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Name: Rafail / Raphael
Age: 21
Birthday: 25 November
Location: Greece
Height: 6' 1''
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Dad,Mum,Grandmum
Pets?: Nothing
Relationships?: None at the moment
Crushes lately?: Joel
Dream Job: Chef
Currently Playing: Bush wacker 2

Favourite Food: Pasta
Favourite Drink: Wine
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: Symphonic Metal
Favourite Band: Nightwish
Favourite Album: Imaginaerum
Favourite Game: Pokemon ofc.
Favourite Genre of Game: Rpg

Favourite Hobbies: I don't have a hobby. I think.

Favourite Movies: LOTR/Hobbit
Favourite Shows: Once upon a time or OUAT for shorter.

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Name: .....M - it's the initial, my actual name might sound weird to y'all ]:

Age: 17

Birthday: 23rd January 1998

Location: Portugal, specifically a portuguese archipelago

Height: 183 cm

Hair Color: dark brown

Eye Color: fucking brown >:[

Live With: mom, younger brother, cousin, aunt and grandparents

Crushes lately?: kind of

Dream Job: to gain a shit ton of money without doing anything - so none

Currently Playing: nothing relevant, really

Favourite Food: almost everything that's unhealthy?

Favourite Drink: peach flavored ice tea

Favourite Color: white

Favourite kind of Music: anime counts as a genre, right?

Favourite Band: dont have one <<

Favourite Album: dont have one >>

Favourite Game: the pokemon mystery dungeon games bar the most recent 3d one

Favourite Genre of Game: adventure

Favourite Hobbies: procrastinating, going to the cinema, afternoon napping (:

Favourite Movies: hunger games catching fire, interstellar and suzumiya haruhi no shoushitsu

Favourite Shows: higurashi, fate series and toaru series

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I guess I can update this again after a year...

Name: It's a secret~
Age: Almost 18
Birthday: December 30
Location: Wisconsin
Height: 6'1/2"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: My mother, father, and two sisters
Pets?: Dog, cat, and turtle
Relationships?: Nope.
Crushes lately?: Maybe. Not sure if she's really someone I'm in love with, or if it's a passing interest.
Dream Job: Video Game Designer, though I'll probably get a degree in Programming for more reliable pay.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls 2, Smite

Favorite Food: Barbecue Chicken Pizza. Mmmmmmm~~
Favorite Drink: Depends on my mood. Chocolate shakes are good, though.
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite kind of Music: Video Game Music! But if you want a "real" genre, I like all sorts of things. Dubstep, Orchestral, Classic Rock, some techno. I generally prefer instrumentals.
Favorite Band: It's a toss up between Linkin Park and Rise Against...
Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus
Favorite Genre of Game: Action RPG, Platformer
Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, Soccer, and playing piano.
Favorite Movies: I don't watch a whole lot of movies... The Last Samurai maybe?
Favorite Shows: Modern Family? Maybe? Don't watch much TV either...

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Name: Peter

Age: 15

Birthday: May 17, 1999

Location: Wyoming

Height: Is it sad to say I haven't checked in an entire year? I'll edit this when I remember.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Parents, little bro

Pets?: None, my mom hates them

Relationships?: I have a girlfriend. I know, such a let down, who doesn't want an online relationship with some American teenager who may or may not be who he says he is? I don't see a problem there.

Crushes lately?: Only on my girlfriend.

Dream Job: Scientist

Currently Playing: SWTOR, XCOM: Enemy Within, ORAS, Pokemon: Reborn, Pokemon: Conquest

Favourite Food: Mac and Cheese

Favourite Drink: Sassafras Tea, i.e. Root Beer

Favourite Color: Lime Green

Favourite kind of Music: Alternative

Favourite Band: None

Favourite Album: None

Favourite Game: I honestly have no clue. There are too many good ones.

Favourite Genre of Game: Strategy/ RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Talking, Gaming

Favourite Movies: "Guardians of the Galaxy" was pretty good. So was "Ender's Game."

Favourite Shows: Gravity Falls, The Legend of Korra, and Star Wars: Rebels. I know, I am childish, but hey, I have an excuse. I *am* a child.

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Name: Grace

Age: ...22

Birthday: February 17

Location: New York

Height: 5'7"

Hair Color: Black as night

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Live With: Mom and dad

Pets?: A tank of red spotted severum fish

Relationships?: None lately

Crushes lately?: Nope

Dream Job: Something with numbers (accounting?)

