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The Last, Only, and Very Final X% Hype Thread


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  On 5/23/2019 at 5:34 PM, Egzample said:

See ya guys in a year or two, lol. For anybody hoping for a fast release, the last time animations were included into the progress, it was E15 or E16? Anyway, the one which took, like, a year and a half of development. So, chill your mammals guys, there is a long, long way before us. There are other, currently unknown elements which may take hell knows how long or short.


I don't think it will be anywhere near the 2 year mark, probs a year tops and the development team has changed and expanded since then so...

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I aggree with @Abyssreaper99 on this one. 2 Years might be too long. Also there is so much that we don't know. Yes, they did let us know that post game developement will likely take a lot more time than the EP19 story part, but what else do we know?


One of the few things we do know is the amount of Pokémon not obtainable as of EP18. At least not obtainable without using dev mode, sandbox. or similar tools.

We do know that there are bugs that need fixing, attacks that lack animations, some even not working properly (like Land's Wrath doing absolutely NOTHING when used)


Well, i guess you get my point. It's too early to start counting our horses and make assumptions on how long it will take until EP19 will be released.

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Awesome to see so much progress, you guys are killing it! But, I gotta ask: why is episode 19 not getting released on its own, and then post game being its own kind of "episode"? This feels like two episodes are getting released at once anyway, and I kinda don't see the point in that. If it's because of the whole "people might stop caring after finishing the story" then they will stop caring after finishing the story even if the post game is already released. I don't see that happening anyway, at least not with long term fans of the game.


Either way, take your time. Something as good as this game obviously takes time, and I'd rather wait than have something half arsed.

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  On 5/24/2019 at 2:32 AM, MasamuneTenshi said:

Awesome to see so much progress, you guys are killing it! But, I gotta ask: why is episode 19 not getting released on its own, and then post game being its own kind of "episode"? This feels like two episodes are getting released at once anyway, and I kinda don't see the point in that. If it's because of the whole "people might stop caring after finishing the story" then they will stop caring after finishing the story even if the post game is already released. I don't see that happening anyway, at least not with long term fans of the game.


Either way, take your time. Something as good as this game obviously takes time, and I'd rather wait than have something half arsed.


Because if post game is released on its own, many people wouldn't come back to just play that content. I mean people would play post game stuff if it was there with the end of the story but people won't wait. Plus the whole Nintendo fangame war but I'm not going into that here...

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Most of the animations are already made but haven't been checked to see if they are okay or not. Animations shouldn't take as long as last time. As for the update, Ame should have a blog post coming sooner or later as we are well overdue for one. Post game is going to take a while but I would be 6-8 months is a safe bet. Alpha and Beta testing will be a nightmare though.

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what do you guys think, which meteor grunt(s) will come too senses once whe approach the grand finale and help us combat the great evil?!? 😄

i'm definitely putting my money on the most gruntiest of them all. The infamous grunts Rod and Ringo!

they will most definitely sacrifies their lives in an epic double battle against Lin.



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  On 5/25/2019 at 9:44 AM, Conkeldurp said:



what do you guys think, which meteor grunt(s) will come too senses once whe approach the grand finale and help us combat the great evil?!? 😄

i'm definitely putting my money on the most gruntiest of them all. The infamous grunts Rod and Ringo!

they will most definitely sacrifies their lives in an epic double battle against Lin.




We still got Simon (ex grunt, yes) and Aster, who are both more or less gray but definetly not in the ranks anymore

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So many choices, huh? Who will turn out to be a good guy, or maybe even a hidden hero in the end after all? Who is the true evil mastermind? Maybe someone who is supposed to be one of the dead characters is not even dead after all...


And that one "dead" character, who we as the player character saw dying with our very own eyes, turns out to not only be alive after all, but also to be the TRUE evil! A character who needed a fake death to be able to pull the strings from the shadows... With nobody suspecting that character at all, because that person was supposed to be dead....


Hmm.....somehow i feel as if Amethyst is standing right behind me, glaring at me and saying "Good Job, Shogoki! You managed to spoiler the entire plot twist of EP19 without even being one of the people who knew about this! Now get eaten by Budew!"

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  On 5/25/2019 at 11:05 PM, Louis said:

Is E19 going to be released after the postgame stuff is completed? Or will that be a separate release? I'm getting too excited seeing 98% and dont want to be disappointed knowing I need to wait more!


E19 will be released with post game 

It’s just that postgame content wouldn’t be started on until the story part of E19 was done so it has its own scoreboard that should be up in a week or so I’m guessing 

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  On 5/25/2019 at 11:13 PM, uberle said:

E19 will be released with post game 

It’s just that postgame content wouldn’t be started on until the story part of E19 was done so it has its own scoreboard that should be up in a week or so I’m guessing 


Man thats a shame, was hoping to play it before heading abroad for work. I'm sure it will turn out great though, and will look forward to playing it when I get back

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  On 5/25/2019 at 10:36 PM, ShogokiX said:

So many choices, huh? Who will turn out to be a good guy, or maybe even a hidden hero in the end after all? Who is the true evil mastermind? Maybe someone who is supposed to be one of the dead characters is not even dead after all...


And that one "dead" character, who we as the player character saw dying with our very own eyes, turns out to not only be alive after all, but also to be the TRUE evil! A character who needed a fake death to be able to pull the strings from the shadows... With nobody suspecting that character at all, because that person was supposed to be dead....


Hmm.....somehow i feel as if Amethyst is standing right behind me, glaring at me and saying "Good Job, Shogoki! You managed to spoiler the entire plot twist of EP19 without even being one of the people who knew about this! Now get eaten by Budew!"


Yeah, I'm also in the secret 😎 the PULSE Tangrowth Trio thought they had fooled us! (?)

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A very unexpected plot twist can turn already great stories into even better ones. Especially with a story that is already a dark one to begin with.


There are a some different scenarios of possible plot twist running through my head....

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