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Fanmade Hardcore Leaders?

Outside Indoorsman

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While I never really played Hardcore myself, sadly, I was sad to hear Commander decided to end the Mod, even if I can understand why he did it. Recently, however, I started to wonder about the idea of thinking up what the remaining Leaders of the Reborn League might have looked like if Commander had gotten to them. I decided to see what I could do - and while they took me a hour or so, i'm somewhat pleased with the results.


And Commander, if you want to point out any glaring flaws I missed, as I am no competitive gamer in the Pokemon world, i'd appreciate it. And anyone else, if you want to make your own teams or something, give it your own best shot.


General Restrictions: No legendary pokemon, Z-moves and Mega Evolutions both allowed on the team, but one of each only.


Reborn Hardcore Teams (Adrienn, Titania, Amaria, Hardy)



Clefable (Magic Guard) (Light Clay)

-Cosmic Power

-Stored Power


-Light Screen

Granbull (Intimidate) (Assault Vest)

-Close Combat

-Play Rough


-Rock Slide

Primarina (Torrent) (Waterium-Z)

-Aqua Ring

-Dazzling Gleam

-Sparkling Aria


Mega Gardevoir

-Magical Leaf

-Hyper Voice


-Icy Wind/Draining Kiss

Slurpuff (Sweet Veil/Unburden) (Big Root)

-Draining Kiss

-Drain Punch

-Cotton Guard


Florges (Flower Veil) (Leftovers)

-Nature Power

-Dazzling Gleam


-Hidden Power (Ground)





Skarmory (Sturdy) (Magical Seed)

-Night Slash

-Drill Peck

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head

Scizor (Technician) (Darkium-Z)

-Bullet Punch

-Night Slash

-Wing Attack

-Bug Bite

Escavalier (Battle Armor) (Assault Vest)

-Smart Strike


-Knock Off

-Drill Run

Ferrothorn (Iron Barbs) (Leftovers)

-Iron Head

-Power Whip

-Aerial Ace


Mega Lucario

-Dragon Pulse

-Meteor Mash

-Aura Sphere

-Ice Punch

Aegislash (Stance Change) (Magical Seed)

-King’s Shield

-Shadow Sneak

-Night Slash

-Smart Strike





Wash Rotom (Levitate) (Light Clay)

-Light Screen



-Hydro Pump

Politoed (Drizzle) (Damp Rock)


-Ice Beam



Azumarill (Huge Power) (Normalium-Z)

-Belly Drum

-Aqua Jet


-Play Rough

Mega Swampert



-Sludge Wave


Clawlitzer (Mega Launcher) (Elemental Seed)

-Aura Sphere

-Dark Pulse

-Dragon Pulse

-Water Pulse

Lapras (Water Absorb) (Elemental Seed)




-Ice Shard



Gyarados (Moxie) (Water Gem)



-Ice Fang


Seaking (Lightning Rod) (Elemental Seed)



-Poison Jab


Mega Sharpedo

-Psychic Fangs


-Ice Beam/Poison Fang


Lanturn (Water Absorb/Volt Absorb)(Normalium-Z)



-Signal Beam


Araqunaid (Water Bubble) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Leech Life

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Coat

Lapras (Water Absorb)


-Perish Song





Shuckle (Gluttony) (Sitrus Berry)

-Sticky Web


-Gastro Acid (For use on Archeops)

-Struggle Bug

Archeops (Defeatist) (Sitrus/Liechi/Salac Berry (Raises HP, Attack, or Speed))


-Rock Slide



Mega Aerodactyl

-Rock Slide

-Aqua Tail

-Aerial Ace

-Dragon Claw

Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Choice Scarf)

-Rock Slide


-Ice Punch

-Chip Away

Rhyperior (Solid Rock) (Telluric Seed/Assault Vest/Weakness Policy)

-Rock Slide

-Rock Polish

-Poison Jab

-Brick Break

Lycanroc (Tough Claws) (Rockium-Z)


-Rock Slide

-Fire Fang

-Zen Headbutt




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Well honestly I see some flaws in the design but I saw a few things that I really likes especially on the Amaria front. You don't mind if I lean back and use some of these if my designs don't meet my criteria, do you?


I could give feedback if you really wanted but I will withhold criticism for now. I love the Hardy idea but unfortunately we are a little too late in the game to run a gimmick like that. A+ idea and more creative than mine with that Shuckle.

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3 minutes ago, Commander said:

Well honestly I see some flaws in the design but I saw a few things that I really likes especially on the Amaria front. You don't mind if I lean back and use some of these if my designs don't meet my criteria, do you?


I could give feedback if you really wanted but I will withhold criticism for now. I love the Hardy idea but unfortunately we are a little too late in the game to run a gimmick like that. A+ idea and more creative than mine with that Shuckle.

Seriously? Go ahead, say or take whatever you might need from here. I came up with all this today (except Z-Azumarill, that was in the E17 beta), so getting a thumbs up feels pretty good (It's one of my days off from work, but still).

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39 minutes ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

Clefable (Magic Guard) (Light Clay)

-Cosmic Power

-Stored Power


-Light Screen

Granbull (Intimidate) (Assault Vest)

-Close Combat

-Play Rough


-Rock Slide

The issue here is simply that Clefable relies on setting up vs Granbull who is offensive but very slow. This is a very easy to exploit lead which renders the remainder of the fight really easy since you can shut down one side. Just run a steel type and go ham. Not a lot of very good leads but I'd actually suggest Life Orb Clefable and focus on making offensive to surprise people. Cosmic power is a NO! in doubles so you'd have a lot of slots freed up there.


44 minutes ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

Primarina (Torrent) (Waterium-Z)

-Aqua Ring

-Dazzling Gleam

-Sparkling Aria


Mega Gardevoir

-Magical Leaf

-Hyper Voice


-Icy Wind/Draining Kiss

Slurpuff (Sweet Veil/Unburden) (Big Root)

-Draining Kiss

-Drain Punch

-Cotton Guard


Florges (Flower Veil) (Leftovers)

-Nature Power

-Dazzling Gleam


-Hidden Power (Ground)

Primarina I think you meant Primarium Z and while the moves are fine, Aqua ring is too slow on the draw to really be effective here. The issue with doubles is that you can't really outstall two pokemon which is why teams have to be carefully chosen...which is what a lot of fairies struggle with. Primarina is an excellent choice but I'd suggest something like HP Ground to help combat the obvious stack against steel. Gard I'd run Focus Blast over Magical Leaf and Psyshock (can't remember Misty Terrain's effect), but that's otherwise good and should be superior on Misty Terrain over Mawile.


Slurpuff is...how do I put it...bad in doubles. It's a beast in singles but it has issues in combat by being too passive and stacked with like Clefairy you are going to have one heck of an easy time. Florges is Florges which is all that can really be done with it. So while you have a good start, you do need to make edits to help combat with HO teams which are the most common threats. Trick Room you have a good mix to help handle though. Adrienn really struggles with steel types so at least having some better coverage is kind of a requirement there. I'm pretty sure Clefable learns fire blast for example.


56 minutes ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

Scizor (Technician) (Darkium-Z)

-Bullet Punch

-Night Slash

-Wing Attack

-Bug Bite

I don't really understand this set because there's a bit more practical one of Seeds + Swords Dance = One Hell of a Time For Players. I would go with AV if you run this set and remove Wing Attack since Acrobatics would be better with seeds. Really though Seeds + Swords Dance + Bullet Punch is pretty much the only tactic Scizor can effectively use due to its odd position with Night Slash as a good backup against steels.


1 hour ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

Ferrothorn (Iron Barbs) (Leftovers)

-Iron Head

-Power Whip

-Aerial Ace


One of the biggest confusions with Titania is that the fire cripple makes Titania immune to fire. Quite the opposite as Scizor and Ferro pretty much still can get one shot by them. Ferro is sadly one of the weakest options for Titania due to it being slow and really awkward to use. This is going to sound weird but Metagross pretty much is a Ferrothorn but better. When Defense is your offense, it's very easy to exploit (cough*will-o*cough) and I'd say Klefki is a better option than this here since special attack steel types are rare and hard to find...hmm...I wonder who else can be a special attack nuker that I may have mentioned.


I think it's a good team outside of that but pretty much just Reborn's difficulty but not as unique. That's going to be an issue with later fights since Ame really upped the difficulty for Titania leaving not much room to improve upon it. There's actually a lot of ways to go from there to improve it but it really grinds down to the designer.


