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I don't think I've ever actually done this

Name: Tempest, Temp, Sir Tempest, Roost, Pesty, Tempy... it goes on and on... no you can't know my real name.

Age: 17

Birthday: November 29th

Location: Minnesota, USA

Height: 5' 10"

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Bluish-Grayish-Greenish... it's hard to describe

Live With: Brother, Mom and Dad

Pets?: A cat and a turtle

Relationships?: Nope

Crushes lately?: Not really

Dream Job: Working at Google or doing particle physics research at the LHC

Currently Playing: Destiny, Pokemon Insurgence, Fifa, GTA V

Favourite Food: Blackened Swordfish

Favourite Drink: Diet Coke or Sprite

Favourite Color: Blue

Favourite Kind of Music: Don't really have one... I more just like certain bands or artists... everything from remixes to rock to rap to country.

Favourite Band: Imagine Dragons

Favourite Album: Smoke + Mirrors

Favourite Game: Destiny, GTAV V, and a ton of Pokemon fan games

Favourite Genre of Game: FPSs usuaully

Favourite Hobbies: Messing around with my servers and going boating in the summer and snowmobiling in the winter

Favourite Movies: The MCU

Favourite Shows: Marvel Agents of Shield, Friends, Deadliest Catch

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Name: My name Jeff (Jeff Ryan)
Age: 23
Birthday: 11/21/92

Location: Redneck country
Height: 6'1
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde (for some reason with black on the sides)
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: 90 degree weather
Pets?: too many

Relationships?: Was engaged, ended badly
Crushes lately?: nope
Dream Job: anything that pays good
Currently Playing:League of legends, Dark Souls 3, Yu-Gi-Oh!

Favourite Food: Fried Rice, Hot wings
Favourite Drink: so much cocain--Coca Cola
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite kind of Music: anything that sounds good to me
Favourite Band:N/A
Favourite Album: N/A
Favourite Game: Call of Duty 4
Favourite Genre of Game: First Person Shooter, RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Card Games
Favourite Movies: Monster movies, specifically Godzilla
Favourite Shows: Walking dead, Supernatural, and the few anime I watch

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Name:Debojit Chanda
Birthday:7th June, 1997
Location:Kolkata,India(Home) Howrah,India(College Hostel)
Height: 5'8"
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Black
Live With:Parents(Home), Room+Classmates (Hostel)
Pets?:Got a computer...........no..no pets!
Crushes lately?:Two Sisters(my neighbor).....But getting 404,NOT FOUND!!!
Dream Job:Experimental Physicist
Currently Playing:Black Version 2 and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Favourite Food: Anything eatable...
Favourite Drink: Water(I am serious)
Favourite Color: Black( not because it's my hair and eye color) and Green (plants, forests)
Favourite kind of Music: Anything that has a "MUSIC" in it.
Favourite Band:The Script+Coldplay+Imagine Dragons
Favourite Album: No Sound Without Silence
Favourite Game: Prince Of Persia:The two Thrones, NFS Most Wanted
Favourite Genre of Game:Action,Adventure,RPG
Favourite Hobbies:Painting,Playing Football, watching movies...
Favourite Movies:All of Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean series.....
Favourite Shows:Cardfight Vanguard,Avatar,Legend Of Korra,Pokemon,Bakugan,Man vs. Wild

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's been a while, let's see how much of this ends up identical, lol (EDIT: Check marks for same, asterisks for similar, Xs for different)

Name: Alexus Morgan Wallace
Age: 17 X
Birthday: August 21st, 1998
Location: Tuesdays (Central Ohio) *
Height: Uh, 6'1" I think? X
Hair Color: Brunette *
Eye Color: Chocolate brown *
Live With: Mom, dad, two sisters
Pets?: One dog *
Relationships?: Single, but taken X
Crushes lately?: None X
Dream Job: Librarian X
Currently Playing: Nuclear throne, FTL, Crush Crush, Cupid (free VN), Block 'n' Load, several nukige X

Favourite Food: Ravioli
Favourite Drink: Chocolate milk X
Favourite Color: Pale pink Eh, enough of that insecure little lie, sky blue is my actual favorite *
Favourite kind of Music: UK Hardcore, J-pop *
Favourite BandArtist: S3rl *
Favourite Album: N/A
Favourite Game: Terraria X
Favourite Genre of Game: Roguelike/lite X
Favourite Hobbies: Reading, writing X
Favourite Movies: Disney's Mulan, The Host *
Favourite Shows: http://prntscr.com/blsov6 X

SheZow, Star vs. Evil, Stargate Atlantis, Lost Girl *

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Name:Nathan Hopper (a lot of people call me a lot of different things, Nate, Note, Nat Han, take your pick)

Age: 20

Birthday: May 28

Location: Honestly I am between places almost every day, I could be in Virginia, Kentucky, or Tennessee. Sometimes though I'll find myself living with friends and forget which state I'm in.

