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Name: N/A
Age: 15(soon as 16)
Birthday: 23 May 1999
Height: 164-167cm between that.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Eyes
Live With: Parents, sisters
Pets?: None
Relationships?: None
Crushes lately?: None.
Dream Job: N/A
Currently Playing: Random

Favourite Food: Rice
Favourite Drink: Fanta Exotic
Favourite Color: Silver
Favourite kind of Music: Can't decide.
Favourite Band: None
Favourite Album: None

Favourite Game: Pokemon generation 1-5, Sonic Advance 2.
Favourite Genre of Game: I can't decide this one.

Favourite Hobbies: Playing games, drawing.
Favourite Movies: None
Favourite Shows: Ed Edd'n Eddy, Dexter's Laboratory etc.

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Age: 16

Birthday: March 13, 1999

Location: [REDACTED]

Height: I really don't know, but short. >:(

Hair Color: Black. I wanna dye it blonde though.

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: None.

Pets?: None..

Relationships?: None...

Crushes lately?: Yes, alot. <3

Dream Job: Definitely to be a youtuber.

Currently Playing: Pokemon Reborn.

Favourite Food: Pringles?

Favourite Drink: Earl Grey Lipton Tea. dat shiet is good.

Favourite Color: Black. <3

Favourite kind of Music: I like any kind of music, but particularly, Indie.

Favourite Band: Ummm, Florence + The Machine? If you can consider her as a band.

Favourite Album: Definitely Lungs by Florence.

Favourite Game: The Pokemon Series.

Favourite Genre of Game: None?

Favourite Hobbies: Sleeping, Writing.

Favourite Movies: The Godfather, Interstellar, Coraline.

Favourite Shows: Madoka Magica, Gravity Falls

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Birthday: hayfever season July 15
Location: Not so Great Britain, now that the Tories have taken over :P
Height: idek, haven't checked in ages
Hair Color: Dark brown but a weird mixture of different brown shades in decent lighting :s Really wanna dye it black/blue but merhh
Eye Color: Dark brown/Hazel/Green/Depends on the lighting xD I'd kill for the opportunity to have blue<3
Live With: Currently, Parents and brother
Pets?: my brother I SERIOUSLY wish I had a dog, but allergies are a thing ;n;
Relationships?: Currently in one
Crushes lately?: yus I crush on liek ever1 'cause ur all perf and bootiful<3
Dream Job: [Pending]
Currently Playing: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Rumble World/Shuffle/Reborn

Favourite Food: Sausage Rolls anything from Greggs, Cereal, Cookies etc... I'm not exactly healthy .-.
Favourite Drink: idek, water? It keeps me alive
Favourite Color: Blue/Black/White/Red : D
Favourite kind of Music: whatever I like, there's no fixed genre it's just whatever sounds nice and I like listening to. Generally it's Rock/Metal/Pop/certain kinds of dubstep/a tiny bit of Classical though
Favourite Band: I can fetch my list if you want
Favourite Album: ^

Favourite Game: ^
Favourite Genre of Game: Refer to my answer for the first music question^

Favourite Hobbies: Doing whatever I can to be the reason for/cause of someones happiness, drawing/painting, gaming etc c:
Favourite Movies: Refer to the band question :P

Favourite Shows: ^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lol well I'm bored so might as well:

Name: Nicolás García García (yeah I know my surnames are so original...)
Age: 18
Birthday: december 24th
Location: Spain, the land of good food and spanish guitars
Height: in inches, who knows; in metres, 1.85
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown I think? I mean they can be either black or brown depending of light
Live With: muh people
Pets?: used to have a great dog called Black and a great fish called Fish-nº1 (I'm not kidding). Both survived quite lots of things, like a fucking electric storm the dog, and the fish jumped out of its bowl and survived in my room's air for a couple minutes until I realised it and SOMEHOW I didn't step on it (poor thing dammit). Both now death, sadly. Things don't last forever.
Relationships?: well, I have friends, and I love them all. But if this question meant love relationships, then no lol.
Crushes lately?: lately, hmmm....no, I don't recall any. Over time I have learned that I preffer to have friends than to worry to be liked by the person I like, plus being in love is a pain.
Dream Job: cartoonist, maybe working designing characters for videogames, comics, or pokémon lol. A more down-to-earth option is biologist, but not the ones in laboratories, the ones in the jungle discovering new species or doing research.
Currently Playing: nothing cuz I have exams dammit (yet I'm here doing this lol)

