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Yeaaaah, Higurashi didn't gel well with me. I can't stand things that repeat the same structure again and again and again.

Really? Because Higurashi and Umineko work well because of that structure. They are mysteries at their base and seeing the different ways things turn are absolutely necessary to solve the mysteries.

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Yeah, I can appreciate that but I can't stand how each arc starts with the same stuff with only slight variation. At least shorten it so that I don;t have to hear about the same Fucking cotton festival again and again and again and again.

Even though I watched it after Higurashi, the Endless Eight of The melancholy of Haruhi suzumiya is what it felt like to me. At least, they're so similar to me in retrospection.

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imo it wasn't that repetitive, it didn't take longer than 10 minutes to get started on the main differences, and in some arcs, the festival was almost irrelevant (i.e. rika and rena's). i think the only parts that could've been somewhat tedious to watch to some people were on the longest arcs, shion and rena's, specifically because their respective pasts (which were unknown until then) were absolutely necessary to justify partially all the paranoia they'd go through later on. kai then explains the other (main) reason for the paranoia.

also, speaking of suzumyia, the second season was actually kinda similar to higurashi too, excluding the psychological/horror elements, obviously. though, it didn't make a good use of that repetitive structure in the least, and thus became extremely repetitive, way more than higurashi ever managed to be lol.

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almost all of the dialogue n the Endless Eight episodes were the same, word for word. It only varied when Kyon had the chance to change events or when Yuki told them how many cycles had passed.

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Finally I get to see Lancer fighting seriously in beautiful ufotable quality animation. That was the moment I waited for since the show first started airing.

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Finally I get to see Lancer fighting seriously in beautiful ufotable quality animation. That was the moment I waited for since the show first started airing.

That fight was fantastic.

Also, I straight up dropped Gunslinger Stratos, someone lemme know if it picks up later

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I dropped that within the first episode. Didn't like it whatsoever.

I do want to try watching Arslan Senki. Anyone who watched it can tell me whether it is good or not?

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Oh Arslan Senki is fantastic so far. A lot of the characters intro'd so far are quite interesting and unique, the way the Prince is presented is quite nice and they deal with the idea of war quite well.

Oh, they aren't afraid of death as a result of that though. So, be warned.

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I think it's safe to say that the Synchro Dimension in Yugioh Arc-V is an alternate universe version of New Domino City in 5D's where Yliaster shenanigans (specifically Zero Reverse) never happened. Ironically, the city's condition is worse overall than it was by the time 5D's ended. Jack is the lonely king again. Crow is doing whatever he has been doing. Yusei is likely living happily ever after in Tops with his family.

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Finally I get to see Lancer fighting seriously in beautiful ufotable quality animation. That was the moment I waited for since the show first started airing.

they made sure to show how he fucked archer up good

i didn't really think they did much justice for rin kicking the shit out of caster though

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What the hell was with these hand movements in Yahari.. rofl..

I love how hiki does it too, and when questioned about it is like "I don't even know but it worked"

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I think foxy was a double meaning funnily enough. More sly than anything...

Also, da fuq was with Nisekoi? Who the fuck teaches that to a parrot?

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I think foxy was a double meaning funnily enough. More sly than anything...

Also, da fuq was with Nisekoi? Who the fuck teaches that to a parrot?

Marika obv :D

Also fuck my life, I srsl didnt realised until now who Archer is, I feel so dumb lol.

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totally amazing spoiler

oh my god i can't believe archer is shirou what a shock i'm so surprised i definetely actually fell out of my chair honest i didn't know it's not like ufotable wasn't even trying to hide it in some ways like the VN did ;)

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totally amazing spoiler

oh my god i can't believe archer is shirou what a shock i'm so surprised i definetely actually fell out of my chair honest i didn't know it's not like ufotable wasn't even trying to hide it in some ways like the VN did ;)


everytime i see archer as shirou now, his behavior just creeps me the fuck out. the cold way he acts towards rin in the future. THE REASON WHY HE NEVER REVEALED HIS IDENTITY. HOW CAN U EVEN GO FROM A DUMB NAIVE LITTLE SHIT TO THAT...


btw when did he get his skin permanently tanned lol

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Out of curiosity, is anyone else watching Nanoha Vivid?

Not at all, I heard there was a first season so this one flew right under my radar.

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