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The Time Has Come! Our Pokemon Reborn Adventure!


What Do We Do In Our Adventure?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Police Officer Quest (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
    • Don't Find Them All Before Taka/ZEL Double Battle
  2. 2. Fern Cage Help(?) (NO MORE VOTING!)

  3. 3. Garchomp Battle (NO MORE VOTING!)

  4. 4. Yureyu Battle Choice (NO MORE VOTING!)

  5. 5. Which Group Do We Protect?! (NO MORE VOTING!)

  6. 6. Who Do We Trust? (NO MORE VOTING!)

  7. 7. A Diary Out In The Open (NO MORE VOTING!)

    • Read It And Admit To It
    • Read It And Lie
    • Don't Read It But Admit To It
    • Don't Read It And Tell The Truth
  8. 8. Taka's Problem (NO MORE VOTING!)

  9. 9. Amaria Gym Battle Situation (NO MORE VOTING!)

  10. 10. Remembering Bennett (?)

    • Right Answer
    • Wrong Answer
    • Admitting We Don't Remember
  11. 11. Blake And The Ring (NO MORE VOTING!)

  12. 12. Cal! (NO MORE VOTING!)

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Once more into the breach we go! What mysteries await us as we proceed to dismember yet another cyclopean vine monster?!


...Well, to begin with, I kinda expected stuffle to evolve a little later than that. Something like Lv.32 or something. Whoops? It looks Like Grape Jelly Jr. has no tricks up her non-existent sleeve that the first one had, so that's simply a matter of stats, and... Wheel knows Earth Power already?! Again, I expected that to come online a little later- that'll make one of the upcoming bosses so much easier, for sure!


*And so Ribbon thusly learned why nuzleaf are known as the Wily Pokemon.* 

...I'm not really sure what they were actually trying to accomplish, especially since I don't think it's ever touched upon later on, but Fern getting his kicks out of it is right on character, so... that's something? Not a remotely good something, but something nonetheless. In any case, Taka's truly living up to the title you gave him last episode by getting us out of what would otherwise have been a self-imposed stoflock, so there is some good to come out of the situation~!


Situations that aren't so good, however, include the myrad toppled over buildings, and the dead Police Officer. Wait, that means we aren't actually able to save all five! Mission failed! I repeat, mission failed!


Interesting thing to note is that Taka and Zel have totally different responses to having to face us again, which really just shows how foiled they are to each other. zEl and zeL, on the other hand, don't really contrast too hard with Taka, especially the latter case... Though, to be perfectly frank, I'm not sure what the point in swapping espeon out for umbreon was- the next attack in that slot was clearly telegraphed and Super Effective against both pokemon... 🤔 Regardless, it was another easy victory for Team Ribbon, and those oughta be cherished while they're still around~!


And with the old faces out of the way, it all comes down to the guy who stood up to a salamence to get their just desserts. For you see, while we may be "an alley cat parading as a tiger", to use their own words, that still means that we're an alley cat- and most successful alley cats are never, ever alone in their endeavors! That said, the culprit being Salamence Girl's father does explain a few things, like why he opened up the confrontation with lectures... Regardless, even without her aggravatingly self-centered resistance, 1 vs. 6 are not exactly favorable battle conditions. His attempt at shaking the Chief's faith in the League is a bit interesting, though- the implications are indeed vile, but he never really confirms or denies anything either. Curious, just like the disappearing act he pulls...


Number of Officers Saved: 4/5, plus a sad pupper


Current Death Toll: 7



Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Beryl Library's Officer



Major Decisions Made: 1


Rescue the Officers


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Hey everyone! So I have an announcement to make and it's... Idk. It can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. As many of you know, I'm also doing a couple written stories as well as a Reaction Run of Full Moon. And I feel bad that I'm kind of like ignoring them. So I decided that after every 3 badges I get, I'm gonna take a week off and do as many episodes of My Awesome Pokemon Adventure/James Is Blasting Off To Reborn and the Reaction Run. But then once the week is up, I resume. I think that's fair. Just thought I'd tell you all. 🙂 Btw, still breeding and EV training today so I'm hoping for an episode for sometime tomorrow, most likely at night.

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Is this 3 Badges specifically, or three Gym Battles? That's a pretty massive distinction with this game never mind the lack of anything that's required between Never After and the scuffle in the Fiore Mansion's pool!


But yeah, I feel like that's fair- the other projects are a fair bit older, and have their own fan followings to worry about. One can't keep everyone happy, mayhaps, but you can try somewhat please as many folks as possible regardless~!

