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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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Chelchis finds that yes the machine seems to be malfunctioning, something appears to be stuck in the gears.  Closer inspection finds it to be a human corpse, its lower half sucked in by the gears and turned into a slightly chunky goop, much like salsa.  Luckily the thing doesn't smell that bad everything considered, the turpentine really helps cover the smell of vile and rotting flesh.


Chelchis also locates a computer terminal on one of the walls.  A Militech logo screensaver shows on the monitor.


[41] Morp finds a box off to the side, a crate smashed open and half looted already.  It's full of assorted replacement parts and tools for this maintenance area.

Morp gains: 1 Box of Heavy Machinery parts and 1 Repair Toolkit.


Greg shudders at the scent of turpentine.

"I'll never forget my first trip to that chopshop.  They use Turpentine to help preserve the necrotic flesh of their glorified zombie slaves, the little fuckers like to crawl into tight spaces and hide in machines.  At least you can smell them from a mile away."

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Shamhat knelt down, supporting herself with her weapons. "I'll... need a moment," she said begrudgingly, as she kept a low position to deal with her numb body.


Action: Do Nothing. (Stunned)

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"Oh boy!" Morp looks around him, to make sure no one's paying much attention, then focuses on the crate that he found. With a light pop, it vanishes, presumably to be stored in his collection for later.


The orb then bobs over to hover behind the tall one with the arms, to see what they're doing at the computer.

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"Hm, so they use the dead for work here? But they still under go some decay.... Hm, I'm going to have to look at their techniques and see if it can be improved on even with my admittedly... lower tech alternatives. My ancestor you see, he had a most interesting hobby of raising the dead. In fact in his personal store room was one of the results of those studies. It was for all intents and purposes a dead body, from someplace in the Far East. Apparently, according to his notes, you could get it to serve you with the right kind of seal. Thankfully, the old bastard bit the dust before that... Now that I think of it though, I haven't seen it since."

His tangent having run it's course, Vratislav blinks.

"Ah, we should try getting the body out shouldn't we?"

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Hirata slowly hid behind a nearby piece of cover and instead decided to assess the viability of converting the entire weapon into a combination free electron laser and electron microscope, which in essence means that she is spacing out instead of doing anything useful.

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Meanwhile, roy was tinkering with the grass and highly toxic trees, a few drops of chemicals from his brief case to help things along, and some magic, was all that was needed for him to whip up a little companion. One very, very poisonous companion.

Grassy fur, a bit of wood scattered about on its body, and cute little tail. Sticking largely to the simple appearance template of a wolf.
After the mental programming was done, it rolled over and made what could almost pass as a proper bark. Prompting Roy to give it a belly rub, before standing back up.

He should probbly catch up with the others.
    "Come on boy"


Roy will, useing biomass from the tree, and surrounding grass, create a Neo-Toxin Wolf pup A portion of the used biomass is converted into more typical compositional elements, Flesh, and bone and the like. However, many of its plant qualities and posion is also included.
The dark greenish fur acts like leaves, supplementing diet with light, and allowing it to enter a hibernation state, which requires only water and sunlight. A gas sack in its body allows it to breath out a gaseous form of neo-manncaliate toxin, in a given direction Additionally it can at will, mix its saliva with neo-manchilte sap secreted from its gums and tounge. Or coat its fur in the same posion. For safety reasons it can also re-absorb it, to protect handlers and owners.
Int is 8
Master biologist provides a 70% int bonus As a use of biological magic,
venom provides a roll bonus of 3 As a use of biological crafting,
the portable bio lab provides a roll bonus of two
Items used, neo-malachite, and grass


Craft: 33 vs 27,
Quality: 62,
Random Blitz: 79, Roy carefully gathers up the needed biomass before getting to work. The process goes relatively smoothly all things considered, nothing much to note there. Roy's creation takes the form of a young wolf, with soft grass in place of fur and sharp thorns in place of teeth. It's capable of causing blisters with its regular breathing alone and far more damage with effort, its bite is equally poisonous, and its "blood" is also just as toxic.