1 hour ago, Outside Indoorsman said:



Wash Rotom (Levitate) (Light Clay)

-Light Screen



-Hydro Pump

Politoed (Drizzle) (Damp Rock)


-Ice Beam



Azumarill (Huge Power) (Normalium-Z)

-Belly Drum

-Aqua Jet


-Play Rough

Mega Swampert



-Sludge Wave


Where do I even begin here? Rotom Wash was changed due to complaints of it being too passive which I kind of have to agree...but the solution kind of wasn't a good one. Literally the best lead in the field has a name and Indiana the Ludicolo is literally the perfect solution. Why nobody picks or uses that is beyond me. Also Politoed kind of contradicts Swampert which uses dive which removes the rain. While you could keep it, give it life orb or something instead. There's probably better options.


I don't really know if Huge Power Azumarill really even works but +252 HP EVs and 252 Speed EVs and replace Aqua Jet with Waterfall or Dive and let me know. Ice Punch over Return as well. Personally think something like uhhh Empoleon may work better here with Swords Dance but we live in a see with bulky waters to pick who you want and test to see how it goes. NormaliumZ it probably fine as well.


Mega Swampert is fine but 1) Why would you give it Sludge Wave? Rock Slide, Ice Beam, Nature Power, Ice Punch, and probably a whole punch of other options I can't think of off the top of my head are more suited for covering that Grass Weakness without changing its own field to a crippling one. Also wondering where the heck Kingdra is at since that Pokemon kind of covers most of Amaria's Weaknesses and can run a variety of sets. Amaria's field is a massive headache for what designing something should be so simple is so hard for such a high ranking fight. After designing fight #2 I kind of was getting sick of it.


1 hour ago, Outside Indoorsman said:


Gyarados (Moxie) (Water Gem)



-Ice Fang


Seaking (Lightning Rod) (Elemental Seed)



-Poison Jab


Mega Sharpedo

-Psychic Fangs


-Ice Beam/Poison Fang


Lanturn (Water Absorb/Volt Absorb)(Normalium-Z)



-Signal Beam


Araqunaid (Water Bubble) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Leech Life

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Coat

Lapras (Water Absorb)


-Perish Song



Other than Araqunaid and Lapras, I think this is a pretty interesting set and kind of prefer it over the doubles one we have now in Reg Reborn. I'd definitely run EQ on Sharpedo (pretty sure it gets that) which has good Synergy with Gyarados but not worry about killing its buddy on and ice field. Seaking I'm not really sure why it has surf since I'm pretty sure it has a higher attack (mixed attack is really bad for enemies) but it's really an underrated mon and works well in water surface. Not Araqunaid though since that thing will do laughable levels of damage. It has 70 atk and players have a lot more bulk than low levels so it'd do about 1/3rd of a player's Pokemon's HP if you're lucky. Lapras itself is OI! So there's many issues here. First issue is that it'll pretty much only be able to sure Surf which will do okay damage. Not great but could work with a water absorber. Rest is also decent. Protect and Perish Song though...anyone who understands gimmicks know this does not work for an ace for last. It's like this: both of you draw and miss. You only had one bullet while the other side has 5 more left. Pretty much means you just screwed yourself. Perish Song just does not work and so long as the player has a single revive, they basically won effortlessly...if Amaria would even use that (tested it with Murkrow and didn't do that).


I don't want to discourage you, but it takes a while to understand what works and what just plain doesn't. Of course nowadays it's much easier to pull off compared to good ole E15 and figuring that mess out. Better AI really does help in that department but that doesn't necessarily solve all issues with fights and more like reduces the issues and hiccups. Good start nonetheless.

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1: Clefable (Magic Guard) (Life Orb)

-Cosmic Power

-Stored Power

-Icy Wind

-Fire Blast

(The Misty Terrain doubles the effects of Cosmic Power, meaning that an initial move from there would double defenses and give Stored Power a 100 power attack)


2: Granbull (Intimidate) (Assault Vest)

-Close Combat

-Play Rough


-Rock Slide

(Mostly the same as normal - Assault vest + field SDef boost + Intimidate makes for a very difficult foe)


3: Primarina (Torrent) (Primarium-Z)

-Iron Tail

-Dazzling Gleam

-Sparkling Aria

-Hidden Power (Ground)

(Altered this pokemon a little. Iron Tail was added as a “physical” option and to take advantage of the Fairy Tale Field)


4: Mega Gardevoir

-Focus Blast

-Hyper Voice


-Draining Kiss

(Changes were made, and Icy Wind was removed in favor of Draining Kiss in case the Fairy Tale Field went up)


5: Mr. Mime (Filter) (Light Clay)


Focus Blast

Dazzling Gleam


(Designed to increase survivability with Reflect, and give the team another Focus Blast/Psychic user)


6: Florges (Flower Veil) (Leftovers)

-Nature Power

-Dazzling Gleam

-Tearful Look

-Hidden Power (Ground)

(Wish was removed because I almost never saw it used by the AI in game, and Tearful Look has the possibility of helping reduce the Steel weakness in the Fairy Tale field)









1: Skarmory (Sturdy) (Magical Seed)

-Night Slash

-Drill Peck

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head

(Designed to be an initial sweeper with the Seed, Swords Dance and Sturdy, and we could probably remove the hail from the field since Sandslash isn’t there to use Aurora Veil, which it seemed to me like most people just knew to target with Brick Break ASAP).


2: Scizor (Technician) (Berry that reduces Fire damage)

-Bullet Punch

-Night Slash

-Wing Attack

-Bug Bite

(Not given the Magical Seed because it’s already on two team members that it fits better, and I don’t want her reliant on it)


3: Escavalier (Battle Armor) (Assault Vest)

-Smart Strike


-Knock Off

-Drill Run

(Uses Battle Armor and the Assault Vest to strengthen its defenses and protect from criticals)


4: Klefki (Magician) (Fairy Gem)

-Flash Cannon

-Draining Kiss

-Foul Play

-Thunder Wave

(Magician makes Draining Kiss an even bigger nightmare without a good Ground type on hand, and Foul Play can help with enemies who use the Seed)


5: Mega Lucario

-Dragon Pulse

-Meteor Mash

-Aura Sphere

-Ice Punch

(Takes advantage of the field’s Dragon and Steel boosts, and counters Ground with Ice Punch)


6: Aegislash (Stance Change) (Magical Seed)

-King’s Shield

-Shadow Sneak/Night Slash

-Sacred Sword

-Smart Strike

(Not much changed from normal, save that Swords dance was removed - given Aegislash’s unholy attack in Blade form and the free turn and Attack boost from the Seed and Stance Change, plus KS, I figured it wasn’t needed, but feel free to correct me there).








1: Ludicolo (Swift Swim) (Big Root)/Poliwrath (Swift Swim/Water Absorb) (Muscle Band)/Golisopod (Emergency Exit) (Assault Vest)


-Ice Punch

-Giga Drain

-Drain Punch


-Rock Tomb/Throat Chop


-Brick Break

-Ice Punch


-First Impression


-Sucker Punch

-Frost Breath/Poison Jab

(Never really realized just how many water-types there were…)


2: Politoed (Drizzle) (Life Orb)


-Ice Beam



(Point taken, and true. The rain would probably still be up by the time Swampert came out with the Damp Rock, and be pointless as a result).


3: Azumarill (Huge Power/Sap Sipper) (Normalium-Z)

-Belly Drum

-Aqua Jet

-Ice Punch

-Play Rough

(Ice Punch now replaces Return, and given maxed-out attack power after Belly Drum, Huge Power could possibly be replaced by Sap Sipper).


4: Mega Swampert



-Sludge Wave


(Sludge Wave was added to give a non-ice counter to Grass types that gets boosted by the field, and to potentially create a Murkwater field, which can be undone with Whirlpool).


5: Kingdra (Swift Swim) (Life Orb)/Ludicolo (Swift Swim) (Life Orb)/Greninja (Protean) (Life Orb)

-Dragon Pulse

-Muddy Water

-Signal Beam

-Yawn/Ice Beam


-Zen Headbutt

-Thunder Punch

-Energy Ball

-Nature Power


-Water Shuriken

-Night Slash

-Bounce/Acrobatics/Aerial Ace

-Gunk Shot


6: Lapras (Water Absorb) (Elemental Seed)

-Dragon Dance


-Drill Run

-Zen Headbutt/Thunderbolt/Freeze-Dry

(Not sure what to do with Lapras here, so I decided to try an unusual route and make it a physical attacker, mostly).






1: Gyarados (Moxie) (Absorb Bulb)



-Ice Fang/Ice Beam


(Initial sweeper meant to use the advantage given by Seaking’s Lightning Rod, with an Absorb Bulb now meant to power up Thunderbolt (after Seaking faints) when Surf is used)


Pelipper (Drizzle) (Wide Lens)


-Hydro Pump

-Gunk Shot


(Maybe usable, to empower Water attacks further, and cover up Grass weaknesses alongside Seaking’s anti-Electric).