Favourite Food: from healthy food, rice with zucchini and hand-made meatballs, and overall, any kind of pasta, rice or potato-based food that is NOT boiled, specially in the case of potato. From junk food, oreos and pizza. And ice cream. And pretty much anything with sugar.
Favourite Drink: from healthy drinks, water. From junk drinks, coke and sangria <<is like wine but with sugar :3
Favourite Color: green, black, white and red. And orange. And yellow and blue sometimes.
Favourite kind of Music: doesn't matter lol. If I like it, I listen to it.
Favourite Band: if I guess by amount of music I have from them, WEEN, The Shins, Gorillaz, MIKA, Queen and Tally Hall.
Favourite Album: WEEN's Quebec and The Mollusk have to be the two most amazing albums ever recorded.
Favourite Game: Devil May Cry and Portal 2 (have never played Portal 2 tho)
Favourite Genre of Game: hack and slash. I don't like RPGs except for pokémon.
Favourite Hobbies: drawing, sleeping, slacking off, thinking about things in a state of utterly distraction from what's going on around me, listening to music, eating, reading short stories/books, doing weird noises, helping people, scaring people, pranking people, confusing people, making people laugh, watching groups of people fight and argue over insignificant things (i.e. deciding where to go for a highschool graduation trip, where to go to dinner to celebrate the end of finals, who has the right to the TV tonight, and so on...), and ultimately, thinking about the human condition and what it means to be alive, mainly at sleepless nights, in the shower or in long roadtrips.
Favourite Movies: Forrest Gump, Gran Torino, Harry Potter 1 to 4, The Cabin in the Woods, J.Carpenter's The Thing, IT, Beetlejuice, Nightmare before Chistmas, and lots of others that I don't remember right now
Favourite Shows: Invader Zim, Ed Edd + Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Walking Dead, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, My little pony friendship is magic, Fullmetal Alchemist, Over the garden Wall (so short tho ;-; ), and lots of others that I don't remember right now

PS: sorry if this is reviving an old thread, I mean, the last person who posted (Ashes AKA Eterna AKA Oxyde AKA Cyan AKA Synn) did it almost a month ago.

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Name: Vijay

Age: 19

Birthday: 26th of February, 1996

Location: Canada, best country world

Height: 5'7" last time I checked (yes I know I'm short)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown?

Live With: Family

Pets?: No ;_>;

Relationships?: That's complicated

Crushes lately?: There is one girl I've had an interest in/obsession with for a long time now. I don't have any chance with her, but I just can't forget her.

Dream Job: Game developer

Currently Playing: Pokemon Emerald (Nuzlocke), Fallout 2, and a sprinkle of LoL.

Favourite Food: Spinach (I loved Popeye the Sailor Man as a kid)

Favourite Drink: Orange juice

Favourite Color: Red

Favourite kind of Music: Rock/Metal

Favourite Band: Metallica/Dream Theatre

Favourite Album: The Black Album

Favourite Game: Child of Light

Favourite Genre of Game: Single player RPGs

Favourite Hobbies: Playing the flute and playing video games (if video games count as a hobby)

Favourite Movies: The Prestige, 5 cm/s

Favourite Shows: Hannibal ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Also please don't give me any warning points for necrobumping/necroposting, as it's all Zim's fault. Please donate any warning points that this post earns to Zim.

