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The Time Has Come! Our Pokemon Reborn Adventure!


What Do We Do In Our Adventure?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Police Officer Quest (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
    • Don't Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
  2. 2. Fern Cage Help(?) (NO MORE VOTING!)

  3. 3. Garchomp Battle (NO MORE VOTING!)

  4. 4. Yureyu Battle Choice (NO MORE VOTING!)

  5. 5. Which Group Do We Protect?! (NO MORE VOTING!)

  6. 6. Who Do We Trust? (NO MORE VOTING!)

  7. 7. A Diary Out In The Open (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Read It And Admit To It
    • Read It And Lie
    • Don't Read It But Admit To It
    • Don't Read It And Tell The Truth
  8. 8. Taka's Problem (NO MORE VOTING!)

  9. 9. Amaria Gym Battle Situation (NO MORE VOTING!)

  10. 10. Remembering Bennett (?)

    • Right Answer
    • Wrong Answer
    • Admitting We Don't Remember
  11. 11. Blake And The Ring (NO MORE VOTING!)

  12. 12. Cal! (NO MORE VOTING!)

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Woah, woah, woah! This one came out waaaay on the early side! Is your videotaping backlog getting a bit, er, Overgrown?


Alternative title: If This Azurill Likes Eating Plants So Much, Why Didn't It Do Anything In Obsidia?


...And we're starting the 'new pokemon' segment with a very minor personal opinion: I don't like lombre's new cry. Hopefully GF haven't drained the personality out of ludicolo's... On the other hand, the Swordsman has decided that kissing is for the birds- and that she's much better off Chargin' up some laser Beams! That should be somewhat helpful in a certain overwhelmingly-common Field Effect, no? I admittedly forgot that the Limber Ability existed, yet alone that buneary could have it, but at least that makes that quest a quicker one to answer. Sadly, though, Azalea's stats wound up being subpar for the most part. Guess they naturally learn Frustration for a reason, eh? And holy griggin' geez, did Maqqy really just come out with perfect IVs in both offenses?! Goodness gracious, talk about you lucky sloth bois! I thought I recognized that egg pattern... though I don't think my spheal came with solid stats or Signal Beam. Now you have a Water Type that naturally learns Ice moves, woo~!


...I always did wonder how Cain got ahold of his Alolan grimer. They're not exactly around where he's from, and nobody's allowed where we'll eventually be able to get ahold of one of our own at the moment, so... In any case, it is more fitting for him than the old Kantonian one he used to have, and isn't just spilling toxic material everywhere, so this particular rescue is much more believable to boot!


Ah, yes, the Police are shouting the usual commentary that nobody ever believes, while simultaneously noting how blatantly untrue their words are! If you really had the situation under control, wouldn't that mean that you're the culprits? At least that one guy had the right idea in trying to clear the area.


...Aaaaaand, thing have officially taken a turn for the bizarre. We've got a fella with the most extreme case of Multiple Personality Disorder I have ever seen, alongside what can only be explained as an artificial Mega Evolution with the obvious drawback of lacking the sheer maneuverability than many of the actual Megas have! I mean, tangrowth never really had much room to move anyway, what with their natural access to Ingrain, stupidly top-heavy body structure, and obvious plagiarism of breloom's patent on elastic arms, but still*... The thing does have an absurd amount of bulk for this point in the game, though- Bite may not be the strongest attack in the world, especially since J-Awesome didn't have STAB with it, but geez- it dealt so little damage to something that was at -6 Defense! If that ain't a portent for things to come, I don't know what is!


*Contrary to how this assessment may sound, I do actually like tangrowth a bit


Wait, wait, wait- the Oval Charm got moved to being this early in the game? That's a huge quality-of-life buff if I ever saw one! Arguably makes more sense than being underwater as well, but oh well. Still, the timing's about as on point as it can get now- being obtainable at the same time as you gain the ability to free the real Daycare Couple is pretty much the most convenient you can possibly make it, outside of having them give it to you themselves!


Current death toll: 6 (Unchanged from last update)



Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance



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@Autumn Zephyr Again, loving those little segments. But yes. This is up early because I got done editing stuff early last night for Episode 6. When I woke up today, I started the download and when out to exercise. And then I came back and it was done and it was up WAY earlier than the others. But it's prob a good thing that it happened like that. Today I'm basically working on breeding some mons and working on their IV's/EV's. (I can never tell which 1 is supposed to be the set ones and which ones we basically put into the stats)

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Not sure how much I can help with that issue, but I'll try my hand at helping anyway.