Height: WAYYYYYY too tall. Like 6'4 and I'm sick of having to bend down to give people hugs and whatnot.

Hair Color: Blonde, but if you're super lucky (and if my current job will allow it) it'll be between purple, red, and emerald. It also turns pure white if I'm out in the sun too long

Eye Color: Green and blue. I'm one of those people whose eyes can change depending on weird things like my clothing color or surroundings. Fun fact, my eyes are golden in the middle. It's kinda like a molten golden core.

Live With: Honestly, I wouldn't say I 'live' anywhere. I kinda just stay weeks at a time in different places.

Pets?: Oh jeez, oof. Three in Kentucky, one in Virginia, and several in Tennessee. All of them adorable puppers.

Relationships?: Hmmmm, well I mean my ex and I are still on friend terms, I currently have not a single boo thang. And on the off chance this is a question about my opinions on relationships then... I consider almost all of my friends to be closer than family.

Crushes lately?: Yeah, I crush hard pretty easily, but most recently it's been a close friend of mine. Just can't really do anything about it because for one, I get nervous whenever I even imagine asking her out and two, she's my ex's best friend so she's kinda out of the question.

Dream Job: Game Developer for Naughty Dog. If I can get a job there than everything else in my life will honestly be an added bonus.

Currently Playing: Destiny is an ongoing venture, but I also play a lot of Skyrim and Borderlands II.

Favourite Food: ALL OF IT

Favourite Drink: Shoot, I'd say like coke or something, but that's boring. So lets go with Manzanita Sol, it's like this apple soda and its heaven with a delicious appley aftertaste.

Favourite Color: Purple

Favourite kind of Music: Partial to Retro right now, but I will listen to anything other than country.

Favourite Band: Avenged Sevenfold

Favourite Album: To be honest I haven't listened to music by album since I was in high school so I couldn't tell ya

Favourite Game: If Naughty Dog has made it, It's my favorite. Especially if it's a Crash Bandicoot Game.

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Platformer, and Open World

Favourite Hobbies: I help various people with fan game stuff, I also do word working to make my own cosplay props

Favourite Movies: Shawshanked Redemption, Now You See Me, A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie,

Favourite Shows: Assasination Classroom, Parasyte, and Arrow. (There are SOOOOO many more, but I'll spare everyone the reading)

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Well might as well join in. (and let the ocd people suffer)

Birthday:23 April


Height: 6ft
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Live With: Family
Relationships?:None as of the moment
Crushes lately?:Yep
Dream Job:Don't Know but lets see where my psychological science degree takes me.
Currently Playing:Persona 2, SoulSilver

Favourite Food: Pizza/Pasta
Favourite Drink: Red Tea
Favourite Color: Red,Green,Black,Sapphire Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Jazz
Favourite Band: None
Favourite Album: None
Favourite Game: Fluctuates, but I guess FF8
Favourite Genre of Game:(j)rpgs
Favourite Hobbies:Gaming
Favourite Movies: I'm Dead and Loving it, A few Disney movies
Favourite Shows:Sherlock, Bunch of Anime shows

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  • 2 months later...

It's been almost a year.

Name: Skaggs
Age: 19
Birthday: July 3rd
Location: Sonoma County, California
Height: 5' 8.5"?
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Live With: Immediate family. Father, mother, and brother.
Pets?: None currently.
Relationships?: It didn't go over well >_>
Crushes lately?: funny you ask that, I kinda sorta might maybe have one.
Dream Job: Whatever blends my love for math with music appreciation- though I'm on course towards a computer science degree.
Currently Playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (MISERY Mod)

Favourite Food: Homemade pizza.
Favourite Drink: Orange juice, it's a godsend.
Favourite Color: Gray.
Favourite kind of Music: This year, it's been lots of soft rock, OST's, and downtempo/ambient music.
Favourite Band: I'm a religious Adam Tell fan.
Favourite Album: For 2016, it's either Spectres De Mouse by Mouse on the Keys, Mirror's Edge Catalyst OST by Solar Fields, or Undertale OST by Toby Fox.
Favourite Game: Journey or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
Favourite Genre of Game: RPGs. I don't know that that'll ever change.
Favourite Hobbies: Playing my flute, hiking, and playing games with friends.
Favourite Movies: Still haven't seen any amazing movies lately.
Favourite Shows: Still don't watch TV.