2: Seaking (Lightning Rod) (Elemental Seed/Berry that reduces Grass damage/Focus Sash)



-Poison Jab

-Knock Off/Smart Strike

(Mainly there to increase survivability of Gyarados and use type advantages; also i’m pretty sure there are people out there who have forgotten Seaking and Goldeen exist, much less can be immune to Electric. The Focus Sash makes it even harder to take down, and require that Gyarados or Pelipper will get off at least one attack).


3: Mega Sharpedo

-Psychic Fangs




(Earthquake added for Underwater Field, and Ice Beam/Poison Fang removed. Psychic Fangs remain to remove any screens).


4: Lanturn (Water Absorb/Volt Absorb) (Normalium-Z)

-Thunderbolt (Gyarados)/Thunder (If Pelipper used)


-Signal Beam


(Meant to use and absorb Electric attacks, with Z-Stockpile acting as a move that restores HP and boosts defenses).


5: Araqunaid (Water Bubble) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Leech Life

-Liquidation/Wide Guard


-Mirror Coat

(As noted above, Water Bubble doubles the power of Water moves (though this is only something I know by looking at Bulbapedia, there wasn’t room in the main text), meaning that a direct Surf (1 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 2 = a 6.75 damage multiplier) is going to be absurdly painful when powered up by the Water Surface field regardless of the base Special Attack. Mirror Coat is there for the Underwater Field, and Wide Guard is potentially anti-Surf/Discharge).


6: Lapras (Water Absorb/Hydration) (Chesto Berry/Elemental Seed)

-Ice Beam/Freeze-Dry




(Mostly designed to be a survivalist, given Surf’s heavy use in this team, hence Rest and the Seed/Berry).



(I might be clever about it, but a lot of my strategy in the Single battles is basically attacking, and slowing the enemy, and in this case, basically seeing how much I can abuse the field).








1:Shuckle (Gluttony) (Sitrus Berry)

-Sticky Web


-Gastro Acid (For use on Archeops)

-Struggle Bug

(Unlike the rest of Hardy’s team, Shuckle is built on surviving and harrying the enemy and buffing his own team).


2: Archeops (Defeatist) (Sitrus/Liechi/Salac Berry (Raises HP, Attack, or Speed))

-Tailwind/Dragon Claw/U-Turn

-Rock Slide



(Tailwind can possibly go, Fly is there to give Archeops a turn to escape damage from enemies/force a switch).


3: Mega Aerodactyl

-Rock Slide

-Aqua Tail

-Aerial Ace

-Dragon Claw

(Same as before, didn’t see a reason to change it up).


4: Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Choice Scarf)

-Rock Slide


-Ice Punch

-Chip Away

(Unlike most Tyranitar builds (probably), this one tries to outspeed the enemy with the Scarf and EVs/IVs, and a Mega would actually cause issues).


5: Rhyperior (Solid Rock) (Telluric Seed/Assault Vest/Weakness Policy)

-Rock Slide

-Rock Polish

-Poison Jab

-Brick Break

(Suggested on the site, and it made sense. Uses Rock Polish to supercharge speed, and either strengthens defenses from there so it can last longer or powers up attacks, depending on the item).


6: Lycanroc (Tough Claws) (Rockium-Z)


-Rock Slide

-Fire Fang

-Zen Headbutt

(Didn’t really change this at all, or the rest of Hardy’s team, mostly).


(Hardy’s team here is built around outspeeding the enemy and knocking them down before they can fight back, so I tried to take advantage of that).



Okay, here's the updated version, then. I tried to make replacements and take the requests into account.

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If someone ever figures out how to actually beat these sets then please let me know.

I have only one solution.

Focus sash Rosarade with Grassy Terrain and Sturdy Magnezone with Electric Terrain.

Down goes the strategy.

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  • 2 months later...


I had too much time on my hands the last few days, and this is the result. Tell me what you think.


Grandmaster Radomus



1: (Mega?) Metagross (Clear Body) (Assault Vest?)


-Zen Headbutt

-Heavy Slam


(Rival to Gardevoir as the team’s Mega. Due to Gardevoir’s Telepathy speed boost in psychic terrain, probably better option).


2: Reninculus (Regenerator/Magic Guard) (Psychium-Z)

-Calm Mind

-Focus Blast


-Trick Room


2: Sigilyph (Tinted Lens) (Psychium-Z)

-Trick Room


-Air Slash

-Energy Ball


2: Bronzong (Levitate) (Rockium-Z)

-Trick Room


-Flash Cannon

-Ancient Power

(Continental Crush user for the team, plus the Trick Room setter. Given that (Mega?) Metagross is out at the same time, enemy has to focus down one or the other)


3: Slowbro (Own Tempo) (Synthetic Seed/Magical Seed)

-Calm Mind




(This idea was borrowed from Rejuvenation - Own Tempo plus the Special attack/defense boost from the Seed is a free Calm Mind).


3: Slowking (Regenerator) (Leftovers)

-Nasty Plot


-Ice Beam/Psychic

-Power Gem

(Meant to swap out when things look bad - that might not work given the fragility of the rest of the team, though).


3: Darmanitan (Zen Mode) (Wide Lens)

-Rock Slide

-Fire Blast


-Focus Blast

(Thought that since Darmanitan became Psychic in Zen Mode, and we gave Clefable to Noel and Mega Altaria to Ciel, this could be excused - and catch people by surprise).


4: Alakazam (Magic Guard) (Amplifield Rock)


-Psychic Terrain

-Dazzling Gleam

-Tri Attack/Signal Beam

(Sets up Psychic Terrain first, then goes to town on enemy teams. Not given a Mega due to low defenses and setup).


5: Musharna (Telepathy) (Fairium-Z/Leftovers)

-Shadow Ball



-Dazzling Gleam


5: Beheeyem (Telepathy) (Life Orb/Amplifield Rock)

-Energy Ball


-Shock Wave/Thunderbolt

-Signal Beam


6: (Mega?) Gossip Gardevoir (Telepathy) (Wise Glasses?)

-Shadow Ball

-Hidden Power (Flying)


-Dazzling Gleam/Hyper Voice

(Telepathy is the ability pre-Mega, to give Gardevoir a speed boost (if she uses a Mega). Sucker Punch, a common threat, doesn’t work thanks to Psychic Terrain).



Dark Dreamer Luna:



1: Spiritomb (Infiltrator) (Darkium-Z/Leftovers)

-Dark Pulse


-Dream Eater/Torment

-Flash/Calm Mind

(Meant to take it slow and steady, possibly as a setup enemy.)


1: Greninja (Protean) (Flyium-Z)

-Ice Beam


-Dark Pulse

-Aerial Ace


1: Krookodile (Intimidate) (Kings Rock)

-Stealth Rock

-Beat Up

-Stomping Tantrum

-Sludge Bomb

(Setter, who uses Intimidate to set up Stealth Rock, and Beat Up+Kings Rock to make the enemy flinch)


2: Absol (Super Luck) (Scope Lens)

-Night Slash

-Shadow Claw/Psycho Cut

-Aerial Ace/Bounce

-Iron Tail


2: Honchkrow (Moxie) (Flying Gem/Muscle Band)

-Acrobatics/Brave Bird

-Night Slash


-Superpower/Steel Wing

(Meant to be a sweeper, because I have had to soft reset when her Honchkrow got moxie really running more than once).


3: Hydreigon (Levitate) (Choice Sash/Focus Sash)

-Dark Pulse

-Dragon Pulse

-Flash Cannon


(Due to the enormous partially field-boosted vulnerability to Fairy and Bug types, Hydreigon is running Fire/Steel support moves plus its own STABs).


3: Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Berry that reduces Fighting damage)

-Brick Break/Aerial Ace

-Iron Head


-Stone Edge

(While it would be fun to watch - and might be the edge poor Luna needs - two pseudo-legendaries would probably be overkill. But it’s Hardcore, so… what do you think?)


4: Mega Sableye


-Metal Burst


-Dark Pulse


4: Mega Gyarados (Intimidate)






5: Zoroark (Illusion) (Berry that reduces Fairy damage/Darkium-Z)

-Sludge Bomb

-Night Daze/Dark Pulse


-Aerial Ace

(Might not be the best choice, since Luna’s last pokemon is always her Umbreon - which she saves).


5: Silvally (RKS System) (Dark Memory)

-Air Slash


-Work Up/Substitute



5: Mandibuzz (Overcoat) (Leftovers)

-Brave Bird


-Foul Play



6: Umbreon (Synchronize) (Magical Seed/Leftovers/Fairium-Z)


-Dark Pulse



(Meant to outlast the remaining enemy - if the rest of Luna’s team has gone down, they’ll theoretically have done a lot of damage in the process. Either the enemy will spam revives, has a pokemon left who can break through Cheshire, or Cheshire can weather the storm).




