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  On 7/11/2015 at 7:04 AM, Drymus said:

Any recommendations for someone who liked/likes the following? (List is not in any particular order, just randomly scrolled through my booknark list)

Log Horizon

Death Note

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


Gate: Jieitai

Baka to Test

Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?


if you want stuff like death note, watch:

- danganronpa

- zankyou no terror

- psycho-pass

- higurashi/umineko no naku koro ni

personally loved these (ESPECIALLY THE LAST ONES) and i find them somewhat similar to death note.

as for fantasy/shounens, id point you towards some very well known series such as:

- shingeki no kyojin

- no game no life

- hunter x hunter (2011)

- toaru series (railgun and index)

- sword art online

i only put sao in there because you've seen three shows that are extremely similar to it. otherwise, i really don't recommend it, at least the first season is very bad. but feel free to give it a try, you might come to love it. railgun and index are pretty unpopular, but they were one of the first shows i ever watched and i really liked them. hxh might seem a little long, but if you give it enough time, you'll enjoy it a lot.

also, these aren't very similar to most of the things you've watched, but i'd still recommend them just because of how good they are:

- shinsekai yori

- neon genesis evangelion

- gangsta. (currently airing)

- shokugeki no souma (currently airing)

hope this helped. (:

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  On 7/11/2015 at 7:42 AM, MMM said:

if you want stuff like death note, watch:

- danganronpa

- zankyou no terror

- psycho-pass

- higurashi/umineko no naku koro ni

personally loved these (ESPECIALLY THE LAST ONES) and i find them somewhat similar to death note.

as for fantasy/shounens, id point you towards some very well known series such as:

- shingeki no kyojin

- no game no life

- hunter x hunter (2011)

- toaru series (railgun and index)

- sword art online

i only put sao in there because you've seen three shows that are extremely similar to it. otherwise, i really don't recommend it, at least the first season is very bad. but feel free to give it a try, you might come to love it. railgun and index are pretty unpopular, but they were one of the first shows i ever watched and i really liked them. hxh might seem a little long, but if you give it enough time, you'll enjoy it a lot.

also, these aren't very similar to most of the things you've watched, but i'd still recommend them just because of how good they are:

- shinsekai yori

- neon genesis evangelion

- gangsta. (currently airing)

- shokugeki no souma (currently airing)

hope this helped. (:

A little advice to anyone who ever decides to pick up To Aru...READ THE NOVELS. The anime is nowhere near as good as the novels and you lose a lot of the main character's character development in the anime.

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kurumi best girl confirmed

also, little speculation on today's episode:

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  On 7/17/2015 at 4:15 AM, MMM said:

kurumi best girl confirmed

also, little speculation on today's episode:

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This was just an interesting thing I found, though I can't name all the anime.

Though I giggled at The PMMM choices for mons

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  On 7/19/2015 at 11:14 PM, Dobby said:

This was just an interesting thing I found, though I can't name all the anime.

Though I giggled at The PMMM choices for mons

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homura and absol <3


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Started watching Gate. As a military person, this has me laughing my balls off, not only because of the silly ranks introduced in the second episode but because holy shit, even the japanese self defense force would pwn the shit out of the people they are facing.

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I started slowlyy losing interest in monogatari when the focus dropped from Araragi and started focusing on the other characters who I couldn't stand. Aside from Senjougahara

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  On 7/24/2015 at 6:04 AM, Maelstrom said:

Started watching Gate. As a military person, this has me laughing my balls off, not only because of the silly ranks introduced in the second episode but because holy shit, even the japanese self defense force would pwn the shit out of the people they are facing.

I don't think the Anime was supposed to be a comedy... but mael seems to think it is XD

He kept laughing hysterically and I was like, Meh.

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  On 7/24/2015 at 4:01 PM, Godot said:

I don't think the Anime was supposed to be a comedy... but mael seems to think it is XD

He kept laughing hysterically and I was like, Meh.

I wish he was on showdown when Acqui and pyon were talking about it. I did wonder what someone with more military experience would see it...

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Whattttt. Didn't know that all, thanks M. Now I'm hyped for Fall even more.

Shokugeki No Souma has definitely become one of my favorites. Funny enough, I didn't expect the anime to do so well, but after giving the manga a look, I was looking forward to it. Can't wait for the Autumn Elections.

Prison School giving good laughs as well. Can't decide if Andre, Takehito, or Jo who is the funniest.

Also, what anime have you guys continued to watch/drop for this season?

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I'm only watching three new series this season.

  • Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX: My favorite from the season and one that has so many Nanoha A's vibes. The show keeps on ramping things up and makes me want to keep watching more. Plus, Episode 4 was pretty insane.
  • IM@S Cinderella Girls 2nd Season: Two good episodes so far and as a second cour to a season which I already like, there's no way I'm dropping this one.
  • DRRRx2!! Ten: Pretty decent so far. It's nice having a look into the psyches of various minor characters.
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Waiting for Jojo's Bizzare Adventure part 4: Diamond is confirm ;w;

Currently watching:

Overlord / Rokka No Yusha / Card Game animes im too sham 2 name.

