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Name: I go by Shade, Krysis, or Melancholie. Mostly Shade tho.

Age: 21 (yay alcohol)

Birthday: December 7th, 1994. Yay Pearl Harbor~ (but no srsly that was a terrible day.)

Location: the state with the corn and the racecars and that professor with the whip and fedora.

Height: Last time I checked, 5'5

Hair Color: Brown, but I might go back to blue soon.

Eye Color: Hazel

Live With: Parents. Yay millennial living off her folks.

Pets?: 1 bunny, two dogs, nine cats.

Relationships?:psh, no.

Crushes lately?: Do celebrities with wives count? If not, no.

Dream Job: Sounds like an oxymoron.

Currently Playing: Multitasking between my second run of Pokémon Insurgence, Tera, and Rollercoaster Tycoon II

Favourite Food: SUSHI or Steak.

Favourite Drink: Mocha Frappuccino...Spring water is a close second.

Favourite Color: Black

Favourite kind of Music: Metal.

Favourite Band: Wintersun

Favourite Album: uhh...

Favourite Game: Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, MMORPG, or Zombie shooter.

Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, Drawing, Roleplaying

Favourite Movies: Repo! The Genetic Opera

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Half a year later than I told myself I'd update this, but here we go.

Name: Some of you might be able to guess, at this point. I generally go by Krim though.
Age: 17
Birthday: February 22, 1999
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Live With: My parents, younger brother and cat.
Pets?: A black cat. His name is Jasper.
Relationships?: Good one.
Crushes lately?: Nah
Dream Job: Something to do with computers. Game Dev would probably be really fun.
Currently Playing: Pokemon Yellow (Parasect is terrible and this is at it's best. Sad face.) and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Heavily modded. For the billionth time.)

Favourite Food: Raviolis in wine sauce. Very cheesy.
Favourite Drink: Iced Tea
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Metal. Power and Folk, mostly. The other stuff is good too.
Favourite Band: Dragonforce, Alestorm
Favourite Album: Alestorm: Back Through Time
Favourite Game: Skyrim, Majora's Mask, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Adventure, Strategy, Tactical and any combination of the four.
Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, reading, D&D
Favourite Movies: Anchorman, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Deadpool
Favourite Shows: Don't watch much TV anymore but The Office, Regular Show, Adventure Time and the older episodes of Spongebob when I do.

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Name: Cyanna, for now
Age: 20
Birthday: September 1, 1995
Location: Illinois
Height: 5'4"
Hair Color: Brown?
Eye Color: Various Blues and Greens, it changes with the light
Live With: Family
Pets?: Dog named Buddy :3 (Lives up to the name 5000%)
Relationships?: None at the moment
Crushes lately?: Yes, but it's not going so well >.<
Dream Job: Video Game Designer (currently in CS to pursue this)
Currently Playing: Pokemon Showdown

Favourite Food: Fruits... ALL THE FRUITS
Favourite Drink: Vanilla Milk Shake
Favourite Color: Royal Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Game Music, Alternative Rock, 80's/90's Rock,
Favourite Band: Coldplay
Favourite Album: idk....
Favourite Game: Metroid Prime

Favourite Genre of Game: Adventure
Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, Gaming, Writing
Favourite Movies: Harry Potter: The Sorcerer's Stone
Favourite Shows: Big Bang Theory, Spongebob, One Piece

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Update time I guess.

Name: Aaron, but I prefer to be called by my username unless I'm close to you.

Age: 23

Birthday: September 25th

Location: ;)

Height: Around 5'8

Hair Color: Brown, naturally. Though I often dye it jet black.

Eye Color: Grayish Green I guess.

Live With: Roomie

Relationship: Nope, and its staying that way for a very good while. Possibly forever because I can't be bothered to deal with other people tbh.

Pets: A smol doge

Crushes: Absolutely not. Unless you count me. I love me.

Dream Job: It would be pretty sweet to get paid to meme.

Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL.

Favorite Food: Still chilli dogs.

Favorite Drink: Gatorade.

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Music: Dude EDEN is my shit right now. But generally I like anything that isn't Country, Hip-Hop, or Rap.

Favorite Band: Probably P!ATD.

