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The Last, Only, and Very Final X% Hype Thread


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10 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

What exactly would one need in order to help translate the game?

Official translation that is, not some translation mod....

Other than obviously fluent knowledge of both english and the language one wants to translate to.

a fuckload of time

probably also rmxp


-actually i recall there being a tool out there somewhere that made translations slightly easier.

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1 minute ago, andracass said:

-actually i recall there being a tool out there somewhere that made translations slightly easier.

Yeah, i wanted to try that tool and my anti virus software was like "NOPE! not gonna happen!"


I guess there isn't some kind of spreadsheet that includes every single line of dialogue in the game, all Pokémon related things like Pokémon names, Dex entries, moves, abilities, descriptions of moves/abilities and so on?

Sure, if a spreadsheet like that existed, that would still need

5 minutes ago, andracass said:

a fuckload of time

to translate everything, but it would be something most people who would like to help translate the game could work with XD

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Just now, ShogokiX said:

Yeah, i wanted to try that tool and my anti virus software was like "NOPE! not gonna happen!"


I guess there isn't some kind of spreadsheet that includes every single line of dialogue in the game, all Pokémon related things like Pokémon names, Dex entries, moves, abilities, descriptions of moves/abilities and so on?

Sure, if a spreadsheet like that existed, that would still need

to translate everything, but it would be something most people who would like to help translate the game could work with XD

you can eject all the text in the game and then go through line-by-line and manually translate it

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Just now, ShogokiX said:

There is an option to do that in rmxp? Or are you referring to me manually writing down every single line of dialogue to create my own spreadsheet?

there's an option for it through the debug menu

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On 5/19/2020 at 3:18 PM, ShogokiX said:

Yeah, i just found out XD

Well.....i might decide to give it a try if i feel like it.....and once i have some free time on hand.....

Which language exactly are we talking about here?

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8 hours ago, laggless01 said:

Perhaps it would be best to start recruiting people for translating (shortly) before the game gets released for... possible company-related events.

So yeah, i just took a peek into the extracted text data as of EP18.3 and let me tell you, trying to translate this "shortly" before EP19 release is not gonna happen^^


I don't know how much new text will be added to EP19, and with lots of post-game content not even finished yet i would say that even Ame can't tell us 100% for sure....


6 hours ago, Notus said:

Which language exactly are we talking about here?

Right now, no particular language. I just wanted to to ask about translating in general....

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Hi guys, I'm new on the forum, so Idk how this exactly works, but the thing is that I love this game and I would enjoy helping in anythingthat I can: the thing is English is not my first language, I'm a native Spanish speaker (Spanish from Spain to be more acurate), and if you want to translate the game I'd love to help, so think about it, I recommend the game to my friends a lot but they can not understand it due to the language barrier

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@Fernan100tifiko is currently working on a spanish translation and could possibly use the help, so maybe hit him up for that!


Also yeah just for the record translation is 100% allowed and encouraged, but waiting until E19 is recommended just because there's going to be less chance of things needing to be redone.

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54 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

@Fernan100tifiko is currently working on a spanish translation and could possibly use the help, so maybe hit him up for that!


Also yeah just for the record translation is 100% allowed and encouraged, but waiting until E19 is recommended just because there's going to be less chance of things needing to be redone.

@Amethyst, I would really be happy to help in any way I can. The translation is going at a good pace (not counting a few errors).

Sorry, I don't know how this type of forum works. But for the subject who asked about the translation, there is an official club to translate it into the Spanish language.

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12 minutes ago, Fernan100tifiko said:

@Amethyst, I would really be happy to help in any way I can. The translation is going at a good pace (not counting a few errors).

Sorry, I don't know how this type of forum works. But for the subject who asked about the translation, there is an official club to translate it into the Spanish language.

Tysm, I' ve just joined it

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Hey mateys, are we still allowed to hype here, or what :-P


as for the Ep. 18.3 release, I'd love to know who of you was sucked into reborn once again for the sake of "testing" out the new AI. ;)

(...and how was it?!)


For myself, I'm still out here trying to circumvent replaying the game until we're all the way there.
To be honest it's getting harder and harder to not succumb to...

… the engaging hours of resets in front of Ditto in the blacksteam factory!

