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Name: Alice
Age: 19
Birthday: 20th June
Location: England
Height: Average
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Live With: Family/Parents
Pets?: Guinea Pig
Relationships?: One internet one as of this post
Crushes lately?: Maybe :3
Dream Job: Game design
Currently Playing: Reborn

Favourite Food: Cake
Favourite Drink: Tea
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Symphonic Rock/Metal
Favourite Band: Don't have one :3
Favourite Album: ^
Favourite Game: Touhou
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Making stuff in Paint.NET
Favourite Movies: I don't watch movies
Favourite Shows: Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares :3

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[b]Birthday:March 31st[/b]


[b]Height: 5'8"[/b]

[b]Hair Color:Brown[/b]

[b]Eye Color:Bluish green[/b]

[b]Live With:My husband, Matt[/b]

[b]Pets?:Just a family dog back home. Our little Golden Doodle, Mable. (Golden retriever/poodle)[/b]


[b]Crushes lately?:Tom Hiddleston always[/b]

[b]Dream Job:Not sure yet[/b]

[b]Currently Playing:Reborn[/b]

[b]Favourite Food:Pizza maybe?[/b]

[b]Favourite Drink: Milk!!![/b]

[b]Favourite Color: Green[/b]

[b]Favourite kind of Music: All of it?[/b]

[b]Favourite Band:Uh...[/b]

[b]Favourite Album: ??[/b]

[b]Favourite Game:Pokemon[/b]

[b]Favourite Genre of Game:Not sure I have one.[/b]

[b]Favourite Hobbies:Floral Design[/b]

[b]Favourite Movies:Spirited away/Tarzan/Pocahontas/Brave[/b]

[b]Favourite Shows:Avtar the Last Airbender and Korra, spongebob[/b]

Wow, what spectacular coding I accomplished. Stunning.

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Name: Brent
Age: 23
Birthday: October 29th
Location: California
Height: Average
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Boyfriend
Pets?: 2 Finches, Aquarium of fish and a Cat named Simone
Relationships?: In love with my current boyfriend
Crushes lately?: No
Dream Job: Whatever i'll end up with sounds alright. I don't have a dream job
Currently Playing: Pearl, Breath of Fire 4, Chrono Chros and Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage

Favourite Food: Spaghetti with meat sauce
Favourite Drink: "Refreshe" tangerine sparkly water
Favourite Color: Emerlad green
Favourite kind of Music: Classical, Serence, Classic rock and Metal
Favourite Band: Metallica and ABBA
Favourite Album: TheVisitors by ABBA
Favourite Game: Platinum
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG as well
Favourite Hobbies: Reading, Movies, gay rights and jogging
Favourite Movies: Howls Moving Castle, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind and Mrs Miniver.
Favourite Shows: Family Guy

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Name: James
Age: 21
Birthday: 8/20/94
Location: Michigan currently. Otherwise Minnesota
Height: Over six? At least last time I checked.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green Blue I think. I haven't looked at my eyes for a while
Live With: Parents / crazy roommate
Pets?: 3 cats. Call me crazy, but I love them
Relationships?: Friends? I have those.
Crushes lately?: IDK
Dream Job: Artist/Game programmer/Nothing
Currently Playing: Pokemon Insurgence. I just need some time away from Reborn

Favourite Food: Crab Legs done right
Favourite Drink: Arnie Palmer or Mountain Dew
Favourite Color: All of them. What was that? Choose one? FINE...purple. A royal color that is rich in hue
Favourite kind of Music: Soundtracks. Be it video games or movies
Favourite Band: I'm not big in music, but I'll go with Imagine Dragons for now
Favourite Album: I don't care. I don't think it matters
Favourite Game: Halo. Sorry fellow Pokemon fans.
Favourite Genre of Game: Sci fi or fantasy, always with some action
Favourite Hobbies: Play Pokemon and painting
Favourite Movies: Christmas Shoes, Shawshank Redemption, and Second Hand Lions (to name a few)
Favourite Shows: Steven Universe

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It's been a year, so update time.

