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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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Vratislav gestures to the door he came from.

"Just follow the way you can go through the door I just came from. There's a whole automated garden there apparently. If you just want the plants though, I'd request that you don't touch the equipment. The hamlet could always use more food and that garden would be a step in the right direction.... But really, what happened with those two? I didn't think I'd been gone that long."

Vratislav points between to the two beaten women.

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Hirata awkwardly glanced at Chelchis's direction before she turned slightly to awkwardly glance in Yoko's direction as in hindsight, it might have been a better idea to stuff the baron inside of a locker than to have Ichi carry them around, and she let out a slight sigh as she tried to hide the baron's scrap cannon behind the incomplete walker's frame and said, "Oh hey Chelchis! Hhhow are you feeling?," just before her mutant walked up to Yvette to gently poke her away from the line of fire.

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Yoko grins at Vratislav with an expression of utter shamelessness, looking rather like the cat that caught the canary. ”I explained to her that depending upon underlings makes me weak, she called me a savage, I explained that savage is just a term the weak “civilized” people use, we continued discussing my philosophy and she found this very disagreeable. Specifically, she moved to attack me, so we had a fight. It was very intense, very close, very fun, and she very nearly had me but then I knocked her out. And then Hirata’s creature hit me with her. Good times, all in all.”

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Again, the sight Evelyn saw upon entering the room caused her to pause in surprise. The amount of machinery and designs were... Well, not something Evelyn was familiar with. At all. A quick look around the room was all Evelyn needed to know that it was absolutely filled with these strange machines, with added signs to make sure that she knew it was dangerous. Before, Evelyn would've been fine with seeing what would happen, even if it brutally killed her.


But that was when death meant nothing but lost time.


So, Evelyn stepped out of the room, walking back to the Teleglitch room and going to the right, presumably until she encounters Deadlift's fight.

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The Phantom keeps up the attack, slashing again at Deadlift for another 8 damage and 7 fire damage.


Deadlift's punch cleanly connects, dealing 16 damage, he can feel a couple bones crack under the force.


The Phantom puts away its axe, a small fire lights in its hand.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom




Deadlift: 35/36,


Dark Phantom: Badly Wounded,


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For the most part, after the void and room of machines, coming through the door and through the hallway, only to find out that Deadlift was fighting some kind of dark red human was... Not as surprising for Evelyn. At least, it was a nice change of pace from the various events that had transpired before. Though, seeing Deadlift first before anyone else did make the Hunter frown ever slightly... And was partly the reason why she hung back instead of rushing in to help him. Either he killed this human, or he learned what happened when you recklessly search for stronger opponents.


Either way, it didn't matter much. She just got something interesting to watch.

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"You're disappointing me."

"Has your power failed you?!" 
Deadlift says, as he takes their attack head on, his presumably cooked body regenerating before their eyes as he holds his arms out and laughs to provoke them.


Deadlift swaps out his Crude Steel Bracer for "That's not good enough", and activates it, increasing the enemy's Strength by their ESS.


(+5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.) 


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Merit Level 1 Passive: That’s not good enough: The user taunts weak enemies by using both verbal and physical taunts, such as attacking using only a single pinkie, or intimidating them with threatening displays of raw strength, attempting to draw out more of their power.
Merit Level 1: The user may increase the strength of an enemy by an amount of their choosing no higher than the enemy’s Essence Stat.  Once combat is concluded, the amount of strength given to them is used in calculating bonus Merit for the user.





Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.

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Vratislav stares at the oriental woman for a few moments before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. He holds the pose for a few seconds before crossing his arms, looking like a disappointed father.

"You know, I would expect this behavior from the people I hire, and only that when they're at sanity's end... but for this to come from people I'd hoped to consider my equals.... I'm quite disappointed over all, I'm going to be blunt."

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Yoko flashes him the same mocking variant of her grin he’s seen before. ”And I’m disappointed you seem to be pathologically opposed to the whole idea of fighting, from what I’ve seen of you, but the horned shugenja didn’t exactly bring us together for the purpose of satisfying our preferences, did she? Nothing bad even came out of it, unless of course you’re soft enough to consider a little bleeding bad.”

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The Phantom suddenly creates a large ball of fire in its free hand before hurling it at Deadlift for 17 damage.


Deadlift boasts and tries to push the Phantom on, something that is repaid with a glare.

Deadlift heals a small amount.


The Phantom pulls out a tiny black sprite before crushing it into a burst of white light.  It looks refreshed.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom



Deadlift: 20/36,


Dark Phantom: Lightly Wounded,


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"You should focus on growing stronger, if you are really that helpless."

"You can take that lesson with you to the grave."


Deadlift Deals 2d6+13 Crushing damage with another punishing blow.