Currently Playing: Alpha Sapphire

Favorite Food: Seaweed

Favorite Drink: Arizona Iced Tea

Favorite Color: Blue and silver

Favorite kind of Music: Anything except R&B and classical

Favorite Band: I'm not sure... Probably Maroon 5

Favorite Album: Don't have one

Favorite Game: No idea.

Favorite Genre of Game: MMORPG, Strategy/RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Reading a good book, listening to music,

Favorite Movies: Can't think of one, I prefer the books than their movie adaptations though.

Favorite Shows: None, I don't really watch TV anymore.

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Name: Mikal

Age: 17

Birthday: May 15th

Location: Eastern Norway

Height: 1.83m

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Live with: Both parents and two sisters

Pets: A cat named Bella

Relationships?: Nope

Crushes lately?: Not really

Dream job: No idea

Currently Playing: Alpha Sapphire and Animal Corssing

Favorite Food: Taco

Favorite Drink: Christmas sodas

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Music Genre: No favorite

Favorite Band: Same as above

Favorite Album: Again, look above

Favorite Game: Ratchet and Clank 3

Favorite Genre of Game: RP, platformer, puzzle

Favorite Hobbies: Playing games

Favorite Movies: No favorite here either

Favorite Shows: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and House

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Name: Jonas

Age: 20

Birthday: April 10

Location: Ilhabela (that's in Brazil). Moving to Rio de Janeiro next year.

Height: 1,8 m (more or less)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Live With: Dad and Sister

Pets?: All the fish in the sea I had a dog once, but currently none.

Relationships?: Not currently. Study year was a killer for any potential one. XP

Crushes lately?: ^

Dream Job: Professional Sailor

Currently Playing: Pokémon Reborn

Favorite Food: Sashimi (preferencially made from fish we just caught - my dad rocks at this ^_^ )

Favorite Drink: Cajá Juice (a fruit typical from Brazil's NE region.)

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite kind of Music: Rock 'n Roll, also Progressive Rock and Bossa Nova.

Favorite Band: Jeez, that's hard... I guess Jethro Tull? Also Pink Floyd and... AAAAHRGH, so hard to choose!

Favorite Album: -

Favorite Game: Pokémon Reborn

Favorite Genre of Game: RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Sailing, most of all, but also reading, playing guitar, paddling, diving, fishing, surfing...

Favorite Movies: Too hard to choose too XP.

Favorite Shows: I have no TV, but I watch plenty Anime in my PC. Fate, Bacanno!, Durarara!, Steins/Gate, Psycho-Pass...

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Birthday: February
Location: Pennsylvania merald
Favorite Genre of Game: RPG/RTS
Favorite Hobbies: Video Games, Reading
Height: 6ft / 182.88 cm
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Live With: Family
Pets: 3 Dogs
Relationships: Dating
Dream Job: Chef
Currently Playing: Hearthstone, SSB4
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milkshake
Favorite Color: White
Favorite kind of Music: Alternative
Favorite Band: None
Favorite Album: None
Favorite Game: Pokemon Emerald
Favorite Movies: How to Train your Dragon 2
Favorite Shows:How to get away with Murder

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Name: Harry


Birthday: 18 March 1995

Location: Northern Ireland (UK)

Height: 1.84m

Hair Colour:Brown

Eye Colour:Green(inner fading to blue on the outter its complicated i hate people who stare)

Live With :Family eww x.x

Pets: Black And White Cat

Relationship: In A relationship :3 <3

Crushes: gonna b celebrity umm Taylor Momsen ( lead singer of the pretty reckless)

Dream Job ? : Sorry No idea

Currently playing : N/A

Favorite Food : Mashed Potato (Shut up im irish(sorta)person who likes potatoes woopty do)

Favorite drink : Dr.Pepper

Favorite Colour: Black (Technically a Monochromatic color)

Favorite Music Genre : Neoclassical ,Metal , Metalcore , Alt Rock ,

Favorite Band : Atreyu

Favorite album : Everything I Want to Say by The Material (according to spotify)

Favorite Game : Kingdom Hearts 2 <3

Favorite Game Genre : RPG

Favorite Hobbies : Motor Bikes <3

Favorite Movie : Die Hard

Favorite Show : hmm difficult .... Top Gear and MotoGP if that counts

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Name: Caitlyn
Age: 15, let's say
Birthday: September 2nd (The day school starts for me...)
Location: Canada, BC within 10 driving hours from Vancouver.
Height: 5'4.5" ish....
Hair Color: Black, sort of brownish at the tips from the sun
Eye Color: Dark brown
Live With: Mother, Father and a brother who is six years my senior
Pets?: A turtle named Murtle
Relationships?: Happily alone
Crushes lately?: Nope
Dream Job: No clue. Something in the field of science though
Currently Playing: League of Legends....