Favorite Album: idk

Favorite Game: Hard question. It would definitely be a Ratchet and Clank game though.

Favorite Game Genre: Action/Adventure.

Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, weebin, memes.

Favorite Movies: Every Spider-Man except Spider-Man 3, and I loved Deadpool.

Favorite Shows: Tokyo Ghoul, One Piece, HunterxHunter, and Blue Exorcist are my main four.

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Name: Azery

Age: 14

Birthday: November 17th

Location: London, UK

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Family

Dream Job: Game Developer, failing that, something in Programming I guess?

Currently Playing: LoL, Pokemon Reborn Hardcore.

Favorite Food: Doritos

Favorite Drink: Tea

Favorite Color: Midnight Blue

Favorite kind of Music: Classical

Favorite Genre of game: RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, Reading

Favorite Movies: Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, Terminator

Favorite Shows: American Dad

Favorite Books: Harry Potter series.

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Not going to lie, this was so cringe worthy to read, that I am going to spare you the trouble of reading this. I would make this in October to bandwagon with this theme of 'Yearly updates' but to juxtapose that, i will do this Update now to A: Get it over with, and B: Do it now because more than likely I will undoubtedly forget that this topic exists.

Name: Matthew
Age: I feel as if you the reader are going to have a different reaction to what I put here so to save the 'Your so young ; your not supposed to do that' bullshit I will leave this blank. (irony i know)
Birthday: March Twentieth.
Location: Pyongyang DPRK The U S of A (and currently considering moving to canada or the U.K if a certain blond haired arse becomes president.
Height: 5'6
Hair Color: A peculiarly dark brown it almost looks black. I swear my hair could get its own advertising.
Eye Color: Same gist with my hair. In daylight it looks strikingly brown, but in any other time it looks pitch black. Its like my hair and eyes are going through an existence crisis.
Live With: Mum and Daddy (Sister's usually come for a visit especially with my mum being in therapy for a recent accident.)
Pets?: I usually take care of my Sister's dogs Milo a medium sized Aussie something. (forgot the other breed) and Lucy a small Poodle, Schnauzer something.
Relationships?: None (I am weeaboo trash and i don't even watch anime. Seriously.)
Crushes lately?: A girl in which we kinda (guesswork here) both have an appreciation for (notice my avoidance of the word 'like')
Dream Job: Traveling the world, and Entertaining an audience with the content i create, not be necessity or monetary gains, but for the pure anticipation that someone somewhere might enjoy what i make.
Currently Playing: Myself. Civilization 5, not much else. (I am a huge fan of the Assassins creed series so i might play that as soon as i get a capable rig to do some gaming on.)
Favourite Food: I dont play favorites with my food.
Favourite Drink: Hot Chocolate milked down with whipped creme on top with a drizzle of chocolate sauce over it in the winter. Unsweetened green (never loved black tea, it always felt sluggish on my mouth) iced tea. with two lemon's One squeezed into the drink the other hanging on the rail. (and if i can, a rim of sugar on the rail as well, looks aesthetically good and gives an extra 'oomph' to the drink.
Favourite Color: Black, like my soul.
Favourite kind of Music: I have always been a fan of the classics. (Bach, Mendeleev, the usual suspects.) But i have been recently getting into Guitar music (Not electric mind you. Definitely not listening to baby pop anytime soon.) But stuff like that main variation in the last of us, or for a lack of a better example this:
Favourite Band: None
Favourite Album: None
Favourite Game: Pokeyman
Favourite Genre of Game: Strategy; RPG's of any variation. (I love anything with a good story.)
Favourite Hobbies: Sleep.
Favourite Movies: None.
Favourite Shows: None.
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I guess this would be the best way to introduce myself so here we go!

I may leave out a few questions because I can't answer/ don't want to answer them

Name: Trinity, but I'd prefer Angel (short version of username) or other nicknames you may choose unless I get to know you better. Or you're a friend of mine irl. Also, I'm proudly named (primarily) after Trinity from The Matrix

Birthday: July 30

Location: USA

Hair Color: Golden brownish with lighter parts due to sunlight

Eye Color: I've been told blue, gray, grayish blue, and blue green. I say blue, but take your pick.