(+5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.) 


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Merit Level 1 Passive: That’s not good enough: The user taunts weak enemies by using both verbal and physical taunts, such as attacking using only a single pinkie, or intimidating them with threatening displays of raw strength, attempting to draw out more of their power.
Merit Level 1: The user may increase the strength of an enemy by an amount of their choosing no higher than the enemy’s Essence Stat.  Once combat is concluded, the amount of strength given to them is used in calculating bonus Merit for the user.





Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.

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The Phantom throws another fireball at Deadlift, intent on finishing him off.  It deals 15 damage.


Deadlift's punch collides with the wide open caster for 16 damage, he's not looking so hot.


The Phantom grabs its axe again.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom




Deadlift: 5/36,


Dark Phantom: Bleeding badly,


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Deadlift switches That's not good enough for Monster Suit, unleashing a wave of intense spiritual pressure.


"It's too late for that now.  Bolster your courage with whatever toys you like.  It will serve you well in the next life."


(+5 Strength, +1 Con, +2 Health Regen from Untalented.) 


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Merit Level 2 Passive: Monster Suit: The user’s incredible malice and raw strength intimidate even the most fearsome opponents.  

Merit Level 1: Enemies whose health is brought below the user’s strength must save or be stunned.

Merit Level 2: If the user’s strength grows above an enemy’s health, they must also save or be stunned.




Merit Level 1 Passive: Untalented: The user’s strength makes technique a useless chore.


Merit Level 1: The user is considered to have +1 Base Strength for every empty Action Slot.


Merit Level 2: The user is considered to have +1 Base Con for every 2 empty Action Slots.


Merit Level 3: The user regenerates 1 Health per Empty action Slot each turn


Merit Level 4: The user gains +3 Strength, however, one point of this bonus is lost for each ally in the current combat, to a limit of gaining +0 Strength from this level.




Merit Level 1 Active: Powered Up Punch: The user throws a single brutal right hook.

Merit Level 1: Deals 2d6+Strength Crushing damage.

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The Phantom prepares an action.


Deadlift uses Monster Suit, the Phantom staggers forward with a failed parry.

Deadlift regens.


The Phantom falls forward from the force of Deadlift's Spirit energy.




12 Dark Phantom

0 Deadlift

0 Dark Phantom



Deadlift: 9/36,


Dark Phantom: Bleeding badly, Stunned


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The Phantom stands and slashes with its axe again for 6 damage.


Deadlift charges forward and slams into the Phantom who rag-dolls from the force of the strike.  As they collapse they disintegrate into motes of red and black energy leaving only a bloodstain.


Deadlift feels that the Dark Phantom has been vanquished from this world.




Cracked Red-Eye Orb(x3): Can be used to invade another's world as a Dark Phantom

Humanity(x1): A tiny black sprite filled with the power of Humanity


+2 Merit


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Vratislav rolls his eyes at the comment.

"I'm not opposed to fighting, I just would be dead weight at best in a fight so I don't. But what's bothersome is that you didn't stop to consider that the sounds of you fighting might attract actual enemies that would take advantage of your weakened state to kill you, or, if this was one of my normal sites for exploration, much worse. This isn't some ideological problem, this is purely the fact that you both could have died and as sad as I am to admit it in your case, that would drastically weaken the group as a whole."

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Deadlift's laughter only intensifies as the spirit fades away, before eventually, his head is thrown back, and his face wracked with glee.


As his laughter dims, he catches his breath, and then speaks.


"They did manage to push me to using 40% of my power.  An impressive feat for spectral scum like them."


He cracks his neck, and gathers up the spoils.

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"Mm-hmm, I see. In that case I think it ought to be stated that if that place were in that much trouble, then we probably would not have been simply standing around in there, and there was more than a sufficient amount of force in there to take on anything that would have appeared. Heh, it probably would have been fun, too. But if every moment is spent refraining from violence in fear that further violence will ensue, well, that is a way to ensure that one gets no violence at all.


...and if you are dead weight in a fight, perhaps you ought to work on fixing that. By your own logic, you are in danger, so you should probably ensure your weakness doesn't result in your death."

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"I suppose that whether or not that is really the case will be shown after time. The four-armed one-- Chelchis? She certainly surprised me, but then again that was with her own strength. We shall see how a genuine dependence on underlings fares for you in the end. For now though... I think I should like to find Deadlift." And she turned to walk through the hallways, more or less going at random through already-explored rooms until she either ran into an enemy or found Deadlift.

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Hirata decided to audibly clear her throat to break the ice in the room before she said, "Ssshouldn't we follow her? Yyyou know... just to make sure that she doesn't get herself killed wandering alone in the spooky monster filled base?"

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