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I've replayed reborn a couple times, and at this point I'd like to have a pokemon early on that's more interesting, something I can't obtain until later. I don't have much of value except a magikarp (I've used magikarp so many times in other games that I don't want to even bother) so if anyone is willing to giveaway a breeding reject or something that would be great.


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12 minutes ago, FElover said:

I've replayed reborn a couple times, and at this point I'd like to have a pokemon early on that's more interesting, something I can't obtain until later. I don't have much of value except a magikarp (I've used magikarp so many times in other games that I don't want to even bother) so if anyone is willing to giveaway a breeding reject or something that would be great.


Anything in particular in mind?

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doesn't really matter to me, as long as it's not a fire type, just needs to be viable, it doesn't have to be a super amazing pokemon tho, list anything you would be willing to give me I guess. Thanks!

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10 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

I have access to just about everything, I have a lot of Azurill/Marills though

everything? hmm... If it's not an inconvenience, I'd like a togepi. Buttttttt if you don't want to go through that, I'd take a marill, since you have an excess amount of em. if you're willing to I would take both, or just one. 

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