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Birthday:January 15th

Location:outside of DC, Virginia

Height: 6 foot 1

Hair Color:Dark brown

Eye Color:Hazel

Live With:Brother (8) Sister (11) Mom, Dad


Relationships?:ThisOneKidAtSchool, Ending it soon

Crushes lately?:Nope.

Dream Job:Web designer/Graphic Artist

Currently Playing:League of Legends, ElSword, Heartgold

Favourite Food:Hamburgers <<

Favourite Drink: Vanilla milkshake >>

Favourite Color: Orange!

Favourite kind of Music: Anything other than polka and "gangster" rap

Favourite Band:Emilie Autumn and the Bloody Crumpets!

Favourite Album: Opheliac <3

Favourite Game: Kingdom Hearts!

Favourite Genre of Game:Uh =D


Favourite Movies:Girl Interrupted, Wild Tigers I Have Known, L.I.E. (Long Island Expressway)

Favourite Shows:I don't watch televisionnnnn

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Name: Nick Huffman (So generic QQQQQQQ)

Age: 17

Birthday: June 18

Location: School, at the moment. [loljk, Ormond Beach, Florida]

Height: 5'10"?

Hair Color: GINGERRRR, but darkishly

Eye Color: Green or blue, sometimes both, apparently.

Live With: My mom and my dog.

Pets?: ^

Relationships?: ..Yeah, but it's complicated.

Crushes lately?: Crush? Heh. It stopped being a crush after freshman year. 3 years, all of my friends have tried to get me to move on. They've always failed. Then "Ashley" came along and did it, And now when I look back, I realise why I even liked Ashley in the first place. She acted like Tori. Sigh. This isn't the rant thread, or the pouroutyourheart.jpg thread, so.. NEXT :D

Dream Job: Programmer, specifically at Valve, so I can teach them how to count to 3.

Currently Playing: Minecraft 1.0R2, and Pokémon Volt White.

Favourite Food: Tough to say, really. Tacos in general. Ramen and Chicken [but not really chicken ramen, atleast the powder kind, an actual chicken ramen would probably be damned good.]

Favourite Drink: REWT BEEER. Not really though, honestly it's probably Monster: Rehab. Though without the fancy name, a mix of tea and lemonade is a sufficient explanation.

Favourite Color: Electric Green

Favourite kind of Music: The kind that sounds good.

Favourite Band: Impossible to say, lol >_>

Favourite Album: Even more impossible

Favourite Game: iLost. Smash Bros, though.

Favourite Genre of Game: Platformer/RPG/Minecraft

Favourite Hobbies: Spriting, slight programming, generally making things on the computer for others to see and/or enjoy [or for me to enjoy << >>]

Favourite Movies: I don't really watch that many movies :c

Favourite Shows: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, MLP:FiM <3 LOVE AND TOLERANCE.

Your mom is a pet?

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  • 11 months later...

Name: Quinn

Age: 20

Birthday: April 3, 1992

Location: Hillsboro, Illinois

Height: 5'9

Hair Color: Brown/Black

Eye Color: Green/Blue

Live With: Whoever can put up with me

Pets: 9 cats, 4 dogs (not all at the same house. That would be just crazy.)

Relationships?: Nope Chuck Testa

Crushes lately?: Nope. College first, people later.

Dream Job: Building computers or working with computer tech in general.

Currently Playing: Internet: The Video Game

Favourite Food: Ramen

Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew

Favourite Color: Royal Purple

Favourite Music: Depends on how I feel that day

Favourite Band: Nightwish

Favourite Game: League of Legends

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, MOBA, FPS, RTS (Sorry if multiple choices are not allowed for this category...I COULDN'T DECIDE!!!!)

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, playing my Xbox, playing LoL, surfing the web, Hanging with Monkey and kicking ass on Borderlands 2!

Favourite Movies: Watchmen, Lord of the Rings Triliogy, Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Pokemon The First Movie, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, 30 Days of Night, Hellboy, Timeline, The Pagemaster, Jet Li's Fearless, Sleepwalkers, Highlander, Beverly Hills Ninja, Desperado, Matrix Trilogy..... I think that is about it.

Favourite Shows: Code Geass, Code Lyoko, Sword Art Online, Accel World, Hellsing Ultimate, Gundam Wing, Cyborg 009, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, High School of the Dead, Black Butler, and..... can't think of any others at the moment.

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How did I not notice this thread?