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Name: Nick
Age: 19
Height: Won't admit under 178cm
Hair Colour: Brown

Facial hair colour: Brown with some light Red
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Live With: Myself
Pets?: A white dog, currently living with my family far away. Enjoys biting me a lot when we play.
Relationships?: If everything goes well, I'll win mine back, after the end of the exam period.
Crushes lately?: If I don't... Actually no. I will succeed.
Dream Job: Professional Hitman Doctor (gotta earn my Nobel prize some day)

Currently playing: Ace Attorney, God of War, Dishonoured

Favourite Food: Fish in general, but I love salmon
Favourite Drink: Gin with just a little bit of lemon
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite kind of Music: Various, it can be from Rock/Metal to Instrumental and Classical music (even if I love Beethoven and Mozart, I can't stand Bach)
Favourite Band: Two Steps From Hell
Favourite Game: Dark Souls
Favourite Genre of Game: Adventure
Favourite Hobbies: Playing the Violin, Chess, Karate, Plotting how to rule the world
Favourite Movies: The Birds, The Prestige, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Dark Knight, LoTR the Return of the King
Favourite Shows: Game of Thrones, House MD,

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Name: Aaron(Or Eren).

Age: 22

Height: Somewhere around 5'8 I think.

Hair Color: Naturally it's brown, but I often dye it black.

Eye Color: Some weird ass mix of green/gray.

Pets: I have a dog and used to have a cat, but he died recently.

Relationships: Nope.

Crush: Maybe.

Dream job: It's between being a Private Investigator, Veterinarian, English Teacher, or a Psychologist. I don't really know, but those are the four I think of most.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Pokemon Reborn, Majora's Mask, GTAV, Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Favorite Food: Chilli dogs, mac and cheese, cherry pie.

Favorite Drink: Cherry Pepsi.

Favorite Color: Pink, Green, or Red. It varies.

Favorite Music: I don't really have a "favorite".

Favorite Band: ^

Favorite game: Rachet and Clank: Going Commando.

Favorite Genre of Game: Adventure.

Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, reading manga, watching anime, and I enjoy an occasional swim.

Favorite Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, Mr. Deeds... basically most of Adam Sandler's earlier movies. lol

Favorite Shows: Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Scrubs, Game of Thrones. I'd list anime but that would just take too long.

Long overdue I guess.

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Name:Suppawish Sangsiriwut
Birthday:6 Augusts
Height:more than 170 cm
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Black...maybe a little brown
Live With:my dad,my mon,my,my granddad and grandma
Pets?:I want a fox...
Relationships?:with who?
Crushes lately?:...NOPE!
Dream Job:Game dev(if it possible)as a plot writer,
Currently Playing:Pokemon Rejuvenation,Pokemon Reborn

Favourite Food:can't decide
Favourite Drink:Chocolate
Favourite Color:Blue
Favourite kind of Music:can't decide
Favourite Band:Don't have
Favourite Album:Don't have
Favourite Game:Pokemon(of couse)
Favourite Genre of Game:RPG
Favourite Hobbies:Playing video game
Favourite Movies:Speed Racer
Favourite Shows:game walkthough in Youtube

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Birthday-September 28, 1997

Location-South Australia


Hair Color-Brown

Eye Color-Brown

Lives With-My Parents



Crushes-Suzy Berhow (Game Grumps)

Dream Job-Lawyer

Currently Playing-Everything........................EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

Food-Frog Cakes



Music Genre-Funk

Favourite Band-Crush 40/Haddaway

Game-Professor Layton and the Lost Future


Hobbies-Gaming, Reading, Eating

Movies-Spaceballs, Flying High, Up

TV Shows-Simpsons, The Checkout, Good Game

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Name:Just Graves is fine
Birthday: May
Location: Ohio
Height: 5'6"
Hair Color: Blondish
Eye Color: Various. Seriously, changes every day.
Live With: Cara
Pets?: Two cats, a snake, and several spiders whom I protect
Relationships?:Yes, almost our second year anniversary
Crushes lately?: Just TV stars, but no one I'd leave my bf for
Dream Job:Game designer, software programmer, writer, astronaut. Any of those, really
Currently Playing:It varies on if I am writing or slacking off. Mostly Final Fantasy 1 or Pokemon games

