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How to Roserade in Reborn?


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I finally hatched a Shiny Roselia with HP Fire IVs and now comes the task of finding a good moveset.

I was thinking

Poison Spikes

Grassy Terrain

HP Fire

Giga Drain / Petal Dance


Spikes because hazards are good and Grassy Terrain in order to mess with field to my advantage. The only special poison STAB it currently gets is Venoshock and with a BP of 65 it doesn't get a boost from Technician and without that isn't worth it. Usually I would just experiment but sadly Roserade can't relearn the moves it gets as a Roselia so a bit of deeper planning is necessary.

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Looks good. Roserade is a fine mon, especially in Reborn.


Although it is indeed a shame that Venoshock doesn't benefit from Technician, I wouldn't necessarily write it off. It's a rather reliable 130 power, 100 acc move when used in combination with Toxic Spikes. Of course using it comes at the cost of losing coverage or utility... so it still won't be ideal.


For Grass STAB I would personally prefer Giga Drain over Petal Dance, for the additional durability and flexibility. Locking yourself into Petal Dance can be kinda dangerous.

Another good option to consider is Magical Leaf; it's essentially a 90 power, never-miss move with no drawbacks thanks to Technician. Not the most powerful option, but the perfect accuracy can come in handy sometimes.

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My gut reaction is actually to give it Nature Power in the fourth slot: this gives you Energy Ball (90 BP, chance to lower Sp. Def. if the target survives) while you Grassy Terrain is active, while still letting you benefit from the Field Effects when Grassy Terrain fades/ the enemy takes back control (every move it turns into gets something from the current Field Effect, if there is one).


Arguably, you could get away with swapping Grassy Terrain with Nature Power, take Alistair's suggestions, and slap a Grassium-Z onto it, seeing as Bloom Doom sets up Grassy Terrain on use. This isn't without drawback, though- it uses up your one Z-Move a match, the Terrain only lasts 3 turns, and Nature Power becomes slightly redundant during that time. That's my take on the situation, at least.

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Yeah but on the other hand Grassy Terrain with Giga Drain is a lot of sustainability plus damage and I think that it might be worth the 15 BP less from Technician Magical Leaf. Gotta think a little more about that.

What I don't quite like about Venoshock with Poison Spikes is that it does nothing against the mon you lay the spikes out on.


EDIT: Okay so since you can now re-teach egg moves I can actually experiment with Giga Drain and Magical Leaf, so that problem is solved for now

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