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Zekrom/Reshiram Path - More splits??? - Theory


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I think this needs spoiler tag things..so if you have not played ep 18 yet, or you don't wanna..well read uhm...er what I think, welp

This is what I think of the Reshiram/Zekrom split thing, but I could be 100% wrong.

I think i am allowed to post this?

But before I do, let me thank Ame for making this game. The guantlet battles killed me btw


I think that person that says something along the lines who is you real ally thing..I swear it's Amethyst? I felt scared....

OK, we all know there is a Reshiram and a Zekrom path right?

And in the Reshiram path, Taka dies

But I believe there is another split after you choose to battle Taka or not.

If you guys want to see one path of the Reshiram route, please watch Lord Wallace's great video - 


I can do this..right? If I can't..I apologize in advance

So we go to around 43 minutes into the video, we can see that when the trainer speaks to Anna, she talks about the guy with the broken wing, presumably Taka? But she then she says "No, I can fix it -- We can still fix it"

Probably meaning he gets revived? That I will never know...

But, here I am, on my ghost run, Reshiram path but.. well she says something different

Spam images

1. https://imgur.com/IwD9ZaM

2. https://imgur.com/jmzK5Mj

3. https://imgur.com/IrcjQHm

4. https://imgur.com/HzDNdZz

5. https://imgur.com/FrqiHaM

6. https://imgur.com/81F26yz

7. https://imgur.com/dRD5MIV

8. https://imgur.com/VS1dP5w

9. https://imgur.com/5byjYrr

Then she says she is going back to sleep

It's very different, how Anna responds. She doesn't seem optimistic, and she's apologizing....way too much.

Anna responds the same way as the video for my other run, I'm actually not sure what I did that divided the path even more.

Anyway, in 2:14:34 of Wallace's video, we can see two meteor grunts/the holy ones I dunno on either side of the stairs, to battle a double battle before you go against Solaris

I vaguely remember only having to fight one, on my other Reshiram path file.

But, since Wallace's video ends after the gym battle, I don't get to see Anna and Noel's reaction reunite with their father.

Since on my other file, Anna is pretty happy to see Radomus, while Noel goes to a corner by himself.

Anyone can help to see if it's different on different paths?

To conclude, I kinda believe that in the Reshiram route, the path will diverge, and I guess one of them will have a happier ending? While the other one ends up crap. If the characters start hating the main character in one path I think I might have fallen into it. 

Reshiram/Zekrom Path Differences 

I've never played the Zekrom path, but I have watched videos, so I guess I'll list out a few of the differences? (I dunt know much if you guys might cover up some more, that would be appreciated - but you dont need

-When we come back to Calcenon, after all that annoying Gauntlet Battles, I think in the Zekrom path Serra is there, and talks a bit, and later helps you with the Meteor thing on Agate City.

-In Reshiram, it's Titania who talks to you, with Hardy sleeping on the couch. 

In the Reshiram route, I do believe Radomus tells you how he got his wealth, by selling the jewellery/keys..?

I don't think that appears in Zekrom

I dunno, the whole Zekrom route, which I've watched on Youtube seems like a false hope? In a kind of way that everyone is pretending everything is fine? The ideal world?

Even Florinia responds, i guess in a nicer way in Calcenon after the Glass Factory to help Agate City. I dunno she seemed nicer, friendlier, warmer perhaps??

With other differences, uhm in Zekrom route Taka has his birb that destroys teams peck Solaris? That was hilarious tho..

I guess in the Zekrom route, we mend the broken pieces? While in Reshiram, I'm guessing, one path allows the other characters to accept the truth in a nicer way, while the other path is more, dark?????

Well if i noticed two different dialogue, maybe there is two for Zekrom route?

OR this whole thing could be just a prank and nothing to theorize about.


ANyone else noticed it? Or is this even legal to be posted yet?

Halp me




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Reshiram/Zekrom path split is based on the water treatment decision with battling taka. as of E18, Zekrom is feeling like the better path to me. I don't think they'll properly split further 


Anna's dialogue being hopeful/sad in the glass factory is determined by whether or not you beat Solaris' garchomp on pyrous mountain at apophyll. 

Anna/Noel/Radomus interraction is the same across all paths I think


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8 minutes ago, Tacos said:
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The split you see in Reshiram path is determined by whether or not you’ve defeated Solaris’ Garchomp on Pyrous Mountain.



Ah, thank you

Welp, don't you think there may be slight changes in story though?


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The greatest likelihood currently is that there are certain factors that will contribute towards the "true ending" and these all end up having a switch for something called "Anna Smiles."  These include:

  • Exposing Corey by rescuing all the police officers
  • Defeating Solaris on Pyrous Mountain
  • Saphira being abducted at Tanzan
  • Refusing to give Blake the Ruby Ring (which currently affects whether or not Samson or Ciel is voided)
  • Refusing to battle Taka at the WTC

There might be one or two that I'm missing, but so far, it seems as if these outcomes result in what should lead to the "true ending."


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