Favourite Food: Japanese cuisine, and pizza. Yes, I even like sushi.
Favourite Drink: French Roast Coffee in a 24 oz cup with 6 small servings of French Vanilla creamer, no sugar
Favourite Color: Emerald green and lilac
Favourite kind of Music: It varies. Currently loving Power Metal for my writing. Nothing says Fantasy like songs about it.
Favourite Band: Kamelot, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Sia
Favourite Album: Linkin Park's Meteora. First CD I owned, and I loved the feel of the entire album.
Favourite Game: That is a difficult question. Probably CoD, Pokemon, WoW, and Final Fantasy
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, MMORPG, or FPS
Favourite Hobbies: Writing, reading, gaming, and sleeping
Favourite Movies: V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, LotR and Hobbit movies, Harry Potter, most Studio Ghibli movies, Summer Wars, Star Wars. Honestly, the list is about 40 movies long, or more.
Favourite Shows: Supernatural, American Dad, Once Upon A Time, Futurama, X-Files, Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Z Nation, Daredevil. Please see Movie statement.

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So, like, I posted here way back when I first joined. Let's do this again

Name: Alexus Morgan Wallace
Age: 16
Birthday: August 21st, 1998
Location: Tuesdays (AKA, Central Ohio)
Height: 6' P much exactly
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Chocolate
Live With: Mom, dad, two sisters
Pets?:Uno dogio (please don't hurt me actual Spanish peeps)
Relationships?: <3 Clara
Crushes lately?: Several, actually, but I'd rather Clara leave them intact
Dream Job: Let's Player on teh YouTubez
Currently Playing: Terraria, LoL, Smite, Factorio, Pokemon Reborn

Favourite Food: Ravioli
Favourite Drink: Orange soda
Favourite Color: Pink
Favourite kind of Music: UK Hardcore
Favourite BandsArtists: S3rl, Cady Groves
Favourite Album: N/A
Favourite Game: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Favourite Genre of Game: SRPGs and JRPGs
Favourite Hobbies: Cosplay (not that I actually get to do that like, at all), Beyblade, LEGO
Favourite Movies: The Host
Favourite Shows: SheZow, Star vs. Evil, PMMM, Vampire Knight, Death Note, FMA, Beyblade, Ben 10, Slugterra, Stargate (except SGU), Warehouse 13, Firefly, Lost Girl

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Name: Denver Dauthe
Age: 18
Birthday: December 10, 1996
Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Brown (dirty blonde in summer)
Eye Color: Green/blue/haze/gray I don't really know!
Live With: Mother and brother currently, but about to move out!
Pets?: One dumb cat named Comet
Relationships?: Nope
Crushes lately?: Lots of 'em
Dream Job: Paid to travel and eat food around the world
Currently Playing: ESO

Favourite Food: Too many to count
Favourite Drink: Never thought about it...
Favourite Color: British Racing Green or some hue of Orange
Favourite kind of Music: I listen to most music or none at all
Favourite Band: Don't really know any bands, or titles to songs, just the songs themselves...
Favourite Album: Music isn't my life, so see above
Favourite Game: Tough one... Mario&Luigi series of games--Superstar Saga is great, Super Paper Mario, Rune Factory 4, Megaman Battle Network series... etc, etc.
Favourite Genre of Game: No favorites here--just not survival horror!
Favourite Hobbies: Travelling, eating
Favourite Movies: Haven't thought of this either... Man I'm boring
Favourite Shows: Only show I've ever watched is The Walking Dead, so I guess that? I want to get into Game of Thrones though.

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  • Veterans

Name: Classified,My middle name is James though :P

Age: 15
Birthday: November 17, 1999
Location:London,Great Britain
Height: 5'8"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Mom and Dad,aswell as 4 siblings...
Pets?: 2 fish and a Dog named Raver
Relationships?: Nah
Crushes lately?: A few
Dream Job: Game Creator
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Sacred Stones/FF6....yeah never played em :[
Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Favourite Drink: Lemonade
Favourite Color: Really Dark Purple or Orange.
Favourite kind of Music: VGM or really upbeat music
Favourite Band: None really
Favourite Album: Music isn't my life, so see above
Favourite Game: IDK Right now
Favourite Genre of Game: RPGS
Favourite Hobbies: Swimming and riding mah Bike
Favourite Movies: Really liked the Lion King as a kid,still love it to this day,has yet to be de-throned XD
Favourite Shows: Hmm.....I'll have to think about this
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Name: Sette Veronika G.

