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I recently finished Shinsekai yori, and I feel like I have to mention this anime somewhere, because of how amazing it is. This show fucks with your mind so badly, especially on the very end of it. It takes plot twists when you less expect them to happen and is not afraid of disposing of characters to see how dark the story can get as it advances. I've actually ended this for a few days now, and I STILL can't get over it, not only because of the amazing writing, but mainly since it actually creeped me out and gave me chills, something very few shows have managed to do to me.

This is all I'm going to say besides what might be in the synopsis for it. And that it contains a bit of shoujo ai and shounen ai, for those into that. PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW. srsly. easily one of my all-time favorite anime.

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I recently finished Shinsekai yori, and I feel like I have to mention this anime somewhere, because of how amazing it is. This show fucks with your mind so badly, especially on the very end of it. It takes plot twists when you less expect them to happen and is not afraid of disposing of characters to see how dark the story can get as it advances. I've actually ended this for a few days now, and I STILL can't get over it, not only because of the amazing writing, but mainly since it actually creeped me out and gave me chills, something very few shows have managed to do to me.

This is all I'm going to say besides what might be in the synopsis for it. And that it contains a bit of shoujo ai and shounen ai, for those into that. PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW. srsly. easily one of my all-time favorite anime.

I can only agree on that, I never though it would be that good when i started watching it, but man was I wrong it easily made it into my top 10. Also I have never seen a more devilious character as this rat, god I still hate him.

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I've still gotta finish it haha. Watched like 4 episodes and stopped for some unknown reason...

Anyway I'd like your guys' opinions on some anime that I intend to watch:

Magi (both seasons)

Kingdom (both seasons)

Strike the Blood

Kuroko's Basketball (all 3 seasons)

The Irregular at Magic High School


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I've still gotta finish it haha. Watched like 4 episodes and stopped for some unknown reason...

Anyway I'd like your guys' opinions on some anime that I intend to watch:

Magi (both seasons)

Kingdom (both seasons)

Strike the Blood

Kuroko's Basketball (all 3 seasons)

The Irregular at Magic High School


Magi is pretty neat.

Kingdom has a uncommon artstyle and animation isnt always perfect, but it is filled with interesting strategic great scale battles, actual character developement and politic warfare.^^

Strike the Blood is filled with echi and the story is more or less average, but if you like it watch it.

Cant say anything to kuroko no basket, but ppl say its good though maybe give it a try.

The Irrgular at Magic High School is something for you, if you Like totally Overpowered Characters like I do, I swear the protagonist is god. Xd

Edited by Helios2
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I've still gotta finish it haha. Watched like 4 episodes and stopped for some unknown reason...

Anyway I'd like your guys' opinions on some anime that I intend to watch:

Magi (both seasons)----- BUENO GOOD GRANDE

Kingdom (both seasons)------ DUNNO

Strike the Blood------DUNNO

Kuroko's Basketball (all 3 seasons)-------BUENO

The Irregular at Magic High School--------ASS


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So has anyone watched Gintama? I've recently started it and yes it is funny but..does the plot ever get deeper? I've heard it does but im not exactly sure when I should expect it... Also are there any major character deaths, im totally into that.

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So has anyone watched Gintama? I've recently started it and yes it is funny but..does the plot ever get deeper? I've heard it does but im not exactly sure when I should expect it... Also are there any major character deaths, im totally into that.

ive been meaning to watch it for a long time now. it does seem pretty funny, but im not too much into comedy unless its that well done. im not sure if the plot gets any deeper either, but ive managed to come across some pretty kick-ass fighting scenes in youtube, such as this one:

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So has anyone watched Gintama? I've recently started it and yes it is funny but..does the plot ever get deeper? I've heard it does but im not exactly sure when I should expect it... Also are there any major character deaths, im totally into that.

Think of Gintama as the japanese version of "The Simpsons", pretty much all episodes are self contained stories with recurrent characters most of the time (some are 2-4 episodes long) and the "plot" advances just to introduct new characters. Also

it has RIDICULOUS amounts of references and parodies about pretty much anything

It's my favorite anime though, i find it absolutely hilarious and the characters are lovely as they refuse to change themselfs while each of them have several memorable moments.

Edited by Claydoll
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One of the first shows to release an episode, Yahari ore no seishun, gave me everything I wanted from that first ep. Go watch it people.