Favourite Food: A lot of things actually, but if I were to name one.... No, I can't. I LOVE raw fish though
Favourite Drink: Water..? Turns out I suddenly dislike soft drinks and I am traumatized by an incident involving a giant aloe vera drink
Favourite Color: Purple, red, black and white pick one? what.
Favourite kind of Music: Uhhhh..... No idea.... If I like the melody and lyrics, it can range from a broadway classic to some vocaloid song
Favourite Band: If going by band, I'd say.... My Chemical Romance? OH! Ali Project! This is just going by overall, as in, me liking most of their songs, but I don't strictly listen to one group.
Favourite Album: ???
Favourite Game: Uhhhh....
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, bullet hell and most things that involve a good story
Favourite Hobbies:Reading, spending time by myself, internet, a bit of chess, trying new things, writing, games...
Favourite Movies: The Good the Bad and the Ugly is a thing in my family, but I'd much rather a book than a movie because there is so much more information
Favourite Shows: I watch a lot of anime...... I can't really say decisively, but I really loved Stein's; Gate, Mirai Nikki and Deadman Wonderland

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So I went through all 13 pages of the topic and realised I never ACTUALLY posted here

Name: Michael
Age: 22
Birthday: November 14th
Location: Florida
Height: 5'8?? probably
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue...no, green... gray? ...
Live With: Mom and a couple others I'm not sure how to classify
Pets?: cat
Relationships?: see below
Crushes lately?:

Dream Job: Astronomy is super cool
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIV, Bravely Default, Metal Gear Rising, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Favourite Food: Can't think of any one thing in particular
Favourite Drink: ^
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: idk I don't group by genre, rather more like "I like this" and "I don't like this." Not a lot in the second category.
Favourite Band: Cartel and Anberlin (RIP ;_; ) have been consistent favorites over the years, Parabelle is also a favorite, but, my audio-type favorites change too frequently to name a specific thing
Favourite Album: "Chroma" by Cartel, probably. That or their self-titled album. also see above
Favourite Game: Probably some Pokemon or Halo game, but those aside, Devil May Cry 4 was probably the one thing I played the most solo. Recently, FFXIV is taking a lot of my time and I love it, so is Bravely Default; Persona 3 and 4 were also favorites of mine.
Favourite Genre of Game: Toss-up between RPG and Hack and Slash
Favourite Hobbies: music and/or gaming
Favourite Movies: uh. idk, I don't movie much. Super hyped for the Kyoukai no Kanata movie(s) and I guess The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was really cool? Do anime movies even count?
Favourite Shows: Lots of Kyoto Animation things- "Hyouka," "Love, Chunibyou, and Other Delusions," and "Kyoukai no Kanata" in semi-particular order; I've also been keeping up with Amagi Briliant Park, Hitsugi no Chaika, SAO 2 and Log Horizon 2 weekly... Can't think of any non-anime shows unfortunately. My TV has been unplugged for a long time and whenever I do use it, it's for one of the various consoles I have sitting around lol

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why not

Name: Brandon
Age: 19
Birthday: March 17th (St. Patrick's Day)
Location: New York State (not city)
Height: 6 ft. 1.83m
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Blue (apparently my best physical feature)
Live With: a friend and his family
Pets: 2 cats (sissy and cat)
Relationships?:...those exist?
Crushes lately?: Nope.
Dream Job: Something to do with science probably
Currently Playing: So many games...way too many

Favourite Food: Nothing in particular
Favourite Drink: Pepsi/Mountain Dew
Favourite Color: Dark red (almost maroon)
Favourite kind of Music: Dubstep
Favourite artist: Ephixa
Favourite Game: A tie between Final Fantasy X and Breath of Fire 3
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Tactical RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, gaming, learning new/random things
Favourite Movies: Kung Pow, Ace Ventura: Pet detective, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Favourite Shows: A lot of anime and south park.