Name: Ryan Carson

Age: 19

Birthday: September 7, 1993

Location: My Toronto house

Height: 5'10"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Creepy dark brown, almost black

Lives With: One parent depending on what I'm doing at the time or if I'm working

Pets?: A cat named Skittles. No idea where the name's from

Relationships?: Single. Watch out, ladies

Crushes lately?: A college classmate

Dream Job: Sports commentary

Currently Playing: Pokemon Black 2

Favorite Food: Tempura Shrimp

Favorite Drink: A&W Root Beer

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Kind of Music: I dunno. I guess rock music in general

Favorite Band: Tough choice. Muse, Pearl Jam, or Red Hot Chili Peppers

Favorite Album: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

Favorite Game: Probably something from Mario Kart series

Favorite Genre of Game: I don't have one. I suck at strategy games not named Fire Emblem or Advance Wars though.

Favorite Hobbies: I'm a big sports guy.

Favorite Movies: Space Jam. It's my childhood

Favorite Shows: SportsCenter whenever

are hosting, otherwise Family Guy
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Name: Andreas Schmidt

Age: 21

Birthday: Jan. 18, 1991

Location: Albany, NY

Height: 5' 10"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Mother and her fiance

Pets?: None

Relationships?: In the past..? 3 or 4. In one currently? Yes. <3

Crushes lately?: Don't need one, have my perfect match =3

Dream Job: Actor.

Currently Playing: White 2, Skyrim, Technic, lots of other stuff

Favourite Food: Bread

Favourite Drink: White Chocolate Mocha

Favourite Color: Orange

Favourite kind of Music: Classic Rock

Favourite Band: Saltatio Mortis

Favourite Game: Final Fantasy VI

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Board and Card games

Favourite Movies: Lord of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia. (Can you tell I long to be in a fantasy world)

Favourite Shows: Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who

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Birthday:July 11, 1998

Location:London, England

Height: I... don't actually know. I never kept track of it.

Hair Color:Brown

Eye Color:Brown

Live With:Parents And Brother Until He Leaves

Pets?:One Dog, Cabbage

Relationships?:None. Never interested in having any either. Ever.

Crushes lately?:Nope. Nada.

Dream Job:Either being an electronic engineer creating robots, or helping to develop a game at a game company in terms of coding.

Currently Playing:Pokemon White 2, Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance (so I can play Radiant Dawn already goddamnit), Awesomenauts, League Of Legends, Xenoblade Chronicles, Hell Yeah!.

Favourite Food:Chickenburger

Favourite Drink: Fanta Fruit Twist... glugluglug.

Favourite Color: Blue. Symbolizing Deep Feelings And Meanings (but not so deep that it's friggin Evangelion -_-)

Favourite kind of Music: EDM

Favourite Band:I've only ever listened to two bands: The Prodigy and Three Days Grace. TDG wins.

Favourite Album: One X (because it's the ONLY album that I've listened to...)

Favourite Game: This is honestly a tough one... I can never tell which games I've preferred more. But I have to say, Spore has definetely given me the most enjoyment... so far.

Favourite Genre of Game:RPG

Favourite Hobbies:Drawing something out of thin air and just... gaming.

Favourite Movies:Up

Favourite Shows:Spongebob Squarepants. Seriously, the English TV channels have so little it's not even funny. Give me recommendations if possible, PLEASE Q_Q

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Age: 17
Birthday: December 8th
Location: Texas
Height: 5'11
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Live With: Mum, brother, sister, Step dad
Pets?: 2 wiener dogs,Dakota my black lab, 3 fish
Crushes lately?: Nah
Dream Job: Astronaut
Currently Playing: Fallout 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2

Favourite Food: Steak
Favourite Drink: Brisk Tea/ London Fog Tea
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Any (Except Mexican Ranchero)
Favourite Band: Metric
Favourite Album:Fantasies - Metric
Favourite Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Coding, League of Legends, Minecraft
Favourite Movies: Alice in Wonderland,Star Wars IV-VI , Pokemon 2000
Favourite Shows: Adventure Time, Pawn Stars, Shin Chan, Super Milk-Chan, Ghost in Shell:2nd Gig

Edited by Neo
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Doing this again because it's almost been a year

But before that.....

Erick you have bro taste for having 2nd GiG on your favorite shows.