Age: 19

Birthday: December 17

Location: Currently in Texas

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: Copper

Eye Color: Hazel (I wear brown eye contacts)

Live With: Three housemates

Pets?:two cats, two dogs and a snake

Relationships?: flings here and there

Crushes lately?: Two

Dream Job: Forensic pathologists

Currently Playing:Pokemon Reborn, Cards against humanity, Tales of series

Favourite Food: Italian

Favourite Drink: pina colada

Favourite Color: Oh man I love them all

Favourite kind of Music: Almost everything

Favourite BandsArtists:TSFH, Marina and the Diamonds, Florence and the Machine, MCR, ffdp, Oomph!, Theory of a deadman, Coldplay, Monkey Majik, ect.

Favourite Album: The Family Jewels~

Favourite Game: Okami

Favourite Genre of Game:All

Favourite Hobbies: Reading, working, swimming and motocross.

Favourite Movies: Ghibli Studio, Wolf Childern Ame and Yuki, Colorful, Summer wars, Digimon, ect.

Favourite Shows: Supernatural, a handful of british shows, a handful of anime.

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Name: Diana Elise Taylor
Age: 15
Birthday: 9/20/99
Location: Flint, MI
Height: 5'6
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: No permanent residence
Pets?: 0
Relationships?: This qt
Crushes lately?: ^
Dream Job: Shoutcasting/eSports Journalism
Currently Playing: League of Legends, Pokemon Heartgold

Favourite Food: Most pastas, baked potatoes, and a good steak.
Favourite Drink: Water, Strawberry Lemonade
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: N/A
Favourite Band: Paramore
Favourite Album: Paramore (2013)
Favourite Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Favourite Genre of Game: N/A
Favourite Hobbies: League
Favourite Movies: Uh, Big Hero 6
Favourite Shows: N/A

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Name: Malcolm
Age: 15
Birthday: 3/3/99
Location: New Jersey, USA
Height: 5'10
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Live With: Mother, Sister, etc
Pets?: 2 Cats
Relationships?: no
Crushes lately?: yea
Dream Job: Not sure, oops
Currently Playing: CS:GO, occasianal Minecraft.

Favourite Food: hot wings
Favourite Drink: dr. pepper
Favourite Color: black
Favourite kind of Music: rap
Favourite Band: Singer? eminem i guess idk
Favourite Album: Under Pressure (logic)
Favourite Game: CS:GO, Pokemon
Favourite Genre of Game:
Favourite Hobbies: sleeping, gaming etc
Favourite Movies: 50 shades of grey not sure, I don't really watch movies
Favourite Shows: Castle

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Name:Adam Thomas (such a common name -,-)
Birthday:April 1st 1999
Height: 5'9
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Brownish-black
Live With:Mom and soon to be Step-dad
Crushes lately?:Three
Dream Job:Game Designer/Tester
Currently Playing:Pokemon Mystery Universe

Favourite Food: Mac n Cheese

Favourite Drink: Anything will do except maybe Strawberry Soda

Favourite Color: Green

Favourite kind of Music:Don't really have a favorite

Favourite Band:Eh..

Favourite Album:Eh..

Favourite Game: Pokemon Black/White and Animal Crossing

Favourite Genre of Game:Adventure/Strategy

Favourite Hobbies:Reading and playing games..

Favourite Movies:All of the Harry Potter movies and The Advengers

Favourite Shows:Legend of Korra

Edit: Just pictured Pixl as a surfer dude :] wink wink

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Name: Moira

Nicknames: Moi-Moi
Age: 13
Birthday: September 18
Location: Austin, Tx
Height: Glue an anvil on my head! I want to be shorter!
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Live With: Parents, sister, grandparents currently living with us
Pets?: Cat: Ariel; Dog: Lulu (ours), Buster (Grandparent's)
Relationships?: "it's complicated..."
Crushes lately?: IDK... this relationship stuff confuses me...
Dream Job: Animator, video game designer
Currently Playing: Pokemon (Reborn, Rejuvenation, Alpha Saphire... some sub-games that I can't remember the names of...), Touhou, FNaF