Relationships?: Yes. That's all I'll say.

Dream Job: Game design

Currently Playing: Reborn, Alpha Sapphire, Assassin's Creed 2, Dragon Age Origins, Undertale, the list goes one cause I game hop

Favourite Food: Cheesecake... Don't judge me XD

Favourite Drink: Any kind of Tea and Blue Raspberry Faygo

Favourite Color: Reds and Blues, but I like all colors

Favourite kind of Music: I listen to practically anything, not a lot of country though. I tend to listen to Rock and different Electronics more

Favourite Band: Hmmm... I've listened to so many I can't decide

Favourite Album: Same as above

Favourite Game: Well I've always loved pokemon, but I have a lot of other favorites, too many to list

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Adventure, Platformer (2D and 3D)

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, Gaming, Singing to myself, a tiny bit of animation, browsing Youtube...

Favourite Movies: I never chose one

Favourite Shows: Ouran High School Host Club, Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls, Sherlock (with Benedict Cumberbatch), and that's really it. I'm too behind on pretty much everything else.

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Name: Jiggle
Age: 24
Birthday: July 31, 1991
Location:With Stupid
Height: Yes
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Live With: My mistakes and sins
Crushes lately?: Hello
Dream Job: Red panda keeper
Currently Playing: You

Favourite Food: Lasagna
Favourite Drink: Mango Bubble Tea
Favourite Color: Orange
Favourite kind of Music: EDM, KPop
Favourite Band: Sistar
Favourite Album: Platinum
Favourite Game: Go Fish
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG/MMORPG
Favourite Hobbies: Eating and Sleeping
Favourite Movies:My Neighbor Totoro
Favourite Shows: Kiddy Grade

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Name: Kurotsune.
Age: Heee.
Birthday: 30/06/20XX
Location: Brazil!
Height: 1,73
Hair Color: Jet black.
Eye Color: Brown.
Live With: Alcoholism
Pets?: Two dogs
Relationships?: Heee.
Crushes lately?: I guess.
Dream Job: Have it.
Currently Playing: Games (league of legends and overwatch)

Favourite Food: Recently, I've come to really, really enjoy natural yogurt.
Favourite Drink: Booze.
Favourite Color: Black.
Favourite kind of Music: Surprisingly tame music
Favourite Band: My favorite singer is Elton John. My favorite band is Kansas.
Favourite Album: Queen - Innuendo
Favourite Game: Fallout 2
Favourite Genre of Game: Ability games (I.E. games that player skill affect the outcome)
Favourite Hobbies: Playing the piano
Favourite Movies: I'm just going to say Zootopia because that's the first movie I've watched in like two years
Favourite Shows: Whose line is it anyway?

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i update this every time the thread becomes relevant again

[b]Name:[/b] Diana Seitz
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Birthday:[/b] Sep. 20, 1999
[b]Location:[/b] Michigan
[b]Height: [/b] 5'5
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Still brown!
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Also still brown.
[b]Live With:[/b] Mother for at least 6 more months
[b]Pets?:[/b] None!
[b]Relationships?:[/b] as of about 10 hours ago
[b]Crushes lately?:[/b] ^
[b]Dream Job:[/b] Something something esports
[b]Currently Playing:[/b] League of Legends, Binding of Isaac Rebirth

[b]Favourite Food:[/b] Steak or fried rice
[b]Favourite Drink: [/b] Strawberry Lemonade
[b]Favourite Color: [/b] Purple or blue
[b]Favourite kind of Music: [/b] Alternative
[b]Favourite Artist:[/b] EDEN
[b]Favourite Album: [/b] End Credits
[b]Favourite Game: [/b] Pokemon Gold, Zelda: Skyward Sword
[b]Favourite Genre of Game:[/b] MOBA, RPG
[b]Favourite Hobbies:[/b] League of Legends
[b]Favourite Movies:[/b] Big Hero 6
[b]Favourite Shows:[/b] n/a

fuck formatting

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Name: Cobalt, for now. You could find my name if you dug for a good five seconds, but since nobody uses it...

Age: Twenty, as of this post.

DoB: 19 Feb 1996

Location: Michigan, USA

Height: 175cm or so; it's been a while.