Name: Alexis Mhairi Lang

Age: 19 Years.

Birthday: June the 30th.

Location: United Kingdom, Scotland.

Height: 5'9".

Hair Color: Black currently.

Eye Color: A dark brown, kinda like chocolate.

Live With: I live in a flat with a friend right now. Every so often I go and stay at my parents for a while, though.

Pets?: At my parents we have a dog, and in my flat my flatmate has a cat.

Relationships?: Single as can be.

Crushes lately?: None.

Dream Job: Teacher!

Currently Playing: Pikmin 2, Pokemon Soulsilver.

Favourite Food: I have a sweet tooth, but I also enjoy strawberries.

Favourite Drink: Irn Bru, or maybe milk as weird as that is.

Favourite Color: Teal.

Favourite kind of Music: My music tastes are all over the place, so it's hard to say. I guess I like very emotional music; not tear jerking, but the type of music that you can feel the emotion in and it's meaningful, or songs I find personal meaning in and relate to.

Favourite Band: I don't listen to bands much, but definitely Paramore.

Favourite Album: Too many. Riot! from Paramore, Stars Dance by Selena Gomez, 1000 Forms of Fear by Sia, True Colors by Zedd for a few.

Favourite Game: Okami, without a doubt.

Favourite Genre of Game: Fantasy, no questions asked.

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, a bit of singing, dancing, archery, horse riding, and of course, games.

Favourite Movies: Tangled, Lion King.

Favourite Shows: Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail has very strong emotional ties with me, Friends and a few others.

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Name: Shelby Sinclaire Benjamin
Age: 18
Birthday: December 26
Location: New York
Height: 6'1
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Family, working on moving out tho to live with friends >.>
Pets?: Schrodinger's Fat Cat
Relationships?: With my boyfriend ray (2 years boys)
Crushes lately?: Nah, I'm good.
Dream Job: Something with food Idek/Food Writer/Baker
Currently Playing: Dungeon Defenders II

Favourite Food: Almond Windmill Cookies
Favourite Drink: Hot mint tea
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Rap
Favourite Band: Most of em are solo artists, but I guess atm Childish Gambino?
Favourite Album: Big Bear Doin Thangs
Favourite Game: Tie between the Fallout series and the currently rising Undertale
Favourite Genre of Game: I like RPGs, mostly western nowadays but I've played almost every final fantasy game.
Favourite Hobbies: Uh, Video games mostly, I really like writing when I'm in the mood and I'm a really diehard foodie.
Favourite Movies: I like really crappy movies (idk if I can curse here), A contender for best film ever made imo has to be Rubber, about a telekinetic sentient homicidal car tire.
Favourite Shows: One Punch Man even though they only have two episodes out, Food wars, Steven Universe, Gravity falls, Inspector Gadget

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Name: Aaron
Age: 22
Birthday: Feburary 5th
Location: UK
Height: 5'11
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Lives With: Parents
Pets: 1 Dog and lots of fish
Relationships: Single
Crushes lately: I would rather play video games then fall for someone lol
Dream Job: Game Developer
Currently Playing: Pokemon Reborn, Pokemon Rejuvenation and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Favourite Food: Tuna Pasta Bake
Favourite Drink: Strawberry Milkshake
Favourite Colour: Green and Blue love both equally
Favourite kind of Music: I listen to anything but have preference to rock music
Favourite Band: I don't listen to any particular band and stick to Video game music
Favourite Album: None
Favourite Game: Super Smash Bros. Wii U
Favourite Genre of game: RPG,Fighting and Racing
Favourite Hobbies: Gaming and Watching Anime
Favourite shows: WWE and TNA

Favourite Video game character: Yoshi

Favourite Pokemon: Krookodile

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I see Inuki updated his so now I'm obligated to as well. Mine was more recent so I'll just quote it and edit the changes probably.