… the soothing rides in front of great hall waiting for my Mons back at the daycare to … *wink wink* ;)

… the meticolous, innovative, thought trough battle plans we all came up with to kill that Garchomp on the vulcano (bar prankster PS Murcrow - you nasty cheaters! :-P)


it will be a pleasure to just wait a little longer for as the joyful anticipation is often said to be sweetest. :)




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Well, i do have to admit that i did a couple of runs ever since the AI was reworked for 18.2. And 18.3 seems to work without any problems for me as well, as my only issues are of visual nature (as i posted in the 18.3 release topic already).

With a better AI and less lag this game really improved quite a lot in my opinion.


The only thing i still want to test out is whether the randomizer works with the "old" 18.3 Game.exe. It doesn't work with the new Game-z.exe, but that much was already stated by Cass in another topic where a mac user tried to run the randomizer on 18.3...

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It currently won't be compatible with either EXE of 18.3-- we might update it later, but right now each one is missing code from the other because keeping track of all these different versions is among the truest forms of suffering. 

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2 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

The only thing i still want to test out is whether the randomizer works with the "old" 18.3 Game.exe. It doesn't work with the new Game-z.exe, but that much was already stated by Cass in another topic where a mac user tried to run the randomizer on 18.3...


i actually don't know for a fact that it isn't compatible with game.exe

might be worth a test?

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Well, according to Ame the randomizer won't be compatible with either of the 18.3 exe.

But since you have more insight on what's going on in the development than i have, you might be able to give it a try and work something out.

For now i will just keep using 18.2 on my randomizer files, while using 18.3 for my non-randomizer saves. I don't want to break anything on my end that i can't fix myself.


Also i started translating the extracted text file, just because i felt like it......and even though i translated somewhere between about 200-300 lines of dialogue by now, i am still nowhere.....that slider bar on the side oy my window has not moved an inch yet.

You were not kidding when you said i would need a fuckload of time....I'm not even expecting to actually get it done, as i only translate about 50 lines whenever i feel like it. Well, maybe if there was an official translation for the final version, i might take that a little more serious. Until then this translation will be a side project of mine.....

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7 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

Well, according to Ame the randomizer won't be compatible with either of the 18.3 exe.

But since you have more insight on what's going on in the development than i have, you might be able to give it a try and work something out.

For now i will just keep using 18.2 on my randomizer files, while using 18.3 for my non-randomizer saves. I don't want to break anything on my end that i can't fix myself.


Also i started translating the extracted text file, just because i felt like it......and even though i translated somewhere between about 200-300 lines of dialogue by now, i am still nowhere.....that slider bar on the side oy my window has not moved an inch yet.

You were not kidding when you said i would need a fuckload of time....I'm not even expecting to actually get it done, as i only translate about 50 lines whenever i feel like it. Well, maybe if there was an official translation for the final version, i might take that a little more serious. Until then this translation will be a side project of mine.....

so i tried this out

and it seems to work fine

for both exes.

i am confused. 

granted, the fonts look janky, but, like, that's minor.

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1 minute ago, ShogokiX said:

Also i started translating the extracted text file, just because i felt like it......and even though i translated somewhere between about 200-300 lines of dialogue by now, i am still nowhere...

Add all items' and moves' descriptions, pokedex entries - this is a hell lot of text. I'm planning to translate Reborn too, but as years pass by, life happens and I have less and less time - definitely a team is needed for that. I used to translate scientific papers (both ways) as a side job during my uni, but localising the whole Reborn is on another level. I don't want to think about working on Terra's lines. Also, in general, the names should not be translated - but for instance, "Florinia": this is so good material to create a gentle, better sounding name, I'd make an exception here (not to mention Shade, lol). The creativity is time consuming, and there are so many things like that...!

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Well, for now i am sticking to not translate character names, but names of places will be translated, as this is common in the real world as well. And obviously i am translating everything that has its own name in other languages, like Pokémon, moves, abilities, items.....


But just like i said, this is a side project of mine, and currently i am at all the lines of Gossip Gardevoir on TV, as that is one of the first things in the extracted text files.....

Two of the things that i have noticed to be rather difficult to translate are jokes (especially puns) and Cain's singing.

In terms of jokes you will want to translate it in a way that it keeps its meaning for the context of the dialogue, but still be funny.

As for Cain's singing you may know what Pokémon Song that is, and you know which lines you are looking for. But these lines also have to match the context again, so you might need take another part of the same song to match that.

Yes, Terra will be absolute NIGHTMARE to translate, as will Cain's sex related jokes be, at least in some cases....but i will either make something out of it, or start verbally going commando on Terra's lines XD

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