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Discussion about Episode 19 pokemon potential locations


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As we all know in episode 18 every pokemon that is not legendary or mythical is available for capture.Now that episode 18 is done i would like to analyse  potential locations of legendaries and new pokemon(that cant be caught in the wild) that may be added in areas such as victory road and labradora area.i my opinion these will be the episode 19 new pokemon locations


1.Newly obtainable pokemon in the wild

Nidoqueen,Nidoking,Machamp,Golem,Toxicroak,Rhyperior-these pokemon scream victory road to me and strongly believe they will be there.

Would like Weavile,Mamoswine,Scolipede and the trio of Jynx Electabuzz and Magmar to be added there but i doubt it.

Some new pokemon i think will be added near the mountain area:Hitmonlee,Hitmonchan,Hitmontop,Mienshao,Medicham,Gallade(because they like to train).I think poliwrath will be on surf area either victory road or surrounded area along with starmie.Victreebel,Exeggutor(kanto),Simisage,Bellossom,Ludicolo,Breloom,Roserade and Tsareena i think will be added in Azurine because many scientists hinted they were going to introduce new species.Dont know if the wasteland will be restored.If it is we can expect many new pokemon there.If not i think Salazzle would be nice addition.

If we gain entry in the Citae Astrae i expect pokemon like Alakazam,Porygon2(maybe even Z),Wobbuffet,Gothitelle,Gardevoir,Reuniclus,Beheeyem,Malamar to be there(not all but some). Something that bugged me in this episode when i found trevenant in route 4 is why Gourgeist isnt available in the wild in beryl cemetery,because they are like counterparts.Also the same think happens with Slurpuff as i think it should have been added in the fairytale area.


2.Potential locations for legendary pokemon.

In the episodes when the X-doors were a thing it was a common belief that they would lead to legendaries.Then they were axed but i still think the legendaries will be near those areas.So lest begin:

GEN1   Articuno-top of Ametrine mountain.Zapdos-in the Shade powerplant.Moltres-on the top of pyrous mountain.Mew and Mewtwo-glich world is a must for these two.


GEN2   Suicune-Citrine mountain.Entei-inside Pyrous Mountain.Raikou-logic tells powerplant due to typing but would like rhodochrine jungle due to being a tiger.Lugia-underwater azurine area. Ho-oh on the top of Teknite Range and Celebi-Malchous Forest.


GEN3   Regice-Citrine mountain.Registeel-Scrapyard.Regirock-Tanzan Mountain.Latias&Latios-not sure but think that that Chrysolia Region would be nice for them.Groudon-The desert. Kyogre-underwater Ametrine area.Rayquaza-Charous Mountain where the wind blows strong.Jirachi&Deoxys-something related to Starlight field effect because they are from space.


GEN4   Uxie,Mesprit&Azelf-in lakes Azurine,Desert Oasis and Iolia Valley maybe?(mystery dungeon reference)Dialga,Palkia,Giratina&Arceus-something in Grand Stairway that has to do with space time and otherworld maybe? and Arceus that comes after we catch them?Cresselia-Citae Astrae.Darkrai-in Iolia valley dark cave.Heatran-Apophyll Cave.Manaphy-Azurine Lake near the island.Regigigas-locked chamber in Tanzan when whe bring the other 3 regis?Shaymin-maybe in the wasteland when it helps with the restoration


GEN5    Victini-Victory Road(because its the victory pokemon).Reshiram&Zekrom-in the castle area when we fought them.Kyurem-Somewhere in Celestine mountain.Cobalion-Beryl cave Terrakion-route 2,Virizion-Adventurine Woods.Landorus-Desert.Thundurus&Tornadous-Teknite Range mountain area fighting each other.Keldeo-Training in route 3 near the caves Meloetta-Radomus Castle. Genesect-Team meteor Secret lab


GEN6    Xerneas-in the fairytale alongsive Yveltal fightng.Zygarde-Sugiline cave.Diance-Iolia Valley.Hoopa-7th streed inside the lamp sold to us by some illegal vendor.Volcanion-in the bottom part of the pyrous mountain where the lava is located


GEN7   The Tapus-each in a region of reborn as guardian(Fini in apophyll,Bulu in chrysolia,Lele in reborn city and Koko in Agate area)Would be great as chase events.Solgaleo&Lunala-in the hidden dimension that we were in ep18 alongside Necrozma.Magearna is a must in the renovated railnet.Marshadow as the boss of Apophyll academy sent to us by Kiki as a final test of strength.Zeraora-Chase in the desert and fight in the powerplant.

As for the UB i think we may encounter them in the hidden dimension and then they scatter everywhere in reborn:

Nihilego-Water Treatment Center.Buzzwole-Azurine Island.Pheromosa-Route 1.Xurkitree-powerplant.Guzzlord-Desert.Celesteela-Route 4 mountain area.Kartana-Chrysolia Forest Stakataka-Railnet and finally Blacephalon-Agate Circus


What do you guys think about my analysis?where do you think these pokemon will be?Episode 19 will surely have a lot of content and i predict it is going to be awesome.please let me know what you think.