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Name: Morgan
Age: 22
Birthday: March 21st
Location: Illinois
Height: 5' 5 1/2"- 5'6"
Hair Color: On the border of blonde and brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Live With: Best friend
Pets?: a cat named Chewy
Relationships?: I am neither able to confirm nor deny any such things, and therefore such information is classified.
Crushes lately?: same^
Dream Job: College professor
Currently Playing: Aura Kingdom, Reborn, and platinum

Favourite Food: Would you believe me if I actually said I enjoy Chinese food a lot more than tacos? Sweet and sour pork.
Favourite Drink: Dr Pepper
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: My favorite genres are pop and classical
Favourite Band: uhhhh... I'll go with Paramore atm but otherwise too many to choose from
Favourite Album: Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy
Favourite Game: Jak II
Favourite Genre of Game: Platform
Favourite Hobbies: Reading, procrastinating as long as possible, and wasting time on the internet
Favourite Movies: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, the Eureka Seven movie, Friday, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Voices of a Distant Star
Favourite Shows:New Girl, Doctor Who, Eureka Seven, Poyopoyo, and 07 Ghost

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Name: Nick
Age: 16
Birthday: 7th February
Location: Strayaaaaa
Height: 1.87
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Live With: Parents
Pets?: Had 6 Yabbies
Relationships?: None, yet
Crushes lately?: Yes, although it's... annoying
Dream Job: Idk, History teacher maybe
Currently Playing: TF2, Watch_Dogs

Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Favourite Drink: Lemonade
Favourite Color: Redrpg
Favourite kind of Music: EDM, Metal, Rock, Aussie Rock, Alt-Rock
Favourite Band: The Bennies #photobonging
Favourite Album: oooo, Tough one... Imma go with Rainbows in Space, by the Bennies
Favourite Game: GTAIV, 100% that game
Favourite Genre of Game: FPS, Puzzle,
Favourite Hobbies: Cricket, Gaming, chatting
Favourite Movies: The Fockers trilogy, LOTR trilogy umm, step brothers
Favourite Shows: Parks and Rec, South Park, Al Jazeera (no h8 plz)

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Name: Sören (try to pronounce that)

Age: Let's see if you can calc
Birthday: 7th September 1996
Location: Northern Germany, eastern Coast, close to Danemark
Height: Who cares? Inner size is the only thing that matters
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Really dark Brown
Live With: no set home
Pets?: I wish I had one, it would be a Chameleon
Relationships?: plenty, usally relatively short :/
Crushes lately?: I usally don't crush on people, I just notice peoples interest and I may react on it
Dream Job: a job I'm passioned about and that gives enough money to have a comfortable life with a family
Currently Playing: School Exams, Grafik looks shit though 7/10

Favourite Food: everything delicious (literally)
Favourite Drink: water

Favourite Color: red

Favourite kind of Music: music that sounds good

Favourite Band: Hollywood Undead, Die Fantastischen Vier (The origin of german rap), ACDC, Disturbed. Basically every Band that makes good music :P
Favourite Album: I've never bought a CD in my life so idk

Favourite Game: Pokemon Reborn

Favourite Genre of Game: open for everything, as long as the game does its job well
Favourite Hobbies: Parkour, dancing, celebrating, computer games, go to church, meeting girls, ganja
Favourite Movies: Impossible to choose, since I can't compare Django to End of Watch, but in general I like plot twist alot
Favourite Shows: I don't have a TV, but I've watched BB, Supernatural and South Park and I really liked them

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Name: Wendel

Age: 15

Birthday: Feb 5th

Location: Doetinchem, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Height: round 6'1 6'2

Hair Color: Black brownish but mostly black

Eye Color: Brown

Live with: Annoying sister and bitch ass mom

Pets: 3 dogs Silke, Vasja and Dana 2 kittens Sam and Puk and 2 bunnies Stamper and Kreng

Relationships: Had 2 apperently fucked up in one and fought in the other

Crushes Lately?: Yes but it's a secret~

Dream Job: Anything with history

Currently Playing: Omega Ruby

Favourite Food: Leg ham

Favourite Drink: Icetea

Favourite Color: Red/Green/Blue

Favourite kind of Music: Nightcore, Rock

Favourite Band: Skillet, Shinedown, Thousand Foot Krutch, Simple Plan

Favourite Album: Rise, Comatose

Favourite Game: Rome Total War

Favourite Genre of Game: History, Strategy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, Badminton, Scouting

Favourite Movies: Red Rhiding Hood

Favourite Shows: Bleach, Fairy Tail, High School DxD yea yea I know xD, Sword Art Online and some I can't remember

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Name: Mathew

Age: 20


Location: Chicago,IL (USA)

Height: 5'8

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Live With: Shipmates (currently active duty U.S. Navy)

Pets?: none but I want a Husky

Relationships?: Boyfriend

Crushes lately?:Hook from Once Upon A Time

Dream Job: Future writer for the Harry Potter book series

Currently Playing: PKMN Reborn

Favourite Food: Anything seafood related

Favourite Drink: Root Beer

Favourite Color: Blue

Favourite kind of Music: R&B (Old school aka baby makin' music lol)

Favourite Band: Evanescence

Favourite Album: Fallen (Evanescence)

Favourite Game: Pokemon franchise

Favourite Genre of Game:Action RPG, turn based strategy, platform.

