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Been like 6 months, let's update.

Name: Andreas Schmidt
Age: 22
Birthday: Jan 18
Location: New York
Height: 5' 10" or 11" idk
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: People. Family I guess you could call them.
Pets?: 2 cats.
Relationships?: None currently.
Crushes lately?: Yes. Though it won't work out. Never will. 98% sure. You ruined that.
Dream Job: Actor.
Currently Playing: League, FFXIV, Link Between Worlds, etc

Favourite Food: Bread
Favourite Drink: Milk
Favourite Color: Orange
Favourite kind of Music: Everything, though recently soundscapes have been taking the lead.
Favourite Band: Currently, Yiruma
Favourite Album: Darkness and Starlight
Favourite Game: Final Fantasy VI
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG
Favourite Hobbies: TCG, Pokemon, Reading.
Favourite Movies: How to Train Your Dragon, Up
Favourite Shows: Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, The Awesomes

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Sure why not.

Name: Matt Webber

Age: 19
Birthday: August 28th, 1994
Location: Arizona
Height: UUUHHHHMMMM 6 foot ish?
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Live With: Parents for now~
Pets?: A doge named Chewy
Relationships?: Yus~ wiff NyriASS <<>>

Crushes lately?: Celebs? Yup
Dream Job: Veterinarian
Currently Playing: Infinite Crisis, League of Legends, Eden Eternal, Pokemon Rumble Online, waiting on Aura Kingdom

Favourite Food: Soup
Favourite Drink: Strawberry Lemonade
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: UUUUHHHHMMMM. no idea.
Favourite Band: ^
Favourite Album: ^^
Favourite Game: Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
Favourite Genre of Game: MMORPG or RPG oooor MOBAs
Favourite Hobbies: Watching streams and talking to my boyfran.
Favourite Movies: The Hobbit, The Conjuring.
Favourite Shows: Toooo many!

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Name: Colin Messerli
Age: 16
Birthday: June 25th, 1997
Location: Tennessee
Height: 5'11" / 6'0"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Parents and sister
Pets?: Two dogs and three cats. :3
Relationships?: Mashew<3
Crushes lately?: Celebrities only
Dream Job: Computer engineer
Currently Playing: Infinite Crisis, League of Legends, Eden Eternal, Pokemon Rumble Online, waiting on Aura Kingdom

Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Drink: Pepsi
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Rap and Electronica
Favourite Band: No idea
Favourite Album: ^
Favourite Game: Assassin's Creed 4
Favourite Genre of Game: Sandbox stealth
Favourite Hobbies: Playing games with my boyfriend c:
Favourite Movies: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter series
Favourite Shows: Fringe, Once Upon A Time, Free!

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Name: Let's just go with Vanilla c:

Age: 18
Birthday: April 17, 1995
Location: The sunny state of Florida
Height: 5'1"
Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blueish
Live With:My grandfather o:
Pets?: I have one doge and a fish c:
Relationships?: Nope
Crushes lately?: Yup
Dream Job: Some branch of Paleontology.
Currently Playing: Pokemon X and anything else I feel like playing o:

Favourite Food: Steak or Nachos
Favourite Drink: Coke or Banana flavored Ramune soda.
Favourite Color: Purple
Favourite kind of Music: All kinds c:
Favourite Band: Iunno I like too many :c
Favourite Album: No clue xD
Favourite Game: Spyro the dragon series, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Jak and Daxter series
Favourite Genre of Game: uuhhh iunno.
Favourite Hobbies: Eating, Drawing, Playing games
Favourite Movies: Not too sure I don't really watch movies that much but I like comedy o:
Favourite Shows: I don't watch much TV but.. How I met your mother is probably my favorite ;o;

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Name: Maelstrom

Age: Older than thou and thine hills over yonder
Birthday: January 29
Location: Alaska
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: one roommate
Pets?: Nope. Couldn't keep one around here even I wanted to.
Relationships?: What are those? People I know in real life keep thinking I'm married.
Crushes lately?: Not exactly.
Dream Job: If I knew, I'd be going for that instead of being in the army
Currently Playing: catch up for all my internet stuff, like this place

Favourite Food: Beef Ribs, Luby's Fried Fish, Medium Rare Steak, Filet Mignon
Favourite Drink: Apple Soda, Crown with coke
Favourite Color: Cerulean
Favourite kind of Music: Pop, Rock, Alternative, J-Pop, Video game music
Favourite Genre of Game: most things that happen in real time, like FPS's and action games. And RPG's. Favorite has to be real time RPG's, like Ys 7 (a nice blend of PSO ep 1 and 2 with ToS), Kingdom Hearts, Lost Kingdoms, SSBB.
Favourite Hobbies: video gaming, swimming, reading
Favourite Movies: Lincoln, Pacific Rim, 12 Angry Men, A Muppet Christmas Carol, GMK: Giant Monsters All Out Attack, Forrest Gump, The Green Mile (Tom Hanks has a LOT of outstanding work, come to think about it), The Lion King
Favourite Shows (TV): House, the Colbert Report, the Daily Show, Legend of Korra

