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The Last, Only, and Very Final X% Hype Thread


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  On 9/26/2019 at 1:16 PM, Alejandro said:

Shelly is in her death star shaped hive which cocoons all in its way and she wears dark robes and is just like "Kneel before the power of the Bug Side" as she attacks her enemies with her force silk lightning.


Vikavolts and Galvantulas are also there for that, teaming up with the force. It's so easy to abduct people into the hive. Just string shot n spider web them. And a touch of sleep powder or stun spore. You'll have to strike some dealings with them to escape from there, but will still be back there coz them compound eyes are crazy sharp. 

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She also has Syther and Escavalier as her knights, Accelgor, Scolipede and ninjask as her assassins, Armaldo as her shields, kricketune as her musician, Leavanny is her seamstress,  Durant's are the dungeon workers, volcorona works with Crustle to deploy the fire rocks in defense of the hive, Aquanids & gliscopods portrol the mott around the hive castle, ribombee are head of survalence, all the little caterpillar like Pokemon are situated as traps throughout the castle, weedles shoot out poison stings, Caterpie, spinark, ariados are string shot traps though Ariados makes spiderweb traps as well, Butterfree and make combees collect pollen and bring back for honey, parascect and Paras make medicine and act as spore traps, venonat/moth patrol the halls, fortress make for some explosive traps and used as sky bombing, wurmple and Skorupi are spike traps


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The more interesting question would be: Are Shellys friends free to come and go as they like, or are they being forced by the bugs to stay as permanent guests to keep their beloved queen company?


Also: If Shelly is having as many parties as she likes with her friends, where are all the snacks, all the cakes, all the luxury multi course 5-star meals coming from? After all, the bug empire wants to serve only the very best food to their queen and her guests.....

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All the characters who her pokemon were named after are free to go and come as they please, but not cal. He was rude to her, even though he didn't want to......Everyone else is just happy with the kingdom. 


Remember how Serra was bored with her life after Bennett left her? Now, Serra is the main incharge cook assisted by Luna, Radomus ( he has a cooking hat ), Eve, Lumi and many others.... Heather is incharge of foraging team who's team will gather out food for the hive, along with many combees. Seriously, Heather took that job just to fly on her Salamence and doesn't bother herself with all that work. 

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So we have basicly Cal, Bugsy and Fern who would find themselves in a nightmare come true upon getting close to queen Shelly's bug empire. I wonder what kind of punishment they would recieve....of course they need to be punished in different ways, since they commited different crimes against Shelly. But Fern must be punished most out of those 3, because he's Fern....he deserves it for being a big meanie to everyone. (Queen Shelly has spoken! She is just too gentle natured to simply call him an A-hole...) And of course Team Meteor, who were destroyed by an angry army of bug Pokémon taking revenge for everything Team Meteor has done to their queen and her friends.

Edited by ShogokiX
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When E19 comes out, keeping Fern alive will be a big challenge, coz all of us want him dead. But, if any of you folks have seen Big Bang Theory, you will come to know that Leonard kept Fern alive.

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Cal gets the least punishment since he apologized to Shelly at Amertine while Blake was being curbstomp by Volcarona as it roast all of his ice types for disrespecting Shelly,Fern will be run over by thousands of scolipede while a Beedril is poking him with its stinger Aya approve this punishment. While Bugsy will be her B*tch . >:3 

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No updates have been posted on the EP19 scoreboard for a week.....

Have Ame and the dev team become prisoners of the bug empire?

Are they forced to work for the glory of queen Shelly already?

Or are they forced to participate in queen Shelly's never-ending tea parties?

Maybe queen Shelly is forcing them to watch her favourite movie together.....over and over that is.....

What is her majesties favourite movie you ask? It's of course the one with the little Litleo who is friends with a Patrat and a Tepig, who live in the jungle, singing Kakuna Matata all day long. Shelly loves that song. It makes her happy.

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Well, atleast Shelly has left them free, although in her own empire. They are also playing to the tunes of Kakuna Matata. Ask ame or cass or anyone, you'll know. 

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Dont worry, we got patience^^ and we got a fun new topic to discuss^^ Queen Shelly and her bug empire world domination plan.


What's more important: Good luck with that operation. Take your time to recover. We'll still be here once you are back, so don't rush things.

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Punishments can be as simple as bug-rearing and maintenance to hearing a 100 yanmegas bug buzzing near your ears for days together.

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  On 10/6/2019 at 3:27 PM, ShogokiX said:

Soooooo.....it's torture now? We're still talking about qeen Shelly, not Dr. Connal.....on the other hand....Why don't we call in a specialist for that?



Well, the queen never wanted it. Her meek and welcoming personality before in Reborn was taken for granted by some fern people, which led to the bugs responding as such to honor their queen.

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  On 10/6/2019 at 1:26 PM, BRS swag said:

Punishments can be as simple as bug-rearing and maintenance to hearing a 100 yanmegas bug buzzing near your ears for days together.


The punishment is clearly becoming a kriketot for the rest of your life, obviously, and having to live and survive as one. That's why the one in Reborn City looked so down, it was an early prisoner of queen Shelly and she wasn't curing it, she was watching it. 

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A Kriketot......well.......i imagine it to be way more punishment to be stuck as a Metapod for the rest of your life. Unable to move, unable to defend yourself and unable to evolve since someone veeeeery evil glued an Everstone right onto your back (I blame Heather! "Shut up, its's a prank!")......and all you can do is use Harden....like those Metapod you can catch in the wild....


Also, i am shocked that nobody got the Reborn reference from my last post XD

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