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Let's give this a shot.

Name: Kuro. My real name is too long to put on here...
Age: 17.
Birthday: October 30th.
Location: Some small town in Texas.
Height: 6.0" even.
Hair Color: Brown, although there are a few blonde spots here and there.
Eye Color: Blue.
Lives With: Father, mother, brother, and two border collies.
Pets? ...Two border collies, River and Wendy. It feels weird saying that right after i mentioned them in the "Lives with" section.
Relationships? Life's hard enough already. If she's out there, I haven't found her yet.
Crushes lately? No, sir.
Dream job? Musician/Recording Artist. Music's done a lot for me throughout my life. If I can use it to make people smile, then I can truly say I've accomplished something with my life.
Currently playing: Pokémon Reborn. Waiting for the games of Fall 2016 to come out.

Favorite food: Arroz y Pollo con caraotas negras, yuca frita, y vegetales. Rice and chicken with black beans, fried yuca, and vegetables.
Favorite drink: Water... It's boring, I know.
Favorite color: Blue.
Favorite kind of music: Almost anything in D♭.
Favorite band: Too many. I can't pick just one.
Favorite album: Same as the above answer.
Favorite game: Man, I'm so indecisive. Dragon Quest IX was pretty fun.
Favorite genre of games: Either RPGs or First-Person Shooters.
Favorite hobbies: Creating music, reading, swimming, gaming, or sleeping.
Favorite movies: Deadpool was pretty good. Absolutely hilarious, although I understand that it isn't for everybody.
Favorite shows: I don't watch a whole lot of TV, sadly. When I do, I guess I go for either Hawaii Five-O or Masterchef. I guess I could also go for anime, in which case I'd say... 91 Days. That show has been quite a ride, especially considering recent developments.

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Name: Adventurer
Age: 26 (yep, I'm old)
Birthday: middle of february
Location: Belgium, somewhere in the north west.
Height: 1m76 and thats tall enough for me
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Live With: My cat. Hoping to meet a nice woman some day.
Pets?: A cat and 2 bunny's will come in spring 2017 (I fucking love those cute little creatures)
Relationships?: Like I said, hoping to meet a nice woman some day.
Crushes lately?: Nope, I'm affraid not.
Dream Job: Police officer
Currently Playing: Reborn, Rejuvenation, Cities Skylines

Favourite Food: Fries with a good piece of meat
Favourite Drink: Beer, glorious Belgian beer. Last one I had was a local one called "De Poes" (the cat). We created the pun that "nothing is better for a guy than getting a nice and wet pussy".
Favourite Color: Black
Favourite kind of Music: Metal and classical music
Favourite Band: At the moment: Gojira
Favourite Album: At the moment: From Mars to Sirius (Gojira)
Favourite Game: Total War series
Favourite Genre of Game: Mostly strategy games
Favourite Hobbies: Motorcycles, football (the game 'Mericans call soccer), I should start shooting my longbow again
Favourite Movies: No favourite
Favourite Shows: Have watched a lot of show allready, most of you will know Game of Thrones. Currently watching "1864" and I like it a lot.

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This is a thing?? Well then

Name: Jasper Fox

Age: 20

Birthday: 12/8/95

Location: The Astral Plane

Height: About 6 ft.

Hair Color: Debatable

Eye Color: Black coffee

Live With: Grandmother

Pets?: Too many

Relationships?: Eh??