Favourite Hobbies: Writing, reading, video games, martial arts, lancet fencing, free running, and all around having a good time.

Favourite Movies: Harry potter series, Dark Knight trilogy, Frozen (Disney movies in general), IP Man 1,2, and 3

Favourite Shows: Once Upon a Time, Arrow, The Flash, Constatine, Gotham, Buffy, Firefly, Fullmetal Alchemist, Last Airbender/ Legend of Korra, SAO (Sword Art Online)

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Age: 20

Birthday: 8/29

Location: America's Penis aka Florida

Height: 6'0 (making me the shortest male in my dad's family)

Hair Color: Black

Live With: Parents but moving into a dorm next year

Pets?: None

Relationships?: Out of one a year ago. None now

Crushes lately?: None

Dream Job: Foreign correspondent/Journalist

Currently Playing: Electronic Super Joy

Favourite Food: Middle Eastern and Caribbean

Favourite Drink: Don't really have one

Favourite Color: Orange

Favourite kind of Music: Punk, Metalcore, Rap, Electro

Favourite Band:

Favourite Album:

Favourite Game: Zone of the Enders and Mirror's Edge

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG( Both Western and Japanese), Strategy, and futuristic adventure

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, writing, sleeping, and other such endeavors

Favourite Movies: Don't really have a favorite

Favourite Shows: GoT, House of Cards, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Started to watch Fairy Tale (inb4 late or noob)

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  • 4 months later...
Just realized I never posted here too.


Name: Vinícius

Age: 19

Birthday: January, 15th

Location: Brazil

Height: 1.80

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Live With: Father, Mother, Brother.

Pets?: Nope, but i totally would have a cat/dog if I could.

Relationships?: 2 a few years ago, and i'm surprised I even managed one.

Crushes lately?: Nope.

Dream Job: I... can't really answer that, although i'd love something that involves travelling a lot.

Currently Playing: Dark Souls 2, Fallout: New Vegas, The original Crash Bandicoot trilogy, Pokémon Rejuvenation.

Favourite Food: It involves bacon? I like it.

Favourite Drink: COFFEE.

Favourite Color: Green.

Favourite kind of Music: I actually like everything.

Favourite Band: ---

Favourite Album: ----

Favourite Game: Crash Twinsanity

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Puzzle, Platform.

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, Music, sit in silence and contemplate things.

Favourite Movies: It's been a while... hmm. I don't know. Probably "The Room".

Favourite Shows: Gotham, Two and a Half men, South Park

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Name: Sam
Age: 16
Birthday: 3rd April
Location: England, United Kingdom
Height: about 5'"8"?
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Probably a hazel colour (mixture of brown and green)
Live With: My Dad...
Pets?: None
Relationships?: Single as a pringle
Crushes lately?: Maybe...
Dream Job: Games Design- computers
Currently Playing: Reborn/Skyrim

Favourite Food: A nice sunday roast
Favourite Drink: Chocolate milkshake
Favourite Color: blue
Favourite kind of Music: Like most but listen to a lot of nightcore/gaming music
Favourite Band: Not sure...
Favourite Album: Not sure...
Favourite Game: Skyrim/Oblivion
Favourite Genre of Game: Adventure
Favourite Hobbies: Watching anime/ reading manga and fanfiction
Favourite Movies: Step Brothers and Maleficent
Favourite Shows: Big bang theory and anime shows.