Strongman Samson:



1: Hitmonchan (Iron Fist) (Berry that reduces Flying damage/Life Orb)

-Throat Chop


-Bullet Punch

-Ice Punch


1: Medicham (Pure Power) (Leftovers)

-Zen Headbutt

-Bulk Up

-Poison Jab

-Brick Break


1: Blaziken (Speed Boost) (Wide Lens)

-High Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick



(Personal preference here. I used a Blaziken with Wide Lens in my second run, and HJK is terrifying like this).


2: Mega Gallade


-Earthquake/Rock Tomb

-Psycho Cut/Night Slash

-Brick Break

(Gallade can learn Sing. Which has an accuracy of 100 here. Aren’t I cruel?)


2: Mega Lopunny


-Drain Punch

-Thunder Punch/Ice Punch

-Dig/Hyper Voice/Mirror Coat

(Helps deal with Ghost types thanks to Scrappy. Last slot is open for multiple uses.)


3: Hawlucha (Unburden) (Synthetic Seed)



-Flying Press

-Fire Punch/Iron Head/Swords Dance

(Same as original fight, save Swords Dance was made optional).


4: Hariyama (Guts) (Normalium-Z)

-Bullet Punch

-Smack Down/Feint Attack

-Belly Drum

-Brick Break


4: Lucario (Steadfast) (Focus Sash)

-Swords Dance

-Extreme Speed

-Meteor Mash

-Brick Break


4: Blaziken (Speed Boost) (Muscle Band)

-Brick Break

-Blaze Kick/Fire Punch




5: Machamp (No Guard) (Fightium-Z)

-Dynamic Punch

-Mega Kick/Strength

-Stone Edge

-Poison Jab


5: Sawk (Sturdy) (Rockium-Z)

-Close Combat

-Zen Headbutt

-Rock Slide



6: Conkeldurr (Sheer Force) (Assault Vest)

-Drain Punch

-Poison Jab

-Knock Off





Firebug Charlotte:



1: Darmanitan (Sheer Force) (Muscle Band)

-Rock Slide


-Flare Blitz

-Hammer Arm


1: Rapidash (Flash Fire) (Wide Lens)


-High Horsepower

-Fire Blast



1: Arcanine (Flash Fire)

-Close Combat

-Flamethrower/Heat Wave

-Wild Charge

-Flare Blitz


2: Typhlosion (Blaze) (Sitrus Berry)


-Nature Power

-Hidden Power (Rock)

-Focus Blast/Solar Beam


2: Flareon (Flash Fire) (Telluric Seed)

-Flare Blitz

-Heat Wave

-Shadow Ball



3: Chandelure (Flash Fire) (Wise Glasses)

-Shadow Ball

-Energy Ball

-Flamethrower/Heat Wave

-Shock Wave/Psychic


3: Volcarona (Flame Body) (Charti Berry)

-Heat Wave

-Giga Drain

-Bug Buzz/Psychic

-Quiver Dance/Morning Sun


4: Mega Houndoom (Flash Fire)

-Dark Pulse

-Heat Wave

-Sludge Bomb

-Destiny Bond


4: Mega Charizard X/Y

-Air Slash

-Dragon Pulse

-Heat Wave

-Thunder Punch/Solar Beam


5: Heat Rotom (Levitate) (Light Clay)


-Light Screen


-Signal Beam/Shadow Ball


5: Talonflame (Gale Wings) (Charti Berry)


-Brave Bird


-Heat Wave


6: Ninetails (Drought) (Heat Rock/Life Orb/Telluric Seed)

-Solar Beam

-Heat Wave

-Iron Tail/Hidden Power (Rock)

-Foul Play/Nasty Plot



Mega Terra:



1: Hippowdon (Sand Stream) (Smooth Rock)

-Stealth Rock


-Slack Off



2: Claydol (Levitate) (Light Clay)


-Light Screen




2: Wormadam (Anticipation) (Synthetic Seed)

-Bug Buzz



-Quiver Dance


3: Excadrill (Sand Rush) (Life Orb/Focus Sash)



-Swords Dance

-Rock Slide


3: Diggersby (Huge Power) (Groundium-Z)




-Swords Dance


3: Mudsdale (Stamina) (Quick Claw)

-Hidden Power (Psychic)

-High Horsepower

-Close Combat



4: Mega Camerupt


-Earth Power




4: Mega Steelix (Maxed out Special Defense EVs/IVs)


-Heavy Slam

-Rock Tomb



5: Gastrodon (Sand Force) (Synthetic Seed)

-Sludge Wave





5: Marowak (Rock Head/Battle Armor) (Thick Club)



-Fury Cutter



5: Mamoswine (Thick Fat) (Icium-Z)

-Blizzard/Icicle Crash

-Ice Shard




6: Garchomp (Rough Skin) (Assault Vest)

-Stone Edge

-Draco Meteor


-Poison Jab




Skydancer Ciel:



1: Drifblim (Flare Boost) (Flame Orb)




-Shadow Ball


1: Togekiss (Serene Grace) (Rockium-Z/Heat Rock)

-Aura Sphere/Dazzling Gleam

-Ancient Power

-Air Slash

-Sunny Day

(The possibility for Sunny Day is to sabotage rain teams and power up Fire moves).


1: Jumpluff (Infiltrator/Chlorophyll) (Synthetic Seed)

-Strength Sap

-Swords Dance


-Seed Bomb/U-Turn

(I have a Jumpluff in my Rejuvenation run, and she has helped me a lot, to say the least. Giving Ciel one could be actually dangerous with a super-powered Acrobatics and Jumpluff’s speed, plus the field).


2: Braviary (Sheer Force) (Synthetic Seed)


-Sky Drop/Fly/Acrobatics


-Retaliate/Shadow Claw


2: Swellow (Guts) (Flame Orb)




-Feather Dance


3: Electric Oricorio (Dancer) (Synthetic Seed)

-Revelation Dance


-Teeter Dance/Feather Dance



3: Archeops (Defeatist) (Sitrus Berry/Rockium-Z)



-Rock Tomb

-Heat Wave/Roost


3: Minior (Shields Down) (White Herb)

-Shell Smash

-Earthquake/Stone Edge


-Light Screen


4: Chatot (Keen Eye) (Normalium-Z)




-Heat Wave


4: Toucannon (Sheer Force) (Berry that decreases Ice damage)


-Brick Break

-Beak Blast

-Heat Wave


4: Crobat (Infiltrator) (Life Orb)

-Cross Poison




(An old pokemon, who doesn’t get much attention. A Life Orb-boosted Acrobatics should help fix that).


5: Gliscor (Poison Heal) (Toxic Orb)



-Fire Fang

-Sky Uppercut/Acrobatics

(Ciel’s team tends to have issues with Electric pokemon, quite often).


5: Talonflame


-Me First


-Steel Wing

(If a Sun-based Flying team is taken seriously, Talonflame would be a great fit there)


6: Mega Altaria

-Hyper Voice

-Dragon Dance



(Ciel’s ace was pretty nasty - set up with Sing, and unless they’ve got an ability or item to prevent that, or are very lucky, things will escalate from there).




Visionary Adrienn:



1: Clefable (Magic Guard) (Life Orb)

-Cosmic Power

-Stored Power

-Icy Wind

-Fire Blast

(The Misty Terrain doubles the effects of Cosmic Power, meaning that an initial move from there would double defenses and give Stored Power a 100 power attack)


1: Togekiss (Super Luck) (Elemental Seed/Steel-damage reducing berry/Scope Lens)


-Heat Wave/Aura Sphere

-Dazzling Gleam

-Air Slash


1: Primarina (Torrent) (Primarium-Z)

-Iron Tail

-Dazzling Gleam

-Sparkling Aria

-Hidden Power (Ground)

(Altered this pokemon a little. Iron Tail was added as a “physical” option and to take advantage of the Fairy Tale Field.)


2: Granbull (Intimidate) (Assault Vest/Magical Seed (has that been worked out?)

-Close Combat

-Play Rough


-Rock Slide

(Mostly the same as normal - Assault vest/Seed Boost + field SDef boost + Intimidate makes for a very difficult foe)


3: Azumarill (Huge Power) (Magical Seed)

-Play Rough


-Ice Punch/Iron Tail

-Bulldoze/Brick Break

(Realized that we weren’t taking advantage of the field enough, so we should change that).


3: Alola Ninetales (Snow Warning) (Light Clay)


-Aurora Veil

-Dazzling Gleam


(Possibly a defensive mon. Probably not a good choice compared to Azumarill due to the team’s overall weakness to Steel, however).