Crushes lately?: lordy uh.... A lot

Dream Job: I don't even know anymore

Currently Playing: Aside from Reborn, not much else. Not much of a gaming type

Favourite Food: CHEESECAKE

Favourite Drink: Good question. I like cherry limeades and milkshakes, as well cranberry juice

Favourite Color: Neon blue or shady purple

Favourite kind of Music: Oh god, uh.... Electro-swing is cool

Favourite Band: Fleet Foxes

Favourite Album: Helplessness Blues

Favourite Game: Final Fantasy VII

Favourite Genre of Game: RPG

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, writing and cooking

Favourite Movies: The Secret of NIMH, The Lion King and Kiki's Delivery Service

Favourite Shows: Steven Universe, Ed Edd n Eddy and King of the Hill

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[b]Name:[/b] Raviel the Phantom
[b]Age:[/b] 26
[b]Birthday:[/b] June 20 1990
[b]Location:[/b] Pennsylvania
[b]Height: [/b] 5' 11"
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue
[b]Live With:[/b] My Wife
[b]Pets?:[/b] Not aloud to have any (I want a dog!)
[b]Relationships?:[/b] Married
[b]Crushes lately?:[/b]
[b]Dream Job:[/b] What Tony Stark Does
[b]Currently Playing:[/b]

[b]Favourite Food:[/b] Pizza
[b]Favourite Drink: [/b] Yuengling
[b]Favourite Color: [/b] Red
[b]Favourite kind of Music: [/b] Rock/Alternative
[b]Favourite Band:[/b] Three Days Grace
[b]Favourite Album: [/b] Don't Have One
[b]Favourite Game: [/b] Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
[b]Favourite Genre of Game:[/b] Action/Adventure
[b]Favourite Hobbies:[/b] Drawing, Writing, Golf, Archery, Hunting
[b]Favourite Movies:[/b] Tremors, Rush Hour, Iron Man
[b]Favourite Shows:[/b] Lucifer, Sleepy Hollow, Game of Thrones

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why not

Name: Drev
Location:Northern Indiana
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Brown
Live With: Drev
Pets?: If you count insects that fly through my window, yes.
Relationships?: Few friends
Crushes lately?: No
Dream Job: Librarian of the National Archives or a Historian
Currently Playing: Plague Inc.

Favourite Food: Hot Dogs
Favourite Drink: Milk
Favourite Color: Green
Favourite kind of Music: Metal
Favourite Band: Metallica

Favourite Album: Aladdin Soundtrack
Favourite Game: TESIV: Oblivion or Mega Man X3
Favourite Genre of Game:Adventure
Favourite Hobbies:Reading, Writing, Bird-Watching, and sitting doing nothing
Favourite Movies: Deadpool, Defiance, Planet Earth, LotR, Sword of the Stranger
Favourite Shows: Supernatural, Psych, GoT

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  • Veterans

it's been almost a year since i last did this so let's update this shall we

Name: Famke/Zumi

Age: 18

Birthday: December 15th

Location: Noord Brabant, Netherlands

Height: 174 cm

Hair Color: Red (Dyed -- Actual hair color is dark blonde)

Eye Color: Blue/grey

Lives With: Mom, Dad, 1 older brother and 1 younger brother (one of my brothers moved out in march)

Pets: 2 cats and 7 chickens

Relationships: No romantic ones, but I do have several friends whom I consider to be close with.

Crushes: Nope.

Dream Job: Either creating character designs or doing animation for games, or ending up doing freelance work.

Currently Playing: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, Super Paper Mario, LoZ: Wind Waker, LoZ: Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem Fates, Garry's Mod

Favorite Food: Homemade French fries

Favorite Drink: Coffee (chocolate cappuccino and pumpkin spice latte are the best. fact)

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite kind of Music: honestly i just like about anything as long as it sounds nice and it's not just some garbling of sounds

Favorite Band: Kensington, Coldplay, Dotan (that's not a band but I like his music anyways so w/e)

Favorite Album: Rivals (Kensington), 7 Layers (Dotan), A head full of dreams (Coldplay)

Favorite Game: Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Legend of Zelda, Okami, Persona, Zero Escape, Dangan Ronpa, Garry's Mod

Favorite Genre: (J)RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Turn-based games, Adventure, Multiplayer

Favorite Hobbies: Making art, making music, working on my game, sleeping, drinking coffee, singing, playing games.

Favorite Movie: ffffffffff it's been way too long since i've watched any movies and i die

Favorite Show: Erased, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco, Haikyuu!!, Kyoukai no Kanata, Mob Psycho 100

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  • Support Squad

completely forgot about this yay topic revivals and such

Name: Adam/Jim/Keith/Phillip/Sam/Andrew/Fuckface McNasty
Age: Mentally I am 2, physically I think the wii fit would say 40
Birthday: Everyday, double on august fifteenth
Location: IDK i cba to look at google maps
Height: I think I grew to 5"8? Idk, depends on if i wanna wear heels
Hair Color: malevolent purple or dirty blonde.
Eye Color: blue/green/indigo/violet
Live With: 8 other flatmates. Ffffffuck
Pets?: I did have 2 cats. One who dislikes me for leaving him.
Relationships?: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....11... idk anymore
Crushes lately?: Many. Fruit in particular.
Dream Job: Author
Currently Playing: a House music compilation.