Favourite Food: SUSHI :D
Favourite Drink: Bubble Tea, sodas of any kind (mainly those Japanese sodas with the little glass marbles...)
Favourite Color: Blues, Magenta, Teal
Favourite kind of Music: Don't really have one... I'd say techno...
Favourite Band: Don't have one.... (I know... I suck...)
Favourite Album: Again, don't have one...
Favourite Game: Touhou Project (main and fan games :D), Pokemon, FNaF
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, vertical scroll-shooters
Favourite Hobbies: Being a turtle, playing video games, watching anime, roleplaying
Favourite Movies: I don't really have one...
Favourite Shows: If anime counts... Elvin Lied; Corpse Party; Spice and Wolf...

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Name: Maël
Birthday:May 12th, 1994
Location:Picardie, France
Height: 1m70
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Blue/Gray
Live With:Parents
Pets?:A Chihuahua and a Yorkshire
Crushes lately?:None too~♪♫
Dream Job:Lab technician
Currently Playing:League of legends, Reborn

Favourite Food:Pasta carbonara
Favourite Drink: Peach syrup
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: None particularly
Favourite Band:Baaaah... :calim:
Favourite Album: ... ... ... None too :calim:
Favourite Game: Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones
Favourite Genre of Game:RPG
Favourite Hobbies:Videogames :calim:
Favourite Movies:Le viager
Favourite Shows:Malcolm

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Name: John Ryan Szalay
Age: 18
Birthday: February 14th, 1997
Location: Pasadena, TX
Height: 6'1"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Parents
Pets?: 2 chihuahua's
Relationships?: None
Crushes lately?: None
Dream Job: Professional Wrestler (Being serious with this one)
Currently Playing: Nothing atm

Favourite Food: Varies
Favourite Drink: It varies; A&W Cream Soda
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: Rock n Roll
Favourite Band: Aerosmith
Favourite Album: Ten Thousand Fists
Favourite Game: WWE 2k14
Favourite Genre of Game: Sports
Favourite Hobbies: Video Games
Favourite Movies: the Toy Story trilogy
Favourite Shows: N/A

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Name: Ryan Carson
Age: 21
Birthday: September 7, 1993
Location: Orangeville, ON, Canada
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Father, stepmother (until September)
Pets?: A Portuguese Water Dog
Relationships?: Nope
Crushes lately?: Hmm, well there is someone...
Dream Job: Multimedia Producer (TV, Radio, etc.)
Currently Playing: League of Legends, Unreal Tournament, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, Gran Turismo 6

Favourite Food: Depends on my mood, but pizza never disappoints
Favourite Drink: Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: Rock, specifically grunge(-ish) and folk rock. In a nutshell, 90's rock music.
Favourite Band: Weezer
Favourite Album: The Tragically Hip - Yer Favorites
Favourite Game: Couldn't pick one if I tried.
Favourite Genre of Game: My tastes are all over.
Favourite Hobbies: Whatever there is to do at the time or place

Favourite Movies: Space Jam. Always will be.

Favourite Shows: Trailer Park Boys, Family Feud, some others

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Name: TV

Age: 18

Birthday: April 15

Location: Texas

Height: 6'1

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Parents & 5 brothers

Pets?: 2 Parakeets. A yellow one named Django and a blue one named Lambo (short for Lamborghini, it's a long story)

Relationships?: Single Life

Crushes lately?: Nope

Dream Job: Something that helps me reach peace and serenity

Currently Playing: Reborn, Pokemon Y Wonderwedlocke, NBA 2K15

Favourite Food: Bacon

Favourite Drink: Sprite

Favourite Color: Blue

Favourite kind of Music: Hip-Hop, Indie Rock

Favourite Band: Can't put my finger on one

Favourite Album: Can't put my finger on one

Favourite Game: All Pokemon games, All Need For Speed games

Favourite Genre of Game: Adventure, Racing

Favourite Hobbies: Pokemon, Basketball, Driving

Favourite Movies: Don't have one

Favourite Shows: Major Crimes, Graceland, Adventure Times, Suits, Amazing World of Gumball

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