4: Mega Gardevoir

-Focus Blast

-Hyper Voice


-Draining Kiss

(Changes were made, and Icy Wind was removed in favor of Draining Kiss in case the Fairy Tale Field went up)


5: Mr. Mime (Filter) (Light Clay)


-Focus Blast/Foul Play

-Dazzling Gleam


(Designed to increase team survivability with Reflect, and give the team another Focus Blast/Psychic user)


6: Florges (Flower Veil) (Leftovers)

-Nature Power

-Dazzling Gleam

-Tearful Look

-Hidden Power (Ground)

(Wish was removed because I almost never saw it used by the AI in game, and Tearful Look has the possibility of helping reduce the Steel weakness in the Fairy Tale field)



Guardian Princess/Exile Titania



1: Skarmory (Sturdy) (Magical Seed)

-Night Slash

-Drill Peck

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head

(Designed to be an initial sweeper with the Seed, Swords Dance and Sturdy, and we could probably remove the hail from the field since Sandslash isn’t there to use Aurora Veil, which it seemed to me like most people just knew to target with Brick Break ASAP).


2: Scizor (Technician) (Berry that reduces Fire damage)

-Bullet Punch

-Night Slash

-Wing Attack

-Bug Bite

(Not given the Magical Seed because it’s already on two team members that it fits better, and I don’t want her reliant on it)


3: Escavalier (Battle Armor) (Assault Vest)

-Smart Strike


-Knock Off

-Drill Run

(Uses Battle Armor and the Assault Vest to strengthen its defenses and protect from criticals.)


4: Klefki (Magician) (Fairy Gem)

-Flash Cannon

-Draining Kiss

-Foul Play

-Thunder Wave

(Magician makes Draining Kiss an even bigger nightmare without a good Ground type on hand, and Foul Play can help with enemies who use the Seed)


5: Mega Lucario

-Dragon Pulse

-Meteor Mash

-Aura Sphere

-Ice Punch

(Takes advantage of the field’s Dragon and Steel boosts, and counters Ground with Ice Punch)


6: Aegislash (Stance Change) (Magical Seed)

-King’s Shield

-Shadow Sneak/Night Slash

-Sacred Sword

-Smart Strike

(Not much changed from normal, save that Swords dance was removed - given Aegislash’s unholy attack in Blade form and the free turn and Attack boost from the Seed and Stance Change, plus KS, I figured it wasn’t needed, but feel free to correct me there).



Flotsam/Jetsam Amaria




1: Ludicolo (Swift Swim)(Big Root)


-Ice Punch

-Giga Drain

-Drain Punch


1: Poliwrath (Swift Swim/Water Absorb)(Muscle Band)

-Rock Tomb/Throat Chop


-Brick Break

-Ice Punch

(Very big threat on the Water field at first, since Poliwrath can catch people off guard as a Physical attacker).


1: Golisopod (Emergency Exit) (Assault Vest)

-First Impression


-Sucker Punch

-Frost Breath/Poison Jab

(Never really realized just how many water-types there were…)


2: Politoed (Drizzle) (Life Orb)


-Ice Beam



(Point taken, and true. The rain would probably still be up by the time Swampert came out with the Damp Rock, and be pointless as a result).


3: Azumarill (Sap Sipper) (Normalium-Z)

-Belly Drum

-Aqua Jet

-Ice Punch

-Play Rough

(Ice Punch now replaces Return, and given the maxed-out attack power after Belly Drum, Huge Power has been replaced by Sap Sipper).


3: Wailord (Water Veil) (Waterium-Z)

-Water Spout


-Heavy Slam

-Zen Headbutt


3: Golduck (Swift Swim) (Elemental Seed/Waterium-Z)

-Focus Blast


-Ice Beam

-Zen Headbutt


4: Mega Swampert



-Sludge Wave

-Whirlpool/Aqua Tail/

(Sludge Wave was added to give a non-ice counter to Grass types that gets boosted by the field, and to potentially create a Murkwater field, which can be undone with Whirlpool).


5: Kingdra (Swift Swim) (Life Orb/Waterium-Z/Bugium-Z)

-Dragon Pulse

-Muddy Water

-Signal Beam

-Yawn/Ice Beam


5: Ludicolo (Swift Swim) (Life Orb)

-Zen Headbutt

-Thunder Punch

-Energy Ball

-Nature Power


5: Greninja (Protean) (Life Orb)

-Water Shuriken

-Night Slash

-Bounce/Aerial Ace

-Gunk Shot


6: Lapras (Water Absorb) (Elemental Seed)

-Dragon Dance


-Drill Run

-Zen Headbutt/Thunderbolt/Freeze-Dry

(Not sure what to do with Lapras here, so I decided to try an unusual route and make it a physical attacker, mostly).






1: Gyarados (Intimidate) (Berry that reduces Rock damage/Absorb Bulb)



-Ice Fang/Ice Beam


(Initial sweeper meant to use the advantage given by Seaking’s Lightning Rod, with an Absorb Bulb now meant to power up Thunderbolt (after Seaking faints) when Surf is used, or a berry to cover its Rock weakness)


Pelipper (Drizzle) (Wide Lens)


-Ice Beam

-Gunk Shot


(Maybe usable, to empower Water attacks further, and cover up Grass weaknesses alongside Seaking’s anti-Electric).


2: Seaking (Lightning Rod) (Elemental Seed/Berry that reduces Grass damage/Focus Sash)



-Poison Jab

-Knock Off/Smart Strike

(Mainly there to increase survivability of Gyarados and use type advantages; also i’m pretty sure there are people out there who have forgotten Seaking and Goldeen exist, much less can be immune to Electric).


3: Mega Sharpedo

-Psychic Fangs




(Earthquake added for Underwater Field, and Ice Beam/Poison Fang removed. Psychic Fangs remain to remove any screens).


4: Lanturn (Water Absorb/Volt Absorb) (Normalium-Z)



-Signal Beam


(Meant to use and absorb Electric attacks, with Z-Stockpile acting as a move that restores HP and boosts defenses. The Water Absorb/Volt Absorb ability could actually be left random, to make the battle more confusing).


4: Bruxish (Dazzling) (Waterium-Z)

-Hidden Power (Electric)


-Psychic Fangs

-Aqua Jet

(Dazzling prevents area attacks from working).


5: Araqunaid (Water Bubble) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Leech Life

-Liquidation/Wide Guard


-Mirror Coat

(As noted above, Water Bubble doubles the power of Water moves (though this is only something I know by looking at Bulbapedia, there wasn’t room in the main text), meaning that a direct Surf (1 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 2 = 6.75 damage multiplier) is going to be absurdly painful when powered up by the Water Surface/Underwater fields regardless of the base Special Attack. Mirror Coat is there for the Underwater Field, and Wide Guard is potentially anti-Surf/Discharge).


6: Lapras (Hydration) (Elemental Seed)



-Water Pulse


(Mostly designed to be a survivalist, given Surf’s heavy use in this team, hence Rest and the Seed).




Rockstar Hardy



1:Shuckle (Gluttony) (Sitrus Berry)

-Sticky Web


-Gastro Acid (For use on Archeops)

-Struggle Bug

(Unlike the rest of Hardy’s team, Shuckle is built on surviving and harrying the enemy and buffing his own team).


2: Archeops (Defeatist) (Sitrus/Liechi/Salac Berry (Raises HP, Attack, or Speed))

-Tailwind/Dragon Claw/U-Turn

-Rock Slide



(Tailwind can possibly go, Fly is there to give Archeops a turn to escape damage from enemies/force a switch).


2: Minior (Shields Down) (Focus Sash)

-Rock Slide




(Explosion is there if Shields Down goes into effect, since Hardy’s team isn’t affected that much by it.)


3: Mega Aerodactyl

-Rock Slide

-Aqua Tail

-Aerial Ace


(Same as before, didn’t see a reason to change it up, it works well already).


4: Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Choice Scarf)

-Rock Slide


-Ice Punch

-Chip Away

(Unlike most Tyranitar builds (probably), this one tries to outspeed the enemy with the Scarf and EVs/IVs, and a Mega would actually cause issues).


5: Tyrantrum (Strong Jaw) (Life Orb)

-Dragon Dance

-Thunder Fang

-Poison Fang/Crunch

-Rock Slide


5: Tyrantrum (Rock Head) (Wide Lens)


-Head Smash

-Dragon Claw/Draco Meteor

-Zen Headbutt


6: Dusk Lycanroc (Tough Claws) (Rockium-Z)


-Rock Slide

-Fire Fang

-Zen Headbutt

(Didn’t really change this at all, or the rest of Hardy’s team, mostly).




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had way too much time on my hands lately. I sort of came up with a "tier" system for all the gyms here as well - if you have ideas, tell me your thoughts. I am open to suggestions.