Hair Colour: Dirty Blond? idk what to call it.

Eye Colour: Darker shade of Cadet Blue; it's right on the blue/green/grey border.

Lives with: Vater, Mutter, & Bruder. Yes, I use German words over English for these; no I do not know German.

Pets: Two cats

Relationships: Good joke.


Dream Job: I do not have a specific goal at this time; I only know it involves programming.

(Current job): Unskilled laborer. Some of my co-workers are why "unskilled" is in the title. >.>

Currently Breaking: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Favourite Food: I prefer beverages over "normal" food.

Favourite Drink: Chocolate shakes

Favourite Colour: Most shades of blue or grey.

Favourite Music Genre: Video games, Baroque, Classical.

Favourite Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach

Favourite Album: No applicable answer.

Favourite Game: idk. Placeholder: Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword.

Favourite Genres: JRPG, Tactical RPG,

Avoided Genres: Visual Novel

Favourite Hobbies: Reading (SFF genre [sci-Fi/Fantasy])

Favourite Book Series: Heralds of Valdemar

Future Hobbies: Violin, likely.

Favourite Movie: Ummm... what?

Favourite Show: I don't watch anything at this time.

Fun Fact(s): I lack presence, which does not go well with being shy. Let's just say there have been many circumstances where I'm ignored IRL because nobody noticed that I was literally right next to them. While talking, even. >.>

(Oops. I added a bit. And broke R8. And w/e else.)

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Name: Ryan
Age: 21
Birthday: 7 September 1993
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Live With: No one atm
Pets?: A cat
Relationships?: Kinda sorta maybe. I dunno.
Crushes lately?: A special someone.
Dream Job: Multimedia producer, but I'll go wherever life takes me.
Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Fire Emblem Fates Revelations

Favourite Food: A meaty pizza
Favourite Drink: Too hard to decide. There's so many. I'm a sucker for sweet things though.
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: Lots of rock music, mostly the grungy stuff. Some folk mixed in there as well
Favourite Band: Either Weezer or RHCP
Favourite Album: Californication
Favourite Game: 3rd Strike right now.
Favourite Genre of Game: Fighting and racing games are my jive.
Favourite Hobbies: Travelling and getting a good walk in along the local trails and arboretums.
Favourite Movies: Space Jam
Favourite Shows: idk, probably Forensic Files.

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time to update this I guess

Name: Simon
Age: 19
Birthday: 7 June
Location: Belgium
Height: uh. according to this converter its something between 5'9 feet and 6'0 feet. 182 cm, last I checked.
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Live With: parents and little sister
Pets?: little sister
Relationships?: I wish. or I dont. idk. its complicated.
Crushes lately?: very.
Dream Job: I have absolutely no idea
Currently Playing: nuzlockes, spork, yu-gi-oh, undertale

Favourite Food: BELGIAN fries
Favourite Drink: either coca cola or regular still water
Favourite Color: blue
Favourite kind of Music: high quality rips
Favourite Band: siivagunner
Favourite Album: I dont know albums
Favourite Game: difficult. I think pokemon platinum?
Favourite Genre of Game: card games, werewolves/mafia-ish games, pokelike-games
Favourite Hobbies: memeing, tennis, memeing, gaming, memeing

Favourite Movies: I hardly ever watch movies but it should be monty python and the holy grail
Favourite Shows: last time I watched a show was like two years ago

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Updated this thing because why_not?

Name: Benjamin Thomas O'Dwyer

Age: 20
Birthday: 18th of June.
Location: Co. Kildare, Ireland
Height: Don't know. Haven't measured myself recently.
Hair Color: Black/very dark brown
Eye Color: Blue
Live With: My parents. 3 sisters and my dog.
Pets?: A Chocolate Labrador named Harvey.
Relationships?: Nah. I'm single.
Crushes lately?: Well, I have one, but I'd rather not tell you lot who it is...
Dream Job: I honestly have no idea at this point.
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Terraria, MH4U, XCOM 2

Favourite Food: Lasagne!
Favourite Drink: Pepsi.
Favourite Color: Green.
Favourite kind of Music: I tend to prefer video game soundtracks, mostly orchestral or butt rock/metal type stuff.
Favourite Band: I don't really have any favourite bands. My favourite artists is Frank Klepacki.