Favourite Food: anything and everything rn
Favourite Drink: ^
Favourite Color: Pink/blue
Favourite kind of Music: I gueeeesssssssssss no i have no clue i like a lot
Favourite Band: Eden doesn't count as a band but he makes the musics i guess?
Favourite Album: I own literally 0 albums.
Favourite Game: WHY MAKE ME CHOOOSE FUCKNADO! Kingdom hearts BBS or Persona 3 i suppose.
Favourite Genre of Game: action RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Reading/gaming/watchin' shit
Favourite Movies:Run Fatboy Run
Favourite Shows: fucker, again? I think i'd have to say no fuck it i can't pick one out of the pack of fantastic anymore and tbh i'm fine with that

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Hey, I haven't done this since I became vaugely relevant to forum life so let's give it a go.

Name: Michael

Age: 15

Birthday: 22nd Febuary

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Height: No clue

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Varies between brown and green

Lives With: Mum, dad and older sister

Pets: Nope

Relationships: Also nope

Crushes: Not really any serious ones.

Dream Job: English and Politics teacher

Currently Playing: Nothing. I have a thing where I only play one game at a time and I just finished Twilight Princess (I loved it).

Favorite Food: Really depends on my mood.

Favorite Drink: Low fat milk (not saying the low fat bit to sound healthier, I just find full cream milk kind of gross)

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite kind of Music: Ballads sung by women with big voices (stuff like Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Adele, Jennifer Hudson, Charice etc)

Favorite Band: Bands are tricky for me I don't really listen to many. Maybe coldplay or boy and bear.

Favorite Album: Adele 21 probably

Favorite Game: Pokemon, Pikmin or Zelda

Favorite Genre: RPG, puzzle or adventure.

Favorite Hobbies: Writing and reading

Favorite Movie: I'm bad at this question. I never have an answer when people ask me. That applies here.

Favorite Show: The West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica and SNL. If we're including late night talk shows we'll add Late Night with Seth Meyers and Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.

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Name: Jake (don't call me Jakey or else)

Age: 15 -,-

Birthday: 4th of December

Location: dat Texas

Height: 6 ft

Hair Color: dirty blonde

Eye Color: gray-blue

Live With: family

Pets?: too many

Relationships?: yandere girlfriend

Crushes lately?: what's a crush?

Dream Job: mechanical engineering and gunsmithing

Currently Playing: Cheeki breeki

Favourite Food: any form of red meat.

Favourite Drink: anything that tastes good with red meat.

Favourite Color: I have been waging war on this topic in my mind for years, either blue or gray.

Favourite kind of Music: either the saddest thing I can find, or the loudest metal in the world. There is no pop here.

Favourite Band: what's a band?

Favourite Album: what's an album?

Favourite Game: Cheeki Breeki- I mean STALKER: COP with Misery installed

Favourite Genre of Game: survival horror in a very immersive setting

Favourite Hobbies: shooting things, looking at shooters, touching and fixing shooters, collecting knives, and playing games.

Favourite Movies: war movies, duh.

Favourite Shows: comedy, news channels that aren't known for lying, and war shows before bed (I don't get nightmares silly)

Please don't arrest me I'm not insane ;-;

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]Name: Danny[/b]
[b]Age: 24[/b]
[b]Birthday: 22nd May[/b]
[b]Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom[/b]
[b]Height: 6,4"[/b]
[b]Hair Color: brpwn w/ ginger tint in sunlight[/b]
[b]Eye Color:Nordic Blue[/b]
[b]Live With: Parent's again atm, finding somewhere new while saving[/b]
[b]Pets?: Cat, Called Sweep[/b]
[b]Relationships?: Constantly -_-[/b]
[b]Crushes lately?: Yeah [/b]
[b]Dream Job: The job i do, Security[/b]
[b]Currently Playing: Showdown <3[/b]