Guidelines (Came up with these to symbolize increasing difficulty, and as a reference to the old League (I never played or attended it, but still)).

1-5: (Julia, Florinia, Corey, Shelly, Shade): Use Z-moves and not always fully evolved pokemon.

6-10: (Kiki, Aya, Serra, Noel, Radomus): Use Z-moves/Mega Evolution/Pseudo-legendaries/Fully evolved pokemon.

11-15: (Luna, Samson, Charlotte, Terra, Ciel): Use Z-moves/Mega Evolution/Psuedo-legendaries/Mega Pseudo legendaries/Ultra Beasts.

16-20: (Adrienn, Titania, Amaria, Hardy, Saphira): Use Z-moves/Mega Evolution/Psuedo legendaries/All “lower” Legendaries (legendaries not over 600 base state total or are not "box" legendaries).


(Last gym leader for each tier can use something from the next tier in exchange for not using Z-moves).


EDIT: Currently the teams are more or less finalized - at least, each battle involves only six pokemon total. And again, ANY thoughts that anyone has on the teams I will gladly hear.

(Tier 1)



Cheer Captain Julia (Singles)



1: Chinchou (Volt Absorb) (Icium-Z)

-Thunder Wave

-Charge Beam


-Icy Wind


2: Dedenne (Cheek Pouch) (Sitrus Berry)


-Charge Beam




3: Luxio (Rivalry) (Eviolite)


-Fury Cutter

-Charge Beam

-Magnet Rise

(First usage of the Eviolite in game for leaders)


4: Emolga (Static) (Berry that reduces Ground damage)





(Julia’s team here has a fair number of Pokemon who are either Flying or resistant to Ground moves. Defog is there to remove Toxic Spikes if someone brought a Trubbish along).


5: Oricorio (Dancer) (Elemental Seed)

-Hidden Power (Electric)

-Work Up


-Air Cutter

(Very fitting for Julia, what can we say?)


6: Electrode (Static) (Magnet)

-Charge Beam

-Sonic Boom



(Has the same moves as in the main game - probably just higher-leveled like in Hardcore as well).


(First battles are meant to be difficult, but not impossible - if we gave Julia a competitive team straight off the bat, nobody would ever get anywhere).



Head Instructor Florinia (Singles)



1: Roselia (Natural Cure) (Eviolite)

-Toxic Spikes

-Nature Power

-Giga Drain


(Part of me says this is infringing on Fern’s territory - but a Toxic Spikes setter would be very helpful for Florin’s team, and we could just call it a family pokemon).


2: Ferroseed (Iron Barbs) (Leftovers)

-Nature Power

-Stealth Rock

-Gyro Ball



3: Carnivine (Levitate) (Telluric Seed)

-Nature Power


-Throat Chop


(The Telluric Seed’s Sand Tomb effect doesn’t work on Pokemon with levitate, I would imagine).


4: Maractus (Storm Drain) (Leftovers)


-Spiky Shield

-Needle Arm

-Nature Power

(Cacnea has a double weakness and doesn’t evolve till after level 30, so Maractus is a better choice here)


5: Exeggutor (Harvest) (Sitrus Berry)


-Dream Eater


-Nature Power

(Exeggutor has a lot of weaknesses, but running into one at this point in the game will shock and cause issues for anyone).


6: Cradily (Storm Drain) (Telluric Seed)


-Smack Down


-Mirror Coat

(Her Ace, and core team member. Honestly, Cradily might work better if she sent it out earlier, since it can use Stealth Rock).





Agent Corey (Singles)


1: Gloom (Stench) (Eviolite)



-Leech Seed


(Gloom is fitting for him, given the name. Could also be a Vileplume, though, since I think that’s what he had in Hardcore originally…)


2: Gengar: (Cursed Body) (Berry that reduces Ghost damage)


-Night Shade




3: Swalot (Gluttony) (Sitrus Berry)



-Bullet Seed


(Was originally going to be an alternative to Muk, but Muk evolves at level 38, so…)


4: Beedrill (Sniper) (Telluric Seed)

-Bug Bite





5: Skuntank (Aftermath) (Poisonium-Z)


-Acid Spray


-Venom Drench


6: Crobat (Infiltrator) (Flying Gem)


-Nasty Plot

-Venom Drench

-Air Cutter


Bookworm Shelly (Doubles)



1: Accelgor (Hydration) (Damp Rock)

-Rain Dance

-Toxic Spikes

-Bug Buzz

-Energy Ball


2: Araquanaid (Water Bubble)


-Bubble Beam

-Giga Drain

-Sticky Web


3: Parasect (Dry Skin) (Leftovers)

-Struggle Bug


-Wide Guard

-Nature Power


4: Armaldo (Swift Swim) (Telluric Seed)

-Rock Slide

-Aerial Ace

-Struggle Bug

-Water Pulse


5: Charjabug (Battery) (Eviolite)


-Light Screen

-Struggle Bug



6: Yanmega (Tinted Lens) (Bugnium-Z)

-Energy Ball

-Air Slash

-Struggle Bug

-Ancient Power



Entity Shade (Singles)



1: Gengar (Cursed Body) (Wide Lens)




-Dream Eater


2: Dhelmise (Steelworker) (Assault Vest)

-Anchor Shot


-Shadow Claw


(If someone tries to set it back to the Factory Field, Dhelmise uses Bulldoze).


3: Mega Banette

-Dazzling Gleam

-Shadow Claw



(The other options for Mega Pokemon that Shade had were Gengar and Sableye - Luna has Sableye later on, and Mega Gengar is not an appropriate enemy at this point even for Hardcore).


4: Chandelure (Flash Fire) (Synthetic Seed)



-Energy Ball


(Shade’s old Ace - and like Aegislash, Chandelure doesn’t have a fully minmaxed moveset due to how powerful it is).


5: Aegislash (Stance Change) (Synthetic Seed)

-Shadow Sneak

-Shock Wave

-Gyro Ball

-Aerial Ace

(Due to throwing an Aegislash in this early, I gave it a moveset focused on physically attacking so it wouldn’t be unstoppable - King’s Shield is only optional)


6: Mimikyu (Disguise) (Sitrus Berry)


-Shadow Claw

-Swords Dance

-Play Rough

(Sitrus Berry for usual approach or a Substitute set)


(Shade is more or less the point where the Leaders stop pulling their punches - not entirely, given Aegislash, but the first 3-4 leaders all were not fully “minmaxed” with their teams and movesets).







(Tier 2)



Sensei Kiki (Singles)



1: Hitmonlee (Unburden) (Telluric Seed)



-Bullet Punch

-Poison Jab


2: Scrafty (Intimidate) (Berry that reduces Fairy damage)


-Night Slash

-Dragon Dance

-Zen Headbutt

(Scrafty can’t be confused due to the field, so Outrage is a good choice here)


3: Kommo-O (Overcoat) (Kommonium-Z)

-Poison Jab

-Stealth Rock


-Clanging Scales

(Kommo-O shows up at 45, so we could justify a Reverse Candy or two for it being under leveled and knowing Clanging Scales, Clangorous Soulblaze is field-boosted, and Kiki can call on Pseudo-Legendaries due to her “tier”).


4: Lucario (Steadfast) (Telluric Seed)

-Bullet Punch

-Aura Sphere

-Calm Mind



5: Poliwrath (Water Absorb) (Assault Vest)

-Mud Shot

-Poison Jab



(All attacks save Poison Jab are field-boosted, and PJ is meant to deal with Fairy pokemon).


6: Mega Medicham



-Rock Tomb




Wasteland Punk Aya (Doubles)



1: Nidoqueen (Sheer Force) (Leftovers)

-Sludge Wave

-Stealth Rock



(Crunch is for Psychic pokemon).


2: Toxapex (Merciless) (Rocky Helmet)

-Toxic Spikes

-Venom Drench

-Sludge Wave



3: Mega Venusaur

-Nature Power

-Power Whip

-Stomping Tantrum


(Mostly a semi-defensive pokemon - it’s early enough in the game that it won’t go down easily, especially with Thick Fat reducing Ice/Fire damage to neutral plus Synthesis and its natural bulk).


