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The Last, Only, and Very Final X% Hype Thread


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  On 1/15/2022 at 10:39 AM, andracass said:

so i haven't checked on this thread for about two years
but man there's some stuff i really want to comment on but can't

some of you are technically not wrong!!!


Oh God. 

Please elaborate (O.O)

A comment like this so close to the dream theory is... frightening, to say the least...! 


(Just to clarify: I'm not against this trope per se - it's just that it would have to tick very specific parametres to retain the story's meaningfulness.) 

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  On 1/15/2022 at 11:45 PM, andracass said:

some kids were bitching about the content there so i took the joke down :(


You know? People always seem to complain about game developers not interacting with their audiences or dropping updates. 


Now I see why...


last days sure have been a hellhole in the reborn community jesus fucking christ

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I have rather strong feelings on children being online at all, but being this a Pokemon website and thus infested with them I'll keep my opinions to myself. If folks feel the need to kvetch about anything, they should be taking it out elsewhere on the official Pokemon games, for which developers are paid to make subpar products for the most lucrative franchise in the world.


Either that, or we might be dealing with capital G Gamers upset about our new cute new Meteor admin and making trouble in ways that won't get them caught instantly.


Keep up the good work! I've played thousands of hours between every Pokemon game since the first generation up to SwSh, so I like to think I know what I'm talking about when I say you've done a wonderful job over the years.

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  On 1/16/2022 at 6:51 PM, Lone Karvanha said:

Solaris and ZEL overworld sprites look touched-up, and Deliverance being there maybe means things like Tyranitar using Superpower on Amaria will be changed for game logic consistency?


yea i always found that a bit nuts, like shouldn't that kill her, its superpower from a freaking tyranitar

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Tyranitar also is only 6'07 and 445.3 lbs according to the 'dex.

In other words, it's about the size of an extra large person or a rather svelte bear if the entry is to be believed. It's entirely possible that humans in the Pokémon world are in fact built to withstand Pokémon attacks quite well, also.

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I was thinking more about Blacksteam being the only instance in the game where someone commands their Pokemon to use a 'move' on a human (right?) (Dragon Rush on the player character and Superpower on Amaria). Cuz like if that's possible, a lot of events could happen very differently.

To be clear, I don't actually care about this stuff (making the game more 'logical'), the game makes enough sense to me already.

Of course, we have to make our own interpretations of a lot of stuff in fantasy works. For example, when Gardevoir creates a 'black hole', I think of it is as some advanced Shadow Ball that can send people into the 'shadow realm'.


Anyway, in the latest devblog post, since people are actually taking the 807 number to heart:

- First of all, 807 is the number of mons in the dex upto Zeraora. That doesn't include Megas, Alolan variants or Formes (e.g., Cherrim has 2 Formes, Lycanroc has 3, Furfrou has 10). The number goes up to 984 including these.

- Second, all of the above actually have 2 icons instead of 1, which they alternate between on the party screen. Most of them might just go up and down in position, but there are also some like Crobat:


Also the number of eggs for these mons is 364, so that's 364 egg icons, then 364 shiny egg sprites, and then 364 shiny egg icons; even then there are those that have been redone.

So what I'm saying is, Smeargletail actually scores an 11 out of 10 on the madlad scale

Edited by Lone Karvanha
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