IV's are inherently fixed to the individual, and thus cannot be changed in anyway. Think of them as the pokemon's natural testosterone levels (Attack), IQ (Sp. Attack), or alchohol tolerance (Hp/Sp. Defense), I guess.


EV's, on the other hand, are built up by distinct effort on the pokemon's part. These are things like working out (Attack), cardio/aerobics (Speed), or studying/ problem solving (Sp. Attack).


Just as someone with low testosterone that frequently works out will eventually come out stronger than someone with high levels that never bothers doing anything with them, a pokemon with low Attack Individual Values that works to maximize its Effort Values in that stat will eventually surpass one with high IVs and no EVs. Does that make sense?

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...Welp, I tried. And I was feeling kinda proud about coming up with that explanation on the fly, too... 😅


But yeah, the side that's nothing but 0's on newly caught/hatched pokemon is the one with the EVs. Unless they're both that way, in which case you got reeeeeally dang unlucky!

Edited by Autumn Zephyr
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3 hours ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

...I always did wonder how Cain got ahold of his Alolan grimer. They're not exactly around where he's from, and nobody's allowed where we'll eventually be able to get ahold of one of our own at the moment, so... In any case, it is more fitting for him than the old Kantonian one he used to have, and isn't just spilling toxic material everywhere, so this particular rescue is much more believable to boot!

I think he was able to get it thanks to Team Meteor polluting the lake which would attract the alolan grimer to the water, replacing the fish pokemon that used to be found there via fishing. As for why its the alolan variant, the Reborn region is either a part of or next to the Orre region, so we are in Poke America.

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4 hours ago, The Swordsman said:

I think he was able to get it thanks to Team Meteor polluting the lake which would attract the alolan grimer to the water, replacing the fish pokemon that used to be found there via fishing. As for why its the alolan variant, the Reborn region is either a part of or next to the Orre region, so we are in Poke America.

Well interesting enough that may not be true. While Orre itself is based on Arizona, the actual location is debated as being there or inbetween Hoenn and Johto since...well...nearly all of the Pokemon used are from those two regions. I don't even think a Kanto Pokemon appeared at all in Colosseum come to think about it. Not a huge deal, but a very odd one. But I'd honestly love if GameFreak made a map of the Pokemon world showing where each region is at including the noncanon ones.

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10 minutes ago, Commander said:

Well interesting enough that may not be true. While Orre itself is based on Arizona, the actual location is debated as being there or inbetween Hoenn and Johto since...well...nearly all of the Pokemon used are from those two regions. I don't even think a Kanto Pokemon appeared at all in Orre come to think about it. Not a huge deal, but a very odd one. But I'd honestly love if GameFreak made a map of the Pokemon world showing where each region is at including the noncanon ones.

Really? As far as I am aware it was supposed actually be Arizona (not just based on it) according to both Bulbapedia and Serribi's Poke Earth map. (which got used in ORAS interestingly enough)

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As far as I know, the Yureyu company went down because of some Team Meteor grunts (SPOILER ALERT!!!) taking jobs as Devon (fake Devon, actually), which is why the Yureyu people don't know (at least, those who survived) that it was Team Meteor's doing. The Company went down also because of the so-called earthquakes (??!?) caused by Team Meteor.


The right ones are IVs. The left ones are EVs.

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Tatertot's Fury Cutter has forced this poor Tangwroth to get mercilessly swallowed by the soil. Good job, but Tangwroth's fate is still as cruel as Buzz's fate in Spyro 3 to me 😞

I have a question: are you breeding for acceptable IV's or rather to get unique moves?

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52 minutes ago, Q-Jei said:

Tatertot's Fury Cutter has forced this poor Tangwroth to get mercilessly swallowed by the soil. Good job, but Tangwroth's fate is still as cruel as Buzz's fate in Spyro 3 to me 😞

I have a question: are you breeding for acceptable IV's or rather to get unique moves?

Well all are for good IV's but some will be for unique moves.

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"Well, Honey, it seems that we might not have to worry about whether we'd be able to pay for groceries this week after all."
"Oh? And why would that be?"
"That kid who saved us was also generous enough to use our services consistently, and pay in full as well. Why, they may even restore our reputation on their own!"


Please tell me you've got a Pickup pokemon in your party while you're running around, at least. This endeavor of yours has got to be pretty pricey!

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1 hour ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

"Well, Honey, it seems that we might not have to worry about whether we'd be able to pay for groceries this week after all."
"Oh? And why would that be?"
"That kid who saved us was also generous enough to use our services consistently, and pay in full as well. Why, they may even restore our reputation on their own!"


Please tell me you've got a Pickup pokemon in your party while you're running around, at least. This endeavor of yours has got to be pretty pricey!

