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How Attack on Titan will End Predictions (Potential Manga Spoilers)


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This is kinda my first time posting about manga on these forums, so I don't how much AOT manga fans are out here, but nonetheless I like to share some of my ideas that I feel strongly about, particularly how this amazing story may come crashing down.   


Warning! You should be up to date with the manga before you read this! But don't worry I'll probably talk about the new anime episodes soon





Well I'm just gonna put it short; Eren will probably use the coordinate titans power to destroy the rest of the world. People having been theorizing this type of ending for awhile now, but with each chapter the possibly is getting more likely. Here are some reasons why;


  • All solutions of peace are out the window (poor Armin and has his plan 😞 ). As we've learned from the recent chapter 108 that paradis is out of options. Other countries refuse to trade with them because they're "monsters", and it's clear nation of Hizaru is mostly in it for themselves (that women f**king drooled at the thought of obtaining paradis resources). There's no way paradis is coming out of this without either; forcing Historia to have kids and eat Zeke, or partake in the 'rumbling'. (In my opinion I think they have to do both). Or, they get rid of their enemies completely; which gets me to the individual that has the power to do so...


  • Let's just face it.. Eren is crazy. It's amazing that little naive Eren who looked at the world which such a black and white lens (with the "I mUsT kIlL aLl TiTaNs"), has now become such a morally ambiguous character as shown in well... all of the marley arc; especially with that fact he single handily kill thousands of people around the world, including children and initiate war like it was nothing. Another big red flag, is the ocean scene before the marley arc; a scene that was meant to be a meaningful moment with happy showing of the survey corps achievements (killing all the titans and taking back their freedom), and as well  Armin's dream finally being fulfilled; but Eren (our main character) couldn't even muster a smile or an ounce of satisfactions (And this deep considering that they were just a few years away believing that they'll never escape the walls, hell they weren't even sure that the ocean existed!). But Eren was too busy starring off into distance, thinking about how they'll never be free until their enemies across the ocean are eliminated. Eren's mentality switched to 'I'm must kill all the bad guys' to 'I must push forward and do whatever it takes to make sure who I love, and I, survived in this cruel world'. But how is the island of paradis going survive with the whole world at their throats? One of the plans is to use the 'rumbling' to detour all possible attacks, but why just not flatten them all out? It's clear by chapter 108, that the rest of world never see the elidans as normal people, and no peaceful resolution is possible. It's a strong possibility that mass murdering Eren will hit two birds with one stone destroy the rest of the world, assuring that no one will be threaten their freedom again...


A summarized way for this to play out is that Eren will turn into a major anti hero, as his true intentions become discovered and he tries to meet up with Zeke, but everyone tries to stop it including Marley and Armin, Mikasa (yes Mikasa may turn on Eren) and the rest of the survey corps. A huge titan battle will ensue with all of the titans shifters as the fate of the world is being determined, but Eren wins cause he's OP, and the rest of the world is savage. 

I don't like the thought of the whole world being destroyed, kinda like Armin but the story leading up to it will be heated, and I rooting for the Paradis. Either way it might be a sad, satisfying ending to the story. 


  • Also this isn't reason why this theory is plausible, it's just a interesting provision that if this prediction is true, wouldn't not it be ironic that we begun the story thinking that our 'heros' are the only ones remaining on earth, only to be mind f**ked in the plot twist that, that wasn't the case, and then to have the story end in the same circumstance as the beginning? It's just a funny thought..




But anyway I rambled for too long, with probably too many grammatical errors... But I hope you enjoyed my prediction, so tell me what you think? What do think about how's gonna end and what do predict for chapter 109?



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I don't really have any predictions on what's gonna happen, I'm kinda just holding on for the ride. this definitely seems like a plausible outcome though, and eren definitely isn't on a happy path right now. 

Mikasa's absolute conviction to stand with Eren seems to be starting to conflict with her disagreeing with his choices, so this definitely seems like it'll become a big point of contention. 

This story loves its plot twists though, so I could realistically see something like titan power being destroyed completely, or something happening with the 'demon of the earth' that gave the power to ymir in the first place

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