Favourite Album: Well, right now, it's the Monster Hunter Generations Soundtrack.
Favourite Game: I can't really pick any one game, so I'll list a few of my favourites: FTL: Faster Than Light, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Pokemon Colosseum, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten, Stronghold.
Favourite Genre of Game: Real Time Strategy.
Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, gaming, and... hang on, let me think about this... Oh yeah! Gaming.
Favourite Movies: I'm not sure, to be honest.
Favourite Shows: Father Ted. Rest in peace Dermot Morgan and Frank Kelly. :(

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Name: Aisyah
Age: 16!
Birthday: 26 April
Location: Malaysia, Kelantan
Height: I'm 5'1, 155cm and I hate it
Hair Color: Pitch black

Eye Color: Hazelnut. Mmm, nuts.

Live With: Parents, a brother, a lil' sister and a small baby brother. (This isn't my complete family, by the way) and at school, 7 roommates who irritate me to no end~
Pets?: ur mum
Relationships?: I.....used to held hands with thIS ONE GUY (JUST HELD HANDS, OKAY) WHo you may or may not have heard of... but I went to boarding school and when I got back he transferred but a new ice cream shop popped up in town so I'm fine.
Crushes lately?: Nu-uh. Um. No. Definitely not. ??????????
Dream Job: Freelance digital artist!
Currently Playing: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Blue Rescue Team!!

Favourite Food: Whatever suits my mood. For instance, I'm surely craving some fried chicken and blood now
Favourite Drink: Juice boxes and soda heck yeee
Favourite Color: IDK but it usually depends on my mood... feelin' pretty pastel pink lately!

Favourite kind of Music: Glitch hop, electro swing, morshu, chiptunes, dubstep and vocaloid!
Favourite Band: Perfume
Favourite Album: Worlds by Porter Robinson
Favourite Game: UNDERTALE
Favourite Genre of Game: (j)rpgs!
Favourite Hobbies:
Drawing, spriting and video gaming
Favourite Movies: Spirited Away
Favourite Shows: Star VS the Forces of Evil

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Mmh, might as well pitch in. Better to #KnowViri than to #NoViri, I guess!

Name: KS Pradyot

Age: 18

Birthday: October 3, 1997

Location: Southern India

Height: 180 cm (5'11")

Hair Color: Jet black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Live With: 600+ years of exceedingly boring family history

Pets?: Bruno, the labrador retriever, and Bosco, the doberman pinscher

Relationships?: none of a nature other than that of family or good friends

Crushes lately?: I never was much of a guy for romance. So no :/

Dream Job: Dreams = Goals, else they're not much use to me. I'm living my goals each day, and that's starting with being a CA and going on to Economics, Banking, Civil Services and eventually teaching

Currently Playing: No time for games these days

Favourite Food: I prefer bitter foods, having a low tolerance for sweets. I'm also a herbivore by tradition, as well as for personal reasons

Favourite Drink: cheers to coffee, good roast, filtered, hot, black and with just a drop of milk and no sugar

Favourite Color: All colours that are understated, natural and soothing. I like the greens of leaves and forests most, though. My forum name even means 'green'

Favourite kind of Music: Classical Carnatic instrumental, Hindustani instrumental, and a good deal of Western chamber and orchestral music. And no, I didn't step out of the eighteenth century.

Favourite Band: there's a long and boring story that tells why I abhor the human voice in song. So none, I suppose

Favourite Album: this doesn't apply in the sense I think it to mean, but I might as well list the works of Edvard Grieg and Instead Bismillah Khan, among others

Favourite Game: Probably this one, or I'd never have joined this community

Favourite Genre of Game: puzzle, as a rule

Favourite Hobbies: I'm interested in almost everything, but I enjoy drawing and painting, debating, writing articles, gardening and horticulture, reading (just about everything from philosophy, sciences and fact to thrillers and PG Wodehouse, though my greatest interest is in reading economics-related stuff and Indic epics and histories), swimming, cooking and eating (food is an art!), probably anything else that captures my fancy

Favourite Movies: oh, good ol' Mayabazar, 1957. It'll never be beaten.

