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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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Yvette's smile changed from her usual charming smile to one that was more of pride. "Well, I am educated in leadership and ruling a duchy and a practitioner of the arcane. Unfrotunilty I was never too interested in the practical applications of it like enchantment. My interest lied more in things well beyond the material plane. Into that of demonology and by extension the opening of portals to their realm and into other plans." Yvette moved one of her hands pointing away from anyone and moved it as if she was writing something in the air. "As a simple use of such knowledge, I can open a small portal to unleash the flames of hell for a moment." Her words emphasized by a small tear appearing in the air near a wall unleashing dark flames for only a moment but leaving a dark scorch mark on the wall and the smell of brimstone in the air. "Given sufficient time, power and maybe a few other things if I wanted them I have worked out a ritual that will let me open a larger portal that could let actual demons through it. Luckily as part of that same ritual, I have put in bindings spells that will bind demons to my will...given a few requirements." Yvette said happily.

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“In that case, my request Is simple, I want cell samples from any demons you get your hands on. If they are energy type demons then try and get me some of it in a stored form.”


“What are the demons of your world like? The ones in mine mostly live deep underground among rare substances. Lots of animalsitc ones with powerful magic flowing through there bodies. Even with my resources there a pain to get. And even more of a pain to bring to heel.”


“I’ve sent powerful beast of my own down, but they tend to get too beat up long before reaching the depths. And many are reluctant to give me such samples in trade.”

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"Yes, demons can be tricky to deal with but if I can obtain some of those I will," Yvette said nodding. "Demons of my world come in many forms some are nothing more the beast bent on nothing but chaos while others are cunning and have a more human appearance and plan things out for centuries. While others are powerful enough to rival the gods of my world and have existed long before the material plane of my world existed." Yvette continued with a sigh. "The more I study and learn about them the more complex they become which makes the research quite interesting and consistently changing." Yvette finished with a smile  

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After spending a needless amount of time with assembling the legs and basic frame of what she hoped would shape up to be a home away from home; Hirata was faced with a bit of a problem; Deadlift couldn't be expected to carry everything around for her all the time, and her own strong man had his hands full with Chelchis as it were, and so to try and solve this problem she decided to ask Deadlift to drop off her recent creations in the relatively safe room where the mutants had been vanquished before he left her there to work on getting the damned thing up and running.


As soon as she entered the room she waved at both Roy and Yvette to get their attention as she said, "Hhhi there! What're you two up to?", before she asked the mutant to drop Chelchis for a moment and drag the frame and legs off to a nearby corner.

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“Wait you still have gods in your world? And plural?”

Perhaps she was mearly referring to throne users, but the context of her sentence could imply otherwise.

”Like, none of them got their souls shattered into tiny pieces?”


Roy turned to look at the returning machinist.

”discussing various world differences and our skills”

A walker platform? Perhaps she found something that needed transporting.

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Yvette cocked her head to the side cutely "That could have been a possibility of the death of a god at some time in my world history but currently none of the gods that the clerics of my world worship are dead. I take it your world no longer has any gods?" she asked Roy before turning to Hirata 


"Sir Roy was helping me get my barrings. What is all that metal for dear?" She asked Hirata

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“We had one god. Singular, and all powerful. Then he kindaaaa...shattered his soul into pieces for some reason. These pieces sometime get lodged in the souls of people, and grant them phenomenal powers over reality. Does...your world not have something like that?”


He might be revealing to much, but this was a chance to confirm or de-confirm Jezzabella being a throne user.


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"Oh! IwasplanningonmakinganeightleggefspiderwalkerpoweredbyaselfreplenishingsupplyofhydrogensinceIgottiredofwalkingbutthendeadliftwalkedoffbeforeIcouldfinishit. I don't even have a power source for it yet... or more than four legs, but it's a start!" said Hirata with an excited tone of voice before she took a deep breath and started to lean against the wall a little.

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Morp disappears for a moment, vapor form shrinking to invisibility, before growing from a point again about twenty seconds later, a green gem wrapped with bronze wire in a skull shape floating a few inches away from him. "Here we go! I've had this one for a while now, it came from a pretty weird place, lots of shrieking and dead things! Maybe it caused that? I don't know, it was a looong time ago. But my classifications are usually good, so I'm sure it'll do something with magic explosions."


"Here, have a look!" Morp pushes the floating gem towards Shamhat.



Vaal Detonate Dead: A Virtue Gem made by ancient Vaal Thaumaturges.

Detonate a corpse dealing [Dex]+[Int]+[Corpes MHP] damage divided among all targets in the encounter.

Requires 15 Dex and 7 Int to equip. Must be recharged with thirty souls after each use.

Current souls: 30/30


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The commotion caused Chelchis to stir after a bit. . . and immediately let out a loud roar, punch the mutant carrying her in the face (it hadn't had a chance to finish setting her down), and then teleport in a flash of blue to the other side of the room, dropping into a predatory fighting stance before somewhat awkwardly rising back out of it to a normal standing position. She looked around for a moment; the room seemed to be the same one she'd been knocked unconscious in earlier, if lacking in minions of Darkness for a moment. "WHERE DID THE VIOLENT ONE GO?"