4: Scolipede (Speed Boost) (Berry that reduces Fire damage)


-Toxic Spikes



(Meant to continue the Spikes attack method, and Steamroller is for Psychic types, again)


5: Salazzle (Corrosion) (Poisonium-Z)

-Nasty Plot

-Heat Wave

-Sludge Wave

-Hidden Power (Dark)


6: Dragalge (Adaptability) (Black Sludge)


-Sludge Wave

-Dragon Pulse

-Hydro Pump



Beauty Queen Serra (Singles)



1: Vanilluxe (Snow Warning) (Icy Rock)

-Mirror Coat

-Mirror Shot


-Signal Beam/Hidden Power (Ground)


2: Cyrogonal (Levitate) (Synthetic Seed)

-Aurora Veil

-Signal Beam


-Flash Cannon

(The Synthetic Seed boosts Cyrogonal’s dodging ability, which is good in this field)


3: Mega Glalie

-Signal Beam


-Dark Pulse



4: Mamoswine (Snow Cloak) (Berry that reduces Water damage)

-Earth Power

-Ice Shard

-Double Team

-Rock Slide


5: Lapras (Shell Armor) (Synthetic Seed)


-Frost Breath


-Double Team


6: Froslass (Snow Cloak) (Brightpowder)


-Ice Beam

-Shadow Ball

-Aurora Veil


Prodigy Noel (Singles)


1: Cinccino (Skill Link) (Kings Rock)

-Rock Blast

-Bullet Seed

-Tail Slap



2: Furret (Keen Eye) (Focus Sash)


-Fire Punch

-Sucker Punch


(Coil is boosted by the field, and Furret gets almost no attention, typically. Has speed IVs/EVs at maximum).


3: Sawsbuck (Sap Sipper) (Leftovers)

-Grass Whistle

-Wild Charge

-Horn Leech


(For a Grassy-Terrain focused team, Sawsbuck is meant for endurance).


4: Mega Khangaskhan

-Seismic Toss

-Fake Out

-Fire Punch



5: Porygon-Z (Download) (Normalium-Z)


-Tri Attack


-Hidden Power (Fire)

(Same as usual, except the Petaya Berry is replaced by the Normalium-Z).


6: Clefable (Magic Guard) (Elemental Seed)

-Cosmic Power


-Hidden Power (Ground)




Grandmaster Radomus (Doubles)



1: Mega Metagross (Clear Body)


-Zen Headbutt

-Heavy Slam


(Initially was the rival to Gardevoir as the team’s Mega. Due to Gardevoir’s Telepathy speed boost in psychic terrain, Metagross was the better option. Due to being a Mega-Pseudo legendary, takes up slot for Z-Move).


2: Bronzong (Levitate) (Rock Gem)

-Trick Room



-Ancient Power

(Ancient Power/Chess Move user for the team, plus the Trick Room setter. Given that Mega Metagross is out at the same time, enemy probably has to focus down one or the other)


3: Reninculus (Magic Guard) (Life Orb)

-Calm Mind



-Focus Blast


4: Alakazam (Magic Guard) (Amplifield Rock)


-Psychic Terrain

-Dazzling Gleam

-Tri Attack

(Sets up Psychic Terrain first, then goes to town on enemy teams. Not given a Mega due to low defenses and being the setup mon).


5: Beheeyem (Telepathy) (Life Orb)

-Energy Ball



-Signal Beam


6: Gossip Gardevoir (Telepathy) (Wise Glasses)

-Shadow Ball

-Hidden Power (Flying)


-Dazzling Gleam

(Telepathy is her ability, to give Gardevoir a speed boost in the Psychic Terrain and prevent her from getting hit by friendly area attacks. Sucker Punch, a common threat, doesn’t work thanks to Psychic Terrain).







(Tier 3)



Dark Dreamer Luna: (Singles)



1: Krookodile (Intimidate) (Kings Rock)

-Stealth Rock

-Beat Up

-Stomping Tantrum

-Sludge Bomb

(Setter, who uses Intimidate to set up Stealth Rock, and Beat Up+Kings Rock to make the enemy flinch)


2: Honchkrow (Moxie) (Darkium-Z)

-Brave Bird

-Night Slash


-Steel Wing

(Meant to be a sweeper, because I have had to soft reset when her Honchkrow got moxie really running more than once).


3: Hydreigon (Levitate) (Choice Scarf)

-Dark Pulse

-Dragon Pulse

-Flash Cannon


(Due to the enormous partially field-boosted vulnerability to Fairy and Bug types, Hydreigon is running Fire/Steel support moves plus its own STABs and a item that either lets it survive at least one hit or lets it outspeed more pokemon).


4: Mega Sableye


-Metal Burst


-Dark Pulse

(Endurance fighter - Metal Burst comes into play if a Fairy is sent in and Sableye survives it)


5: Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Berry that reduces Fighting damage)

-Rock Polish

-Aerial Ace


-Rock Tomb

(Rock Polish makes Tyranitar fast enough to outspeed most enemies, and boosts its attack in a Crystal Cavern if Sunny Day is used - if I remember right, you get the TM at 7th street not long before this)


6: Umbreon (Synchronize) (Leftovers)


-Dark Pulse



(Meant to outlast the remaining enemy - if the rest of Luna’s team has gone down, they’ll theoretically have done a lot of damage in the process. Either the enemy will spam revives, has a pokemon left who can break through Cheshire, or Cheshire can weather the storm).



Strongman Samson: (Singles)



1: Blaziken (Speed Boost) (Wide Lens)

-High Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick



(Personal preference here. I used a Blaziken with Wide Lens in my second run, and HJK is terrifying like this).


2: Mega Gallade



-Psycho Cut

-Brick Break

(Gallade can learn Sing. Which has a boosted accuracy of 100 here. Aren’t I cruel?)


3: Hawlucha (Unburden) (Synthetic Seed)



-Flying Press

-Swords Dance

(Same as original fight, save Swords Dance was made optional).


4: Hariyama (Guts) (Normalium-Z)

-Bullet Punch

-Smack Down

-Belly Drum

-Brick Break

(Belly Drum is boosted by the field, and heals the user first thanks to Normalium-Z).


5: Kommo-O (Soundproof) (Focus Sash)

-Clanging Scales

-Brick Break

-Dragon Dance

-Thunder Punch

(Soundproof keeps Kommo-O safe from the field-boosted sound moves, and Dragon Dance is field boosted)


6: Conkeldurr (Sheer Force) (Assault Vest)

-Brick Break

-Poison Jab

-Knock Off




Firebug Charlotte: (Doubles)



1: Darmanitan (Sheer Force) (Muscle Band)

-Rock Slide


-Flare Blitz

-Hammer Arm


2: Typhlosion (Blaze) (Sitrus Berry)


-Nature Power

-Hidden Power (Rock)

-Solar Beam


3: Blacephalon (Beast Boost) (Leftovers)

-Mind Blown

-Shadow Ball

-Light Screen



4: Mega Charizard Y

-Air Slash

-Thunder Punch

-Heat Wave

-Solar Beam


5: Heat Rotom (Levitate) (Light Clay)


-Light Screen


-Shadow Ball


6: Ninetails (Drought) (Telluric Seed)

-Solar Beam

-Heat Wave

-Hidden Power (Rock)

-Nasty Plot



M3g4 Terra: (Singles)



1: Hippowdon (Sand Stream) (Smooth Rock)

-Stealth Rock


-Slack Off



2: Claydol (Levitate) (Light Clay)


-Light Screen




3: Mudsdale (Stamina) (Quick Claw)

-Hidden Power (Psychic)

-High Horsepower

-Close Combat



4: Mega Camerupt


-Earth Power




5: Marowak (Battle Armor) (Thick Club)



-Fury Cutter



6: Garchomp (Rough Skin) (Assault Vest)

-Stone Edge

-Draco Meteor


-Poison Jab



Skydancer Ciel: (Singles)




1: Celesteela (Beast Boost (Attack)) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Heavy Slam


-Leech Seed


(Meant to take advantage of the High Striker as well as the Acrobatics boost)


2: Braviary (Sheer Force) (Synthetic Seed)






3: Electric Oricorio (Dancer) (Berry that reduces Ice damage)

-Revelation Dance


-Baton Pass



4: Toucannon (Sheer Force) (Synthetic Seed)


-Brick Break

-Beak Blast

-Heat Wave


5: Gliscor (Poison Heal) (Toxic Orb)



-Fire Fang


(Ciel’s team tends to have issues with Electric pokemon, quite often).


6: Mega Altaria

-Hyper Voice

-Dragon Dance



(Ciel’s ace was pretty nasty already - set up after Sing, and unless they’ve got an ability or item to prevent that, hit first, or are very lucky, things will escalate from there).





(Tier 4)



Visionary Adrienn: (Doubles)



1: Comfey (Triage) (Big Root)

-Floral Healing

-Draining Kiss


-Nature Power

(Draining Kiss and Floral Healing both get +3 priority from Triage, and a huge boost in power on the Fairy Tale Field. Not meant as a direct fighter, mostly as a support character who can do a lot of damage and sets up the Fairy Tale Field with Tailwind).