So I went through all 13 pages of the topic and realised I never ACTUALLY posted here

Name: Michael
Age: 22 (maybe I should have waited until next month.)
Birthday: November 14th
Location: Florida
Height: 5'8?? probably
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue...no, green... gray? ... Still not completely sure what to call it. It's probably closer to green than blue. ... maybe.
Live With: Mom and her boyfriend
Pets?: cat
Relationships?: None
Crushes lately?: It was tempting to leave the classified information video here, but I don't actually have an answer to this question. It's not strictly a "no" but also not necessarily a "yes."
Dream Job: Astronomy is super cool ... but I'm not sure how reliable it would be as a career so I've also decided maybe programming would be cool too.
Currently Playing: Fate/Grand Order, League of Legends, Fire Emblem Awakening

Favourite Food: Can't think of any one thing in particular
Favourite Drink: ^
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: idk I don't group by genre, rather more like "I like this" and "I don't like this." Not a lot in the second category.
Favourite Band: Cartel, LIGHTS, and Anberlin (RIP ;_; ) have been consistent favorites over the years, Parabelle is also a favorite, but, my audio-type favorites change too frequently to name a specific thing
Favourite Album: "Chroma" by Cartel, probably. That or their self-titled album. also see above. Inuki raises a good point with LIGHTS' Little Machines, though.
Favourite Game: Probably some Pokemon or Halo game, but those aside, Devil May Cry 4 was probably the one thing I played the most solo. Recently, FFXIV is taking a lot of my time and I love it, so is Bravely Default; Persona 3 and 4 were also favorites of mine. Why didn't I mention Fire Emblem Awakening?
Favourite Genre of Game: Toss-up between RPG and Hack and Slash
Favourite Hobbies: music and/or gaming
Favourite Movies: uh. idk, I don't movie much. Super hyped for the Kyoukai no Kanata movie(s) and I guess The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was really cool? Do anime movies even count? Now that the KnK movie has been subbed and I've watched it, I don't know how to feel about it. The rest is probably accurate.
Favourite Shows: I'm a nerd and don't watch any actual TV shows so we'll pretend it says "favorite anime" and mention Hyouka and Oregairu

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Is it that time of year I don't post here or...
Or are things a-changin'?

Name: Skaggs
Age: 18
Birthday: July 3rd
Location: Sonoma County, California
Height: 5' 7.5"?
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Live With: Immediate family. Father, mother, and brother
Pets?: I've had lots of goldfish, but now they're all dead
Relationships?: There was this one...
Crushes lately?: No serious crushes
Dream Job: Software engineering. Not sure what field to go into
Currently Playing: Dust: An Elysian Tail

Favourite Food: Gnocci
Favourite Drink: Strawberry Banana Sobe
Favourite Color: Gray
Favourite kind of Music: Absolute favorite? This year, it's been experimental house and indie
Favourite Band: Got into EDEN way more, Adam Tell, still love Draper
Favourite Album: Past the Hypothetical (Adam Tell)
Favourite Game: Journey or Okami
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG. But I'm good at FPSs
Favourite Hobbies: Finding new music channels and freaking the F out
Favourite Movies: Nothing stands out. Maybe Deer Hunter
Favourite Shows: what is tv

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Oh, it's actually time to do this thing again. Ok then, let's do this

Name: LOL not gonna happen. As long as you know that my name isn't actually Rose, we're good
Age: 21
Birthday: December 15
Location: New Orleans, LA
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: Reddish brown
Eye Color: Green
Live With: Mom, dad, sister (when she's not at college), and sister's boyfriend
Pets?: A cat, a chihuahua
Relationships?: HAH. You think I'm actually likable enough for those?
Crushes lately?: Some
Dream Job: Teaching Band
Currently Playing: Solitaire, Minesweeper, Mahjong... I'm boring, ok?
Favourite Food: Too many to count
Favourite Drink: Tea
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Alternative
Favourite Band: Too many to count
Favourite Album: Don't have one
Favourite Game: Clue (board games are awesome)
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG. n/a
Favourite Hobbies: Reading, playing music (both to listen to and to perform)
Favourite Movies: Mr. Holland's Opus, August Rush
Favourite Shows: American Ninja Warrior, Face Off
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Copying Inukaru and updating my old babby-mode post.