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The areas make a lot of sense for each one. The only this is that Arceus is in Citae Astrae isn't it? That's what El tells us when we fight him there or is that just the meteor that Arceus came down to earth in? And if it is both of them, your location would make sense if Team Meteor got their hands on it and moved it somewhere else. Either way, it looks good.

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On a much older post I had found, Ame said that Reborn borders Orre.An NPC at the train station if I recall correctly, or the grand hall says that there are plans for the train to go to the Orre Region, after Byxbysion is cleaned, although I don't know If it's just a reference, not meant to ever happen. If it does though, I'm sure some legendaries will be there, at least HO-Oh and Lugia. It would feel kinda weird and crowded if all legendaries could be found in  the Reborn region.
I'm also expecting wormholes usum style. Not sure If ithat counts as a location.
As for Legendaries that could actually be found in the reborn region, I guess Celebi or Dialga could be found in Citae D'astrae since it messes up time. I'm only wondering what legendary  could be at the dive spot where we followed Lin

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One of my reactions upon ready Iolia Valley's Field Effect Readout (Dark Crystal Cavern) was "oh, so this is where necrozma will be", though that was without taking the expansion on its extraterrestrial nature in USUM into account. While the devourer of light may not be in Iolia Valley specifically (on account of being in the OP's extradimensional realm), it's almost certainly going to be fought in that Field- Prism Armor, Prismatic Laser, Photon Geyser, and Power Gem all get buffed by it (as does Moongeist Beam, but I doubt we'd be fighting it in Dawn Wings mode), so it'd be a bit of a waste otherwise!


I'm not too sure I agree with landorus just being in the desert randomly, though. He isn't just some earthy looking jaguar thing with an odd cloud motif- he's a fertility deity. And what are deserts known for? Their infertility! If he is in the desert area, he'd specifically be in a spot with plenty of greenery- perhaps even in one of the mirages, since we know those have a divine touch to them already.


If Agate City really is related to Orre's Agate Village somehow, celebi's more likely to be there, methinks. Agate Village- its Relic Stone especially- is one of the only two locations that are specifically tied to the time travelling onion fairy (unless the Ranger games had something?), and we're pretty much guaranteed not to see Ilex Forest in this game.

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9 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

One of my reactions upon ready Iolia Valley's Field Effect Readout (Dark Crystal Cavern) was "oh, so this is where necrozma will be", though that was without taking the expansion on its extraterrestrial nature in USUM into account. While the devourer of light may not be in Iolia Valley specifically (on account of being in the OP's extradimensional realm), it's almost certainly going to be fought in that Field- Prism Armor, Prismatic Laser, Photon Geyser, and Power Gem all get buffed by it (as does Moongeist Beam, but I doubt we'd be fighting it in Dawn Wings mode), so it'd be a bit of a waste otherwise!


I'm not too sure I agree with landorus just being in the desert randomly, though. He isn't just some earthy looking jaguar thing with an odd cloud motif- he's a fertility deity. And what are deserts known for? Their infertility! If he is in the desert area, he'd specifically be in a spot with plenty of greenery- perhaps even in one of the mirages, since we know those have a divine touch to them already.


If Agate City really is related to Orre's Agate Village somehow, celebi's more likely to be there, methinks. Agate Village- its Relic Stone especially- is one of the only two locations that are specifically tied to the time travelling onion fairy (unless the Ranger games had something?), and we're pretty much guaranteed not to see Ilex Forest in this game.

It's not the same Agate, but the synonimity is what prompted Ame to place Reborn next to Orre

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4 hours ago, Bessi said:


According to in-game legends Giratina is somewhere in the south. It turned the whole region topsy turvy at some point in the past before settling down somewhere and vanishing.

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13 hours ago, Azeria said:

Nope, same Agate City. Game confirms it.

How so? I'm genuinely interested, In the thread I found, at first Ame went with Reborn's Agate, is the same with Orre's but then on later post in the same thread, she said that she mixed up Spinel and Agate, so I guess that idea was scrapped. I may have interpreted it wrong though. Can you point me to where in the game it's suggested that they're the same Agate?
EDIT: they certainly look alike, which i hadn't seen before. I see your point, but I'd still be interested for in-game references

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i know the things about necrozma but it looked to me as it would be related with solgaleo and lunala because of USUM.I would be more than happy if Ame randomly puts some of these pokemon in the places i predicted.My biggest wishes for the legendary events would be only these 3

for the lake trio of uxie mesprit and azelf to be located in and hot spring(volcano),desert and crystal cave area because i enjoyed mystery dungeon to the maximum and i think they were one of the best pokemon games ever made.

Also mew and mewtwo in glitch field due to gen 1 nostalgia.does anyone still remember the mew glitch in gen 1?or it would be awesome if Ame makes it available inside the famous truck.

And the last the hoopa event that i want to be available in 7street due to lamps being sold in street markets like in ancient times.

One can only dream!Have been playing since ep1 and registered in the forums since ep8.Its has been a long time!!!

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