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The Time Has Come! Our Pokemon Reborn Adventure!


What Do We Do In Our Adventure?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Police Officer Quest (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
    • Don't Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
  2. 2. Fern Cage Help(?) (NO MORE VOTING!)

  3. 3. Garchomp Battle (NO MORE VOTING!)

  4. 4. Yureyu Battle Choice (NO MORE VOTING!)

  5. 5. Which Group Do We Protect?! (NO MORE VOTING!)

  6. 6. Who Do We Trust? (NO MORE VOTING!)

  7. 7. A Diary Out In The Open (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Read It And Admit To It
    • Read It And Lie
    • Don't Read It But Admit To It
    • Don't Read It And Tell The Truth
  8. 8. Taka's Problem (NO MORE VOTING!)

  9. 9. Amaria Gym Battle Situation (NO MORE VOTING!)

  10. 10. Remembering Bennett (?)

    • Right Answer
    • Wrong Answer
    • Admitting We Don't Remember
  11. 11. Blake And The Ring (NO MORE VOTING!)

  12. 12. Cal! (NO MORE VOTING!)

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1. I might pull off a double Episode drop today. Not only because I have VERY little editing to do, but after episode 3, the next episode is the Gym episode, which I expect to only take maybe 10 to 15 minutes.

2. This is to @Autumn Zephyr As I said before, don't get too attached to the mons that are here right now. I'm literally intending to breed EVERY Pokemon (yes all 51... well except for Poiploe because it is an Ultra Beast... right? I can't remember.) to have good IV's and possible egg moves. 😛

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2 minutes ago, seki108 said:

Do you mind elaborating?  I haven't heard anyone mention this one.


Apparently your choice of giving him the ring or not changes who gets sucked up in brainwashed Gossip Gardivor's black hole in the battle for Agate City.



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25 minutes ago, The Swordsman said:
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Apparently your choice of giving him the ring or not changes who gets sucked up in brainwashed Gossip Gardivor's black hole in the battle for Agate City.



.............I'm going to be honest here,  I read your first comment a few times and every time I read "so I can see the alternate costume".  Oops.



Yeah, I read that on ICSW's thread detailing the points.  I didn't give him the ring and had Samson sucked up.  


Anyway @J-Awesome_One, for the new one, I'll vote for not giving him the ring.  Is that the only new one in the poll, aside from the way later in the remembering Bennet?  I voted on day one, so I think those were the only two not there. 

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37 minutes ago, seki108 said:

.............I'm going to be honest here,  I read your first comment a few times and every time I read "so I can see the alternate costume".  Oops.


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Yeah, I read that on ICSW's thread detailing the points.  I didn't give him the ring and had Samson sucked up.  


Anyway @J-Awesome_One, for the new one, I'll vote for not giving him the ring.  Is that the only new one in the poll, aside from the way later in the remembering Bennet?  I voted on day one, so I think those were the only two not there. 

Yea. Those were the only 2.

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...My ears are ringing... There are too many 'splosions 'round these parts...


Oh, um, right, review time! Er, who needs training montages when you can have 'the results of the training' montages instead? It's a much shorter stream!


...And it kinda figures that Fern's budew is still just that while Yuuka's flourishing under our care. Even his own pokemon don't respect him!


I spotted a semi-important name among the Meteor Grunts this time- hadn't expected them to show up so early, ya know? I'm keeping an eye another one, though- I'm curious to see if that minior will stay green for the rest of the game, or is randomly generated every time.


...Either Victoria has a surprisingly low amount of stamina, or she forgot that she was given the Running Shoes back at the Grand Hall. Anyway, it seems we're headed towards the Dang-Character-Limit-is-a-Problem Ward next time!


Oh, and before I forget:

Current death toll: 6 (Unchanged from last update)




Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance



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After making some new friends and meeting the mysterious leader of the terrorist organization known as Team Meteor, Ribbion has won his first badge! But wait, plants have come alive and are attacking people in Obsidia Ward?! Could this be the work of Team Meteor? Another episode filled with explosive excitement awaits, next time on Pokemon Reborn! (Brought to you by J-Awesome_One)

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You know those moments when you're wandering about, minding your own business, and all of a sudden you get this epiphany out of nowhere? I just had one, and it's one that very likely changes one of my votes for when I get around to actually submitting those:


Araquanid gets Entrainment by level up. And both of its Abilities kinda screw over one of the Gym Leaders that it's around for. Granted, Wide Guard's probably still a better option for one of them, but it's still a nice thing to have in your back pocket, methinks. How did I not think of that before?