[b]Favourite Food: Pizza[/b]
[b]Favourite Drink: Tea [/b]
[b]Favourite Color: Blue [/b]
[b]Favourite kind of Music: Rock/Rap[/b]
[b]Favourite Band: Arctic Monkeys[/b]
[b]Favourite Album: Curtain Calls Eminem[/b]
[b]Favourite Game: Grand Theft Auto[/b]
[b]Favourite Genre of Game: Strategy or FPS[/b]
[b]Favourite Hobbies: Playing Football (Soccer)[/b]
[b]Favourite Movies: Wanted & Resident Evil's[/b]
[b]Favourite Shows: Walking Dead[/b]

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Name: Jason
Age: 40
Birthday: June 15
Location: Vancouver
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Live With: Family
Pets?: Nope
Relationships?: Friends, colleagues
Crushes lately?: I wish!
Dream Job: Entrepreneur
Currently Playing: Aurorra 4X, Rejuvnation, Stardew Valley

Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Favourite Drink: Apple Juice
Favourite Color: I like a lot of colours, hard to pick just one.
Favourite kind of Music: Rock (I like most kinds)
Favourite Band: REM

Favourite Album: Party Like It's Prom Night - Halfway to Hollywood (LP)
Favourite Game: Civilization V
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Turn Based Strategy
Favourite Hobbies: Playing Video Games, Reading
Favourite Movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy
Favourite Shows: Bar Rescue, Dog Whisperer (His show helped me so much in overcoming a massive fear of dogs)

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Name: Joshua
Age: 23
Birthday: July 2
Location: Flint MI
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Friends
Pets?: Dog
Relationships?: Naw
Crushes lately?: Nope
Dream Job: ???
Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei IV

Favourite Food:Pudding
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: Electronica
Favourite Band: Gorillaz
Favourite Album: Demon Days
Favourite Game: Shining Force
Favourite Genre of Game: Rpg, Strategy
Favourite Hobbies: Writing
Favourite Movies: Anything Horror
Favourite Shows: Supernatural

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Name: Matias

Age: 22

Birthday: February 20

Location: Born in Austria, but never in the same place for more than a few years due to family history

Height: 180cm

Hair color: Dark Blonde

Eye color: Black

Live with: Alone

Pets: Anything thats venomous/poisonous and my dog Josef

Relationships: None

Crushes: Not really

Dream Job: No idea

Currently Playing: Alien Isolation. Over and over again, until a better game for PS4 finally comes out.

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Favorite Drink: Milk

Favorite color: Black

Favorite kind of music: No idea. Just gonna say classics, cause I don't even know the names of all the genres

Favorite band: None

Favorite Album: None

Favorite Game: Dragon Age Origins

Favorite Genre of Games: Survival Horror, RPG, Strategy

Favorite Hobbies: Doing research on my family history, Writing, study of venomous/poisonous animals and plants

Favorite Movies: There are too many good ones that would be left out if I would name only a few

Favorite Shows: No idea

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: R.A.D (I prefer to be anonymous on the internet, but those are my initials, I promise. Its a cool coincidence though. )
Age: 19
Birthday: September 9
Location: Austin, Texas
Height: 5'8"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown/Black
Live With: My roomate in a college dorm.
Pets?: No, but I'm a huge cat person. Definitely adopting one when I'm a little older.
Relationships?: Not yet. I have a bunch of friends though, so I'm thankful for that.
Crushes lately?: I assure you, there will be one in the future (hopefully).

Dream Job: Structural engineer/aerodynamics engineer at Boeing working on the 747.
Currently Playing: Super Robot Wars UX, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Favourite Food: Chicken Tikka and Naan, Breaded Tilapia and pasta with marinara sauce and a Parmesan dusting.
Favourite Drink: Water, Root Beer, Orange Cream Soda
Favourite Color: Its a tie between green and blue.
Favourite kind of Music: I love music in general, so It's hard to pick a favorite genre. I'd say my top favorites are: Drum 'n Bass, Rock, Metal, and atmospheric EDM.
Favourite Band: Pendulum. Crush and Witchcraft are my favorite songs to listen to.
Favourite Album: Immersion by Pendulum
Favourite Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Pokemon Platinum, Armored Core 4 Answer.
Favourite Genre of Game: Open world RPG (Or RPG in general), Mech action.
Favourite Hobbies: I love building model kits, especially Gundam kits.
Favourite Movies: Gundam 00: Awakening of a Trailblazer, Interstellar, The Martian, Fafner in the Azure: Right of Left, Fafner in the Azure: Heaven and Earth, Forrest Gump
Favourite Shows: Gundam 00, Fafner in the Azure: Dead Agressor, Fafner in the Azure: Exodus, Frazier, Top Gear (Clarkson Era), How It's Made, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure

Edited by WanderingCorvus
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Oh shit it's been a year.