Favorite Games: P3(P) and P4(A/G), KH series, Custom Robos, BL2, Halo series, CoD: MW series (but none of the Treyarch made ones), Pokemon, SSBB, SSBM, Skyrim, Lost Kingdoms I&II, Folklore, Star Fox 64, MMBN3, Phantasy Star Online Ep I&II, FF Dissidia and Duodecim, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong Country 2, Yoshi's Island, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Phantasy Star 0, Metroid Prime 1&2, Animal Crossing, MGS4, Rock Band, Super Mario World, Super Godzilla, FF Crystal Chronicles, LoZ: Oracle of Ages... pretty sure I missed some in there somewhere.

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Name: Godot or Wolf

Age: 23

Birthday: May 4

Location: New Mexico

Height: 5'10"

Hair: Black

Eye: Brown

Lives With: two Roommates

Pets: one roommate has a young Grey Tabby

Relationships?: Nope

Crushes?: same. As above

Dream Job?: X-Ray Tech

Currently Playing: Assassin's Creed 4, Knack, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Soul Sacrifice, Zelda Link between two Worlds, Pokemon X, Pheonix Wright 5

Favorite Food?: most things Asian, Italian, or Mexican

Drink?: Dr. Pepper I guess?

Color?: Emerald Green

Music?: Most things Rock n Roll, ie: Punk, Metal, Ska, Rockabilly, ect...

Games?: Rpgs, Platformers, Fighting Games, Hack n Slash/Beat-them-up games, Assassin's Creed or Infamous Flavored Sandbox games.

Hobbies?: Video Games, Drawing, Listening to Music, Picking on Maelstrom

Movies?: Fight Club, Boondox Saints, The Dark Knight, Most things Disney, Pixar, or Marvel

TV Shows?: How I Met You're Mother, Scrubs, Cowboy Bebop, That 70s Show

Games?: Persona 3/4, Golden Sun, Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and clank, Okami, Sly Cooper, Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry, Pheonix Wright, Super Smash Brothers, Tekken, Fire Emblem, Marvel vs. Capcom, Infamous, God Hand, Gravity Rush, Guilty Gear, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands 2, Final fantasy, The World Ends with You, Zelda, Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, Bowser's Inside Story, Yoshi's Island, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid Prime and Fusion, Soul Sacrifice, Megaman Battle Network, God of War 2, Playstation allstars, Portal 2, guacamelee, No Mmore Heroes, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Rush, Star Fox 64, Dragon Quest Monsters, Disgaea 1/3, and Pokemon of course!

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  • 2 months later...

Name:Unprofessional Amateur

Age:18 years young

Birthday:December 7th


Height: Short

Hair Color: Very dark brown, looks more like black.

Eye Color:Brown

Live With:I live with my father

Pets?:A parrot ^-^"


Crushes lately?:Nope xD

Dream Job:Uh... Once I wanted to be teacher, but I don´t think I´d like that now. Currently thinking about becoming flight controller ;D

Currently Playing:Pokemon Reborn, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Diablo 3, Skyrim and other games.

Favourite Food:Uh... I am bad at picking a favorite. Pizza, ice cream, shrimp, chinese food,.. and more ^^

Favourite Drink: Ice tea, tea, milk, water. Everything except coffee ^^ (Up to now I stayed away from alcoholic stuff ;P)

Favourite Color:I like black and white. Can´t decide which one I like more.

Favourite kind of Music:Uhhh... Metal, Rock, Tecno. I listen to most things except rap and hiphop, never liked that stuff (sorry ^-^)

Favourite Band:Currently I like Voltaire

Favourite Album: Ooky Spooky is my favorite now ^-^

Favourite Game: Too hard to choose from. I don´t have an absolute favorite game. I have a few favorites, and by few I mean many.

I like Final Fantasy IV, FFV, FFVI Pokemon, The Elder Scrolls Arena, Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Super Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Fallout. Oh, and I like *gets shot*

Yeah, there are a few games I´d pick as my favorites.

