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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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"Yes, that would be the prudent thing to do," Yvette said as she tried to fend off the poking of the creature for a little before giving up and calling out to Hirata "Umm...dear could you get your companion her to stop poking me or Jezzabella might end up harming it." as Jezzabella moved towards the creature with a bit of a dark aura around her. 

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"Sure! The electromagnets were getting annoying anyway," Said Hirata before she walked over to Greg and practically attached it to the man's iron cap and took the man's gun in exchange. She then ordered Ichi to move away and pick up her belongings before she said, "Oh well, hhe was just trying to get you to move out of the line of fire"

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"Ah, another new face my name is Yve....." Yvette began to speak to only be interrupted By Jezzabella stepping in front of her looking annoyed "She is Yvette Duchess of the Seven Vales." Jezzabella said glaring at Vratisalv "Jezzabelle! I tould you not to do such things." Yvette chastised Jezzabella "I'm sorry Mistress but it is getting very annoying watching you be treated without the proper respect." Jezzabella said lowering her eyes and biting her lip. Yvette sighed and shook her head "Jezzabella you are too adorable sometimes. We will discuss this later in private." Yvette said her voice a mix of playfulness and seriousness. "I'm do apologize about for Jezzabella I hope she didn't offend you but as she said My name is Yvette." She said to Vratisalv before turning to Hirata "Thank you, dear." 

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Vratislav nods. So she was a noble, and one of higher rank wherever it is she is from. Seeing as it would only be a common display of respect, Vratislav bows.

"Forgive me, had I known you were of higher birth I would have shown proper respect. I am Vratislav Najciemniejszy, of the Najciemniejszy line. I don't expect that you'd have heard of my family of course, even in my own realm my family name is hardly spoken of among those of good standing outside of hushed whispers.... putting matters of rank aside, your servant is most unique. I assume she's from some place outside of the realms humanity has claimed in your world?"

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"Thank you, Sir Najciemnieuszy," Yvette said giving a small curtsy and doing her best to pronounce Vratislav last name. "And you would be correct in that assumption. You are actually the first to ask about that. She is a demon a very special one at that. For all of the research, I have done involving her I haven't discovered her exact origins." 

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Vratislav nods.

"Yes, well she does have a most unique presence with the eyes and the... tail. Like something from the church's teachings. I unfortunately haven't met any beings from beyond as pleasant on the sanity as she seems. My ancestor had a habit of dabbling in realms he didn't belong, which is what brought my family to ruin to begin with. Lots of research that's very... tempting. As a matter of fact it's how I'm able to still access my hamlet. I do invite you to visit and make use of any of the facilities once we're done here."

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Craft: 35 vs 24,
Quality: 5,
Random Blitz: 3,

The 9mm gains a craft level granting 25% chance to jam, becoming unusable as a ranged weapon until cleared(an action), it also gains an optional 1d6+[Str] melee attack.


After completely and utterly ruining her 9mm pistol by adding an unnecessary weight under it's barrel and then messing with it's magazine, Hirata decides to wander off past Chelchis and test fire her new weapon into the only surface around that isn't likely to cause the bullet to ricochet, the soil in the manchineel tree garden, of course the fact that the gun actually failed to fire was pretty disappointing, and she set down on the ground as she hastily tried to remember how you were supposed to disassemble a gun in the first place.

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"That would be lovely Sir Najciemnieuszy. If we can manage away back to my world I would love to show you the Seven Vales. I has many lovely places and things of interest." Yvette said "So what is that you do with in the group? If that is okay for me to ask of you?" She finished with a smile.

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Vratislav gestures vaguely with one hand as he speaks.

"Well, we haven't had much time to get established but... I'm educated in the most aspects of governing, obviously, and that's where my talents lie. Additionally I have experience in maintaining mercenaries and I have quite a bit of experience with directing them in situations such as this as well as basic knowledge of first aid. Finally, I've looked over my Ancestor's more... benign notes extensively so I suppose you could say I have some experience in occult matters."

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Yvette nodded at Vrarislav spoke. "I see if that's the case I may have a job for you back in my lands...if you prove to be more competent than my current advisors." Yvette giggled a bit "Well it would be wrong for me to ask about your abilities and not offer an explanation of mine. I specialize in the opening of portals to hell and binding the creature that comes out of them to my will and then researching them. Perhaps at some point down the line, you and I should collaborate and compare our research and see what we could figure out." Yvette said giving him a winning smile.

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With Deadlift's final hit, the red cape upon Evelyn's armor flew back, along with her small ponytail, from the sheer force of his punch. The only physical reaction from Evelyn herself was another eye narrow, both due to the power thrown out... And the near insane laughter coming from him. He truly was steps away from true Beasthood... Which was something she'd have to watch for.