Name: Will
Age: 20
Birthday: February 24
Location: Kenosha, WI
Height: 6'02"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue Gray
Live With: Dad, brother, brother's gf, niece
Pets?: 2 wiener dogs and an immortal witch disguised as a cat
Relationships?: None
Crushes lately?: None
Dream Job: Author/Illustrator
Currently Playing: Bouncing between Dark Souls 1 & 2 for the umpteenth time

Favourite Food: Food in general makes me happy
Favourite Drink: Coffee
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Instrumental/Prog/Classic Rock
Favourite Band: Dream Theater
Favourite Album: Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Favourite Game: Tied between Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
Favourite Genre of Game: Action RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, writing, D&D, Youtube
Favourite Movies: None
Favourite Shows: Currently One Punch Man/Monogatari Series

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Updating mine as well.

Name: Jan

Age: 19

Birthday: September 5th

Location: NYC

Height: 177.5m

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Lives With: Mom, Dad, Brother

Pets: Cat

Relationships: Nope

Crushes: ...Yeah...

Dream Job: Idek.

Currently Playing: Life is Strange, Undertale (This is a great game, man.)

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Drink: Milkshakes

Favorite Color: Alternates between Red and Purple.

Favorite kind of Music: Chiptunes/VGM, Indie music

Favorite Band: Mogwai, Breton

Favorite Album: Eh

Favorite Game: Pokemon, Xenoblade Chronicles, 999, VLR, Okami, Life is Strange, and a ton more.

Favorite Genre: RPG/Turn based strategy games.

Favorite Hobbies: Listening to music and spriting

Favorite Movie: Coraline

Favorite Show: - Steven Universe, GoT, Gash Bell/Zatch Bell, Madoka Magica

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Name: William
Age: 15
Birthday: September 19
Location: Sacramento, California
Height: 6"1 or 6"2
Hair Color: A mixture of black and grey hair
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: My 3 sisters, stepmom, and dad!
Pets?: 2 doges
Relationships?: None, only gots lotsa friend.
Crushes lately?: Not really.
Dream Job: Haven't thought about it yet..
Currently Playing: Too much LoL, and other games that my friends have.

Favourite Food: Curry with Rice
Favourite Drink: Water is best served cold!
Favourite Color: Sky Blue
Favourite kind of Music: If it appeals to my tastes, then so be it! (Assorted)
Favourite Band: I have none.
Favourite Album: Wot.
Favourite Game: Undertale
Favourite Genre of Game: RPGs and MMORPGs
Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, playing videogames, cooking
Favourite Movies: Napoleon Dynamite
Favourite Shows: Steven Universe and We Bare Bears are pretty good.

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figured I might do this as well while I'm at it :V

Name: Famke/Zumi

Age: 17

Birthday: December 15th

Location: Zundert, Netherlands

Height: 174 cm

Hair Color: Dark red (actual hair color is dark blonde)

Eye Color: Blue/grey

Lives With: Mom, Dad, 2 older brothers and 1 little bro (help)

Pets: 2 cats and 5 chickens

Relationships: nop!

Crushes: errr honestly i don't even know if i should count it as a crush or not

Dream Job: something in the game or animation industry :>

Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Awakening, Paper Mario TTYD, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Skyforge, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

Favorite Food: Homemade French fries

Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate

Favorite Color: Red and orange!

