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I need help with the second battle of .......... what pokemon do you suggest to add for my current team within the restricted area?


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I started playing Reborn a few days ago, and I'm stuck with defeating Solaris.

My current team is Level 72 Blaziken, Level 74 Sharpedo, Level 64 Vulpix.

Is there any pokemon someone can suggest for me to add to my team to defeat Solaris?


Blaziken Moveset: Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Blaze Kick, High Jump Kick.    Speed Boost, Adamant

Vulpix Moveset: BLizzard, Aurora Veil, Sheer Cold, Captivate.           Snow Warning, Hasty.

Sharpedo Moveset: Posion Fang, Crunch, Waterfall, Destiny Bond.  Speed Boost, Impish.

Edited by 48masterplay
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Grab the ice stone in Ametrine Mountain to evolve Vulpix into Ninetails to start off. Solaris’s team does poorly against Ice types. You could also probably grab Sneasel from the mountain as well. What else do you have available. Just relying on Blazikem will not work.

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well. i have consider finding the ice stone, but i have no clue on the exact location of the ice stone so i attempted blindly within 30 mins... and no luck on finding that ice stone. also i use a graveler with sturdy  to slow down with sturdy to help outspeed pokemon finishes off my main hitters. i have a few pokemon within my storage as well.

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The easiest way is to get a focus sash (it's in the cave under the grand staircase) and use Curse on Garchomp with Banette. You can find Shuppet at the Beryl Cemetery. It's an event pokemon found by interracting with the tombstone that reads "it's too mangle too read" or something like that.
Solaris will use a couple full restores, so make sure you have enough revives to stall him,

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8 minutes ago, 48masterplay said:

what ship? I don't recall any ships at anywhere at the circus nor route 2,3,4.....

oooh sorry i thought you were at pyrous mountain. Yeah you should definitely get an Ice stone. And probably some more mons in general. It's impossible to beat Reborn with 3 mons, and the rest being fodder.

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Not sure what mons are available around agate, sorry. Maybe a Kingdra? you can fish for horsea, and the chance they hold a dragon scale increases if you have a pokemon with compoundeyes first in your party.
EDIT: Also I checked and it turns out ice stone, isn't available once one gets to agate. 😕 I'll see what other pokemon are available

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9 minutes ago, 48masterplay said:

I don't have any rods. welp. no kingdra. or fishing in general.


Well then, the evolutionary lines for rufflet (route 2, rare encounter only in the morning), Rockruff (route 2), Crustle (wake up a crustle from route 2 with rage powder), and spheal (ametrine) might be useful

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13 hours ago, 48masterplay said:

i would say the spheal is good, but those other two isn't gonna help as much. Still accepting more tips cause training that ice fox to outspeed the chomp or otherwise....

Lycanroc and a sturdy Crustle with one Shell smash can do very well against Gyarados and Mandibuzz and Toucanon, as well hit neutrally the Orderly's Eelektross. Torterra as another commenter suggested, or your Seismitoad (why not both?) will be very good against excadrill and magnezone. And since you currently can't evolve A-Vulpix, I'd say replace it with any other fully-evolved pokemon. I think you can get turtwig by solving the dive puzzle in agate once, and then once again.
EDIT: Regenarator Mienshao with U-turn and Cleffable if you have a moonstone, are also viable options

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used a trick room team with my Slowbro.

My Bold max def. max hp Bro tanks a +2 EQ from mega Garchomp so that thing is always checked.

And at the beginning I just set up trickroom and just hit hard with Amplified Rock-Reuniclus, LO-SF-conkeldurr, Amplified Rock-slowbro, Curse-Gyro ball-Ferrothorn, SD-aegislash, and SD-Escavalier.

It was pretty easy for my iirc.

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