"So. I suppose this was just your attempt to find a strong opponent?" Evelyn asked. The red specter reminded her of the Sinister Hunters, those who invaded other worlds to kill Hunters, but she had not sensed any resonances, much less the resonance of a Sinister Bell. At the very least however, she could assume this was Deadlift's doing.

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"Aw, darn it! If you want something else sometime, just ask and bring something to trade!" Morp considers heading in the direction of the shouting, but thinks better of it. That was the man who got big and hit things. He wouldn't have any neat tools or want to trade, probably. Well, even if he did, Morp could ask later, when the man had stuff to trade maybe. He'd need to tell everyone to start collecting stuff to give to him even if they didn't want it!


[RETCONNED] Morp is heading to the teleporter room, to follow everyone else. That's where the most possible customers will be.

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Yoko had found that she’d struck out in the direction she’d chosen to explore — she didn’t find deadlift in that hallway, and she wasn’t overtly interested in toying with the strange objects scattered throughout this place, at least at the moment; who knew what she might end up encountering?


Accordingly, she walked back into the room she’d just recently filtered out from, and with now several of its inhabitants having left the area, Yoko’s eyes alighted upon the four armed warrior that she had battled earlier — Yoko hadn’t stayed to listen to the creature, had she? Well, perhaps Yoko could see what it/she had to say. ”Hmmmm,” Yoko hmmed, the kind of “hmm” that insinuates vague and mysterious things without actually specifying anything at all.

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"I see" Evelyn replied, placing her weapons away and folding her arms as she narrowed her eyes, thinking about what he meant by "Spirit"-


The roars of pain as her prey teared off its own arms, determined to eradicate the pest that was attempting to slay it, even it it meant mutilating itself.


The sudden memory caused Evelyn to fully shut her eye, before reopening and looking at Deadlift again, "So this is something you regularly do. I would've thought that it would've taught you not to be so reckless. It appears not" she stated, "Try not to pick a fight with something you can't deal with, otherwise I'll have to clean up the mess."

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While Evelyn wasn't the best at conversations, it wasn't difficult at all for her to notice the insult Deadlift sent her way... But instead of getting angry over it, she merely raised an eyebrow, "Disposing of pests, huh?" she replied, before sighing, "A crude way to put my profession, but not one that is far off the mark, coming from someone who has yet to experience a Hunt" she stated. With that, tilted her head ever slightly, staring Deadlift in the eyes (if he was looking her way), "Though, you seem to be mistaken on the level of 'pests' that I have had to dispose of. Tell me, have you ever killed a god?""

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"COME TO GLOAT AGAIN, DARKNESS-TOUCHED?" Chelchis growled in Yoko's direction. feeling about on her person for her other sidearms. Her cannon had gone missing, and she had her suspicions as to who had taken it; they would have to have some words, her and Hirata. "A SINGLE DEFEAT DOES NOT MEAN THE END OF MY STRENGTH, AND YOU WOULD HAVE SUCCUMBED TO  WOUNDS WITHOUT INTERVENTION. YOU WOULD BE WISE TO REMEMBER THESE THINGS." 

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"No.  And neither have you.  I've fought a man who was once strong enough to kill countless people stronger than yourself by doing one simple thing."



"My former master, Toguro.  Whatever you may think of me, his strength was greater.  Imagine a stadium, filled with humans and demons alike, all of them rapidly dying just from being close to his unleashed form, a warrior whose power was so intense, so filled with malice and wrath, that it ended the lives of those who were in proximity to it."

"There exists no exterminator, no matter how large their pests, who could wound a god."


Deadlift leans in, a soft smile on his face.


"And if they could?"  He whispers, like he's letting her in on a joke of some kind.


"Then their gods were weak."

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”Darkness-Touched? I assure you I am not corrupted by the Lying Darkness — that kind of corruption is a poisonous dependence on its own that I very much do not intend to fall to. But that all said... I believe that perhaps you have the order of events wrong — I won. The only reason that I was, in the end, knocked out and put in that danger was that evidently Hirata saw fit to hit me with your body... which was actually interesting, all in all. But I certainly hope your strength was not depleted! That fight was thoroughly worth my while, and I would welcome others just as I welcomed that one.”

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"Perhaps they were, perhaps they were not. Or perhaps I am not like your exterminators" Evelyn stated, before giving Deadlift a small smile, "But, what was this you said about there being nothing you cannot handle? From what you said, it seems that there is one, and if there is one, then that leads to the question: Who else can kill you, despite your so called ultimate power?" Evelyn asked, before her gaze sharpened into a glare, "Allow me to pass some wisdom to you. Strength is not all there is to killing someone. I've fought countless men and beings like you. Those you could eradicate me without a thought, and might I add, have. But they all have one thing in common. They're dead. So, here's my word of advice. Put some thought in picking fights. Eventually, you'll find something that can take advantage of your senseless fighting style."


With that, Evelyn turned around, unfolding her arms and beginning to walk away from Deadlift, "A bit of charity coming from a God Slayer."

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