check against her currently 6 DEX or only be able to target her (and vice versa)!



Move with Air (Level 2): Yoko draws upon her Air ring, honed by her training in the kikage zumi order, and puts her reflexes to use in dodging incoming blows. Yoko has a 10% chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Level 2: Dodge chance increased from 5% to 10%.


Blaze Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The power of the Blaze Tattoo inscribed on Yoko's stomach contains the power of the Fire Ring, the flickering sharpness and power contained within the body and spirit. It also can set her fists ablaze with magical fire that makes her blows something to behold, of vigor and of the aggressive power of the spirit. Yoko adds DEX+SYN damage to all unarmed attacks for the rest of the battle. Once per World.


Full Moon Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The clarity and strength of the spirit of the Full Moon represents that Yoko is not merely violent, but clear-minded and devoted to the pursuit of the elevation of her spirit. It also allows her to deal blows that shake the spirit of others, trembling their very ability to use the techniques within them. Yoko targets an opponent with one of her unarmed attacks, and upon hitting removes their ability to use a non-gear technique she has seen for the rest of the battle. Once Per Battle.


Strength of Bishamon (Perk, Level 1): Yoko is capable of dealing an amount of damage in some of the wilder blows that she puts out that can surpass what one might expect even with her musculature. She is not dependent on Bishamon to do so, for his blessing is a subtle thing that has affected her growth, but her strength has been augmented for this in a manner that is a tinge supernatural. Yoko uses Strength of Bishamon at the same time that she uses an unarmed attack, giving the attack a 20% miss chance but adding STR damage to it. Once per Battle.


Hands of Stone: Yoko performs a punch from the Dragon Clan's Kaze-do martial art, a quick and precise punch... but with her own strength, martial skill, and Hitomi values of violence instead of Togashi Kaze's philosophy of non-lethality... it's a brutal blow. Yoko deals 2d6+Str damage to an opponent.


Violence, One on One: Perhaps there's a more poetic term for this, and if you asked Yoko she would surely know it, but at the core what this is is a grapple, engaging in very close combat with an opponent. Yoko applies the "Grappled" status to her opponent and the "Grappling" status to herself if she wins a DEX check, forcing the enemy to only be able to target her (and forcing Yoko only to be able to target the grappled enemy) unless the enemy spends an action to free themselves and wins a DEX check. 


Simple Monk's Clothing: An extraordinarily simple set of monk's clothing, and nearly all Yoko will ever have on her at any given time, a set of loose and flowing green pants, and a white sarashi. These aren't anything special, particularly, but they ARE strategically chosen to work well with Yoko's tattoos and to afford her an excellent range of movement. +2 Dex.


Dark Stone: The one and only possession of Yoko's beyond the clothes barely even on her back, this is a small and exceptionally dark gemstone she keeps within her sarashi. It isn't obsidian, nor is it even magical -- it's a possession left by the dead mother Yoko never truly knew, and a source of meditation and reflection on heritage, death, the moon, and Void. +2 Ess.


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Hirata just kind of stands there, looking over her weapon trying to assess the damage.


Dex check: 9

Yoko attempts to grapple with the giant monster, but as it turns out having four arms really helps with that whole counter grappling thing.


The large Mutant uses Overwhelming Speed to act twice this round!

With its first action it hits Deadlift with the Lesser Mutant again dealing another 13 damage.


With its second action it reaches over and grabs Yoko and Shamhat before slamming them together like children's toys.

Str saves: 6, 13,

Shamhat is stunned, Yoko is not.


Deadlift swings at its torso creating a deep contusion and dealing 25 damage!

The Mutant recoils and draws back from Deadlift's might.




5 Hirata

4 Yoko

4 M3-Mutant, Stun

3 Shamhat, Stun
2 M1-Mutant
0 Deadlift



Yoko: 28/28,
Deadlift: 6/36,

Hirata: Healthy, Broken Weapon,

Shanhat: Healthy, Stunned,

M1-Mutant 1: Nearly mist,

M1-Mutant 2: Crushed,

M1-Mutant 3: Dead in half,

M1-Mutant 4: Hit with an arrow,

M1-Mutant 5: Coilgun FTW,

M1-Mutant 6: Hirata has done well,

M1-Mutant 7: When will it end?,

M1-Mutant 8: Welp there goes the encounter,

M3-Large Mutant: Badly Bleeding, Wielding another Mutant, Stunned


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