Name: Ryan
Age: 17
Birthday: September 22
Location: Delaware
Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Brown with some blonde highlights
Eye Color: Brown (I've been told there's a little green and gold in there too?)
Live With: Mother and Father
Pets?: 2 Dogs, Carly and Ruby
Relationships?: None
Crushes lately?: Not really
Dream Job: I have no clue tbh
Currently Playing: League of Legends and Reborn

Favourite Food: Pizza, Fries, Snickerdoodles, Cheesesteak
Favourite Drink: Blue Lagoons (shhh)
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Alternative
Favourite Band: Set It Off
Favourite Album: Duality
Favourite Game: League of Legends
Favourite Genre of Game: MOBA/RPG
Favourite Hobbies: Band, Choir, Theater, spending time with good friends
Favourite Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas
Favourite Shows: American Horror Story, How to Get Away With Murder

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Name: Alexandre

Age: 22

Birthday: April 27th

Location: France

Height: 181cm

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Live with: family

Pets: Nope

Relationships: Nope

Crushes: Nope

Dream Job: anything that lets me have time for myself and the people I like.

Currently Playing: Dark Souls 3. PvE only because I haven't paid for Xbox Live Gold... yet.

Favorite Food: Dad's fries

Favorite Drink: Dunno... Coke I guess?

Favorite color: Green, but I also like blue and purple

Favorite kind of music: pop, rock, hard rock, prog rock, heavy metal, video games OST, anime OST, sometimes classical... Anything that triggers my feels really.

Favorite band: Hard to pick one. Gonna go with Porcupine Tree.

Favorite Album: At the moment, Steven Wilson's Hand.Cannot.Erase.

Favorite Games: FF6, FF4, Undertale, Fallout New Vegas

Favorite Genre of Games: RPG, shooters that actually have lore and a decent story

Favorite Hobbies: Looking for new music to listen to, new games to play, and learning bits of knowledge about random stuff everyday

Favorite Movies: Once upon a time in the West, Ghost in the Shell, Madoka Magica 3: Rebellion, No country for old men, LotR: Fellowship of the Ring

Favorite Shows: GoT, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

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Name: Theodore
Age: I'm not sure
Birthday: I forgot
Location: Australia
Height: 193.04cm
Hair Color: Absurdly dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Live With: People
Relationships?: I don't know anymore
Crushes lately?: Some girl who's in the same lecture as me...
Dream Job: Game Development
Currently Playing: Chess Titans (Level 10... I will beat it one day)

Favourite Food: Rice and Meatball Sauce
Favourite Drink: Water (Can't get anymore healthy if you tried)
Favourite Color: Green
Favourite kind of Music: Anything that sounds good
Favourite Band: don't know any band names
Favourite Game: Pokemon Platinum
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Puzzles and point & click
Favourite Hobbies: Coding, Writing, Acting, D&D, Cooking, Game making, Gardening and Fixing other peoples problems
Favourite Movies: Star wars 3-7
Favourite Shows: I have to many to list off the top of my head (It is mostly Anime)

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And a yearly update

Name: Still not telling, sorry

Age: 22

Birthday: December 15

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Height: 5'3"

Hair color: Reddish brown

Eye color: Green

Live with: Mom, sister, sister's bf

Pets: Jet black cat

Relationships: Currently in one <3 3 1/2 failed relationships

Crushes: On my guy, duh

Dream Job: Being a band director-- goal accomplished

Currently Playing: Pokémon AlphaSapphire, followed by OmegaRuby, Super Mystery Dungeon, and then Sun/Moon

Favorite Food: Seafood

Favorite Drink: Tea

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite kind of music: Can't pick one. Absolutely cannot stand opera though

Favorite band: Can't pick one

Favorite Album: Can't pick one

Favorite Games: Any Pokémon title

Favorite Genre of Games: RPG, Fighters

Favorite Hobbies: Reading, sleeping, singing, playing one of my numerous instruments around the house

Favorite Movies: Mr. Holland's Opus, August Rush, How to Train Your Dragon 1&2

Favorite Shows: Chopped, American Ninja Warrior, Lip Sync Battle

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