....I have problems, I know ^^"

Favourite Genre of Game:RPGs, Jump and Run, Strategy, Shooters, Bullethell... HELP, CAN´T CHOOSE Q_Q

Favourite Hobbies:Make playthroughs, gaming, reading, listen to music, sleep, ... and a few other things like annoying people and that ^^ Enjoy my life, that´s also a hobby of mine xD

Favourite Movies:Lord of the rings ;D

Favourite Shows:Drawn Together, South Park and Anime ^^

I think that´s all I could come up with ^^" If there are any questions, feel free to ask xD

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Name: Naphiro
Birthday: April 6
Location: LA California
Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Live With: Parents
Pets?: Cats
Relationships?: Nope
Crushes lately?: Nope
Dream Job: Something that I lost hope in getting

Currently Playing: Vindictus & Pokemon Reborn

Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite Drink: Soy Milk
Favourite Color: Red (Black is not a color)

Favourite kind of Music: Varies
Favourite Band: Varies
Favourite Album: Varies
Favourite Game: Silent Hill
Favourite Genre of Game:Action & Horror
Favourite Hobbies: Working out.
Favourite Movies: None currently

Favourite Shows: The Walking Dead

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Name: Tempest, even though some of you know my real name.

Age: 15

Birthday: November 29

Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Extremely Dark Brown, almost black
Eye Color: Greenish-Blue, or is it Blueish-Green
Live With: Dad, Mom, and Brother
Pets?: Cat, Fish, Frog, Turtle, and Bird
Relationships?: Nada
Crushes lately?: Yep.
Dream Job: Not sure. I just know it's science or engineering, maybe a Particle Physicist
Currently Playing: Pokemon Zeta, Obsidian, Reborn, Halo 4, Fifa 14, Forza 5, and AC4

Favourite Food: Blackened Swordfish
Favourite Drink: Diet Coke
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Uh. Everything. Reborn made me like dubstep
Favourite Band: Fall Out Boy
Favourite Album: Saving Rock and Roll
Favourite Game: Halo 4 or Reborn
Favourite Genre of Game: Don't have one
Favourite Hobbies: Snowmobiling, Boating, Lacrosse, Gamin
Favourite Movies: The Avengers
Favourite Shows: Top Gear or Big Bang Theory

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Name: Peter

Age: 15

Birthday: April 8
Location:Canada eh?~

Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Black I guess?
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Dad, Mom, and Sister
Pets?: None QQ
Relationships?: Nope
Crushes lately?: Obviously yes
Dream Job: Pilot
Currently Playing: AC4, Dota2, Pokemon XD, and Reborn

Favourite Food: Plantains
Favourite Drink: Iced Tea
Favourite Color: Teal
Favourite kind of Music: Euro beat

Favourite game: Super Mario Sunshine
Favourite Genre of Game: I play a lot of FPS
Favourite Movies: The Hobbit

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Oh hey, this is neat

Name:Snow (Okay, not really, I just absolutely hate my given name)
Birthday:August 21, 1998
Location:A little box of pain and death (story even longer than my name >_<)
Height: 6' 0"
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Brown
Live With:Mom, dad, two younger sisters
Pets?:I have a dog
Crushes lately?:*Snorts* There is such a huge yes here it's not even funny
Dream Job:YouTube LPer, duh
Currently Playing:Reborn, of course, and Pokemon Y

Favourite Food:Ravioli, at least since I last cared
Favourite Drink: Orange soda
Favourite Color: Probubbly pink, maybe white or black. But orange last time I bothered to actually care
Favourite kind of Music: Game stuff
Favourite Game: Pokemon FireRed
Favourite Genre of Game:Strategy RPGs
Favourite Hobbies:*Blinks* Hobbies..?

Cut off a few things that I don't really have an answer for *Shrugs*

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Seriously? Why do I stumble across these things... They're all traps...

Name: Jake

My name isn't absolutely something awesome. My name means 'The clever supplanter'

Not a nice title for a name.


Yes, I'm young, but it doesn't mean I'm a little kid with a high voice at all.

Birthday: December 4

Location: Spring Texas, close to the beautiful Gulf of Mexico... (That would be more beautiful if people wouldn't dump their shit in it -__-)

Height: 5.8

Eye color: gray blue

Hair color: dark sandy blonde

Live with: mom, dad, brother.

I'm surprisingly responsible though...

Pets: two cats

Ironically one is black and the other is white.

Relationships: yeah, my girlfriend named Cailey.

Crushes: I don't do crushing. It's not down to the point and they get embarrassing. I learned that quite young.

Dream job(s): lawman (police deputy)

Inventor (medicines and machinery)

Current gaming: Gmod (mostly random gmod shit)

The walking dead

(Yeah I don't always have a new game to play, my parents are big on studying...)

