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Nerd-ish question about Ditto!

Guest Relinquished

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Guest Relinquished

I am trying to copy some Smogon sets, specifically for Uber Ditto. After some resets, i found a 31 HP IV 1 Speed IV one, with hidden power Ground! Smogon though recommends a 30 HP IV one for odd HP number and 0 Speed IV, for slowest possible speed...


So... The actual difference between 


a) 31 HP IV ... 1 Speed IV and

b) 30 HP IV ... 0 Speed IV


sets, on paper and in all actuality, is what exactly... (by the way, i know that 30 IV at level 50 is the same as having 31 IV at level 100, but not the opposite)? Someone familiar with all those nerdish maths and mechanisms, kind enough to let me know?

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Smogon set with 30 HP 0 ivs speed it's mainly for hidden power rock if u copy a Xerneas after Geomancy to hit Hard Ho-oh. Hp Ground imo It's better for coverage. Also you have to think not always opponent Xerneas runs hidden power, since she has many different sets, so i would keep the hidden power ground one.

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The 0 speed is for imposter I think. If you're going to send in your ditto right when the opponent(that say gets a stat boost on entering the field) also sends out their Pokemon. Then you want to be the last one to transform so you have the stats of the other Pokémon who got it's stat boost.


I don't know how the hidden power thing is but my guess is that you want to copy a specific Pokemon's IVs so you can have the exact same move set. That means that if you have the IVs of a Naganedel then you want to send out your ditto against Naganedel only so that you could copy any hidden power they have as you have the same IVs. 

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