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6 minutes ago, Angelkitsune said:

No problem (。・∀・)ノI think this is a good idea I still don't know how you manage to have these written run,reaction run and playthroughs at the same time `(*>﹏<*)′

good to know that your're taking a break GAMBATE!!! (ง •▽•)ง

Because I like to give myself way too many things to do. XD Actually, depending on whenever the sprites get done, I'll be doing another Reborn Written story and possibly a Rejuv Written story (but there deff will be a playthrough of it) So that means I'll be doing 6 things when that happens. XD


5 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Is this 3 Badges specifically, or three Gym Battles? That's a pretty massive distinction with this game never mind the lack of anything that's required between Never After and the scuffle in the Fiore Mansion's pool!


But yeah, I feel like that's fair- the other projects are a fair bit older, and have their own fan followings to worry about. One can't keep everyone happy, mayhaps, but you can try somewhat please as many folks as possible regardless~!

3 badges. So after Shelly. And yea. Plus, I have some good ideas for the "My Awesome Pokemon Adventure" (unfortunately most of them take place to when you go back top the circus to confront Terra) so I wanna get there as soon as possible. Plus, I'm almost done with Season 1 of my Pokemon Full Moon Reaction Run.

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Pardon the lateness here- the video dropped while I was sleep, and then slept through my alarm somehow... R.I.P. sleep schedule, amirite?


Aaagh! Dear heavens, why'd you have to go and make bewear aesthetically even worse?! Dayo, on the other hand, has an IV spread that screams 'lemme spam Close Combat!', so uh... glass cannon pupper's a glass cannon. Fair enough. Not quite sure what to make of the dark purple Mystery Egg, though- I don't beieve that deino was one of the options. In any case, it's pretty clear by now that it isn't one of the team entries (otherwise you would've marked the video post with a second name), so whatever, I guess. 🤷‍♀️


Police Chief at the end of the last episode: "This is obviously a trap, but we're going after him anyway!"
Police Chief at the start of this episode: "Things have taken a turn for the worse!"

Gee! I wonder why that happened! *#BlatantSarcasm*

Really, though, trying to corner a Poison Gym Leader who's part of a clearly technologically advanced organization in his own home base wasn't exactly the greatest of ideas. Evidently, we showed up just late enough to be okay, but still...

Spoilers for later in the game, to those whom have this as their first journey:


Assuming, of course, that the gas had somehow already dissipated completely (which is doubtful, given those particular sets of physics) and this whole sequence isn't foreshadowing for our resistance to the soporific waves in Agate and the Glass Workstation later on down the line as a result.



Though once again, I find myself wondering what was supposed to be difficult with thus version of the battle with Corey. I beat him on my first try, you seem to have beaten him first try... I mean, you practically swept through half his team with only one pokemon, and the other three that participated all got a KO in as well! My guess is that you would've let Azalea in on the fun if she weren't higher leveled than the rest of the party when you went into it- he really wouldn't have stood a chance if you didn't have that handycap! I hadn't realized that Corrosive Mist's buff to Venom Drench allowed it to strike through Poison immunities, though- that was kinda neat to see i action even if it did come out too lat to be useful.


...And it took me until writing the above section to realize that Corey's name stems from 'corrosion'. Welp.


Yeeg, I forgot that the absol showed up here. If Corey's words hadn't given you the hint on what he plans on doing yet, remembering what happened the last time that thing showed up should do the trick... 


You know, I've always felt bad for Corey's crobat. Johto's addition to the most annoying line in Gen. 1 was quite the touching one, and seeing Silver's golbat finally evolve before the last battle against him was one of my favorite bits of team-based characterization in the main series. Moreso than any other pokemon (except silvally, nowadays), a trainer's relationship with crobat is based off of trust- and Corey just tactlessly broke that trust. Sure, it made sense for him to release his pokemon before what he did, but... that was way too harsh, in my eyes...

Minor Spoilers, But Spoilers Nonetheless:


Oh, that's why there were a bunch of random Pokeballs just lying around in the Tormaline Desert! Now I feel bad about wasting them on a stubborn krookodile... 😓


Fern, you're a godsdamned jerkwad. This is why nobody likes you!


Hmm, still not sure who this Savage is, to be honest. At least, he hasn't shown up in person where I currently am in the story... Regardless, that was a spot more insight into the background of Reborn than Terra's interview was!


...And, how I didn't see that cliffhanger coming, I'll never know. 


Current Death Toll: 8



Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Beryl Library's Officer

Corey Molinar



Major Decisions Made: 1


Rescue the Officers


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...Why didn't I think that it'd be a gastly? I knew those were a possibility for what's in the egg, too! 


