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looking for Five Pokemon



Hello, I am only five pokemon lines away from completing the pokedex. The following pokemon that I am looking for are azurill, lileep, tropius, gothita, and pancham. IVs do not matter. In exchange I can offer any of the following pokemon that I have bred with 5 31 IVs. 


The seven pseudos with egg moves (larvitar with dragon dance, bagon with dragon dance, gible with outrage and iron head, etc) 

Bulbasaur with giga drain and grassy terrain 

Charmander with dragon dance, flare blitz, and outrage 


Scyther (I even have a spare scizor) 

Heracross with rock blast 

Snorlax with curse 

Marill with belly drum and aqua jet 

Mimikyu with destiny bond 

Riolu with bullet punch and crunch 






Larvesta (I also have a shiny 5 31 IV larvesta)

Skarmory with brave bird and whirlwind 

Mareanie with haze 













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15 minutes ago, T.O.W.A.N. said:

azurill, tropius, gothita

Tropius is available on a windy day (I think its windy anyway) at the statue beyond Beryl Cave where you can get Baltoy or Elgyem. Gothita can be gotten at the Beryl Library for cleaning up the trash.


You can breed Azurill by having Marill hold a Sea incense.

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16 minutes ago, T.O.W.A.N. said:

I tried manipulating the weather before, but the weather doesn't want to change. I am playing post reborn restoration and missed the gothita event. And I sadly lost my sea incense, unaware during that time that you could use it to get azurill.

Gothita event is still kinda avaiable, it still will go with you

I believe I have an Azruill you can have and I can get you a Pancham in exchange can you help me transfer a single marill over to my main account?

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2 minutes ago, T.O.W.A.N. said:

Okay, I'm ready whenever you are.

What's your user to trade?

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