Manchineel Pup:
HP: 20
Str: 3
Dex: 3
Int: 2
Syn: 6

Bite: deals 1d4+[Str] damage and inflicts a debuff on living targets that reduces the target's MHP by [Syn] for the remainder of the encounter, cooldown of two.

Breath Weapon(poison): reduces one target's MHP by [Syn].

Poisonous Blood: when dealt damage by a melee attack the attacker takes [damage dealt]/3 poison damage.

It takes two action slots to equip and acts on its own.


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If there was anyone who wasn’t going to be slowing down, it was the kikage zumi in the room, and with a shout Yoko didn’t hesitate in hurling herself at the mutant - but this time instead of trying to grapple it she was just trying to knock the thing’s fucking block off with a punch.

Yoko uses Hands of Stone on the surviving mutant, doing 2d6+STR (6) damage!



Move with Air (Level 2): Yoko draws upon her Air ring, honed by her training in the kikage zumi order, and puts her reflexes to use in dodging incoming blows. Yoko has a 10% chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Level 2: Dodge chance increased from 5% to 10%.


Blaze Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The power of the Blaze Tattoo inscribed on Yoko's stomach contains the power of the Fire Ring, the flickering sharpness and power contained within the body and spirit. It also can set her fists ablaze with magical fire that makes her blows something to behold, of vigor and of the aggressive power of the spirit. Yoko adds DEX+SYN damage to all unarmed attacks for the rest of the battle. Once per World.


Full Moon Tattoo (Perk, Level 1): The clarity and strength of the spirit of the Full Moon represents that Yoko is not merely violent, but clear-minded and devoted to the pursuit of the elevation of her spirit. It also allows her to deal blows that shake the spirit of others, trembling their very ability to use the techniques within them. Yoko targets an opponent with one of her unarmed attacks, and upon hitting removes their ability to use a non-gear technique she has seen for the rest of the battle. Once Per Battle.


Strength of Bishamon (Perk, Level 1): Yoko is capable of dealing an amount of damage in some of the wilder blows that she puts out that can surpass what one might expect even with her musculature. She is not dependent on Bishamon to do so, for his blessing is a subtle thing that has affected her growth, but her strength has been augmented for this in a manner that is a tinge supernatural. Yoko uses Strength of Bishamon at the same time that she uses an unarmed attack, giving the attack a 20% miss chance but adding STR damage to it. Once per Battle.


Hands of Stone: Yoko performs a punch from the Dragon Clan's Kaze-do martial art, a quick and precise punch... but with her own strength, martial skill, and Hitomi values of violence instead of Togashi Kaze's philosophy of non-lethality... it's a brutal blow. Yoko deals 2d6+Str damage to an opponent.


Violence, One on One: Perhaps there's a more poetic term for this, and if you asked Yoko she would surely know it, but at the core what this is is a grapple, engaging in very close combat with an opponent. Yoko applies the "Grappled" status to her opponent and the "Grappling" status to herself if she wins a DEX check, forcing the enemy to only be able to target her (and forcing Yoko only to be able to target the grappled enemy) unless the enemy spends an action to free themselves and wins a DEX check. 


Simple Monk's Clothing: An extraordinarily simple set of monk's clothing, and nearly all Yoko will ever have on her at any given time, a set of loose and flowing green pants, and a white sarashi. These aren't anything special, particularly, but they ARE strategically chosen to work well with Yoko's tattoos and to afford her an excellent range of movement. +2 Dex.


Dark Stone: The one and only possession of Yoko's beyond the clothes barely even on her back, this is a small and exceptionally dark gemstone she keeps within her sarashi. It isn't obsidian, nor is it even magical -- it's a possession left by the dead mother Yoko never truly knew, and a source of meditation and reflection on heritage, death, the moon, and Void. +2 Ess.


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Chelchis shrugged at the corpse. The smell was something she noticed, but having an ether rebreather meant she was largely isolated from such things. And it wasn't as if she hadn't seen human corpses in worse states; she'd rendered them that way herself more than once. Still, had to get that machine running. . . Chelchis reaches over and yanks the corpse out of the machine. 

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Hirata considers various scientific possibilities while trying not to look like food.