Well the people in the Grand Hall help with both money problems and EV training. So it's mostly just staying where it's at. It either goes up a tiny bit or down a tiny bit with the money.

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Computer decided to be super slow throughout the whole day but now it's running it's proper speed now. It'll probably be up sometime in the next 3-4 hours. Now what I'm going to do is probably this. 1 day I'll record/edit/upload and the next day, I'll choose 1 to 2 Pokemon to breed/EV train. This is prob how it's gonna be for the a good amount of days right now.

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The word 'totally' here is, uh, totally throwing me off. Maybe it has something to do with the DOT-heavy nature of her team? If I'm wrong, I'm just gonna grab a cookie of my own anyway... Oh, wait, it's because of Florinia's facade, isn't it?


I didn't exactly expect to have a 'new pokemon' section coming into this, but Cherry Pie Jr. seems to have other things in mind. They're shiny! I can't really say I'm a fan of closed!cherrim's shiny in this game, but open!cherrim typically display lighter hues, so I'm a bit curious on that front. ...Aaaand, loppuny's updated cry sounds like some forced wheezing. Ew. It just dawned on me that boundless energy isn't the only thing vigoroth has that it's evolutionary relatives lack- apparently it has a tail as well! Wonder what's up with that? And ooh, J-Awesome Jr. and ZEL Jr. (geez, that's a weird one 😅) are both looking much better than their predecessors!


Ah, Fern, Fern, Fern... It would seem you need a lesson on the Alignment System. We saved the Obsidia Ward on out own free will- we needed no help, nor a legitimate reward. We just did. That's some Grade A 'Good' type stuff! And you? Did you go into that factory just so you can hold the fact that you did over other peoples' heads and inflate your own ego? What's a person like that gonna know about what's 'Good enough' and what's not? Oh, and now your closing the gate 'to protect your pride'? My, oh my, if your strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins ain't clear for all to see! ...I'm calling hax on your roselia, though- the only way a budew could be happy enough around you to evolve is if it were masochistic! Is that going too far?


All the books in the school are a single 'great read'? Er, it looks like it'd take me at least one month to clear out that shelf over there, and I highly doubt that's the only shelf in this place...


Spoilers for later in the game, to those for whom this is their first journey:


Looking back at the diaries here after having suffered through Reshiram!E17, I have to wonder- is Flobot's entry referring to the emotions she's observed between Amaria and Titania, rather than her own? The only scorn I've ever seen her take herself has always been regarding her emotionless, mechanical facade rather than any emotion she portrayed in the past, and we can tell from Julia's entry that Amy isn't alright by this point in their lives, even if the newly-crowned Cheer Captain has no idea herself. And if that hadn't made it clear enough yet, Amaria's own diary outright confirms the emotional symptoms of someone trying to hide their depression from the outside world. It does hint at her relationship with Titania, but... it neither confirms it, or how toxic it is yet, so maybe that's not quite the reason for Flobot's entry either? HMm... 🤔


Titania's diary is still one of the goofiest things in the game, in my opinion!


The moment I saw the message that Florinia was about to send out a cottonee, I knew exactly what it's schtick was and had a pretty good guess on what it would become. One of the best plays I remember seeing involves a whimsicott using Prankster to get priority with Nature Power to bypass the Speed stat, and adding Z-Power to change into Twinkle Tackle- I'd imagine that's the sort of strategy Florinia would be interested in using, even though cottonee seems out of place with the rest of her team aesthetically! To be honest, I wasn't sure swapping J-Awesome into that was going to a good idea... but apparently you can Battle Style: Shift! switch while under the effects of Sand Tomb despite the fact that all other manners of switching should fail for non-Ghost Types? Weird, but certainly handy! Swapping Tater Tot into a cradily, on the other hand... I don't like cradily's new cry, either


In any case, it seems the Desert Rose has wilted and fallen! Maybe, just maybe, Flobot would've been more succesful if she had opted to use the Steel Magnolia fighting style instead? Who knows, and really, who cares- We've got the Canopy Badge now! Wait, Canopy? As in, rain forest Canopy? Why's a Badge like that in the possession of a desert-based Gym Leader?!


Current death count: 6 (unchanged from last time)



Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Onyx Acadamy's faith in Fern



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Haha. Omg. Dude. You're seriously so fucking good at like making up mini stories of some sort. I love it. You're 1 of the reasons I can't wait to get an episode up. xD But I wanted to get your opinion on something. I'm not sure why but when I 1st started this game, I always felt like Florinia had some kind of crush on Amaria. Is that true or did I just make that up in my head? o.O

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