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They call me Gilgamesh up in here. 6v1 you still wouldn't win.

you simply beat gilgamesh by using his gilgameshness to your advantage you fool

I'd argue fate isn't wholly action-packed as there is a lot of focus on plot, development and intrigue but there generally tends to be at least one gorgeously animated action scene once every two episodes unless you're watching studio DEEN's original adaptation of fate which you shouldn't

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you simply beat gilgamesh by using his gilgameshness to your advantage you fool

I'd argue fate isn't wholly action-packed as there is a lot of focus on plot, development and intrigue but there generally tends to be at least one gorgeously animated action scene once every two episodes unless you're watching studio DEEN's original adaptation of fate which you shouldn't

First part is truth.

Second part is also truth. I watched DEEN's adaptation, I shouldn't have. Fate/Zero in particular will present you with a myriad of different arguments about ideals, values, and beliefs and then proceed to ask you who you think is right. It gets you to really think about what the characters represent, and is so much more than mindless action. The action is very nice though.

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First part is truth.

Second part is also truth. I watched DEEN's adaptation, I shouldn't have. Fate/Zero in particular will present you with a myriad of different arguments about ideals, values, and beliefs and then proceed to ask you who you think is right. It gets you to really think about what the characters represent, and is so much more than mindless action. The action is very nice though.

Let me reinforce this second point in that not only the protagonist-like characters, but also the antagonists and villains presented/portrayed in Fate/Zero are actually deep, interesting characters who either properly develop or reveal themselves and their personality more.

If I'd have to give a spoileriffic example:

So, let's talk about Caster. He murders children, he's insane, he's psychotically obsessed with a female figure in a pretty typical insane-villain way. He's already shown to be very twisted and cruel, completely butchering his victims in the most sickening ways possible and actually seeming somewhat creepy when he isn't throwing a hissy fit early on. What changes him as the story goes on is his incredible friendship with his master, fellow insane-serial-killer-friend Ryuunosuke. Their ideals and logic already mix and they have great chemistry to begin with, but it becomes better, as towards the midway point in the series, Ryuunosuke's opinions on God and his working on the world present new viewpoints for Caster, which opens up his mind and influences his last decisions before he is slain by the good ol' crew. When Caster unleashes his proper Noble Phantasm, he isn't caring for who he thinks is Jeanne anymore; he wants to show his gratitude and demonstrate an entertaining spectacle to God for the sake of his friend Ryuunosuke, who changed him so much; his beliefs and ideals changes and, even as a demented insane psychopath, develops and creates new viewpoints on the world. He and Ryuunosuke are two of the most despicable and unlikeable characters in the show, but it's because of their interactions and discussion of their philosophy and ideals that they come off as interesting characters.

That's what I mean when I say the villainous characters of this story are legitimately interesting.

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That's indeed a great example. I never thought about Caster's case until you pointed it out. Another pair worth pointing out is Waver and Rider, Rider undoubtedly one of the biggest supporting pillars of Fate/Zero

I think what captivated me in Fate is the careful balance between plot, character development, and action sequences. Everything was executed perfectly and gave me an impression that I would not soon forget even after I finished. An example being

Shirou facing against his future self in Unlimited Blade Works. The interaction between the two was nothing short of being poignant and memorable

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That's indeed a great example. I never thought about Caster's case until you pointed it out. Another pair worth pointing out is Waver and Rider, Rider undoubtedly one of the biggest supporting pillars of Fate/Zero

I think what captivated me in Fate is the careful balance between plot, character development, and action sequences. Everything was executed perfectly and gave me an impression that I would not soon forget even after I finished. An example being

Shirou facing against his future self in Unlimited Blade Works. The interaction between the two was nothing short of being poignant and memorable

In general, the Fate series is pretty masterful at performing this, to at least an entertaining degree, to at most something masterfully done.

Waver and Rider, never forget. Bless that fucking duo.

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Yeah, I dropped AGK a while ago. It seemed like it didn't know what the fuck it wanted to be. One moment, it's a casual, nice comedy scene, then it's action, then OMG SUPER SAD DEATH OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. Also

Bulaat was best character, hands down.

The only reason I kept watching was Esdeath, but the interest factor dropped slowly.

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I haven't watched it since I left for training in Sep.

legit spoils

Pretty much the last thing that happened was that scissors girl got killed, I think. Or was it when the guy with the armor got killed. I forget which was most recent.

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tldr AGK reactions

Manga readers are outraged at the cutting of about 20 chapters (tbh the villain did feel really rushed)

People like me who've only seen the anime are punching walls due to a certain death

He was so rushed.. like wth..

I haven't watched it since I left for training in Sep.

Oh, okay so you're probably at where Bulat died, if not Sheele then. You can still watch the anime, but you should read the manga when it gets to Episode 19 as important content occurs that the anime decided to leave out.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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For those who watch Akame Ga Kill, what were your opinions on the recent episode?

Don't care, didn't really like the guy. I'm fine with them killing anyone really, just so long as it's not Mine.

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the height of Mine's death flag is too damn high in the most recent chapter doe...

Actually, she is currently under the condition known as "heavily linked to main character", meaning that she receives some of the plot immunity that he does, thus lowering her death flag.

I spent 10 years hypothesizing that

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the height of Mine's death flag is too damn high in the most recent chapter doe...

The higher the flag, the more likely it is a different one will be taken down. At least, in any GOOD story, and Akame ga kill is decent with twists and turns.

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Are there plans for AGK to be dubbed? It's pretty well known now, and there are people (like me) who don't typically like to watch subs.

I wouldn't be surprised. It was one of the bigger hits of last season, alongside Tokyo ghoul and Zankyou terror (I think those were the headliners)

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