Name: Cyrus because lolreallife

Age: 15

Birthday: January 16th

Location: Mesa, AZ

Height: 6"2

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister

Pets?: none

Relationships?: Nope

Crushes lately?: Not anymore

Dream Job: No idea, most likely economics or something math related

Currently Playing:Borderlands 2, L4D2, Final Fantasy XII, and Fallout 3

Favorite Food: Philly Cheesesteak

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Color: Red and Black

Favorite kind of Music: Abstract/Experimental/Instrumental Hip Hop, Progressive Metal, Post-Hardcore, Dream Pop, and Black Shoegaze

Favorite Band: Between the Buried and Me, Death Grips, and The Roots

Favorite Album: MadVillainy by Madvillain

Favorite Game: Fallout 3, Yoshi's Island, and Deus Ex Human Revolution

Favorite Genre of Game: RPG, Shooter, Platformer

Favorite Hobbies: Anime, Internet, Reading, Gaming, and riding my bike

Favorite Movies: The Big Lebowski, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Favorite Shows: Hidamari Sketch, Aria, Louie, Arrested Development, and Katanagatari

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Name: Zack

Age: 21

Birthday: January 8

Location: Malaysia

Height: 6'

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Housemates (the other two)

Pets?: Dog (with family), turtle

Relationships?: Single.

Crushes lately?: None.

Dream Job: Teacher/lecturer.

Currently Playing: Pokemon Online

Favourite Food: Chocolate

Favourite Drink: Vodka

Favourite Color: Blue.

Favourite kind of Music: Orchestral.

Favourite Band: None.

Favourite Album: None.

Favourite Game: Final Fantasy IX.

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG.

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, video games, X-rated material, camping, cartoons.

Favourite Movies: The Cabin in the Woods.

Favourite Shows: Charmed.


Name: Ian

Age: 21

Birthday: February 22

Location: Malaysia

Height: 6'1"

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Housemates (the other two)

Pets?: Tarantula (rose-hair)

Relationships?: Single.

Crushes lately?: None.

Dream Job: Writer.

Currently Playing: Pokemon Online

Favourite Food: Chilli.

Favourite Drink: Coke.

Favourite Color: Green.

Favourite kind of Music: Trance.

Favourite Band: Simple Plan

Favourite Album: None.

Favourite Game: Final Fantasy VII.

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG.

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, video games, mathematics, writing, camping.

Favourite Movies: None.

Favourite Shows: House, M.D..


Name: Fen

Age: 21

Birthday: August 1

Location: Malaysia

Height: 6'

Hair Color: Brown (dyed - originally black)

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Housemates (the other two)

Pets?: None.

Relationships?: Single.

Crushes lately?: None.

Dream Job: Surgeon ('dream' is the operative word here)

Currently Playing: Pokemon Online

Favourite Food: Soup.

Favourite Drink: Coffee.

Favourite Color: Pink.

Favourite kind of Music: Electro, orchestral, oldies.

Favourite Band: Queen.

Favourite Album: Bad.

Favourite Game: Kingdom Hearts (I and II)

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG.

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, video games, science, camping.

Favourite Movies: Heat.

Favourite Shows: CSI: NY.

Edited by Zen
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Name: Conor Kilbane
Age: 17
Birthday: Septemeber 3rd
Location: Ohio
Height: 6'4
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Live With: My parents and 3 brothers
Pets?: 2 dogs, 1 cat
Relationships?: (;
Crushes lately?: yes
Dream Job: psychology: strictly field experiment and research
Currently Playing: nothing, I don't really play video games.

Favourite Food: Big Macs (unhealthy i know)
Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew Code Red
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: Rap/punk/ska
Favourite Band: Sublime
Favourite Album: The warm up by J cole (mixtape actually)
Favourite Game: Yugioh, Duelist of the Roses
Favourite Genre of Game: first person shooters with zombies
Favourite Hobbies: Basketball, finding new rap, smoking.
Favourite Movies: Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Shooter
Favourite Shows: Walking Dead, Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, Yu Yu Hakasho, Law and Order SVU

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  • 1 month later...



Birthday: 23rd of November, 1999

Location:Brussels (not Belgian though)

Height: 5 foot 6

Hair Color:Dark brown

Eye Color: Dark brown

Live With: Mom, dad, sister, little brother.

Pets?: A cat

Relationships?: Nah

Crushes lately?: Nope

Dream Job: vidya game designer

Currently Playing: white 2, fallout 3

Favourite Food: Noodles

Favourite Drink: Apple juice

Favourite Color: Red, blue and black

Favourite kind of Music: EDM and rap

Favourite Band: Metric

Favourite Album: Bangarang by skrillex

Favourite Game: Red Dead Redemption and pokemon (any of them :3)

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG and tu4n based RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Internet, video games, music

Favourite Movies: Lion King

Favourite Shows: Varied...I haven't watched much TV recently ;-;

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Name: Beau.

Age: 14.

Birthday: March 30.

Location: 's-Hertogenbosch, North-Brabant, Netherlands.

Height: I don't even know probably around 1.68 meters.