Need to catch up on:

Ore monogatari (the genre is not my cup of tea, but its a fun series) / Episode 8? I think. (Just finished the one with the hospital :>)

Dragon ball super (though I prob won't watch till they hit episode 10)

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Currently watching from this season: Chaos Dragon, Gakkou Gurashi, Charlotte, God Eater, Prison School, Rokka no Yuusha, Overlord, Gate, Gatchman Crowds: Insight, Durrara, Symphogear, Monster musume, Ranpo Kitan, Gangsta.

Continuing form last season: Arslan Senki, World trigger, Denpa Kyoshi. Also still waiting for the last ep of Kekkai Sensen.

Watching in between atm: Mawaru Penguindrum

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Charlotte, Shokugeki, Overlord, Gate, Gangsta, Prison school and Shimoneta and I need to catch up on arslan senki. I kinda stopped like ep 12 for no reason I can think of.

So many Anmay Tiddies I swear, this season.

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cant wait for the uncensored version ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

On the topic of anime airing this season, I haven't really dropped anything yet, but I'm inclined to drop Chaos Dragon. It's just as I expected, cliche af.

Charlotte and Ranpo Kitan are also pretty average so far, episode 3 of Charlotte was okay, but I still don't think this'll get any good, especially if there's shitty predictable drama. Ranpo Kitan will probably not get any better either, but I'll still watch it whenever I have nothing better to do.

Gate and God Eater are two shows that I'm not going to drop yet, though I'm not expecting them to become something amazing. I think, Gate, at least, will get better, since the harem trio is finally here, and they're probably going to be the most interesting characters in the show. God Eater is extremely likely to become shit. It is a one-cour anime, meaning chances are it'll be rushed, incomplete or lack character development in some way. I really liked Attack on Titan and Owari no Seraph too, to some extent, but I just don't see God Eater doing anything different than what post-apocalyptic action shows like these haven't done before. Then again, there are only two episodes out, so I can't say for sure that it'll become that bad.

Gangsta and Gakkou Gurashi are my personal favorites this season. I don't think I even need to explain how good Gangsta is, since I already have before and a good amount of people here are watching it. In any case, if you aren't, please start watching it. Whether you're into Mafia/Seinens or not, this is a pretty well written show, so I'm sure you'll like it. I was a bit unsure about Gakkou Gurashi after watching episodes 1 and 2. I feared that I may had over-hyped it because of the genre contrast, and that this wouldn't be anything special, since moe and horror/dark themes have already become pretty popular since higurashi, madoka, yuyuyu and selector shittymadokawannabe wixoss. I was so wrong, because episode 3 did so well with the mystery, almost like higurashi, in a way. You watch to find out what really happened, how it happened and why it happened (though I'm still a bit unsure about the latter). It is so much fun, because you can't help but go "OH SHIT, I KNEW IT" or "SO THATS WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED". The characters are all also pretty well-developed for a one-cour anime, which is saying a lot, imo. I seriously recommend this one as well. Trust me, it's not just about the shock value, this is such a great show.

Overlord and Rokka no Yuusha are two anime I'm frankly enjoying so far, both of which I highly recommend, especially if you're into fantasy and action. The production value is great and the story/characters are decent enough to get you interested in it.

ShimoSeka, Prison School and Monster Musume are, to me, this season's funniest and most enjoyable shows so far. All of these focus on ecchi jokes/fanservice, specifically, an extremely bizarre type of comedy that you just don't see on any other anime. To put it simply (don't wanna spoil too much for those who haven't gotten into these), the former two exaggerate on the fanservice to an extreme level, which is a great thing imo. If you're going to have fanservice like this, at least go all out instead of trying to put a few innuendos here and there and showing a shit fucking ton of bath scenes, shitty beach episodes and cringe-worthy scenes that have been repeated a thousand times before (looking at every ecchi/harem/shounen ever). More than that, these two even seem to make fun of their own fanservice at times. The latter is a weird type of ecchi/harem. If you're into that sort of genre, you're bound to like this. The comedy is just great and it's something you don't see on other ecchi/harems.

Finally, I'm also watching the Gatchaman Crowds sequel, which is a must watch for anyone who liked the first season. So far, it hasn't done better than its prequel in any way, but I'll definitely keep watching this, since I'm still somewhat enjoying it.

Also continuing from the spring season Shokugeki no Souma which I'm absolutely loving so far. I had initially dropped this but thank god Dobby got me into it later on. I'm so glad I chose to watch this.

Was also thinking of watching Symphogear GX, but I'm too lazy to even start the prequels.

massive shimoneta spoiler

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Been reading/watching a lot of the usual RomCom/Harem/Comedy/Moeblob story(Psycho Love Comedy, Umaru-chan, Non Non Biyori)


Tho, Taihei and most of them are really cool, and that bro on Non Non Biyori is really awesome

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Haven't done it yet M but a friend already recommended it to me so I'll post about it when I do.

Surprisingly, Naruto still has me interested despite the annoying amount of fillers that keep popping up at the worst times. Seeing Guy fight w/ Eight Gates was pretty fken awesome.

And for those who read One Piece, if there are any, did not expect that reveal at the end of the most recent chapter. Wow.

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