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How do you handle HM's in Reborn?


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title says all. do you guys integrate HM users to your actual in-game team, or do you use an HM slave?


what's your favorite pokemon to use for HMs if you actually keep them in your team? especially fly users?

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I usually use non-team members for HMs not named Surf (or Fly in the main games- I wouldn't do that in harsher games like Reborn and Rejuv). This did result in me playing through my most recent Diamond run without two of my team members, but them's the breaks sometimes.


Addendum: I nearly forgot that I had my chesnaught alternate between Strength and Rock Smash for a large part of the game since he had a "free" move slot and they can be overwritten in this game anyway. I finally settled down when I got the TM for Brick Break (finally giving the guy some Fighting STAB), but Strength did come in handy against a few more Gym Battles than I initially anticipated.

Edited by Autumn Zephyr
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Outside of Surf, usually no.  Of course, having Greninja makes him a temporary HM slave since most of the moves I have on him are TM moves anyway and can be relearned after the obstacle is out the way.  I have a random Shiny Farfetched as my Fly'er, kept in the PC most of the time.

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Personally I find that it's best to have a team member that has a TM on it's moveset so that whenever I need an HM I can just quickly replace it and then once I'm done I put back the TM move. It can be cumbersome, but I'd say it's definitely worth it to not have to deal with losing team slots because HM slaves. It is a bit restrictive since I need to carry a team with pokemon that not only have a TM on their moveset but can also learn all the HMs, but again, definitely worth it.

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I use a Sharpedo. It comes pretty handy, and since you don't need move deleter to remove HMs, you can fill the other 3 slots with whatever you'd normally want a sharpedo to have. You can even delete surf while you're surfing lmao. It can't learn fly and flash though, but flash isn't needed to progress and I use Aerodactyl to fly since TM earthquake is still unavailable.
Also having a Mega Sharpedo as an HM slave is pretty rad if you think about it lol

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Guest Relinquished

It excites me, *using* HM-slaves, yumm!


I always carry the event Zigzagoon on me (which i even reset the game if it is that nasty Pachirisu instead), because *utility*! Cut, Headbutt, Rock Smash and Water move.


Then, my Dewgong! Rest Water moves, Brine and Ice Beam, works well.


Donphan, Sturdy, is my joy and pride. Remarkable bulk and endurance, Scary Face (great to cripple bosses), Earthquake, STRENGTH which is really useful in certain fields too (like Kiki's and Radomus', plus hits hard anyway) and used to run Swagger too, but post nerf (of confusion mechanisms), i will trade it for Knock Off, instead.


I run Flash temporarily (few areas need it, anyway), on my event Manectric. Then, i forget that move even exists, lol. Used to give it to Cacnea, in episode 16, but now it has been pushed back, much later into the game.


Other field moves, like Sweet Scent, i rarely bother with, since any weather other than clear, renders it useless. I don't favor Dig much, either, ever since it stopped dropping you off at poke-centers. Likewise, Teleport, since it used to be glitched in episode 16 and all that.


And that's all. Reborn and fields SCREAM for you, to use HM-slaves! On the correct pokemon and in the correct field, they can really do a number! Guaranteed! Hell, i cannot even imagine, my Reborn life, without furry slaves!

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