Don't worry yourself too much over the upload schedule- mental health is an important thing to keep up with, and I, for one, am capable of waiting if need be.

Edited by Autumn Zephyr
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One more day, one more expansion to Ribbon's personal army ragtag band of amigos! And a good thing, too- slums are notorious for being the 'bad part of town' in a great many areas, so having all the help one can get to survive is a must!


And boy, oh boy did that expansion start off strong! Maybe Wheel didn't mind the rain because of just how awesome that Sp. Defense stat is? Hopefully that trait will hang around once the Daycare becomes available. Commander's Attack wound up being pretty dang solid as well, and she got what is arguably the best Ability for her to boot (not to discredit the buff Normalize got or anything)! I'm not sure how to feel about Neco, though. That Attack stat is even better than Commander's, but I've always used the lotad line as Special Attackers. Hmm...


Spoilers for later in the game, to those whom have this as their first journey:


In retrospect, ZEL is a pretty fitting name fore a klink. Well, there's one too few gears in klink itself, but I guess we could argue that the big gear in klangs design is both Eve and Lumi, while to little one with the face is Zero? It's certainly not a perfect analogy, but what can you do? In any case, it is pretty nice to see that the first pokemon we have to wait for ditto to breed upward got pretty solid stats right out of the gate- that should make things a bit simpler, no?


...Wow, Samson. That was... quite the interview... 😅


Not gonna lie, I'm curious about what it is that Devon did to shut the Yureyu company down. It's not like they have competing products or anything... I definitely should know this already, though


The minior seems to be staying green so far? That's a good sign, I guess.


And so the Swordsman arose, voice armed and ready. And with just her battle cry, the ruffians were felled like spaghetti!


Current death count: 6 (unchanged from last update)


Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Edited by Autumn Zephyr
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17 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

One more day, one more expansion to Ribbon's personal army ragtag band of amigos! And a good thing, too- slums are notorious for being the 'bad part of town' in a great many areas, so having all the help one can get to survive is a must!


And boy, oh boy did that expansion start off strong! Maybe Wheel didn't mind the rain because of just how awesome that Sp. Defense stat is? Hopefully that trait will hang around once the Daycare becomes available. Commander's Attack wound up being pretty dang solid as well, and she got what is arguably the best Ability for her to boot (not to discredit the buff Normalize got or anything)! I'm not sure how to feel about Neco, though. That Attack stat is even better than Commander's, but I've always used the lotad line as Special Attackers. Hmm...


Spoilers for later in the game, to those whom have this as their first journey:

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In retrospect, ZEL is a pretty fitting name fore a klink. Well, there's one too few gears in klink itself, but I guess we could argue that the big gear in klangs design is both Eve and Lumi, while to little one with the face is Zero? It's certainly not a perfect analogy, but what can you do? In any case, it is pretty nice to see that the first pokemon we have to wait for ditto to breed upward got pretty solid stats right out of the gate- that should make things a bit simpler, no?


...Wow, Samson. That was... quite the interview... 😅


Not gonna lie, I'm curious about what it is that Devon did to shut the Yureyu company down. It's not like they have competing products or anything... I definitely should know this already, though


The minior seems to be staying green so far? That's a good sign, I guess.


And so the Swordsman arose, voice armed and ready. And with just her battle cry, the ruffians were felled like spaghetti!


Current death count: 6 (unchanged from last update)

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Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Dude, I'm seriously loving these. xD

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What can I say? I can't make a joke or two in my reaction posts, I hardly see the point in making them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


...I am worried that the copypasta going on with the Death Count portion is triggering some people with the odd formatting errors, though. Guess I oughta use the 'Paste as plain text' thing a bit more frequently, huh?

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ATTACK ON OBSIDIA WARD! Team Meteor was in fact in the ward causing trouble, this time kidnapping the Day Care Couple in a attempt to fool trainers and steal their pokemon. While they once again fell thanks to Ribbion, the Day Care Couple is still missing. Ribbion travels through the slums to get to the park where the frenzied plants originate and stops in the nearby Coral Ward for a rest. With even more new friends and a moon stone in hand will Ribbion save the people of Obsidia and what is Amaria doing in Coral Ward when Obsidia needs her? Find out next time on Pokemon Reborn! (Brought to you by J-Awesome_One)

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1 hour ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Not gonna lie, I'm curious about what it is that Devon did to shut the Yureyu company down. It's not like they have competing products or anything... I definitely should know this already, though


According to a few Meteor grunts, the company was shut down by Devon employees slowly replacing Yureyu. I'm assuming they sabotaged the company to the point they finally became bankrupt and closed but it's never specified. All we really know is all the employees got booted out.


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