Spoilery response to above speculation:


Blake and Sirius don't have any Friendship evolutions- it's literally just Fern (a thorough douche) and Corey (a fellow is far too jaded for his own good, and implied to have been at least a decent human being prior to the issues he ran into regarding the Ruby Ring). Whether or not Dr. Connal counts depends on what stage his raichu was in when he obtained it.


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Monokuma?! Kill it! Kill it with fire! Joking aside, Fern's attitude towards Corey's suicide was the moment that I went from oh this guy is one of the jerk rivals to actively hating the guy. Say what you want about Silver or Blue but at least they weren't a total scumbag like Fern. 

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So I think I'm gonna take the next couple of days to breed the Pokemon I haven't bred yet and get those up to par so I can just smash out some more episodes... Which weirdly is only gonna be about 2 because the next episode I plan on doing the cave and orphanage and then the next episode will be the Gym Battle with Shelly and you all know what happens after the 3rd Gym Battle. 1 week off.

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Damn. I know it's been a couple of days but I'm like half way done with ev training. The only ones that are giving me trouble are Special Attack and Special Defense and only because I need to have the Thursday dude at the Grand Hall AND need to switch train. Ugh. Hopefully, I can get a video out by Friday.

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*Looks at title* ...Magma gang baby? I figured that Reborn's teen resource center probably isn't in the greatest condition right now, but isn't that taking things a bit too far? 🤔


Well, now that we have our weirdo flower toad thingiemabobber, it seems that we also have a first fully-evolved 3 stager! If that ain't a sign of forward progress, I'm not quite sure what is! Dayo Jr. is looking like they have a bit more Sp. Def. than their parent, IV-wise, but doesn't seem to be much different beyond that? And was that friggin' Energy Ball I spotted on Neco already? Oof, talk about getting out the big guns ahead of schedule! And once again, a numel's evolution manages to catch me by surprise. Even after using the camel several times myself, I still manage to overestimate its evolution level...


...I'd imagine that I'd find it a bit hard to breathe when standing next to a corpse that's been lying there for a couple days, too... >_>; This joke is bad, and I feel bad for telling it


Summary of the Lapis situation: Team Meteor offed Heather's father (technically, that's not wrong...), a sunkern blew up the Grand Stairwell (I wonder if that has anything to do with why they don't seem to actually exist in Reborn? 🤔), and Shade is surprisingly good at street cleaning (seriously, where'd all the blood go?!). This is certainly a bizarre combination of circumstances, no?


Goodness, I had forgotten about how restrictive the Grand Stairwell was before you had more TMX's at your disposal. Cut ain't exactly cutting it with all these boulders, ya know? 


"Did you, as a citizen of this city, have any inkling of this place beneath it?" Uh, look dude, I've only been here for a couple weeks at most. I don't even know where the nearest McDonald's is yet!

"And do you know, trainer, what lies beyond this gate?" Oh, please don't tell me that's the Burger King. I knew the clown was cut-throat behind his cheery facade, but sealing royalty away beneath a failing dystopia seems a tad overkill!

...And, it seems this fast food joke has hit the end of the road- I don't know of any that use purple as one of their colors. Like, I've got red (Wendy's, Arby's, McDonald's), blue (Burger King), and green (SubWay), but there's only so far one can go before the police decide to end their Dunkin' Donuts break and pull you over... 😅 

Spoilers, for those whom this is their first journey:


For some reason, I thought this was where the meteor reveal happened- I was really looking forward to saying that this was an awfully inconvenient place for rayquaza's private restaurant, dangit! Ah, well, guess I'll have to think of something else for the Citae d'Astrae...


...Yeeg, talk about a rocky start to the Aster+Eclipse battle (pun actually not intended). All those Flinch!hax would've been bad enough, but the fact that the solrock nabbed the Fire charge twice in a row while ZEL was out made things just that much worse! And then the lunatone got the Psychic charge against Victoria's pancham as well? What kind of shenaniganry is this?! Thankfully, it wasn't enough to actually take you out, but... dang. That fight should not have been as close as it was!


You know, when your first two times bothering to pass closely by an orphanage include someone trying to skeddadle out of there like their lives depended on it, that kinda gives away that something ain't quite right with the place. Having the next person we meet be Anna, who's clearly out of it despite this also being a psychiatric ward, really doesn't help the situation in the slightest...


What could possibly be more 'Magma' than a camerupt? Wait, why does everyone else have houndour...? Er, I think there might've been a slight bit of miscommunication...


Current Death Toll: 8 (Unchanged from last time)



Kuro Lengile

Alice Winthrop

Lucia Anahera

Ari Allaway


Peridot NPC's Fiance

Beryl Library's Officer

Corey Molinar

The Aqua Gang's hopes and dreams



Major Decisions Made: 2



Rescued the Officers

Joined the Magma Gang



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