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Anybody else think hard level caps are better than soft level caps in every way?


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A hard level cap is what is in Rejuvenation, where until you get a new badge you won't gain any more experience once you've reached a certain level. For example, you won't be able to raise the levels of any of your pokemon past level 20 until you earn the first badge. You can still gain EV's. If you have an experience all, other pokemon who haven't reached the level cap can still gain experience from that. You can still raise your pokemon's level past the cap through rare candies and the daycare center. You just can't raise your pokemon's level past the cap through battle-earned experience.


A soft level cap is what is in Reborn. This is where you can raise your pokemon's level however high you want (up to whatever the maximum level is...usually 100) and they just cease obeying commands after they've passed the soft level cap, until you get a new badge. 


Many pokemon games have a soft level cap for traded pokemon. However, that doesn't affect things much, given that it's just for traded ones. 


In both Rejuvenation and Reborn the level caps begin at level 20 and each badge only raises it by five more levels.


The great thing about level caps is that they're a way to make the game harder without the typical method of raising the levels of gym leaders ultra-high, which just encourages endless hours of repetitive grinding. Level caps also encourage the player to use multiple types of Pokemon, rather than just relying on one party, at least in the early game. I like that because it results in me feeling more like the hundreds of other pokemon that aren't in my main party serve some kind of a purpose. Level caps reward creativity rather than just grinding away.


The problem with soft level caps, though, is that given that badges raise the level caps by so very little, you're constantly in danger of passing them in the middle of a fight and having your pokemon disobey. You can feed your pokemon candies to reduce their level, but that can get irritating. 


I see no real advantage to soft level caps over hard level caps. Anybody else agree or disagree?


*In another post, I saw one person mention that hard level caps makes it feel like the experience lost was wasted: So then...you can always just stop using that pokemon if you're concerned about wasting valuable time. Use a lower level one instead. You'd be doing that with a soft level cap anyway.

*In another post I saw someone talking about how hard level caps make the game seem less realistic. Oh really? Well, you're playing a game where my pets can ignite other people's pets on fire, and their owners don't really mind because it doesn't do any long term damage. You just take your dog to the doctor or give it some medicine and the affects of the multiple fireballs to the face heal right up in about two seconds. You can also store your dog in a pocket dimension that you can carry around in a ball, and these pocket dimensions cost about as much as a can of soda. I think realism left these games before...well...with the first of these games.


I think hard level caps make Rejuvenation one of the best games out there. It makes a pokemon game challenging and more interesting, and as a result I think Rejuvenation is one of the best games I've played period, pokemon games or otherwise. 



Edited by Rorroto
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I hated reborn for its gym leaders having a full team at the soft level cap with the extra field effect that boosted them in way that felt like hackers in other pvp games. Then when I played rejuvenation, I noticed a ton of improvements like difficulty choices (including mentioning which difficulty was on par with reborn), an audino trainer you could rematch infinitely (despite not requiring it nearly as much as reborn), and best of all my rock type didn't start disobeying me mid battle against the ice gym leader. That may have been the one time I ever hit the cap in rejuvenation, but I might actually go back for my 5th badge in reborn if they changed to a hard cap.

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When i first played Rejuvenation, i hated 'em. But i got used to it after realizing Rejuvenation goes for a harder difficulty than other Pokemon Fangames, still not the biggest fan of 'em though.

Still wish they weren't so.. 'strict'.

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Personally I prefer Reborn's system because it let's me abuse it more. Such as leveling my starter up to 36 and evolving it before facing the level 35 gym leader, or letting it learn a specific good move that is close, but just over the cap.


And I have never really had difficulty not going over the level cap most of the time.

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  On 9/6/2018 at 11:45 PM, wcv said:

Personally I prefer Reborn's system because it let's me abuse it more. Such as leveling my starter up to 36 and evolving it before facing the level 35 gym leader, or letting it learn a specific good move that is close, but just over the cap.


And I have never really had difficulty not going over the level cap most of the time.


This was the only way I could beat Marianette in every playthrough

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  On 9/7/2018 at 11:21 AM, Lucky98 said:

Personally, I don’t think it’s really a problem in Reborn anymore since pokemon no longer start disobeying you mid battle as of episode 18 


I didn't know that. That's an improvement. You still can't just, permanently not worry about it the way you can in rejuvenation though. In rejuvenation, I got that item that gives experience to your whole team, and doesn't seem to remove experience from the party member who won the fight to get the experience...so it does nothing but give more experience to your whole team. I love that thing. It makes grinding pretty much unnecessary. It gives your whole team EV's too, so you can do EV training six times as fast as you would otherwise.  You need a hard level cap for that to be very useful though. Because of that, rejuvenation had less irritating being concerned about going over the cap, and pretty much zero grinding, which I think is a big plus. 