Favorite kind of Music: e v e r y t h i n g (except dubstep and screamo)

Favorite Band: Kensington, Coldplay

Favorite Album: 7 Layers (Dotan) and Rivals (Kensington)

Favorite Game: Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, Okami, Persona, Life is Strange

Favorite Genre: (J)RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Turn-based games

Favorite Hobbies: Drawing/spriting, making music, working in maya (and yelling at the program when it doesn't work the way i want it to), singing, reading manga, playing games

Favorite Movie: Kyoukai no Kanata: I'll be here - The Future,

Favorite Show: One Punch Man, Steven Universe, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Kill la Kill

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Age: 14
Birthday: January 9th
Location: [REDACTED]
Height: 5'5"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Live With: Myself, somehow. My parents and my siblings.
Pets? Dog
Relationships?: Friendships!
Crushes lately?: A very complicated one.
Dream Job: Something programming related
Currently Playing: Undertale, Reborn Hardcore

Favourite Food: Really dark chocolate, pocky, salmon teriyaki
Favourite Drink: Green tea, elderflower pressé
Favourite Color: Mauve
Favourite kind of Music: Electro
Favourite Band: N/A
Favourite Album: N/A
Favourite Game: Undertale
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Puzzle
Favourite Hobbies: Programming, drawing, reading manga, playing video games
Favourite Movies: N/A
Favourite Shows: N/A

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Name: Franco Coscarelli
Age: 21
Birthday: 12 of June (1994)
Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Height: 1.72 m, i think
Hair Color: Dark Brown, very dark.
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: My father, mother, my little sister (18 yo), but i have 2 other brother, one 31 yo, and a sister 29 yo
Pets?: 1 old cat named Marcela, one more young named Aretha Franklin, and a tiny dog named Marta.
Relationships?: Single
Crushes lately?: No
Dream Job: Demolitions, fireworks engineer, cookie monster
Currently Playing: Katamari Damancy, Zone of the Enders, Pokemon fuck this Reborn

Favourite Food: Milanesas, peanuts and pizza, all in the pizza e.e
Favourite Drink: Beer, Fernet, Water with lemon.
Favourite Color: Violet, purple
Favourite kind of Music: Rock, Metal
Favourite Band: Black Sabbath
Favourite Album: Black Sabbath
Favourite Game: Max Payne 1 and 2
Favourite Genre of Game: Accion, Beat 'em Up
Favourite Hobbies: Chill, think, Walk, do i say chill?
Favourite Movies: Mad Max Fury Road (before that, was Snatch
Favourite Shows: Rick And Morty

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b]Name:[/b] Jackie

Age: 17

Birthday: Late June

Location: SoCal

Height: 5'9ish

Hair Color:Blond

Eye Color:Brown

Live With:Parents

Pets?:Two cats and a rabbit


Crushes lately?:Nope

Dream Job:Theoretical Physicist

Currently Playing:Pokemon Reborn

Favourite Food:Strawberries

Favourite Drink:

Favourite Color: Red

Favourite kind of Music: Classical, I guess

Favourite Band:Dont have one

Favourite Album: Don't have one

Favourite Game: Pokemon White

Favourite Genre of Game:RPG

Favourite Hobbies:Reading, playing with my rabbit

Favourite Movies:The End of Evangelion

Favourite Shows: Star Trek, Game of Thrones

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this is gonna be the third time im posting in here and this time it will hopefully not be cringeworthy once i look back at it

Name: beau (but literally dont call me that bc i will scream for days its worse of an offense to me than calling me rin rn)
Age: 17
Birthday: march 30th
Location: netherlands
Height: 1.70m or 5'6 (i am grow)
Hair Color: dirty blonde leaning toward brown
Eye Color: blue
Live With: parents
Pets?: dog
Relationships?: ye still fuckin zach (take that in w/e way u wanna)
Crushes lately?: undyne. i want her to benchpress me. lift me up and slam dunk me. take me to suplex city. show me your love fish lady, ill take it in any way
Dream Job: graphic design maybe interior design but that is frustrating as fuck in sims alone
Currently Playing: nothing?? well i guess i replay dao a lot