Hair Color: It used to be like, blonde, but now it's brown.

Eye Color: Well the inside is light blue, grey-ish and the outside is just blue.

Live With: Mom and Dad.

Pets?: My dog. c:

Relationships?: I'm Chrona's overly attached girlfriend.

Crushes lately?: ._.

Dream Job: Idk lol. Probably game character designer and shet.

Currently Playing: League of Legends.

Favourite Food: Candy and candy and candy. Also stuff like Pizza and Pasta. c:

Favourite Drink: Water and soda or something.

Favourite Color: PURPLEEE and black.

Favourite kind of Music: Rock and Metal-ish I guess.

Favourite Band: I can't pick lol. Probably A7X?

Favourite Album: Nightmare. I guess.

Favourite Game: I dunno. LoL? Pokémon?

Favourite Genre of Game: Idk either. :c

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing and not doing anything.

Favourite Movies: BATMAAAAN.

Favourite Shows: I don't like shows. : D


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Name: Adam Schmitt

Age: might as well put 21

Birthday: December 17th, 1991

Location: USA Illinois, Irving

Height: not sure, but around 6 ft.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Mom, Dad, Brother

Pets?: 3 cats and a dog

Relationships?: Relationships? As in plural? No...

Crushes lately?: A few

Dream Job: Teacher, Actor, Writer, Singer

Currently Playing: Everything that I can

Favourite Food: Not very picky

Favourite Drink: Yet again, not very picky

Favourite Color: Blue

Favourite kind of Music: All music tells a different story, I like the stories that are well told. (No Shots shots shots shots for everbody for me...)

Favourite Band: Right now, Fun. but there are so many other bands that I would put up here if I had the time

Favourite Album: Not sure

Favourite Game: Way too hard to determine XD

Favourite Genre of Game: I have a favorite game in every genre...

Favourite Hobbies: Singing, acting, writing, hiking, video games, being a monkey

Favourite Movies: Forrest Gump is on there for sure, but there are way too many others lol I just figured I would put one of the less common favorites. XP

Favourite Shows: Television or Broadway (though I REALLY doubt this is about Broadway XD)? Television I like Mythbusters, Cake Boss, anime, Kitchen Nightmares, and the list goes on! Broadway: Fiddler on the Roof.

forgive me if the coding doesn't work... I hand input everything because I didn't know at first how to copy the code on to here... basically, I forgot how to copy paste XD

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Favourite Movies: Forrest Gump is on there for sure, but there are way too many others lol I just figured I would put one of the less common favorites. XP

What'chu smokin'? Forrest Gump is on the list for the best movies of all time.

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Name: Hidan Aaron.

Age: 20.

Birthday: September 25th, 1992.

Location:Not telling~

Height: Hmm.. Around 5'7.

Hair Color: Brown.

Eye Color:Greyish green.

Live With Parents.

Pets?: Cat.

Relationships?: I used to be in one... That didn't end well. Guess that's the price you pay for caring for someone.^^

Crushes lately?: Maybe.

Dream Job: I wouldn't call it my dream job, but I am interested in teaching.

Currently Playing: Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

Favourite Food: Chilli Dogs.

Favourite Drink: Cherry Pepsi.

Favourite Color: I have 3 tied for first, those being Red, Green, and Blue.

Favourite kind of Music: I don't really have a favorite, I just listen to whatever sounds good.<<

Favourite Band: Same as the above.

Favourite Album: None.

Favourite Game: That's a tough one. I'd have to go with either Sonic Adventure 2, or Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap.

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG and Platformers.

Favourite Hobbies: Manga/anime.

Favourite Movies:Naruto and the Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and The Amazing Spiderman.

Favourite Show: I don't watch much television so I'll base this on anime instead. Soul Eater, Bakuman,Naruto, One Piece, and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. In that order.

Also, I fail with this coding crap. <<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Kendall

Age: 16

Birthday: November 1st 1996

Location: US

Height: 5' 1" (Short as hell)

Hair Color: Umberish

Eye Color: Green (Right eye has a streak of brown)

Live With: Parents

Pets?: Two cats

Relationships?: Boyfriend~ <3

Crushes lately?: I'm taken oAo

Dream Job: I don't even know animation or artist?

Currently Playing: Dragon Age

Favourite Food: Anything sweet

Favourite Drink: Lemon Green Tea

Favourite Color: Green

Favourite kind of Music: Hard Rock, Screemo, or Techno

Favourite Band: Falling In Reverse / Fit For RIvals

Favourite Album: The Drug In Me Is You

Favourite Game: Monster Hunter, Metal Gear Solid, or Touhou (It's a tie)

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG / Shooter

Favourite Hobbies: Cosplaying!