For me, that concern about not going over the soft level cap is a pretty big deal. Maybe I'm just more anal retentive than most people. I don't like being basically forced to either not constantly use the group I like to use, or frequently using level reducing candies. For it's like, what potential disadvantages come from hard level caps also might make the game more enjoyable through making it harder, by preventing people from evolving their team a bit early. I just stopped playing reborn after awhile because I got so annoyed by that. I might go back to that eventually. I'm playing Insurgence now. I don't think it's nearly as good of a game as Rejuvenation or Reborn in most ways. The plot, in particularly, isn't nearly as good and the world-building isn't nearly as creative. The only reason I'm playing it, and stopped playing Reborn, is because I think those hard level caps are so great. 


But I can understand disagreement though.


you know what? never mind. Damnit...nobody's supposed to have dissenting options. Everybody's supposed to agree with me, lol. 



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  • 1 month later...

So, I just found the additional mods option for Reborn. I have no more complaints about Reborn. I'm going back to play it again now. It gives you some additional options, including the option to have hard level caps that give no more experience until your next badge is gotten, as well the option to get more or less experience, and the option raise the likelihood of encountering pokemon during fishing, headbutting and rock smashing. I like that a lot. I'm using it to get rid of a lot of the grinding I don't like, and adding in the level caps I do like. It's easy to use too...just a nice, simple list of additional options in the game screen. 

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I prefer the Hard caps, as it lets you know "Hey, these 'mons? This is how high level you'll be able to get them up because if your team gets any stronger, there won't be any challenge." It gives me a more.....authentic? experience. The whole 'Not enough badges makes your first pokemon ignore you until you get the badges' thing really irks me to no end, as it doesn't make sense from a narrative standpoint. Your team, who you've had since the beginning (In my experience, YMMV) isn't gonna just ignore you completely cuz you don't have a bit of plastic. While I know it's for balance, it's just......really really dumb.


Remember, this is an OPINION, take none of what I say as fact.

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i prefer soft caps, scpecially with your mons doesn't obey you mid-battle as i like having a blaziken or a charizard against shelly or noivern against aya it makes it feel realistic but with the rejuvenation hard cap i can't have a good mon against keta

so each has his advantages i wish in future episodes they would have an option to choose either to play hard caps or soft caps plus the hard caps makes common candies (or whatever they are called in rejuv) useless

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  On 11/3/2018 at 1:50 PM, dragonsbeat said:

i prefer soft caps, scpecially with your mons doesn't obey you mid-battle as i like having a blaziken or a charizard against shelly or noivern against aya it makes it feel realistic but with the rejuvenation hard cap i can't have a good mon against keta

so each has his advantages i wish in future episodes they would have an option to choose either to play hard caps or soft caps plus the hard caps makes common candies (or whatever they are called in rejuv) useless


In Rejuv, you do have the option to do a Reborn soft-cap at the beginning of the game.

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  On 11/3/2018 at 1:50 PM, dragonsbeat said:

i prefer soft caps, scpecially with your mons doesn't obey you mid-battle as i like having a blaziken or a charizard against shelly or noivern against aya it makes it feel realistic but with the rejuvenation hard cap i can't have a good mon against keta

so each has his advantages i wish in future episodes they would have an option to choose either to play hard caps or soft caps plus the hard caps makes common candies (or whatever they are called in rejuv) useless


You can still use Rare Candies to go over the hard level cap in order to get a move or evolve a Pokemon, and then Common Candy them back down. 

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  On 11/3/2018 at 1:53 PM, Lspaceship said:

In Rejuv, you do have the option to do a Reborn soft-cap at the beginning of the game.


could you please explain how i want to do a nuzlock of rejuv and that would help me a lot

  On 11/3/2018 at 2:04 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

You can still use Rare Candies to go over the hard level cap in order to get a move or evolve a Pokemon, and then Common Candy them back down. 


but the problem would be where to find the rare candies

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  On 11/3/2018 at 2:07 PM, dragonsbeat said:

could you pelase explain how i want to do a nuzlock of rejuv and that would help me a lot

but the problem would be where to find the rare candies


It's one of the options at the beginning of the game (the VERY beginning). Pick the difficulty option called 'Reborn Style'

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