Favourite Shows: I don't know, I hardly watch any these days


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Name: Wendel M. Overbeek

Age: 17

Birthday: February 5th

Location: Doetinchem, Gelderland, the Netherlands

Height: 6'3

Hair Color: Blackish

Eye Color: Brown

Live With: Sister+Mom

Pets?: 2 Dogs, 2 Cats and 1 Rabbit. Do sisters count?

Relationships?: Formerly.

Crushes lately?: Yea.

Dream Job: No clue

Currently Playing: Skyrim, Morrowind, LoL, Life

Favourite Food: Legham and chicken à la Wendel

Favourite Drink: IceTea

Favourite Color: Blue/Red

Favourite kind of Music: Anything really

Favourite Band: Starset, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Cab

Favourite Album: The End Is Where We Begin

Favourite Game: Rome Total War

Favourite Genre of Game: RTS

Favourite Hobbies: Wendeling

Favourite Movies: Red Riding Hood

Favourite Shows: Anime stuffs

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Name: Casim
Age: 23 (24 in November)
Birthday: November 5, 1992
Location: Ontario, Canada
Height: 5"4.5'
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown/Black (not sure lol)
Live With: Parents
Pets?: Fish if mom has one in the tank and it doesn't die from filth sigh...
Relationships?: None other than with friends or family currently
Crushes lately?: My two friends who I don't talk to anymore (crush was a year or two ago)
Dream Job: Business-like, Contract Lawyer, Game Maker (Not sure ever)
Currently Playing: I guess battling on Showdown for Pokenations

Favourite Food: Stir Fry, Chicken Burgers, Schnitzel with Potato Salad (Family recipe), Filet Mignon lol
Favourite Drink: Coke, Pepsi, Milk
Favourite Color: Blue and Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Pop, Pop-rock, rock somewhat
Favourite Band: Pet Shop Boys, Spice Girls, Britney Spears
Favourite Album: West End Boys, Spiceworld
Favourite Game: Final Fantasy XIII series
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, fantasy
Favourite Hobbies: Socializing with friends and people and playing games and watching TV. ;)
Favourite Movies: Anything comedic or romance
Favourite Shows: Grey's Anatomy, dramas like the catch, How to Get Away with Murder, romance ones, comedies like The Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls and Mom

Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask. :)

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I forget if I did one of these, but if I didn't, here it is. If I did, well, fuck it, I'm back.

Name: Trevor J. Mayfield

Age: 19 (Going on 20 in November)

Birthday: November 13th, 1996 (I'm surprised it wasn't on a Friday. If it was, I'd be Mr. Unlucky.)

Location: Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.

Height: 5"7-5"8

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Live With: My parents, two sisters (One older, and one younger), and my twin brother, Travis (Some of you might actually know him, but he is definitely inactive from Reborn.)

Pets: Over the course of my life, I've had many pets. Currently, I have a dog and four cats. Originally had 6 cats, but one kitty died early after its birth, and another cat ran away.

Relationships: I'm just gonna say that I am in one, yes. If you want to be specific, it just became 7th months a few days (Maybe a week?) ago.

Crushes Lately: Who else would I have a crush on when I'm in a happy relationship? Nobody else, that's who.

Dream Job: Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Biologist, etc. (Maybe Forensics?)

Currently Playing: Elder Scrolls Online and Skyrim (Although I've recently haven't had time, nor the bother to play videogames for a while)

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Drink: Milk (And Chocolate Milk), Water

Favorite Color: Black, Red, and Purple. I also like Blue and Green, too, and Reborn's colors suit me.

Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative Rock, Alternative Metal, Hip Hop, Pop, RnB, Classical Rock, Rock, Metal, Classical

Favorite Band: Three Days Grace, Eminem, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, etc.

Favorite Album: One-X, The Marshal Mathers LP, etc.

Favorite Game: Elder Scrolls Series, Pokemon Series, etc.

Favorite Genre of Game: RPG, Adventure, First Person Shooters

Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, Music, etc.

Favorite Movies: The Lion King, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Spaceballs, etc.

Favorite Shows: Gotham, Once Upon a Time, etc.