Yoko strikes the Mutant for 10 damage, nearly bringing the beast down.


The Mutant staggers and starts moving towards Deadlift again, intent on finishing the job.


Shamhat considers the virtues of ranged combat over being in the melee while nursing a minor concussion.


Deadlift slams into the Mutant knocking it face-down onto the ground before firmly driving his weapon through it effectively pinning the creature.  It's not dead as evident by the occasional thrashing or pained moan, but it isn't going anywhere.


Combat end!  You win!




Participation prize: 2,

Deadlift: +1 for wager,




"It's probably hiding in one of the back generators for this sector, so y-yeah."

Whether by chance or choice Greg doesn't seem to notice Vratislav's mention of creating necromantic zombies.



Chelchis reaches in a grabs what she can of the corpse and yanks it out.  With a little effort and time any piece of corpse with a meaningful size have been extracted, the machine isn't by any means clean but it'll probably crank up without exploding.

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"Ok, Hirata.  Do what you will with this nasty thing."  Deadlift claims, leaving it pinned to the ground as he begins powering down.  His muscles deflate, and his bones shrink with a few wet pops.

He opts to spend his free time doing something to his Armored Gauntlet, his blue energy surrounding it and wriggling like an angry creature.

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Upon opening the box, Evelyn's eye lit up with a bit of excitement as she began to look into what was inside. Bullets, far heavier than the Quicksilver bullets she employed, but something she'd have to look into later. The "Buck" portion implied that it worked better with a Blunderbuss, however... But that would be something she'd look into when she was certain there was no hostiles around. The can, on the other hand... Wasn't as exciting. Yes, it increased durability... But she'd rather not have to deal with an injury to begin with. Still, it could prove useful in the future, so Evelyn merely picked up a few bullets, and the can itself, before turning around and looking at the sound of Chelchis tearing out a half crushed corpse from one of the machines in the room.


For many, the sight would've caused quite the reaction, and yet Evelyn didn't even bat an eye as she glanced at the rest of the group, taking note of the Orb now checking what Chelchis was doing, Vratislav and the survivor speaking to each other, and the rotting corpse... Rotting and still dead. All in all, there was nothing for her here anymore, causing her to walk around the others and out of the room, walking back to through the hallway while taking out one of the "00 Buck" bullets, deciding to see if there was anything she could notice about it as she headed towards the other route that Deadlift, Yoko, and the others presumably went.

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Evelyn finds the others easily.


Chelchis finds a draw with keyboard and mouse right below the monitor.  A short interaction shows that most of the computer's functions and files have been corrupted or deleted leaving only a few notes and journal entries to read.


Emergency Evacuation Request...pending...


Request Denied. Standard resupply drops to facility are performed every 5 months via automatic transport ships. Current status: All operations abandoned due to negative profit outlook. Planet Medusa-1C quarantined indefinitely.

Planet Medusa-1C


Small, almost Earth-sized planet with no significant resources and far from colonized space. Its planetary stock price was incredibly low, making it a perfect spot for Militech research. Being far from any settlements gave an added bonus of reduced distraction for scientists in the facility.

-Natural conditions


The planet surface features extremely high temperatures, deadly radiation and poisonous atmosphere. This means all personnel should stay inside the research facility. Exiting the facility without adequate protective equipment is instantly fatal.

-Indigenous life


Biodiversity on Medusa-1C is literally minimal but well-accustomed to the deadly atmospheric conditions. So far, only two life forms have been discovered, and both are lethal to humans. These species are cat-sized amoeba that use corrosive chemicals to consume anything organic.

Note to self by Chemistry sector scientist #84.


I have received a report that some guerrilla human armies have used Militech Canned meat in combination with improvised explosives to lure our products into deadly traps. I request an assistant to investigate this problem in our product and if needed, change the contents of the canned food or install new software to reactivated soldiers.


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Chelchis rumbled irritably at the damage. At least they hadn't mistreated the life-giving machines, but this sort of damage only came about deliberately or via gross negligence. It was good to note the hazards of the outside world; it seemed that unlike most of the solar system of the humans, this place had not been touched by the Great Machine. Not that it always created entirely peaceful worlds, but this would be called "uninhabitable" by most. And indeed, this place seemed entirely dependent on external shipments of materiel and food to survive. 