It is basically a romance but I love each of the characters and the MC is so interesting becuse he is pretty much the inverse of standard MCs. Instead of doing stupid things because he's pressured or embarrassed he does stupid things because it makes sense to his rather twisted logic.

just an example

He ends up in a situation where he has to find someone and get them to do something rather embarrassing. Instead of doing the standard encouragement routine with a passionate speech, what he does is something so dickish that he takes the focus off of the embarrassing thing. In a weird way it works and fuck I'm nt eloquent to talk about this

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I must say, World Trigger gets surprisingly dark and interesting atm, wouldnt have though that from the first episodes.

Even the leftovers from last season were saving their best shit. So far, so many shows have started with their best foot forward. Last season there were like 3 things that caught my interest with their concepts and i dropped two of them. This season so far 7 different shows have drawn me in completely. Including seraph of the end which actually made me feel feels I was not expecting. Ditto for plastic memories.

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Even the leftovers from last season were saving their best shit. So far, so many shows have started with their best foot forward. Last season there were like 3 things that caught my interest with their concepts and i dropped two of them. This season so far 7 different shows have drawn me in completely. Including seraph of the end which actually made me feel feels I was not expecting. Ditto for plastic memories.

Yeah this season is really full of awesome stuff already and more then the half didnt even air so far, like Grisaia, sidonia, digimon, triage X e.t.c.^^

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i actually felt a bit for the characters while watching the first episode of seraph of the end, tho it was pretty over-dramatic and something that's been done a lot before *cough* shingeki no seraph *cough*

the only thing that currently interests me about this show is mika, cause he's classified as a deuteragonist and will supposedly be turned into a vampire. he's a cross between armin, mikasa and even eren in the sense that he's partially the "monster" humanity is fighting against.

also, as if the characters and story werent similar enough to snk, we've got the same studio animating this and muthafuckin hiroyuki sawano. this show feels like a tease for snk fans who are still waiting for 2016.

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Nah, I think the relationship and family bond between the orphan kids was done far better in Seraph. Plus the setting, whilst now that you mention it it does seem very similar to SNK, just interests me more. Plus, taking a hint from snk isn't necessarily a bad thing ya know? SNK is still a fantastic show and more shows in that tier, I guess you could call it that, would be nice.

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uh, i didn't mean that they were completely copying it in a bad way; this type of story is something that's been done a lot before snk even existed, i.e. claymore (and even a protagonist whose only distinct trait is losing his temper in no fucking time at all is another thing that's pretty common on other anime/manga). i was just comparing the two, because they have that many similarities, currently.

also, i gotta agree on the orphans, that's the only thing that made me feel a bit while watching this first episode. however, it seems like they're hardly going to be relevant for the rest of the story, excluding maybe a flashback or two when character development is necessary. i can still hope that at least some of them get turned into vampires and have some impact in the story and characters, depending on what side they pick.

in any case, right now i'm just waiting to see how will the story evolve from here. if it turns out as something repetitive like a bunch of fighting scenes and an over-dramatic moment every now and then to induce development on the main character, i might as well drop it, 'cause bad writing nty. if it does something similar to snk, such as having the story be mainly about the vampires and their origins, it'll probably interest me enough to keep watching it. if the story is completely copied from snk or some other show, like how selector is a madoka wannabe, i'll drop or keep watching depending on how similar it is, because cba to watch the exact same show, knowing everything that's going to happen again.

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I mean it's clear that the guy who the MC hugged/fell into is gonna be a father figure. Plus there's certainly gonna be a bit of a wider cast, there quite literally has to be. So i'm looking forward to seeing if they can keep up the quality.

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Well, haven't seen all of the new anime that came out this season due to some not being subbed yet, but this season looks really good in content. Also, Vampire Holmes. 'Nuff said.

Nisekoi Season 2 was just a recap so yerp. Next week should start it off.

Dungeon Ni Deai Wo Motomeru looks good as well, lacking some of the explanation that was given in the manga but oh well.

Shokugeki No Souma.. I knew it was gonna be like this but lol.

Like you two already said before. Owari No Serpah has some similarities towards Attack on Titan, which I don't mind. The Orphans tho... jeez.

Plastic Memories.. oh boy.. this is gonna get me each episode..

Nagato Yuki-Chan No Shoushistu was very amusing, especially with all of those Nagato moments over food :]

Denpa Kyoushi also amusing with the Otaku Teacher.

Kekkai Sensen was good, but confusing for me. I hope for more clarification on whats going on in other episodes. Looking forward to this one especially.

Oregairu Season 2. Dang that animation looks way batter as well as getting Hikigaya's humor is always awesome.

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