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Hello. I did a thing. This thing. This thing down here.

Name: Mark Bryan, Alchemia-chan is an OC of mine (nothing but pure head canon), current name in Showdown is Mage of Breath (most of the time, I think I am a perfect embodiment of the Void aspect)

Age: 18
Birthday: March 25, 1998
Location: Look at the Philippine map, I live somewhere on the upper-middle part of the snout, not at the tip
Height: Slightly taller than 5'4, (not sure)
Hair Color: Ranges from Dark Brown to Black
Eye Color: Same as above
Live With: Currently, no one but my pets, it's some sort of quest in search for clarity, harmony, and independence through solitude
Pets?: A mature female cat named Naive, and her two kittens, Hasty(male) and Modest(female), I used to have a slightly older male cat named Adamant but he ran away as an adolescent tomcat in search of adventure?
Relationships?: Nothing, I am not good at keeping one
Crushes lately?: Yes, but I would rather not dwell on such emotions because thinking about it is rather painful than emotionally fulfilling
Dream Job: I used to dream about having a variety of professions,, but for now, I am stifled
Currently Playing: None so far
Favourite Food: Fried Chicken with gravy, Stir-fried String Beans with Tofu, Chicken Curry, and Chicken Adobo
Favourite Drinks: Grape Juice, Tropical Punch, and Iced Tea
Favourite Colors: Blue, Green, Black, and Violet
Favourite kind of Music: Classical, Retro, Disco, Pop, Rock, Alternative Music, Hip Hop, and Game Soundtracks
Favourite Bands: Queen, ABBA, The Carpenters, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Clean Bandit, and Simple Plan
Favourite Albums: The Black Parade by MCR, 1000 Forms of Fear by Sia, Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park, Collide of Homestuck and Symphony Impossible to Play by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell
Favourite Games: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Spore, Grand Chase (R.I.P), and UNDERTALE
Favourite Genre of Game: RPGs
Favourite Hobbies: Random talent-less scribbles, reading textbooks, newspaper and web comics, encyclopedias, and random articles from various sources, and playing games
Favourite Movies: Apparently, I don't have a favorite movie. No matter how hard I try to think of something, I just don't like them enough to be considered my favorite
Favourite Shows: Steven Universe, Adventure Time, One Piece, Scrubs, The Simpsons
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[b]Name:[/b] Wunya Rector(ugh this name~)
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Birthday:[/b] April 29, 1996
[b]Location:[/b] Greenville, South Carolina
[b]Height: [/b] I think either 5'7 or 5'8, haven't really grown much in like...ten years
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Black
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown...or black, hard to tell
[b]Live With:[/b] Currently my friend, his grandparents and brother.
[b]Pets?:[/b] Their named Copper, three cats and his brother-a joke between the grandmother and I
[b]Relationships?:[/b] Hehe~nope, no one where I live would be interested in someone like I.
[b]Crushes lately?:[/b] Yeah but tbh they're usually in the back of my mind.
[b]Dream Job:[/b] An author, a dream I've had for who knows how long. Otherwise a teacher or something in the game business.
[b]Currently Playing:[/b] Reborn, Rejuvenation, Elsword

[b]Favourite Food:[/b] I'd say chicken mostly, anything chicken flavored.
[b]Favourite Drink: [/b] Chocolate milk, Dr.Pepper, Root Beer
[b]Favourite Color: [/b] Yellow
[b]Favourite kind of Music: [/b] Video game music, anime openings/endings, few k-pop songs, some japanese songs.
[b]Favourite Band:[/b] Can't really say, I guess BACK-ON counts slightly.
[b]Favourite Album: [/b] None.
[b]Favourite Game: [/b] Not counting Elsword....and if Visual Novels count then Hoshizora no Memoria.
[b]Favourite Genre of Game:[/b] Visual Novels, RPG, sandbox.
[b]Favourite Hobbies:[/b] Stargazing, spriting(recently),writing.
[b]Favourite Movies:[/b] Can't think of any.
[b]Favourite Shows:[/b] Weeds(recently got into it, its entertaining.), Most Gundam seasons, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Regular show, Cardfight Vanguard(counting G.)

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