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"A single god? I would hate to live in a world where a single all-powerful being could end all of existence on a whim. But to address your question well it may not be shards of a god inside of beings but there are occasions where some are born with the soul of a god but it is very rare and only happened at one time in recent memory of my world when the gods decided to go to war with each other. There were some gods who in an attempt to avoid their death during the war separated their soul into pieces to inhabit the bodies of mortals hoping that sometime later that they could rise to godhood again. Most of those born with the piece of the soul of a god became powerful rulers, Heroes, or villains or they were killed early on by a dragon or other creature because they thought they were more powerful than they were." Yvette said giggling a little at the end. She noticed the baron awaken so she waved for Jezzabella put her self in front of Yoko. Before turning to address Hirata and the Baron


"Oh well, I hope you can finish your construct soon dear I would love to see when it is done." She said to Hirata with a smile she almost didn't understand what the girl said. The young girl reminded her of a gnome a bit. "Ah, I see you have awake dear Baron how was your rest?" She asked the Baron.

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Yoko woke surprisingly gently, making a little sound before she suddenly languidly rolled out of Jezzabella’s arms and onto the floor, landing feet first. She stretched (because of the wounds and then healing, seeing to what extent she was fine or not), and then grinned, despite the drying blood in the corner of her mouth and on some of her teeth. ”Well~ That was certainly a lot of fun. Far more intense than I had expected, to be sure, but that was half of the fun of it, too~ Now, I wonder what’s gone on without me.” She looked around the room and her eyes settled on Chelchis — her grin widened again. ”I~ win.~ Still, I must give it to you, you were far stronger than I had expected — it was no easy fight.” She didn’t seem to be thinking of hostilities, at least not too seriously.

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Yweniwa finds that most of the group is standing around a large open room(Outdoor training area A on the map) with dead monsters laying around on the floor, Yoko and Chelchis are just waking up battered and bloodied, and there are smoking scrap shells plastered in the walls in several places.


Vratislav finds that the next room is some kind of plant nursery.  Saplings and seedlings all in expertly kept containers on growing tables, some with dirt others without.  Though it looks like it's been a week or two since anyone has been in to tend the plants the automated systems have kept them watered and mostly healthy.

One sapling jumps out at Vratislav, a short stout thing covered in long black/brown "hairy" bark.

The boiler room is both disappointingly empty and disappointingly a dead end.  So desperate for a fight of some kind Deadlift practically inhales the three cans of MEAT he got and then channels Spirit energy in an attempt to draw out worthy opponents.







Deadlift feels the presence of a Dark Phantom invading this world.


Turning and stepping out of the boiler room into the intersection Deadlift see a man shrouded in black and red energy, wielding a shield in one hand, an axe in the other, and wearing an assortment of slightly scorched and muddy rags.  They pace back and forth a little, waiting for Deadlift to step into the intersection proper to fight.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom




Deadlift: 66/36,


Dark Phantom: Healthy,


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"Haaaaaaaaaah..."  Deadlift exhales, sneering madly at his opponent.

Deadlift throws a brutal right hook at the Phantom with his Powered Up Punch, dealing (2d6+12) Crushing Damage.


(+9 Slash Resistance, +5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.)



Trick Level 1 Equipment: Crude Steel Bracer: A plate of military grade steel crumbled around the user's arm provides a useful defense.


Trick Level 1: +6 Slashing Resistance


Trick Level 2: +2 More Slashing Resistance




Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.






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The Phantom readies for the incoming attack.


Deadlift swings(37) and his attack slides right around the Phantom's parry dealing 14 damage.


The Phantom staggers back before pulling out some black substance and smearing it on his axe.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom




Deadlift: 66/36,


Dark Phantom: Lightly Wounded,


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"Many choose to care for their weapons when they are not being killed, friend."  Deadlift comments, already reeling back for another one.


Deadlift uses Powered Up Punch again, dealing (2d6+12) Crushing Damage.


(+9 Slash Resistance, +5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.) 


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Trick Level 1 Equipment: Crude Steel Bracer: A plate of military grade steel crumbled around the user's arm provides a useful defense.


Trick Level 1: +6 Slashing Resistance


Trick Level 2: +2 More Slashing Resistance




Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.


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The Phantom prepares another action.


Deadlift swings only to find his target rolling out from underneath him, slippery bastard.


Speaking of, the Phantom pops back up and slashes at Deadlift's side the wound promptly bursts into flame. 

Deadlift takes 8 damage from the first attack and then another 8 from the fire.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom




Deadlift: 50/36,


Dark Phantom: Lightly Wounded,


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Deadlift uses Powered Up Punch again, dealing (2d6+12) Crushing Damage.


(+9 Slash Resistance, +5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.) 


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Trick Level 1 Equipment: Crude Steel Bracer: A plate of military grade steel crumbled around the user's arm provides a useful defense.


Trick Level 1: +6 Slashing Resistance


Trick Level 2: +2 More Slashing Resistance




Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.

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Vratislav inspects the plant for anything else of note, and then nods to himself. He'd been to the weald enough to know not to touch weird plants. That's why he went back to the room with the others.

"If it's of interest to anyone, I found some form of automatic garden with an interesting plant in it... wait what happened? Were you guys ambushed?"

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Shamhat took a closer look at the gem. Despite the awful vibes, she grabbed the gem. After a few seconds, she sighed, and pushed it back to Morp. "This won't do. I won't be able to use this in decades," she said, rather disappointed, "maybe it'd work fine as a magical catalyst, but either way, it's beyond me."


"Thanks for the offer, though," Shamhat walked onward through the path Deadlift had cleared up. She saw Deadlift fighting some sort of shadowy figure from a distance. Well, fighting would be an overstatement considering how his attacks were barely connecting. Since she wasn't going through this intersection without getting near the two, she decided to intervene.

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