2: Granbull (Intimidate) (Assault Vest)

-Close Combat

-Play Rough


-Rock Slide

(The same as normal - Assault vest + field SDef boost (if Tailwind isn't move 1 from Comfey)+ Intimidate makes for a very difficult foe)


3: Azumarill (Huge Power) (Magical Seed)

-Play Rough


-Iron Tail

-Brick Break

(Realized that we weren’t taking advantage of the field enough, so we should change that).


4: Mega Gardevoir

-Focus Blast

-Hyper Voice


-Draining Kiss

(Changes were made, and Icy Wind was removed in favor of Draining Kiss for the Fairy Tale Field)


5: Magearna (Soul Heart) (Wise Glasses)

-Aura Sphere

-Fleur Cannon

-Flash Cannon

-Helping Hand

(Given how this field works, Magearna doesn't have a 100% moveset... debatably... so that it isn't unbeatable).


6: Floette - Eternal (Flower Veil) (Eviolite)

-Dazzling Gleam

-Light of Ruin

-Hidden Power (Ground)

-Nature Power

(Apparently never released officially - and considering where Adrienn was the last decade or so in the game, this is really fitting. Floette - Eternal technically can't evolve, but let's just say that it can here so the Eviolite works).



Guardian Princess/Exile Titania (Singles)


1: Skarmory (Sturdy) (Magical Seed)

-Night Slash

-Drill Peck

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head

(Designed to be an initial sweeper with the Seed, Swords Dance and Sturdy, and we could probably remove the hail from the field since Sandslash isn’t there to use Aurora Veil, which it seemed to me like most people just knew to target with Brick Break ASAP).


2: Klefki (Magician) (Fairy Gem)

-Flash Cannon

-Draining Kiss

-Foul Play

-Thunder Wave

(Magician makes Draining Kiss an even bigger nightmare without a good Ground type on hand, and Foul Play can help with enemies who use the Seed)


3: Escavalier (Battle Armor) (Assault Vest)

-Smart Strike


-Knock Off

-Drill Run

(Uses Battle Armor and the Assault Vest to strengthen defenses and protect from criticals.)


4: Cobalion (Justified) (Berry that reduces Ground damage)

-Sacred Sword

-Close Combat



(Cobalion is maybe not the best legendary, but it’s still very fitting for Titania and this field).


5: Mega Lucario

-Dragon Pulse

-Meteor Mash

-Aura Sphere

-Ice Punch

(Takes advantage of the field’s Dragon and Steel boosts, and counters Ground with Ice Punch)


6: Aegislash (Stance Change) (Magical Seed)

-King’s Shield

-Shadow Sneak

-Sacred Sword

-Hidden Power (Water)

(Not much changed from normal, save that Swords dance was made optional - given Aegislash’s unholy attack in Blade form and the free turn and Attack boost from the Seed and Stance Change, plus KS, I figured it wasn’t needed, but feel free to correct me there. Hidden Power is there for Ground or Fire types, and as a nod to Amaria, perhaps).


(Considering that she has two Uber pokemon in her team with Aegislash and Mega Lucario, Titania might actually be too hard…)



Flotsam/Jetsam Amaria



1: Politoed (Drizzle) (Life Orb)


-Ice Beam



(Sets up Rain for a short time, so that following pokemon can benefit from it).


2: Ludicolo (Rain Dish) (Big Root)


-Thunder Punch

-Giga Drain

-Drain Punch

(Meant to outlast enemy using Big Root-boosted HP draining and Rain Dish)


3: Manaphy (Hydration) (Berry that reduces Electric damage)

-Tail Glow



-Ice Beam

(Hydration is activated by the field so that Rest is essentially a free Full Restore, and Tail Glow is scary in general).


4: Mega Sharpedo



-Psychic Fangs


(Slow in most fields, sorta faster here due to the Water Surface/Underwater fields crippling the speed of other pokemon. Due to screens reducing damage more on Singles, Sharpedo is better here than on Doubles).


5: Kingdra (Swift Swim) (Waterium-Z)

-Dragon Pulse


-Signal Beam

-Ice Beam


6: Lapras (Hydration) (Elemental Seed)

-Dragon Dance




(Meant to outlast the enemy here, via Rest and Hydration).



1: Mega Gyarados (Intimidate)



-Ice Fang


(Gyarados is less vulnerable to Electric attacks as a Mega, and can outpace most enemies now - and coming in as a first pokemon means Stealth Rock won’t hit it. Has maximum Attack and Special Defense EVs/IVs).


2: Seaking (Lightning Rod) (Elemental Seed)

-Drill Run


-Knock Off


(Mainly there to increase survivability of allied pokemon by “siphoning” Electric attacks, and using Protect to wall them off further, heal with Aqua Ring, and boost survivability. All EVs/IVs should go to Special Defense and HP).


3: Tapu Fini (Telepathy) (Leftovers)


-Light Screen

-Ice Beam

-Dazzling Gleam

(Has Telepathy to avoid damage from Surf users, and can shield allied pokemon).


4: Gastrodon (Storm Drain) (Berry that reduces Grass damage)




-Earth Power

(Storm Drain is horribly effective with a Surf team, and Gastrodon isn’t weak to Electric attacks).


5: Jellicent (Water Absorb) (Waterium-Z)

-Water Spout


-Shadow Ball

-Shock Wave

(Has Water Absorb to heal through Surf, and Water Spout as a Z-move has 200 base power before the field and STAB boosts. Octillery and Wailord could take this spot, though…)


6: Lapras (Water Absorb) (Elemental Seed)

-Ancient Power




(Now runs a mostly offensive set - this is definitely something I will need to work out, though).

(I think that this battle is possibly the one I am proudest of).



Rockstar Hardy (Doubles).



1: Shuckle (Gluttony) (Sitrus Berry)

-Sticky Web


-Stealth Rock

-Struggle Bug

(Unlike the rest of Hardy’s team, Shuckle is built on surviving and harrying the enemy and buffing his own team. And focusing on it pretty much gives Hardy a turn to fire off Rock Slide).


2: Aerodactyl (Rock Head) (Wide Lens)

-Rock Slide

-Aqua Tail


-Wide Guard

(Added after I decided on throwing in minor legendaries to the last Gym Leaders - Mega Aerodactyl is similar enough to normal Aerodactyl).


3: Minior (Shields Down) (White Herb)

-Rock Slide


-Shell Smash


(Explosion is there if Shields Down goes into effect, since Hardy’s team isn’t affected that much due to their mutual Rock typing.)


4: Tyranitar (Sand Stream) (Choice Scarf)

-Rock Slide


-Ice Punch

-Stomping Tantrum

(Unlike most Tyranitar builds (probably), this one tries to outspeed the enemy with the Scarf and EVs/IVs, and a Mega would actually cause issues).


5: Mega Diancie

-Rock Slide

-Dazzling Gleam


-Hidden Power (Fire)

(Probably one of the most fitting pokemon for Hardy - the diamond in the rough. But seriously, Mega Diancie is incredibly fast and hits super hard, whereas normally it focuses on defenses over attacking).


6: Dusk Lycanroc (Tough Claws) (Rockium-Z)

-Thunder Fang

-Rock Slide

-Zen Headbutt

-Drill Run

(Lycanroc is fitting for Hardy’s style, and the ability+attack stat compliments the Rockium-Z well).



Saphira (Singles)



1: Latias (Levitate) (Soul Dew)


-Reflect Type

-Dragon Pulse


(Reflect Type is used if the enemy team has sent out a Fairy pokemon, to remove damage taken from the field’s Dragon boost)


2: Goodra (Gooey) (Choice Scarf)

-Dragon Pulse


-Sludge Wave


(Goodra’s low speed is compensated for via Choice Scarf).


3: Drampa (Berserk) (Focus Sash)


-Nature Power

-Hidden Power (Poison)

-Energy Ball

(Drampa’s low speed means that it is going to almost always go last, and as a result, gets a Focus Sash to avoid a OHK against other Dragon types or Fairies, and to revenge kill via Berserk’s boost).


4: Naganadrel (Beast Boost) (Dragonium-Z)



-Sludge Bomb

-Heat Wave

(It’s in the uber tier, and now it’s here. Meant to take care of fairies and other dragons. Need I say more?)


5: Mega Charizard X

-Mega Kick

-Dragon Claw/Outrage

-Flare Blitz

-Dragon Dance


6: Dragonite (Multiscale) (Berry that reduces Rock damage)

-Fire Punch

-Dragon Dance


-Dragon Claw

(The field’s effect on Multiscale and the weakening of Ice means that the only true weak point Dragonite has is against rock type attacks. Hence the berry).

(While the Dragon’s Den field is great for Saphira offensively and covers up her Ice weakness, the Dragon boost that makes her so dangerous also means she is going to have issues against a faster opponent who has Dragon types or against Fairies. Her team mostly consists of fast pokemon as a result).






Edited by Outside Indoorsman
Updating teams.
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