Favourite Food: spaghetti
Favourite Drink: iced tea without bubbles because i am weak
Favourite Color: black and oddly specific shades of purple
Favourite kind of Music: chiptune n indie?? probs experimental too
Favourite Band: imagine dragons
Favourite Album: american beauty/american psycho by fall out boy actually
Favourite Game: dragon age series
Favourite Genre of Game: whatever dragon age is
Favourite Hobbies: sleep
Favourite Movies: mad max fury road
Favourite Shows: steven universe

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Hi! My Name Is: Trevor (I am often called Trev, or Trevore as well.)
Age: 18 years old
Birthday: November 13th, 1996
Location: Lansing, Michigan, USA
Height: 5'7 or 5'8
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue (Though it's a dark blue, I think)
Live With: Two parents, a twin brother, and two sisters (One is one year older, the other is two years younger)
Pets?: In my opinion, too many to count.

Relationships?: In the past, but that was a long while ago. Two or three, in fact.
Crushes lately?: I'll be losing my mind over this question.

Dream Job: To become a psychiatrist, as well as a psychologist.
Currently Playing: Pokemon, Skyrim, Rare Replay, etc.

Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Drink: Chocolate Milk
Favourite Color: Black and Red, and Purple (Though I do enjoy Burgundy as well)
Favourite Kind of Music: All kinds except country. Mostly Alternative Rock and Hip Hop (I got a guilty pleasure of this. Don't sue me.)
Favourite Band: Three Days Grace (The OLD Three Days Grace. The New one is alright, but not as great as the old. Again, don't sue me.)
Favourite Album: Either One-X or Life Starts Now (Though I did like the first album, too.)
Favourite Game: Donkey Kong 64
Favourite Genre of Game: First-Person Shooters, Fighting Games (Sm4sh), Racing Games, and RPG (Pokemon, mostly)
Favourite Hobbies: Video Games, Chess, Psychology, etc.
Favourite Movies: I enjoy too many movies to name one. If I had to name one, it would be The Lion King. Love that movie.
Favourite Shows: Gotham, Gravity Falls, Big Bang Theory, TMNT, Pokemon (Yes, I still like Pokemon, though I don't like the new series as much)

Now you all know a little more about me. Yay!

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Name: Redo.? I guess, actually a few here actually use they real names when answering this.
Age: 20 right now.
Birthday: May 26th.
Location: Argentina
Height: 1.75m or 5'9.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Live With: Father, mother, sister.
Pets?: A Houndour black dog.
Relationships?: None at the moment.
Crushes lately?: None.
Dream Job: Something that feels important, probably teaching.
Currently Playing: Reborn, Football Manager and DA:I.

Favourite Food: Sphagetti.
Favourite Drink: Orange juice.
Favourite Color: Dark Red.
Favourite kind of Music: Melodic.
Favourite Band: RED.
Favourite Album: Until We Have Faces.
Favourite Game: Disgaea 2.
Favourite Genre of Game: SRPG.
Favourite Hobbies: Cooking, reading, sleeping.
Favourite Movies: Spirited Away, Tamako Love Story, Lady in the Water.
Favourite Shows: <Insert a bunch of anime here>.

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Name: *Censored*

Age: 15

Birthday: November 29

Location: Brazil

Height: 1.56 (Yeah, i'm like a real smurf)

Hair: Light Brown

Eye Color: Honey

Live With: It's a bit complicated, but I can say that I live with my parents and my grandparents

Pets?: A dog

Relationships?: None ~

Crushes Lately?: Just eight this year... No prob

Dream Job?: Idk, but life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Currently Playing: Undertale, Harvest Moon - A New Beginning, Zelda - Majora's Mask 3D and Reborn (Re-playing)

Favourite Food: Lasagna

Favorite Drink: White Chocolate Frapuccino

Favourite Color: Between Pink, Orange and Violet

Favourite Kind of Music: 'm very ecletic

Favourite Band: No one at all

Favourite Album: I'm not very interested in music tho

Favourite Game: I really don't know

Favourite Genre of Game: God, I'm really quite undecided, but I think that is RPG