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Name: Elizabeth 'Elly' Clem
Age: 22
Birthday: November 23, 1992
Location: Rather not disclose
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: Dark Brown, Natural. Dyed: Blue-Black
Eye Color: Light Green
Live With: Dad, Brother visits occasionally
Pets?: A kitten named Nepeta, which means Catnip
Relationships?: Not Dating
Crushes lately?: Not really
Dream Job: Chef, I suppose
Currently Playing: Getting back to Dragon Age: Inquisition

Favourite Food: Chocolate and Strawberries
Favourite Drink: Coke Zero
Favourite Color: Earth Tones
Favourite kind of Music: Orchestral
Favourite Band: Chevelle and Fall Out Boy
Favourite Album: Night Visions, Imagine Dragons.
Favourite Game: Persona and Disgaea Series
Favourite Genre of Game: Roleplaying Games
Favourite Hobbies: Making Music, Doing Arts, Watching Movies
Favourite Movies: Shaun of the Dead
Favourite Shows: Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, currently

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Name: Amalia
Age: 20
Birthday: 02.12.1994
Location: Germany
Height: 1,72m
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: blue
Live With: Parents, sister, brother-in-law, two nephews
Pets?: a dog, three cats, a bunch of chickens
Relationships?: taken
Crushes lately?: -
Dream Job: teacher (English/Geography)
Currently Playing: replaying Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Favourite Food: mashed potatoes
Favourite Drink: just... water
Favourite Color: red, especially darker shades
Favourite kind of Music: mostly Metal, 'specially Melodeath
Favourite Band: Scar Symmetry
Favourite Album: Fear Factory's Demanufacture
Favourite Game: Half-Life series, can't decide on one of the games
Favourite Genre of Game: don't really have one
Favourite Hobbies: reading and writing
Favourite Movies: -
Favourite Shows: Primeval, Game of Thrones, also The Animals of Farthing Wood for nostalgic reasons

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Name: N/A

Age: You wish

Birthday: June 30 of some year

Location: ???

Height: 1.73m

Hair Colour: Jet black

Eye Colour: Brown.

Live With : Two dogs.

Pets: The aforementioned.

Relationship: No thanks

Crushes: Some person.

Dream Job ? : Professional sleeper (preferentially with a paycheck of over 10 grand a week) (Not really I'd go insane I'm fine with what I've got)

Currently playing : You

Favorite Food : Meat

Favorite drink : If we're to be extremely fancy, lambic framboise beer. If not, beer.

Favorite Colour: Guess.

Favorite Music Genre : The one with the sounds

Favorite Band : N/A

Favorite album : N/A

Favorite Game : Hard tie between Dark Souls 2, Fallout New Vegas and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Which is way too underrated, by the way)

Favorite Game Genre : I like the not boring kind

Favorite Hobbitses: Bilbo's pretty swell. (I cook, draw, write, drink, take your pick)

Favorite Movie : N/A

Favorite Show : Black Mirror, FRIENDS, Being Human are all tied. If internet shows count, then Tabletop.

Bonus: I'm known to randomly burst into song both in real life and in text. To anyone savvy enough to pick up from whatever music I happen to be singing, those are usually related to how I feel at the time.

I'm also known for wearing a black pseudo-fur blanket as a cape, pretend I'm a vampire and hiss at people.

I'm 100% serious.

I hope my answers shed some light in the mistery that is Kurotsune.

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Name: Jin

Age: 22

Birthday: 6 April 1993

Location: New Zealand / Korea

Height: 1.72m

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Lives With: 5 other flatmates

Pets: 1 dog at my parents' house

Relationships: Currently in one

Crushes: Well duh

Dream Job: Uh... I dunno. Trying out for dentistry though

Currently Playing: Nothing much. Showdown I guess

Favorite Food: PIZZA!

Favorite Drink: Fruit Smoothies or Merlot

Favorite Color: Blue / White

Favorite kind of Music: Hmm... mostly K-Pop

Favorite Band: Girls' Generation (teehee)

Favorite Album: The 2nd Album: 'Oh'

Favorite Game: Pokemon duh otherwise uh... Kart Rider?

Favorite Genre: RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Cycling, Travelling, Hanging Out

Favorite Movie: Finding Nemo

Favorite Show: -

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Name: Johnathan (Ew, ew, please just use Jan. I cannot stand my name)

Age: 18

Birthday: September 5th 1996

Location: NYC

Height: 177.5m

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Lives With: Mom, Dad, Brother

Pets: Cat

Relationships: Nope

Crushes: Maybe

Dream Job: Youtuber ;-;, Game Dev

Currently Playing: Smash 3ds currently

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Drink: Milkshakes

Favorite Color: Unsaturated Purple

Favorite kind of Music: Idk man. I like a lot of music

Favorite Band: Eh

Favorite Album: Eh

Favorite Game: Pokemon, Xenoblade Chronicles

Favorite Genre: RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Game devving, making videos

Favorite Movie: Coraline

Favorite Show: - idk, Steven Universe is pretty good. If it's anime, Zatch Bell/Gash Bell

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