Favorite food: I don't do favorites either.

Favorite drink: didn't I just say I don't do favorites?!

Favorite color: fine, Gray...

Music: I'm big on alternative rock, heavy metal, and rock in general. I like country too.

Favorite game: big on favorites aren't you?...

Metal gear solid series...

Game genres: RPG, FPS, and stealth strategizing games.

Favorite movies: quit with favs XD

Favorite animals: foxes and tigers

Favorite thing in general: not 'goin there. No more favs.

Backstory: sad and angry. Would make another good stupid cheesy sad family movie.

Current life: I've escalated past something normal. I've gotten to cloud 9. I feel like my life is perfect and I couldn't ask for anything more. I've even gotten so far as to not fear death and such.

My adopted Grandfather and another family member of mine had died around the same time, a lot to handle at age 11. And what's worse my favorite Grandmother is nearly 70 and I'm only 13. See what I'm getting at? She'll die in my lifetime and I'm gonna have to watch live's cruelty act before me.

Now off the boo hoo crap.

Sanity: still holding onto it, don't know why.

Community past: bad, bad, bad. I'm not exactly in the best spot as to call myself a little perfect angle around anyone, moderators and Ame especially...

Besides that it's a fine time to stay here. Love the fun times.

Nice to meet you!

You're in for a fun (and slightly extreme, enraged, and rather entertaining) ride with me around!

So get in, hold on, and don't yell!

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  • 9 months later...

Name: Hilda Weiss

Age: 24

Birthday: November 4th

Height: 5'4"

Hair Color: Brunette

Live with: My mother and sister

Pets: One dog (Schnauzer-Yorkie mix)

Relationships?: Nada.

Crushes?: Nope

Currently Playing: Pokemon: Omega Ruby

Favorite Food: Pub fare (Burgers, Buffalo Wings, etc.)

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper, Coffee, Strawberry Daquiri

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Music Genre: Rock

Favorite Band: Rise Against, Skillet

Favorite Album: Appeal to Reason, Rise (from the two bands above respectively)

Favorite Game: (outside of pokemon would be) RuneScape

Favorite Genre of Game: Role-Playing

Favorite Hobbies: Hiking, Listening to music, Video games, helping others

Favorite Shows: House, Monk, Psych, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory

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Hmm, I don't see why I shouldn't put information about myself on the internet, haha!

Name: Samuel Arnold

Age: 20

Birthday: July 19th, 1994

Location: Grand Blanc, Michigan

Height: 5'10"

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Grey

Live With: Various friends who'll let me sleep on their respective couches

Pets: None.

Relationships?: I have crippling trust issues involving intimacy due to prior experience and the experiences of those around me. So nope, haha!

Crushes?: Hmm... The above basically rules this out, but I can at least fantasize.

Dream Job: Anything that has to do with Sociology and involves achieving a greater understanding of the world around me.

Currently Playing: Off (It's a free game that is... Interesting, haha)

Favorite Food: Medium Rare/Rare Steak of any kind

Favorite Drink: Coca-Cola

Favorite Color: Purple. However, white is a close second

Favorite Music: Classic Rock

Favorite Band: The Rolling Stones

Favorite Album: Let it Bleed by The Rolling Stones

Favorite Game: Mother 3

Favorite Genre of Game: RPG

Favorite Hobbies: Roleplaying, gaming, reading, and writing

Favorite Shows: Mad Men, FMA:Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop, and Batman Beyond

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Looks like fun.

Name: Thomas
Age: 21
Birthday: 21st of August
Location: Tasmania.
Height: 178 cm last I checked. Figure it out yourself if you work in feet.
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Greyish Blue.
Live With: Different people for different places. Housemates when I'm at uni, family when I'm not.
Pets?: A dog, Labrador x Beagle (and absolutely gorgeous).
Relationships?: None.
Crushes lately?: Nope.
Dream Job: Paleontologist, or close enough anyway.
Currently Playing: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.

Favourite Food: Meat pie.
Favourite Drink: Farmers Union Iced Coffee.
Favourite Color: Black. (I don't care if it isn't a colour).
Favourite kind of Music: Rock? Rap? Orchestral? Something like that.
Favourite Band: Bon Jovi.

Favourite Album: Don't have one.
Favourite Game: The entirety of the Mass Effect story line so far.
Favourite Genre of Game: Role playing.
Favourite Hobbies: Reading, sleeping late, staying up late, walking the dog, video games, anime.
Favourite Movies: The Lord of the Rings.
Favourite Shows: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Psycho Pass, Baccano, Clannad, and I would say Game of Thrones but I've only read the books.