The Baron turned away from the computer for the moment, taking a look at the machine near it. The human parts were removed, yes, but it hadn't restarted on its own. Manual interference might be necessary. . . She immediately set about prying open some of the surrounding panels, seeing if she could get more access to the wiring and internals of the machine without damaging it, and trying to manually restart it.

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Vratislav watches Chelchis start pulling apart the machine. He initially considers stopping her, but figures she'll either figure out it's a bad idea, get the machine running, or get hurt and stop. So he leaves to check out the room that he hadn't been in yet.

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Int check: 10,

Luck: 78,


Looking around the machine Chelchis actually finds a maintenance panel on the back.  It seems the machine quickly detected the obstruction and turned itself off, it simply needed confirmation that the obstruction had been removed and to be turned back on.  A light spray of red hit the ceiling of the room and a nearby machine as the generator came to life, eventually it read full power production for its portion of the sector.

Chelchis doesn't feel like there's a whole lot left to do here.

+2 Merit for solving a puzzle before actually knowing it's was a puzzle that needed solving.


Vratislav finds the other room, dead mutants are strewn around where the battle had taken place.  He sees two doors leading out of the place; one to the far right near a pile of half-eaten corpses and another straight ahead.

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Vratislav looks at the door next to the pile of bodies. Then he looks at the pile. He looks back and forth a few times before sighing. The things he does for supplies...

"Greg, this is gonna suck, and it's dirty as shit. But help me look through the pile here for anything useful."

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Sure enough, Evelyn's backtracking managed to bring her to where the others had gone, the one-eyed Hunter placing the bullet back into a pouch on her belt before pausing, her one eye widening in surprise upon seeing the state the room was in. Corpses, lots of blood... And an inhuman creature thrashing, pinned with a sword stuck through it. The sight of which caused Evelyn's eye to narrow dangerously as she stepped further into the room and around the creature, looking down into its eyes, "Tell me, why are you bothering to leave one of these Beasts alive?" Evelyn asked, pulling out her pistol and making sure it was loaded. She didn't ask to anyone in particular... Mostly to anyone who would bother trying to give her a reason.

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For a few seconds, Evelyn merely closed her eyes, frowning heavily at Deadlifts explanation. Then, she opened them again, glaring at the Beast as it continued to struggle, "Then we'll keep it that way" was all she said before shifting her body to the side, placing her pistol directly onto the head of the creature and pulling the trigger. She would not sit idly by as a Beast yet lived, especially when they expected anything good to come out of making it stronger.

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At the loud bang, Deadlift looks over lazily, a frown working it's way onto his face.


"Then I suppose you have found something to serve as a worthwhile replacement for Hirata's work?  I'd hate to see her potential held back by someone else's interference."  Deadlift claims, disappointment, but not surprised.

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Yoko watched the whole interaction around the mutant rather languidly — she wasn’t really concerned with whether it lived or not, seeing as she’d got her violence from the encounter. It had been surprisingly worthwhile, even! The battle had gone from one pathetic creature she destroyed in one blow, to a swarm of them and a much larger creature, and had actually seen her bloodied, which very much pleased her — through hardship, through violence, that was how she would channel her chaos, and she had gotten both.


The fate of the actual beast didn’t really matter to Yoko in comparison, if it couldn’t put up a good fight anymore she didn’t really give a damn what happened to it next. ”Well, I must say, I’m quite satisfied, creature dead or no. This was a far more challenging battle than I’d expected to face after I crushed that first one! I had to actually fight for it. It was fascinating seeing you pull off that growing technique as well, Deadlift. You appear more and more powerful every time I see you do something.”

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Chelchis makes something approximating a "hmph" and walks back out of the room. No other paths of exploration presenting themselves, she headed back down the other hallway, the one with the orange piping. She idly shook the hand that had been pulling parts out of the machine; she didn't want blood to set in and rust the armor, after all. Her weapon was held loosely in her lower limbs, leaving the more powerful upper ones free for the moment.

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