Favourite Hobbie: Do nothing... Jk, i'm very good at volleyball

Favourite Movies: Most that are based on John Green's books

Favourite Shows: Teen Wolf, Scream Queens and a lot of anime

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[b]Name:[/b] I have one of these
[b]Age:[/b] Yes, I have this too.
[b]Birthday:[/b] 22 April :D
[b]Location:[/b] Snowpoint City of course x.x
[b]Height: [/b] Unsure (Over 171cm)
[b]Hair Color:[/b] I call it light brown.
[b]Eye Color:[/b] oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you tell me, I can never tell x.x
[b]Live With:[/b] Yes
[b]Pets?:[/b] Dog, 2 Cats (Not actually mine)
[b]Relationships?:[/b] Don't even...
[b]Crushes lately?:[/b] Is it still a crush if they know? x.x
[b]Dream Job:[/b] Actor
[b]Currently Playing:[/b] Destiny

[b]Favourite Food:[/b] Ice-cream
[b]Favourite Drink: [/b] Water
[b]Favourite Color: [/b] HMMMMMMM, dunno. White? In a non-Racist way?
[b]Favourite kind of Music: [/b] All kinds
[b]Favourite Band:[/b] SEX-BOB-OMB!!
[b]Favourite Album: [/b] .... Michael bublé christmas collection
[b]Favourite Game: [/b] Destiny Right now
[b]Favourite Genre of Game:[/b] Games where you actually do things
[b]Favourite Hobbies:[/b] Kickboxing, piano, playing games, forumming
[b]Favourite Movies:[/b] Scott pilgrim vs the world, forrest gump, Legend (2015), Fight Club, Inception, The Matrix, Silver Linings playbook
[b]Favourite Shows:[/b] ... Tokyo ghoul, Sao, Soul eater, Another!, Impractical Jokers, big bang theory, Brooklyn 99......... Toradora... x,x

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Copying Inukaru and updating my old babby-mode post.

Heeeeyyy, someone else from Wisconsin. Represent!

Well, if everyone else is updating now, I might as well do it too. It's been a while anyway.

Name: Flux (That's the best you're gonna get for now)

Age: 18

Birthday: December 30, 1996

Location: Mineral Point, Wisconsin, United States

Height: ~6' 1''

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: My parents and two sisters. Occasionally I crash at a friend's house for a while because he lives closer to where I go to school.

Pets?: My dog (Harley), my cat (Jingles), my turtle (Speedy), and a couple more cats that live outside (Wombat, Feral, Felix, Mango, Girl Cat, Corndougna, Little Girl Cat)

Relationships?: I'm free, so come and get me~

Crushes lately?: Eh, nothing big. Mostly just that old one that I still can't completely forget.

Dream Job: Video Game Designer, but I'm planning on going into Computer Programming

Currently Playing: Smite, Dota 2, Dark Souls 1 & 2, Super Smash Bros. Melee

Favourite Food: Pizza (Kinda stereotypical of a kid, but meh. It's good stuff.)

Favourite Drink: Egg Nog ^^

Favourite Color: Black

Favourite kind of Music: I tend to think of my music taste as this: I like a lot of genres, but I'm extremely picky on songs. I think most of what I like falls into Alternative Rock. (Though I love a ton of songs from Anime OSTs and openings...)

Favourite Band: If I were to pick an actual band... Either Breaking Benjamin or Linkin Park

Favourite Album: Maybe "Phobia" by Breaking Benjamin?

Favourite Game: Shadow of the Colossus

Favourite Genre of Game: Fantasy/Adventure/Action RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, playing piano, soccer...

Favourite Movies: The Last Samurai sits pretty well with me from what I remember. ...I don't watch many movies. :/

Favourite Shows: My favorite actual TV show is Modern Family, but if we count anime it'd be Sword Art Online, Rokkan no Yuusha, DanMachi, Attack on Titan, Darker than Black...

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