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Name: Dylan

Age: 18, soon to be 19

Birthday: December 16th

Location: Georgia

Height: Can’t remember height number but I’m not short, but not all that tall either.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Live With: Mom, and Step Dad

Pets?: None ;_;

Relationships?: None

Crushes lately?: Nope

Dream Job: Animator

Currently Playing: Pokemon Y (just to try and get a shiny gastly), and Bowser's Inside Story.

Favourite Food: Steak

Favourite Drink: Brisk <3

Favourite Color: Navy Blue

Favourite kind of Music: Rock and Techno

Favourite Band: Crush 40

Favourite Album: Best of Crush 40

Favourite Game: Can’t decide, too many fun games

Favourite Genre of Game: Can’t decide on a favorite.

Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, reading some manga, listening to music, being a night owl.

Favourite Movies: Wanted, Guardians of the Galaxy

Favourite Shows: Durarara, Blue Exorcist, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Code Geass, RWBY, Red vs Blue.

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Name: Luka (no, it's not Bob)
Age: 18
Birthday: 22.1.
Location: Serbia
Height: 'bout 180 cm I think?
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Live With: Only with my brother currently, since I won't be living in my hometown till I finish college
Pets?: A dog back at home. It's one of these things, a white one.
Relationships?: None, and I don't plan on having any until I leave the country. Via a special college program ideally, so all my attention is on my studies presently.
Crushes lately?: See above, I guess.
Dream Job: Programmer for Platinum Games.
Currently Playing: Yggdra Union (why does everyone look like they're 8: the game)

Favourite Food: *insert name of local dish which has no translation, thanks Turkey*
Favourite Drink: Carbonated water/Beer
Favourite Color: Green/Blue
Favourite kind of Music: Rock (and recently Nightcore, if you'd count that as a genre?)
Favourite Band: Rise Against, Soilwork, Covek bez sluha, though I mostly don't stick to bands, I just sorta..find stuff, I guess
Favourite Album: Soilwork's Figure Number Five
Favourite Game: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Castlevania SotN, AoS and OoE, Tomba 2, the Dept. Heaven games, RPG Shooter: Starwish (not for the gameplay, as you'd guess if you know the game)
Favourite Genre of Game: RPGs
Favourite Hobbies: The Music/Youtubers/Gaming trifecta, cards, comp Pokemon when I'm not having a bad/unlucky day (which is very frequent), reading manga online
Favourite Movies: Shawshank Redemption
Favourite Shows: Scrubs, Psych, Monk (though I don't really use my TV for more than background noise most of the time)

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Name: Robert


Birthday: August 21th

Location: U.S., Ohio (Doubt I should be more specific)

Height: ~5ft 6in



Live With: Parents

Pets?: 3 Cocker Spaniels, and a Koi pond out front

Relationships?: Not really, kinda get to focused on the main work at school.

Crushes Lately?: ^

Dream Job: Video Game Designer

Currently Playing: Not 'at the moment,' but Pokemon Victory Fire/ Fire Emblem. Yay iPhone rom emulators

Favorite Food: Lobster... But the move 'average day' favorite works as Mac and Cheese

Favorite Drink: Bubble Tea... Don't judge me. >_>

Favorite Color: Navy Blue

Favorite Kind of Music: Mostly Video game music, I like catchy songs and they've got it.

Favorite Band: Eh, not really

Favorite Album: ^

Favorite Game: Can't deny the Pokemon Franchise for Nastalgia, older challenges, and new 'renditions' such as Reborn. The certain game? Uh...

Favorite Genre of Game: Can't decide between Platformers and RPG, they both have their shinings.

Favorite Hobbies: Video Games of course, Youtube, and getting more and more into Anime

Favorite Movies: Can't ever choose one.

Favorite Shows: ^

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Name: that's classified
Age: 17
Birthday: March 18
Location: Minnesota
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Live With: parents
Pets?: 1 kitten at dad's, 2 cats at moms
Relationships?: none to speak of
Crushes lately?: This trans guy I've known for a while,
Dream Job: Aeronautic engineer or fighter pilot
Currently Playing: Dota 2, Robocraft, Omega Ruby

Favourite Food: Angel food cake
Favourite Drink: Egg nog
Favourite Color: Teal and silver
Favourite kind of Music: METAL
Favourite Band: Blind Guardian
Favourite Album: that's like asking me to pick a favorite child (i don't have kids but you get it)
Favourite Game: Morrowind, possibly. Not sure.
Favourite Genre of Game: I'm a pretty broad gamer.
Favourite Hobbies: eating, reading, gaming
Favourite Movies: None
Favourite Shows: Fate/Zero, Doctor Who

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