Favourite Movies: Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Mean Girls

Favourite Shows: Adventure Time, Family Guy, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Azumanga Daioh

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I've been here for a year and still haven't done one... oh well. Bombs away!

Name: Frederico, but please, Fred for short.

Age: 19

Birthday: August 19th, 1993

Location: USA. Delaware to be specific.

Height: Uhh.... I think about 5'11 by now.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Parents and Little Bro

Pets?: Yep, 7 year old Golden Retriever named Dolly

Relationships?: Aha...ahahha...haha... No. ^^;

Crushes lately?: Yes but it's obvious so no go away and shutup. xD

Dream Job: It's boring, but I'd really like to be a computer technician...failing that, just a job where I'd be able to help others...

Currently Playing: Sonic Generations

Favourite Food: Steak, medium rare if you please.

Favourite Drink: Pepsi

Favourite Color: Blue and Indigo/Purple.

Favourite kind of Music: Funny thing, I was musically stupid till I met Miku. Now? Rock, Blues, and J-Pop ( Comes with watching enough subbed anime so theme songs become infectious )

Favourite Band: I've become rather partial to Gary Moore and The Gregory Brothers.

Favourite Album: Don't have one o' those either. It'll come in time.

Favourite Game: Persona 4 or Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend

Favourite Genre of Game: Fighters and RPG's

Favourite Hobbies: Cooking! Oh, and Tennis, Writing, and Video Games.

Favourite Movies: Big Daddy, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore... you know just give me an Adam Sandler Movie or a Comedy and I'm happy.

Favourite Shows: Gonna include TV and Anime in here. Yu Yu Hakusho, Detective Conan, One Piece,Sword Art Online, Toriko, Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef, Top Chef, Survivor, Scrubs, Family Guy, American Dad, and King of the Hill.

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Name: Sofia Estrela Marques Sarmento e Silva Franco, however to you guys you can call me Sophie Star!

Age: 17

Birthday: 9 of November of 1995... I am pretty sure it's 95, I always mess up that number.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal.

Height: I think I am 165... At least last summer I was.

Hair Color: Brown.

Eye Color: Brown.

Live With: My mom, and my brother.

Pets?: The cutest and most badassely awesome cat in the world, Tiger.

Relationships?: Mhmm~ With Luka-chan! ^^

Crushes lately?: None, cuz I be in love.

Dream Job: Musician, or as I best like to describe it, to be a rockstar. I have to bands, I hope that both get famous. If not, then music teacher or sound technician would work I guess.

Currently Playing: Replaying Persona 4 and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Favourite Food: SUSHIIIIIII!

Favourite Drink: Coca-Cola and Rosé Wine.

Favourite Color: Blue and violet!


Favourite Band: Eeeerrr.... Jack White, Gary Moore, Rival Sons, Xutos & Pontapés, and Dewolff.

Favourite Album: Vida Malvada - Xutos & Pontapés

Favourite Game: Uuuuhhhh.... Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn? Probably.

Favourite Genre of Game: RPGs.

Favourite Hobbies: Playing guitar, bass, and piano/keyboard. Video games, and used to also be epic at skateboarding and horse riding.

Favourite Movies: Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Favourite Shows: Bones, Copper, and Walking Dead. Oh and How I Met Your Mother and Scrubs!

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Because I'm bored.

Name:Evan Shooltz, dun judge me qq

Age: 13~

Birthday:September 20th, 1999~

Location:Somewhere near Central Michigan

Height: 5'5, although it may be 5'6 now

Hair Color:Brown... for now...

Eye Color:Depends. Normally dark brown.

Live With:Mah father~

Pets?:Ohmygod. 3 dogs, 7 cats, several horses, a bunny, ans several lizards

Relationships?:My wonderful Tori~<3

Crushes lately?:^

Dream Job:Probably an artist, or something.

Currently Playing:White 2, and Majora's Mask. Woodfall Temple >///<

Favourite Food:Anything with Pasta and my homemade meat sauce.

Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew, ofc.

Favourite Color: ...My name.

Favourite kind of Music: Rock, Alternative, whatever fits my favorite bands.

Favourite Band: Three Days Grace~

Favourite Album: Life Starts Now, or Transit Of Venus

Favourite Game: Skyward Sword, hands down

Favourite Genre of Game: Dunno

Favourite Hobbies: Singing, drawing, writing, things like that

Favourite Movies: Ted, 21 Jump Street, Elf

Favourite Shows: I don't even turn on my TV anymore >>

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